Expenditures by Program or Purpose for Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020–21

Table. Expenditures by Program or Purpose - Budgetary
  Estimates to Date Operating Capital Transfer Payments Revenues and other reductions Total Revised Estimates
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Economic Development in Atlantic Canada

384,020,892 497,729 0 131,675,139 0 132,172,868 516,193,760

Internal Services

26,979,504 337,793 0 0 0 337,793 27,317,297
Total 411,000,396 835,522 0 131,675,139 0 132,510,661 543,511,057
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Nuclear laboratories

416,935,845 0 230,678 0 0 230,678 417,166,523
Programs not included in these Estimates 837,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 837,000,000
Total 1,253,935,845 0 230,678 0 0 230,678 1,254,166,523
Canada Border Services Agency

Border Management

1,563,726,537 (6,702,169) 18,400,000 0 (3,000,000) 8,697,831 1,572,424,368

Border Enforcement

308,579,911 1,344,895 32,000 0 0 1,376,895 309,956,806

Internal Services

334,961,387 (138,509) 0 0 0 (138,509) 334,822,878
Total 2,207,267,835 (5,495,783) 18,432,000 0 (3,000,000) 9,936,217 2,217,204,052
Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts

417,644,295 7,927,000 0 0 0 7,927,000 425,571,295
Total 417,644,295 7,927,000 0 0 0 7,927,000 425,571,295
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Assistance for housing needs

2,090,080,572 848,207,700 0 0 0 848,207,700 2,938,288,272

Financing for housing

3,643,210,529 19,945,999 0 0 0 19,945,999 3,663,156,528

Housing expertise and capacity development

225,353,911 4,800,000 0 0 0 4,800,000 230,153,911
Total 5,958,645,012 872,953,699 0 0 0 872,953,699 6,831,598,711
Canada Revenue Agency


3,929,115,162 18,014,603 0 1,255,000,000 0 1,273,014,603 5,202,129,765


3,264,289,968 129,154,566 0 0 0 129,154,566 3,393,444,534

Internal Services

742,806,006 159,585,103 0 0 0 159,585,103 902,391,109
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,780,057 0 0 0 0 0 3,780,057
Total 7,939,991,193 306,754,272 0 1,255,000,000 0 1,561,754,272 9,501,745,465
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization

Internal Services

4,329,640 1,300,000 0 0 0 1,300,000 5,629,640
Programs not included in these Estimates 10,988,792 0 0 0 0 0 10,988,792
Total 15,318,432 1,300,000 0 0 0 1,300,000 16,618,432
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

872,100,000 4,150,000 41,478,788 0 0 45,628,788 917,728,788
Total 872,100,000 4,150,000 41,478,788 0 0 45,628,788 917,728,788
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

1,210,797,846 70,433,000 (33,733,000) 0 0 36,700,000 1,247,497,846
Total 1,210,797,846 70,433,000 (33,733,000) 0 0 36,700,000 1,247,497,846
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

National Occupational Health and Safety Resource

7,129,798 1,700,000 0 0 0 1,700,000 8,829,798
Programs not included in these Estimates 4,187,342 0 0 0 0 0 4,187,342
Total 11,317,140 1,700,000 0 0 0 1,700,000 13,017,140
Canadian Energy Regulator

Safety and Environment Oversight

17,875,000 11,049,558 0 0 0 11,049,558 28,924,558


7,898,891 4,704,328 0 0 0 4,704,328 12,603,219

Energy Adjudication

19,870,310 2,325,266 0 0 0 2,325,266 22,195,576

Energy Information

4,459,939 1,824,610 0 0 0 1,824,610 6,284,549

Internal Services

29,445,190 5,165,427 0 0 0 5,165,427 34,610,617
Total 79,549,330 25,069,189 0 0 0 25,069,189 104,618,519
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Safe food and healthy plants and animals

601,976,685 3,637,280 1,126,046 0 0 4,763,326 606,740,011

Internal Services

147,171,125 334,357 0 0 0 334,357 147,505,482
Total 749,147,810 3,971,637 1,126,046 0 0 5,097,683 754,245,493
Canadian Human Rights Commission

Proactive Compliance

5,237,731 650,000 0 0 0 650,000 5,887,731
Programs not included in these Estimates 27,259,541 0 0 0 0 0 27,259,541
Total 32,497,272 650,000 0 0 0 650,000 33,147,272
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Funding Health Research and Training

1,336,180,538 500,000 0 249,763,652 0 250,263,652 1,586,444,190

Internal Services

31,736,904 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 31,567,904
Total 1,367,917,442 331,000 0 249,763,652 0 250,094,652 1,618,012,094
Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Canadian Museum for Human Rights

25,502,953 2,206,586 0 0 0 2,206,586 27,709,539
Total 25,502,953 2,206,586 0 0 0 2,206,586 27,709,539
Canadian Museum of History

Canadian Museum of History

72,188,284 4,256,563 0 0 0 4,256,563 76,444,847
Total 72,188,284 4,256,563 0 0 0 4,256,563 76,444,847
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

7,895,183 2,049,575 0 0 0 2,049,575 9,944,758
Total 7,895,183 2,049,575 0 0 0 2,049,575 9,944,758
Canadian Museum of Nature

Canadian Museum of Nature

26,811,201 5,927,263 0 0 0 5,927,263 32,738,464
Total 26,811,201 5,927,263 0 0 0 5,927,263 32,738,464
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Economic Development in the Territories

92,108,794 2,689,451 0 4,680,297 0 7,369,748 99,478,542
Programs not included in these Estimates 6,492,316 0 0 0 0 0 6,492,316
Total 98,601,110 2,689,451 0 4,680,297 0 7,369,748 105,970,858
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Nuclear Regulation

99,256,451 360,736 0 0 0 360,736 99,617,187
Programs not included in these Estimates 44,578,522 0 0 0 0 0 44,578,522
Total 143,834,973 360,736 0 0 0 360,736 144,195,709
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Regulate and Supervise the Communications System

29,984,271 3,713,667 0 0 0 3,713,667 33,697,938

Internal Services

10,141,403 1,403,918 0 0 0 1,403,918 11,545,321
Total 40,125,674 5,117,585 0 0 0 5,117,585 45,243,259
Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Security and Intelligence

649,930,282 2,141,136 0 0 0 2,141,136 652,071,418
Total 649,930,282 2,141,136 0 0 0 2,141,136 652,071,418
Canadian Space Agency

Canada in space

273,383,417 (1,678,000) 67,664,971 12,329,000 0 78,315,971 351,699,388

Internal Services

52,643,000 0 (381,864) 0 0 (381,864) 52,261,136
Total 326,026,417 (1,678,000) 67,283,107 12,329,000 0 77,934,107 403,960,524
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Internal Services

6,721,627 328,364 0 0 0 328,364 7,049,991
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,886,508 0 0 0 0 0 26,886,508
Total 33,608,135 328,364 0 0 0 328,364 33,936,499
Canadian Transportation Agency

Independent regulatory and dispute-resolution services for transportation providers and users

24,646,232 4,774,320 0 0 0 4,774,320 29,420,552

Internal Services

7,548,758 6,310,740 0 0 0 6,310,740 13,859,498
Total 32,194,990 11,085,060 0 0 0 11,085,060 43,280,050
Communications Security Establishment

Provide and Protect Information

711,781,372 5,610,492 0 0 0 5,610,492 717,391,864
Total 711,781,372 5,610,492 0 0 0 5,610,492 717,391,864
Correctional Service of Canada

Care and Custody

1,625,362,484 115,100,273 0 0 0 115,100,273 1,740,462,757

Correctional Interventions

445,660,085 9,573,701 0 0 0 9,573,701 455,233,786

Community Supervision

157,883,871 8,238,966 0 0 0 8,238,966 166,122,837

Internal Services

324,932,681 21,266,647 0 0 0 21,266,647 346,199,328
Total 2,553,839,121 154,179,587 0 0 0 154,179,587 2,708,018,708
Courts Administration Service

Administration Services for the Federal Courts

65,906,281 5,085,328 0 0 0 5,085,328 70,991,609

Internal Services

26,962,208 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 26,793,208
Total 92,868,489 4,916,328 0 0 0 4,916,328 97,784,817
Department for Women and Gender Equality

Advancing Gender Equality

156,104,062 0 0 50,000,000 0 50,000,000 206,104,062
Programs not included in these Estimates 13,703,636 0 0 0 0 0 13,703,636
Total 169,807,698 0 0 50,000,000 0 50,000,000 219,807,698
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Domestic and International Markets

375,094,691 (840,773) 0 126,379,926 0 125,539,153 500,633,844

Science and Innovation

683,240,955 (7,128,073) 30,000 60,635,259 0 53,537,186 736,778,141

Sector Risk

1,579,935,689 (837,487) 0 7,207,297 0 6,369,810 1,586,305,499
Programs not included in these Estimates 153,640,094 0 0 0 0 0 153,640,094
Total 2,791,911,429 (8,806,333) 30,000 194,222,482 0 185,446,149 2,977,357,578
Department of Canadian Heritage

Official Languages

449,167,574 1,233,000 0 31,739,083 0 32,972,083 482,139,657

Creativity, Arts and Culture

800,906,711 0 0 17,565,100 0 17,565,100 818,471,811

Heritage and Celebration

169,349,315 29,000 0 12,620,877 0 12,649,877 181,999,192


321,554,510 (10,000) 0 (603,996) 0 (613,996) 320,940,514

Diversity and Inclusion

131,234,805 0 0 (1,903,814) 0 (1,903,814) 129,330,991

Internal Services

80,924,496 (54,870) 0 0 0 (54,870) 80,869,626
Total 1,953,137,411 1,197,130 0 59,417,250 0 60,614,380 2,013,751,791
Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Immigrant and Refugee Selection and Integration

2,272,144,829 39,601,009 1,986,124 270,548,189 0 312,135,322 2,584,280,151

Visitors, International Students and Temporary Workers

255,284,351 5,680,747 1,632,993 0 0 7,313,740 262,598,091

Citizenship and Passports

206,157,560 534,579 0 0 0 534,579 206,692,139

Internal Services

231,398,944 4,749,835 0 0 0 4,749,835 236,148,779
Total 2,964,985,684 50,566,170 3,619,117 270,548,189 0 324,733,476 3,289,719,160
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

Crown-Indigenous Relations

4,954,208,492 104,270,040 0 822,352,922 0 926,622,962 5,880,831,454

Northern Affairs

660,740,028 9,418,054 2,383,180 (144,617) 0 11,656,617 672,396,645

Internal Services

149,979,495 (2,301,707) 0 0 0 (2,301,707) 147,677,788
Total 5,764,928,015 111,386,387 2,383,180 822,208,305 0 935,977,872 6,700,905,887
Department of Employment and Social Development

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

73,329,894,122 315,753,848 0 29,891,905,041 (26,650,595) 30,181,008,294 103,510,902,416

Social Development

1,481,060,319 17,263,156 0 1,150,795,857 0 1,168,059,013 2,649,119,332

Pensions and Benefits

63,215,759,270 127,002,018 0 0 (103,294,357) 23,707,661 63,239,466,931

Working Conditions and Workplace Relations

180,899,777 385,810 0 0 0 385,810 181,285,587

Internal Services

314,365,167 253,433,181 0 0 (238,746,498) 14,686,683 329,051,850
Programs not included in these Estimates 260,681,812 0 0 0 0 0 260,681,812
Total 138,782,660,467 713,838,013 0 31,042,700,898 (368,691,450) 31,387,847,461 170,170,507,928
Department of Finance

Economic and Fiscal Policy

101,032,389,914 (2,322,369,794) 0 18,969,735,000 0 16,647,365,206 117,679,755,120

Internal Services

41,257,072 711,631 0 0 0 711,631 41,968,703
Total 101,073,646,986 (2,321,658,163) 0 18,969,735,000 0 16,648,076,837 117,721,723,823
Department of Fisheries and Oceans


1,685,809,533 11,141,261 0 206,800,280 0 217,941,541 1,903,751,074

Marine Operations and Response

1,203,133,686 438,233 38,053,389 2,381,962 0 40,873,584 1,244,007,270

Aquatic Ecosystems

331,009,945 827,227 946,829 8,451,158 0 10,225,214 341,235,159

Marine Navigation

324,692,710 1,895,303 0 0 0 1,895,303 326,588,013

Internal Services

477,586,102 1,237,485 0 0 0 1,237,485 478,823,587
Total 4,022,231,976 15,539,509 39,000,218 217,633,400 0 272,173,127 4,294,405,103
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Development, Peace and Security Programming

4,808,802,345 222,532 0 201,566,646 0 201,789,178 5,010,591,523

Help for Canadians Abroad

93,504,108 21,300,000 0 0 0 21,300,000 114,804,108

Support for Canadaʼs Presence Abroad

1,092,864,562 2,166,210 0 0 0 2,166,210 1,095,030,772

Trade and Investment

381,672,612 120,000 0 (2,000,000) 0 (1,880,000) 379,792,612

Internal Services

262,135,073 (36,965,000) 38,065,000 400,000 0 1,500,000 263,635,073
Programs not included in these Estimates 896,219,038 0 0 0 0 0 896,219,038
Total 7,535,197,738 (13,156,258) 38,065,000 199,966,646 0 224,875,388 7,760,073,126
Department of Health

Health Protection and Promotion

650,454,746 529,685,732 316,000 0 0 530,001,732 1,180,456,478

Health Care Systems

2,034,370,686 40,510,000 0 284,365,310 0 324,875,310 2,359,245,996

Internal Services

322,062,415 113,471,794 450,000 0 0 113,921,794 435,984,209
Total 3,006,887,847 683,667,526 766,000 284,365,310 0 968,798,836 3,975,686,683
Department of Indigenous Services

Health and Social Services

6,586,450,032 14,239,061 0 862,248,871 0 876,487,932 7,462,937,964

Governance and Community Development Services

3,336,000,872 2,435,370 0 635,010,700 0 637,446,070 3,973,446,942

Services and Benefits to Individuals

2,053,986,316 236,642,828 0 29,294,437 0 265,937,265 2,319,923,581

Internal Services

170,703,704 4,109,848 0 0 0 4,109,848 174,813,552
Programs not included in these Estimates 2,369,018,506 0 0 0 0 0 2,369,018,506
Total 14,516,159,430 257,427,107 0 1,526,554,008 0 1,783,981,115 16,300,140,545
Department of Industry

People, Skills and Communities

530,777,636 200,000 0 117,586,393 0 117,786,393 648,564,029

Companies, Investment and Growth

1,990,618,837 2,778,665 825,137 34,000,000 0 37,603,802 2,028,222,639

Science, Technology, Research and Commercialization

993,966,763 0 0 7,334,027 0 7,334,027 1,001,300,790

Internal Services

163,177,119 (361,090) 0 0 0 (361,090) 162,816,029
Total 3,678,540,355 2,617,575 825,137 158,920,420 0 162,363,132 3,840,903,487
Department of National Defence

Procurement of Capabilities

4,512,705,592 22,366,492 67,465,667 0 0 89,832,159 4,602,537,751

Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure

3,665,573,962 6,153,328 32,449,464 30,000,000 0 68,602,792 3,734,176,754


1,227,914,685 (39,336,842) 0 40,018,834 0 681,992 1,228,596,677

Defence Team

3,416,850,794 2,019 0 0 0 2,019 3,416,852,813

Ready Forces

9,716,036,927 (2,362,461) 0 0 0 (2,362,461) 9,713,674,466

Future Force Design

840,491,721 (808,470) (2,701,678) 0 0 (3,510,148) 836,981,573

Internal Services

695,921,525 271,100,835 21,265,071 0 0 292,365,906 988,287,431
Total 24,075,495,206 257,114,901 118,478,524 70,018,834 0 445,612,259 24,521,107,465
Department of Natural Resources

Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development

615,461,031 6,765,114 0 155,484,472 0 162,249,586 777,710,617

Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors

502,473,882 10,943,927 0 70,714,003 0 81,657,930 584,131,812

Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation

214,015,248 15,474,495 1,345,000 22,330,000 0 39,149,495 253,164,743

Internal Services

130,531,174 1,174,382 1,500,000 0 0 2,674,382 133,205,556
Total 1,462,481,335 34,357,918 2,845,000 248,528,475 0 285,731,393 1,748,212,728
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Management

373,595,588 2,664,885 0 0 0 2,664,885 376,260,473

Community Safety

366,193,256 1,000,000 0 (51,105,550) 0 (50,105,550) 316,087,706

Internal Services

62,456,660 229,973 0 0 0 229,973 62,686,633
Programs not included in these Estimates 23,277,468 0 0 0 0 0 23,277,468
Total 825,522,972 3,894,858 0 (51,105,550) 0 (47,210,692) 778,312,280
Department of Public Works and Government Services

Purchase of Goods and Services

706,899,418 499,870,683 0 0 0 499,870,683 1,206,770,101

Property and Infrastructure

3,068,409,083 295,656,803 0 0 0 295,656,803 3,364,065,886

Payments and Accounting

561,382,522 20,307,842 0 0 0 20,307,842 581,690,364

Internal Services

281,723,937 2,014,128 0 0 0 2,014,128 283,738,065
Programs not included in these Estimates 174,947,652 0 0 0 0 0 174,947,652
Total 4,793,362,612 817,849,456 0 0 0 817,849,456 5,611,212,068
Department of the Environment

Preventing and Managing Pollution

360,417,473 (169,348) 0 5,810,000 0 5,640,652 366,058,125

Conserving Nature

319,257,213 1,045,796 0 1,272,715 0 2,318,511 321,575,724

Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions

255,482,742 61,874 0 0 0 61,874 255,544,616

Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change

845,293,508 0 0 (3,363,000) 0 (3,363,000) 841,930,508

Internal Services

202,522,526 102,153 453,215 0 0 555,368 203,077,894
Total 1,982,973,462 1,040,475 453,215 3,719,715 0 5,213,405 1,988,186,867
Department of Transport

Efficient Transportation System

930,653,855 19,103,603 170,791,220 237,997,027 0 427,891,850 1,358,545,705

Green and Innovative Transportation System

369,038,715 6,530,309 448,000 54,595,526 0 61,573,835 430,612,550

Safe and Secure Transportation System

441,452,469 121,300 0 24,447,532 0 24,568,832 466,021,301

Internal Services

210,974,647 1,399,795 0 1,089,012 0 2,488,807 213,463,454
Total 1,952,119,686 27,155,007 171,239,220 318,129,097 0 516,523,324 2,468,643,010
Department of Veterans Affairs

Benefits, Services and Support

5,168,167,858 11,403,266 0 20,000,000 0 31,403,266 5,199,571,124


42,966,357 2,163,134 0 1 0 2,163,135 45,129,492

Internal Services

108,809,527 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 108,640,527
Programs not included in these Estimates 5,483,671 0 0 0 0 0 5,483,671
Total 5,325,427,413 13,397,400 0 20,000,001 0 33,397,401 5,358,824,814
Department of Western Economic Diversification

Economic development in Western Canada

585,543,267 5,351,813 0 305,153,051 0 310,504,864 896,048,131
Programs not included in these Estimates 13,372,679 0 0 0 0 0 13,372,679
Total 598,915,946 5,351,813 0 305,153,051 0 310,504,864 909,420,810
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Economic Development in Quebec

492,103,194 0 0 81,768,000 0 81,768,000 573,871,194

Internal Services

20,237,691 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 20,068,691
Total 512,340,885 (169,000) 0 81,768,000 0 81,599,000 593,939,885
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Economic Development in Southern Ontario

493,154,408 2,169,000 0 186,531,000 0 188,700,000 681,854,408
Programs not included in these Estimates 12,675,425 0 0 0 0 0 12,675,425
Total 505,829,833 2,169,000 0 186,531,000 0 188,700,000 694,529,833
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Legislation and Regulations

21,452,641 5,453,047 0 0 0 5,453,047 26,905,688

Production and Dissemination of Financial Intelligence

15,492,634 3,650,438 0 0 0 3,650,438 19,143,072

Internal Services

19,864,177 10,406,347 0 0 0 10,406,347 30,270,524
Total 56,809,452 19,509,832 0 0 0 19,509,832 76,319,284
House of Commons

House Administration

205,751,282 17,357,268 0 0 0 17,357,268 223,108,550

Members and House Officers

310,617,762 5,229,426 0 0 0 5,229,426 315,847,188
Total 516,369,044 22,586,694 0 0 0 22,586,694 538,955,738
Immigration and Refugee Board

Internal Services

79,098,040 1,905,000 0 0 0 1,905,000 81,003,040
Programs not included in these Estimates 200,028,835 0 0 0 0 0 200,028,835
Total 279,126,875 1,905,000 0 0 0 1,905,000 281,031,875
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)

Shared water resources management

10,458,391 310,953 0 0 0 310,953 10,769,344
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,839,796 0 0 0 0 0 1,839,796
Total 12,298,187 310,953 0 0 0 310,953 12,609,140
Leaders’ Debates Commission

Organize Leaders’ Debates for federal general elections

1 5,402,101 0 0 0 5,402,101 5,402,102
Total 1 5,402,101 0 0 0 5,402,101 5,402,102
Library and Archives of Canada

Providing access to documentary heritage

32,045,711 3,950,000 976,079 0 (3,950,000) 976,079 33,021,790

Acquiring and preserving documentary heritage

71,314,969 (18,230) 0 0 0 (18,230) 71,296,739

Internal Services

33,251,423 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 33,082,423
Total 136,612,103 3,762,770 976,079 0 (3,950,000) 788,849 137,400,952
Marine Atlantic Inc.

Marine Atlantic Inc.

140,575,667 0 2,000,568 0 0 2,000,568 142,576,235
Total 140,575,667 0 2,000,568 0 0 2,000,568 142,576,235
National Arts Centre Corporation

National Arts Centre Corporation

35,270,142 18,390,000 0 0 0 18,390,000 53,660,142
Total 35,270,142 18,390,000 0 0 0 18,390,000 53,660,142
National Capital Commission

Stewardship and protection

52,404,000 4,554,500 0 0 0 4,554,500 56,958,500
Programs not included in these Estimates 142,762,645 0 0 0 0 0 142,762,645
Total 142,762,645 4,554,500 0 0 0 4,554,500 147,317,145
National Gallery of Canada

National Gallery of Canada

46,673,922 4,808,711 0 0 0 4,808,711 51,482,633
Total 46,673,922 4,808,711 0 0 0 4,808,711 51,482,633
National Museum of Science and Technology

National Museum of Science and Technology

30,567,380 5,338,974 0 0 0 5,338,974 35,906,354
Total 30,567,380 5,338,974 0 0 0 5,338,974 35,906,354
National Research Council of Canada

Science and Innovation

1,389,784,052 16,320,559 80,693,932 237,500,000 0 334,514,491 1,724,298,543

Internal Services

139,856,365 135,103 0 0 0 135,103 139,991,468
Total 1,529,640,417 16,455,662 80,693,932 237,500,000 0 334,649,594 1,864,290,011
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat

Internal Services

12,975,559 (453,688) 0 0 0 (453,688) 12,521,871
Programs not included in these Estimates 11,309,411 0 0 0 0 0 11,309,411
Total 24,284,970 (453,688) 0 0 0 (453,688) 23,831,282
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Training

1,341,810,544 400,000 0 162,379,803 0 162,779,803 1,504,590,347

Internal Services

23,505,390 (84,500) 0 0 0 (84,500) 23,420,890
Total 1,365,315,934 315,500 0 162,379,803 0 162,695,303 1,528,011,237
Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Public Infrastructure

7,802,585,286 47,973,519 0 4,910,000 0 52,883,519 7,855,468,805
Programs not included in these Estimates 57,971,907 0 0 0 0 0 57,971,907
Total 7,860,557,193 47,973,519 0 4,910,000 0 52,883,519 7,913,440,712
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs

Administrative support to federally appointed judges

654,890,154 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 654,721,154
Programs not included in these Estimates 726,800 0 0 0 0 0 726,800
Total 655,616,954 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 655,447,954
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Internal Services

23,378,719 2,569,491 0 0 0 2,569,491 25,948,210
Programs not included in these Estimates 177,319,826 0 0 0 0 0 177,319,826
Total 200,698,545 2,569,491 0 0 0 2,569,491 203,268,036
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada

Government Transparency

9,931,748 3,370,007 0 0 0 3,370,007 13,301,755

Internal Services – Office of the Privacy Commissioner

7,961,195 57,861 0 0 0 57,861 8,019,056
Programs not included in these Estimates 24,837,031 0 0 0 0 0 24,837,031
Total 42,729,974 3,427,868 0 0 0 3,427,868 46,157,842
Parks Canada Agency

Protecting and Presenting Canadaʼs Natural and Cultural Heritage

1,143,142,209 73,137,896 550,000 7,600,000 0 81,287,896 1,224,430,105

Internal Services

105,608,939 2,592,677 0 0 0 2,592,677 108,201,616
Total 1,248,751,148 75,730,573 550,000 7,600,000 0 83,880,573 1,332,631,721
Parole Board of Canada

Conditional Release Decisions

35,175,808 3,500,000 0 0 0 3,500,000 38,675,808

Internal Services

7,014,910 375,000 0 0 0 375,000 7,389,910
Programs not included in these Estimates 5,131,219 0 0 0 0 0 5,131,219
Total 47,321,937 3,875,000 0 0 0 3,875,000 51,196,937
Privy Council Office

Serve the Prime Minister and Cabinet

130,315,408 338,769 0 0 0 338,769 130,654,177

Internal services

94,144,069 (27,547,165) 0 0 (670,694) (28,217,859) 65,926,210
Total 224,459,477 (27,208,396) 0 0 (670,694) (27,879,090) 196,580,387
Public Health Agency of Canada

Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

743,311,671 11,855,421,491 81,408,928 88,932,600 0 12,025,763,019 12,769,074,690

Health Security

1,743,835,627 5,925,352,058 1,800,000 0 0 5,927,152,058 7,670,987,685

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

288,313,789 6,768,810 0 60,771,008 0 67,539,818 355,853,607

Internal Services

168,117,638 14,296,118 0 0 0 14,296,118 182,413,756
Total 2,943,578,725 17,801,838,477 83,208,928 149,703,608 0 18,034,751,013 20,978,329,738
Public Service Commission

Internal Services

33,297,496 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 33,128,496
Programs not included in these Estimates 56,505,179 0 0 0 0 0 56,505,179
Total 89,802,675 (169,000) 0 0 0 (169,000) 89,633,675
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada

Internal Services

11,342,617 (89,763) 0 0 0 (89,763) 11,252,854
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,618,769 0 0 0 0 0 26,618,769
Total 37,961,386 (89,763) 0 0 0 (89,763) 37,871,623
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Contract and Indigenous policing

1,716,959,481 63,637,713 0 0 0 63,637,713 1,780,597,194

National police services

508,059,877 5,757,450 7,438,607 0 0 13,196,057 521,255,934

Federal Policing

913,968,654 272,357 0 0 0 272,357 914,241,011

Internal Services

598,707,798 1,131,496 0 0 0 1,131,496 599,839,294
Total 3,737,695,810 70,799,016 7,438,607 0 0 78,237,623 3,815,933,433
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

Independent review of RCMP employment matters

3,209,167 2,083,020 0 0 0 2,083,020 5,292,187
Total 3,209,167 2,083,020 0 0 0 2,083,020 5,292,187
Shared Services Canada

Email and Workplace Technology

105,661,901 37,574,419 89,555,392 0 0 127,129,811 232,791,712


604,146,906 47,368,914 (6,836,692) 0 0 40,532,222 644,679,128

Data Centres

591,488,463 22,098,235 14,650,488 0 0 36,748,723 628,237,186

Cyber and IT Security

151,023,375 16,253,631 19,348,302 0 0 35,601,933 186,625,308

Customer Relationships and Service Management

374,546,715 16,810,326 1,856,816 0 0 18,667,142 393,213,857

Internal Services

233,848,116 6,893,268 12,803,478 0 0 19,696,746 253,544,862
Total 2,060,715,476 146,998,793 131,377,784 0 0 278,376,577 2,339,092,053
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

544,952,580 410,000 0 502,450,454 0 502,860,454 1,047,813,034

Institutional support for the indirect costs of research

415,487,317 0 0 (801,261) 0 (801,261) 414,686,056

Internal Services

17,483,561 (84,500) 0 0 0 (84,500) 17,399,061
Total 977,923,458 325,500 0 501,649,193 0 501,974,693 1,479,898,151
Telefilm Canada

Funding the production of Canadian content

89,558,914 50,000,000 0 0 0 50,000,000 139,558,914

Promoting Canadian talent and content

27,886,547 2,755,000 0 0 0 2,755,000 30,641,547
Programs not included in these Estimates 11,433,488 0 0 0 0 0 11,433,488
Total 128,878,949 52,755,000 0 0 0 52,755,000 181,633,949
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

0 2,796,407 0 0 0 2,796,407 2,796,407
Total 0 2,796,407 0 0 0 2,796,407 2,796,407
The National Battlefields Commission

Internal Services

5,092,311 1,112,328 0 0 0 1,112,328 6,204,639
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,798,204 0 0 0 0 0 3,798,204
Total 8,890,515 1,112,328 0 0 0 1,112,328 10,002,843
Treasury Board Secretariat


2,626,126,777 609,388,137 0 0 0 609,388,137 3,235,514,914

Spending Oversight

3,704,579,027 39,560,823 0 0 0 39,560,823 3,744,139,850

Administrative Leadership

95,982,447 1,923,635 0 0 0 1,923,635 97,906,082
Programs not included in these Estimates 98,454,929 0 0 0 0 0 98,454,929
Total 6,525,143,180 650,872,595 0 0 0 650,872,595 7,176,015,775
VIA Rail Canada Inc.

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

824,367,901 0 4,521,667 0 0 4,521,667 828,889,568
Total 824,367,901 0 4,521,667 0 0 4,521,667 828,889,568
Organizations not included in these Estimates 3,966,555,053 0 0 0 0 0 3,966,555,053
Total Budgetary 391,538,066,680 21,082,959,190 783,289,795 57,696,205,223 (376,312,144) 79,186,142,064 470,724,208,744
Table. Expenditures by Program or Purpose - Non-Budgetary
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates
Department of Employment and Social Development

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

1,017,492,886 1,227,608,108 2,245,100,994
Total 1,017,492,886 1,227,608,108 2,245,100,994
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Development, Peace and Security Programming

71,140,001 45,898,551 117,038,552
Total 71,140,001 45,898,551 117,038,552
Organizations not included in these Estimates 2,157,353,574 0 2,157,353,574
Total Non-budgetary 3,245,986,461 1,273,506,659 4,519,493,120

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