Estimates by Strategic Outcome and Program for Supplementary estimates (A), 2016-17

Table 1. Estimates by Strategic Outcome and Program - Budgetary
Department, Agency or Crown corporation Estimates to Date Operating Capital Transfer Payments Revenues and other reductions Total Revised Estimates
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Efficient and effective services which support tribunal chairs and members in exercising their statutory responsibilities and ensure that their independence is protected in a manner which promotes Canadians' confidence in the federal tribunal system.

Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services

21,445,348 1,103,147 0 0 0 1,103,147 22,548,495

Payments to tribunal chairs and members

12,830,814 605,901 0 0 0 605,901 13,436,715

Registry Services

7,799,725 370,337 0 0 0 370,337 8,170,062
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

15,948,649 842,973 0 0 0 842,973 16,791,622
Total 58,024,536 2,922,358 0 0 0 2,922,358 60,946,894
Agriculture and Agri-Food
An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.

Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability

560,789,990 45,357 7,242,500 0 0 7,287,857 568,077,847
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

149,248,786 2,098,000 0 0 0 2,098,000 151,346,786
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,553,694,480 0 0 0 0 0 1,553,694,480
Total 2,263,733,256 2,143,357 7,242,500 0 0 9,385,857 2,273,119,113
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy.

Community Development

97,704,593 0 0 8,300,000 0 8,300,000 106,004,593
Programs not included in these Estimates 210,492,611 0 0 0 0 0 210,492,611
Total 308,197,204 0 0 8,300,000 0 8,300,000 316,497,204
Canada Border Services Agency
International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks.

Admissibility Determination

901,059,087 2,568,639 19,614,850 0 0 22,183,489 923,242,576

Risk Assessment Program

162,510,532 2,198,015 0 0 0 2,198,015 164,708,547

Immigration Enforcement

128,654,073 982,241 0 0 0 982,241 129,636,314
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

320,402,518 233,276 0 0 0 233,276 320,635,794
Programs not included in these Estimates 160,413,343 0 0 0 0 0 160,413,343
Total 1,673,039,553 5,982,171 19,614,850 0 0 25,597,021 1,698,636,574
Canada Council for the Arts
A vibrant and dynamic arts sector in Canada.

Grants and services to support creation, production and dissemination of arts for individuals and organizations

162,761,612 38,480,000 0 0 0 38,480,000 201,241,612

Arts promotion to foster public knowledge and appreciation of the Canadian arts and culture

9,119,304 1,220,000 0 0 0 1,220,000 10,339,304
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

10,466,471 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 10,766,471
Total 182,347,387 40,000,000 0 0 0 40,000,000 222,347,387
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canadians in need have access to affordable housing.

Funding for New Commitments of Affordable Housing

285,866,000 1,069,800,000 0 0 0 1,069,800,000 1,355,666,000
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,742,035,048 0 0 0 0 0 1,742,035,048
Total 2,027,901,048 1,069,800,000 0 0 0 1,069,800,000 3,097,701,048
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Screening programs at designated Canadian airports protect the travelling public.

Non-Passenger Screening

18,722,126 117,014,126 (3,741,580) 0 0 113,272,546 131,994,672

Pre-Board Screening

351,245,332 29,000,000 0 0 0 29,000,000 380,245,332
Programs not included in these Estimates 254,038,264 0 0 0 0 0 254,038,264
Total 624,005,722 146,014,126 (3,741,580) 0 0 142,272,546 766,278,268
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
High quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth.

Environmental Assessment Delivery Program

21,729,743 5,041,186 0 0 0 5,041,186 26,770,929
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

5,248,860 172,000 0 0 0 172,000 5,420,860
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,932,432 0 0 0 0 0 3,932,432
Total 30,911,035 5,213,186 0 0 0 5,213,186 36,124,221
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base.

Food Safety Program

364,582,938 33,877,730 534,343 0 0 34,412,073 398,995,011

Animal Health and Zoonotics Program

137,163,044 20,773 1,534,067 0 0 1,554,840 138,717,884
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

113,578,857 2,801,933 0 0 0 2,801,933 116,380,790
Programs not included in these Estimates 124,414,326 0 0 0 0 0 124,414,326
Total 739,739,165 36,700,436 2,068,410 0 0 38,768,846 778,508,011
Canadian Heritage
Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.


116,651,447 1,516,039 0 82,093,135 0 83,609,174 200,260,621
Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.


0 0 0 8,521,316 0 8,521,316 8,521,316

Engagement and Community Participation

60,446,783 67,554 0 4,925,128 0 4,992,682 65,439,465
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,117,407,248 0 0 0 0 0 1,117,407,248
Total 1,294,505,478 1,583,593 0 95,539,579 0 97,123,172 1,391,628,650
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge.

Priority-Driven Health Research

304,974,917 1,175,151 0 13,550,000 0 14,725,151 319,700,068
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

28,205,865 174,992 0 0 0 174,992 28,380,857
Programs not included in these Estimates 692,439,221 0 0 0 0 0 692,439,221
Total 1,025,620,003 1,350,143 0 13,550,000 0 14,900,143 1,040,520,146
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners.

Economic Development

18,108,174 3,089,706 0 23,763,634 0 26,853,340 44,961,514

Policy and Alignment

2,013,466 2,281,461 0 0 0 2,281,461 4,294,927
Programs not included in these Estimates 6,111,811 0 0 0 0 0 6,111,811
Total 26,233,451 5,371,167 0 23,763,634 0 29,134,801 55,368,252
Canadian Tourism Commission
Canadian economy benefits from strong tourism demand from Canadian Tourism Commission's (CTC) markets.

Marketing and Sales

60,680,457 24,450,000 0 0 0 24,450,000 85,130,457

Tourism Research and Communications

2,238,243 400,000 0 0 0 400,000 2,638,243
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

6,605,062 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 6,755,062
Programs not included in these Estimates 952,008 0 0 0 0 0 952,008
Total 70,475,770 25,000,000 0 0 0 25,000,000 95,475,770
Citizenship and Immigration
Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society.

Newcomer Settlement and Integration

1,174,026,452 3,332,001 0 126,998,832 0 130,330,833 1,304,357,285

Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians

62,018,218 466,648 30,000 0 0 496,648 62,514,866

Multiculturalism for Newcomers and All Canadians

12,100,261 0 0 (8,521,316) 0 (8,521,316) 3,578,945
Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted.

Refugee Protection

28,013,358 37,341,173 0 0 0 37,341,173 65,354,531

Family and Discretionary Immigration

36,932,907 19,489,640 0 0 0 19,489,640 56,422,547
Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians.

Health Protection

75,135,278 3,979,630 0 0 0 3,979,630 79,114,908

Migration Control and Security Management

154,340,892 1,253,936 747,820 0 0 2,001,756 156,342,648
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

189,249,864 (602,132) 3,696,520 0 0 3,094,388 192,344,252
Programs not included in these Estimates (80,985,003) 0 0 0 0 0 (80,985,003)
Total 1,650,832,227 65,260,896 4,474,340 118,477,516 0 188,212,752 1,839,044,979
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Quebec's regions have a growing economy.

Strengthening Community Economies

87,644,272 0 0 15,600,000 0 15,600,000 103,244,272
Programs not included in these Estimates 215,475,669 0 0 0 0 0 215,475,669
Total 303,119,941 0 0 15,600,000 0 15,600,000 318,719,941
Employment and Social Development
A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market.

Skills and Employment

1,693,306,935 10,821,107 0 223,400,000 0 234,221,107 1,927,528,042
Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.

Social Development

7,933,212,853 3,073,245 0 (5,715,517,982) 0 (5,712,444,737) 2,220,768,116
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

253,650,710 541,560 0 0 0 541,560 254,192,270
Programs not included in these Estimates 51,757,711,310 0 0 0 0 0 51,757,711,310
Total 61,637,881,808 14,435,912 0 (5,492,117,982) 0 (5,477,682,070) 56,160,199,738
Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized.

Climate Change and Clean Air

97,030,449 64,596,022 1,972,000 (26,266,405) 0 40,301,617 137,332,066

Substances and Waste Management

74,912,985 14,474,945 0 0 0 14,474,945 89,387,930

Compliance Promotion and Enforcement – Pollution

34,672,528 6,275,960 600,000 0 0 6,875,960 41,548,488
Canadaʼs natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations.

Sustainable Ecosystems

88,026,739 3,539,668 20,000 300,000 0 3,859,668 91,886,407

Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat

137,912,691 100,000 0 3,122,356 0 3,222,356 141,135,047
Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions.

Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians

174,382,678 6,184,848 0 275,000 0 6,459,848 180,842,526
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

179,196,292 9,117,611 275,000 0 0 9,392,611 188,588,903
Programs not included in these Estimates 115,954,836 0 0 0 0 0 115,954,836
Total 902,089,198 104,289,054 2,867,000 (22,569,049) 0 84,587,005 986,676,203
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy.

Community Economic Development

66,896,145 0 0 22,200,000 0 22,200,000 89,096,145
Programs not included in these Estimates 167,551,707 0 0 0 0 0 167,551,707
Total 234,447,852 0 0 22,200,000 0 22,200,000 256,647,852
Fisheries and Oceans
Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries.

Aboriginal Strategies and Governance

56,234,640 10,217,780 0 24,469,067 0 34,686,847 90,921,487

Small Craft Harbours

277,650,414 142,299 31,949,497 0 0 32,091,796 309,742,210

Integrated Fisheries Management

128,176,269 12,387,112 3,500,000 3,500,000 0 19,387,112 147,563,381

Marine Navigation

46,288,327 10,000,000 0 0 0 10,000,000 56,288,327

Aquatic Animal Health

5,515,751 760,096 500,000 0 0 1,260,096 6,775,847
Safe and Secure Waters.

Shore-Based Asset Readiness

101,167,711 8,859,200 31,334,620 0 0 40,193,820 141,361,531

Fleet Operational Readiness

863,517,816 9,600,000 0 0 0 9,600,000 873,117,816

Hydrographic Products and Services

29,428,016 4,555,580 3,400,000 0 0 7,955,580 37,383,596

Search and Rescue Services

31,613,840 2,042,264 0 0 0 2,042,264 33,656,104
Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems.

Oceans Management

40,202,708 6,159,341 5,000,000 50,000 0 11,209,341 51,412,049

Fisheries Protection

63,121,302 3,329,022 4,200,000 920,000 0 8,449,022 71,570,324

Environmental Response Services

17,926,048 6,671,754 0 0 0 6,671,754 24,597,802
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

313,770,705 60,442,759 59,058,915 0 0 119,501,674 433,272,379
Programs not included in these Estimates 266,436,042 0 0 0 0 0 266,436,042
Total 2,241,049,589 135,167,207 138,943,032 28,939,067 0 303,049,306 2,544,098,895
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Canadaʼs International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values.

Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements

949,769,188 29,248,056 0 0 0 29,248,056 979,017,244
Canadaʼs Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities.

Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services

667,852,766 7,169,308 0 0 0 7,169,308 675,022,074
International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services.

International Commerce

194,782,982 1,864,293 0 0 0 1,864,293 196,647,275
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

236,174,969 2,640,463 0 0 0 2,640,463 238,815,432
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,466,960,992 0 0 0 0 0 3,466,960,992
Total 5,515,540,897 40,922,120 0 0 0 40,922,120 5,556,463,017
First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit

683,792,972 1,220,344 1,950,000 91,801,750 0 94,972,094 778,765,066

First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care

843,780,295 16,661,843 0 9,914,003 0 26,575,846 870,356,141
Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

Environmental Risks to Health

72,844,578 23,488,222 100,000 0 0 23,588,222 96,432,800

Radiation Protection

13,148,978 7,437,109 0 0 0 7,437,109 20,586,087

Food Safety and Nutrition

68,562,778 696,286 0 0 0 696,286 69,259,064
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

265,223,547 7,788,616 4,173,645 0 0 11,962,261 277,185,808
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,809,251,789 0 0 0 0 0 1,809,251,789
Total 3,756,604,937 57,292,420 6,223,645 101,715,753 0 165,231,818 3,921,836,755
Indian Affairs and Northern Development
The Land and Economy – Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy.

Infrastructure and Capacity

1,212,699,364 40,671,665 0 699,690,000 0 740,361,665 1,953,061,029

Community Economic Development

209,574,311 10,809,719 0 47,605,978 0 58,415,697 267,990,008

Urban Indigenous Participation

29,645,997 0 0 23,676,504 0 23,676,504 53,322,501
The Government – Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous peoples.

Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties

806,628,418 0 0 129,595,000 0 129,595,000 936,223,418

Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples

487,447,240 39,680,985 0 26,180,000 0 65,860,985 553,308,225
The North – Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North.

Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management

58,614,753 113,846,992 0 55,083,564 0 168,930,556 227,545,309

Northern Science and Technology

47,822,067 0 13,266,026 0 0 13,266,026 61,088,093
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

224,097,504 6,213,934 0 0 0 6,213,934 230,311,438
Programs not included in these Estimates 4,429,022,486 0 0 0 0 0 4,429,022,486
Total 7,505,552,140 211,223,295 13,266,026 981,831,046 0 1,206,320,367 8,711,872,507
Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy.

Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity

342,834,370 4,759,830 0 583,590,573 0 588,350,403 931,184,773
The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive.

Spectrum, Telecommunications, and the Digital Economy

106,285,898 1,125,000 8,518,900 0 0 9,643,900 115,929,798
Canadian businesses and communities are competitive.

Community Economic Development

142,379,294 0 0 3,600,000 0 3,600,000 145,979,294

Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity

34,316,964 2,500,000 0 0 0 2,500,000 36,816,964
Programs not included in these Estimates 671,258,144 0 0 0 0 0 671,258,144
Total 1,297,074,670 8,384,830 8,518,900 587,190,573 0 604,094,303 1,901,168,973
Marine Atlantic Inc.
A safe, reliable, efficient, affordable and environmentally responsible ferry service between the Island of Newfoundland and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Ferry Services

140,122,000 0 6,100,000 0 0 6,100,000 146,222,000
Total 140,122,000 0 6,100,000 0 0 6,100,000 146,222,000
National Arts Centre Corporation
Strong and dynamic performing arts in the National Capital Region and across Canada.


50,981,609 38,000,000 0 0 0 38,000,000 88,981,609
Programs not included in these Estimates 28,415,447 0 0 0 0 0 28,415,447
Total 79,397,056 38,000,000 0 0 0 38,000,000 117,397,056
National Gallery of Canada
Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for visual art through collections of historic and contemporary works of art, programs and research that reflect a special but not exclusive perspective on Canada.


15,304,248 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 16,304,248
Programs not included in these Estimates 28,584,162 0 0 0 0 0 28,584,162
Total 43,888,410 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 44,888,410
National Museum of Science and Technology
Interest in, knowledge of and appreciation and respect for science and technology through collections of scientific and technological objects, programs and research reflecting a Canadian perspective.


35,915,000 0 45,624,000 0 0 45,624,000 81,539,000
Programs not included in these Estimates 24,064,776 0 0 0 0 0 24,064,776
Total 59,979,776 0 45,624,000 0 0 45,624,000 105,603,776
National Research Council of Canada
Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies.

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)

269,541,644 0 0 50,000,000 0 50,000,000 319,541,644

Technology Development and Advancement

382,178,045 0 1,350,000 0 0 1,350,000 383,528,045
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

234,199,645 933,300 2,000,000 0 0 2,933,300 237,132,945
Programs not included in these Estimates 167,739,242 0 0 0 0 0 167,739,242
Total 1,053,658,576 933,300 3,350,000 50,000,000 0 54,283,300 1,107,941,876
Natural Resources
Natural resource sectors and consumers are environmentally responsible.

Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources

183,336,817 33,590,042 0 5,723,298 0 39,313,340 222,650,157

Technology Innovation

115,838,434 24,988,439 800,000 (14,906,880) 0 10,881,559 126,719,993
Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks.

Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources

57,808,743 3,445,134 60,000 600,000 0 4,105,134 61,913,877

Landmass Information

75,092,662 42,551 0 0 0 42,551 75,135,213
Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive.

Market Access and Diversification

43,993,476 1,115,413 0 0 0 1,115,413 45,108,889

Innovation for New Products and Processes

96,074,981 157,872 0 0 0 157,872 96,232,853
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

184,517,755 9,868,435 28,410,500 0 0 38,278,935 222,796,690
Programs not included in these Estimates 835,855,885 0 0 0 0 0 835,855,885
Total 1,592,518,753 73,207,886 29,270,500 (8,583,582) 0 93,894,804 1,686,413,557
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering.

Innovation: Research Partnerships

375,358,463 584,125 0 7,170,275 0 7,754,400 383,112,863
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

21,740,599 197,500 0 0 0 197,500 21,938,099
Programs not included in these Estimates 723,085,607 0 0 0 0 0 723,085,607
Total 1,120,184,669 781,625 0 7,170,275 0 7,951,900 1,128,136,569
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada.

Investments in National Infrastructure Priorities

174,342,089 10,048,465 0 1,359,866,000 0 1,369,914,465 1,544,256,554

Large-Scale Infrastructure Investments

1,269,427,535 0 0 23,700,000 0 23,700,000 1,293,127,535
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

29,976,406 5,548,464 0 0 0 5,548,464 35,524,870
Programs not included in these Estimates 2,395,763,227 0 0 0 0 0 2,395,763,227
Total 3,869,509,257 15,596,929 0 1,383,566,000 0 1,399,162,929 5,268,672,186
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary.

Canadian Judicial Council

1,704,209 1,500,000 0 0 0 1,500,000 3,204,209

Federal Judicial Affairs

7,904,536 1,152,590 0 0 0 1,152,590 9,057,126
Programs not included in these Estimates 545,565,508 0 0 0 0 0 545,565,508
Total 555,174,253 2,652,590 0 0 0 2,652,590 557,826,843
Parks Canada Agency
Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management

306,781,950 67,258 36,845,882 0 0 36,913,140 343,695,090

Visitor Experience

479,851,370 74,672 29,633,431 0 0 29,708,103 509,559,473

Heritage Places Conservation

185,944,344 6,129,120 0 9,000,000 0 15,129,120 201,073,464

Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support

45,187,665 510,605 0 0 0 510,605 45,698,270
Programs not included in these Estimates 155,772,972 0 0 0 0 0 155,772,972
Total 1,173,538,301 6,781,655 66,479,313 9,000,000 0 82,260,968 1,255,799,269
Privy Council Office
The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained.

Advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers

64,933,100 4,983,722 0 0 0 4,983,722 69,916,822

Advice and support to Cabinet and Cabinet committees

13,876,838 436,480 0 0 0 436,480 14,313,318
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

37,200,245 18,433,140 0 0 0 18,433,140 55,633,385
Programs not included in these Estimates 4,674,197 0 0 0 0 0 4,674,197
Total 120,684,380 23,853,342 0 0 0 23,853,342 144,537,722
Public Health Agency of Canada
Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health.

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

300,679,998 1,582,403 0 0 0 1,582,403 302,262,401
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

95,632,570 114,704 0 0 0 114,704 95,747,274
Programs not included in these Estimates 193,425,234 0 0 0 0 0 193,425,234
Total 589,737,802 1,697,107 0 0 0 1,697,107 591,434,909
Public Works and Government Services
High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions.

Accommodation Management and Real Property Services

2,192,828,508 271,290,000 60,943,600 0 0 332,233,600 2,525,062,108

Receiver General for Canada

106,647,604 15,845,000 0 0 0 15,845,000 122,492,604

Integrity Programs and Services

15,184,073 3,528,232 0 0 0 3,528,232 18,712,305
Programs not included in these Estimates 555,799,213 0 0 0 0 0 555,799,213
Total 2,870,459,398 290,663,232 60,943,600 0 0 351,606,832 3,222,066,230
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

9,724,368 1,013,280 0 0 0 1,013,280 10,737,648
Programs not included in these Estimates 23,492,834 0 0 0 0 0 23,492,834
Total 33,217,202 1,013,280 0 0 0 1,013,280 34,230,482
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) performs its duties and functions in accordance with the law, policy and Ministerial direction.


773,525 939,214 0 0 0 939,214 1,712,739


1,329,534 910,675 0 0 0 910,675 2,240,209
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

698,937 920,391 1,574,532 0 0 2,494,923 3,193,860
Total 2,801,996 2,770,280 1,574,532 0 0 4,344,812 7,146,808
Shared Services Canada
Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology (IT) infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery.

Information Technology Infrastructure Services

1,391,487,244 110,250,935 161,808,663 0 0 272,059,598 1,663,546,842
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

158,367,457 22,875 0 0 0 22,875 158,390,332
Total 1,549,854,701 110,273,810 161,808,663 0 0 272,082,473 1,821,937,174
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Canada has the institutional capacity to enable research and research-related activities in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health.

Indirect Costs of Research

341,615,386 0 0 9,000,000 0 9,000,000 350,615,386
Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training.

Insight: new knowledge in the social sciences and humanities

159,789,803 517,400 0 6,459,850 0 6,977,250 166,767,053
Programs not included in these Estimates 218,607,620 0 0 0 0 0 218,607,620
Total 720,012,809 517,400 0 15,459,850 0 15,977,250 735,990,059
Standards Council of Canada
Canada has an effective and efficient National Standards System.

Standards Program

6,997,000 945,000 0 0 0 945,000 7,942,000
Programs not included in these Estimates 2,332,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,332,000
Total 9,329,000 945,000 0 0 0 945,000 10,274,000
A Clean Transportation System.

Environmental Stewardship of Transportation

13,132,224 35,387,862 0 0 0 35,387,862 48,520,086

Clean Air from Transportation

12,017,045 17,621,426 243,000 8,627,704 0 26,492,130 38,509,175

Clean Water from Transportation

29,181,758 1,043,053 0 0 0 1,043,053 30,224,811
An Efficient Transportation System.

Transportation Infrastructure

415,437,562 14,141,200 22,663,745 19,031,976 0 55,836,921 471,274,483

Transportation Marketplace Frameworks

21,711,678 152,218 0 0 0 152,218 21,863,896
A Safe and Secure Transportation System.

Marine Safety

56,814,328 3,438,361 0 0 0 3,438,361 60,252,689

Motor Vehicle Safety

22,077,988 0 1,200,000 0 0 1,200,000 23,277,988
The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization.

Internal Services

147,193,676 2,387,650 0 0 0 2,387,650 149,581,326
Programs not included in these Estimates 548,341,338 0 0 0 0 0 548,341,338
Total 1,265,907,597 74,171,770 24,106,745 27,659,680 0 125,938,195 1,391,845,792
Treasury Board Secretariat
Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians.

Government-Wide Program Design and Delivery

53,732,931 27,492,792 13,625,000 0 0 41,117,792 94,850,723

Decision-Making Support and Oversight

49,543,385 2,144,000 0 0 0 2,144,000 51,687,385

Government-wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments

6,333,254,397 1,909,207 0 0 0 1,909,207 6,335,163,604

Management Policies Development and Monitoring

67,614,269 415,600 0 0 0 415,600 68,029,869
Programs not included in these Estimates 66,661,047 0 0 0 0 0 66,661,047
Total 6,570,806,029 31,961,599 13,625,000 0 0 45,586,599 6,616,392,628
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
A national passenger rail transportation service that is safe, secure, efficient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable and that meets the needs of travellers in Canada.

Operation of a national network of rail passenger services

382,830,000 130,000 6,800,000 0 0 6,930,000 389,760,000
Total 382,830,000 130,000 6,800,000 0 0 6,930,000 389,760,000
Western Economic Diversification
A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.

Community Economic Growth

57,322,492 0 0 23,100,000 0 23,100,000 80,422,492
Programs not included in these Estimates 116,069,044 0 0 0 0 0 116,069,044
Total 173,391,536 0 0 23,100,000 0 23,100,000 196,491,536
Organizations not included in these Estimates 130,790,547,126 0 0 0 0 0 130,790,547,126
Total Budgetary 250,136,477,494 2,655,007,076 620,159,476 (2,010,207,640) 0 1,264,958,912 251,401,436,406
Table 2. Estimates by Strategic Outcome and Program - Non-budgetary
Department, Agency or Crown corporation Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates
Indian Affairs and Northern Development
The Government – Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous peoples.

Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples

25,903,000 30,400,000 56,303,000
Total 25,903,000 30,400,000 56,303,000
Organizations not included in these Estimates 339,554,243 0 339,554,243
Total Non-budgetary 365,457,243 30,400,000 395,857,243

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