Guide to Treasury Board Submissions Prepared on Behalf of Crown Corporations

This guide contains instructions for portfolio departments on completing the Treasury Board (TB) submission template when seeking approval of Crown corporation business, including corporate plans, operating and capital budgets, and access to new funding. It should be used with the Guidance for Drafters and Commonly Sought Authorities.

TB ministers approve the planned activities and planned expenditures of Crown corporations by approving corporate plans and budgets, or amendments to corporate plans and budgets, every year, as recommended by the responsible minister. This provides the operational mandate for the Crown corporation’s planned activities and planned spending. The responsible minister seeks TB authorization through a TB submission on behalf of the Crown corporation. TB ministers may approve, defer, or deny the authorities sought, and, in some cases, may impose conditions.

Before a TB submission on behalf of a Crown corporation is presented to the TB, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) must receive confirmation from the portfolio department (the department) that the planned activities, including any new activities, are within the Crown corporation’s legal mandate, that policy cover of proposed new activities has been confirmed with the Privy Council Office, and, if the new or existing activities require incremental funding, that a source of funds has been secured to support the planned spending.

The department plays an essential role in supporting the responsible minister by promoting policy coordination and building coherence in the activities and reporting of its portfolio organizations. The department advises the responsible minister on how to ensure integration in the activities of the portfolio, while respecting any accountability requirements and mandates set out by legislation. In this manner, the department provides integrated analysis and assessment of the Crown corporation’s plans in the context of the broader portfolio. The TB submission is an important opportunity for the responsible minister to provide information about and an assessment of the Crown corporation’s operations to TB ministers.

It is important to contact TBS early to ensure that your TBS analyst can provide timely feedback and advice, and resolve any concerns, consistent with the Guidance for Crown Corporations on Preparing Corporate Plans and Budgets. It is best practice to share a draft of the corporate plan ahead of the draft of the associated TB submission.

A TB submission should present the following in simple, clear language:

The submission should meet all the requirements outlined in this guide and stand up to thorough analysis by TBS.  

TBS officials need sufficient time to perform the necessary due diligence review and challenge function of the submission. A straightforward, clear, and concise initial draft will help move the submission forward quickly, with fewer iterations.

TBS will provide advice for and challenge elements of the draft submission. Therefore, it is critical to engage with your TBS analyst early.

Once signed and scheduled for a TB meeting, a TB submission becomes a Cabinet Confidence.Footnote 1

On this page


Insert the English name of the portfolio department responsible for this submission (do not list the Crown corporation here).

Title and synopsis


Provide a title that reflects the purpose of the submission (maximum 20 words). For corporate plans, include the name of the Crown corporation and the period covered, indicating the applicable year‑end (calendar, fiscal, and so on). For incremental funding, include a brief description of intended use of funds.

Suggested wording

[Name of Crown corporation] [period covered, for example, 2023–24 to 2027–28] Corporate Plan

[Name of Crown corporation] [period covered, for example, 2023–24 to 2027–28] Corporate Plan and incremental funding to implement [name of initiative] in [time period]


Provide a synopsis of the submission (maximum 150 words).

  • Summarize the authorities being sought
  • Indicate the total cost (not just the amount of appropriations)
  • Provide a high-level description of the main activities and any significant changes in budget amounts from previous corporate plans, including incremental or reduced funding
  • Indicate the overall level of risk

Suggested wording

The Minister of [portfolio], responsible for [name of Crown corporation], is seeking approval of the [YYYY-YY] corporate plan, the operating budget of [total amount $000,000,000], the capital budget of [total amount $000,000,000] for [YYYY-YY], and approval of incremental funds of [total amount $000,000,000] over [time period]. Key activities include [list main activities and provide overview of new activities associated with incremental funds] and the overall level of risk is [insert level of risk associated with the submission: low, medium or high].

Authorities sought from the Treasury Board

In this section, present all of the authorities your organization is seeking from the Treasury Board. Begin this section with “It is proposed that Treasury Board:” Required wording for each authority follows.

Approval of corporate plan

It is proposed that Treasury Board:

  • pursuant to subsection 123(1) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the [YYYY-YY] operating budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsection 124(1) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the [YYYY-YY] capital budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsection 122(1) of the Financial Administration Act and Order in Council PC 2018‑0536, dated May 11, 2018, approve the corporate plan of [name of Crown corporation] for the [YYYY-YY] to [YYYY-YY] planning period
  • authorize the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to issue a letter informing the [president / chief executive officer] of the [Crown corporation name] of the Treasury Board decision

Approval to amend corporate plan

It is proposed that Treasury Board:

  • pursuant to subsections 123(1) and 123(4) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the amended [YYYY-YY] operating budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsections 124(1) and 124(6) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the amended [YYYY-YY] capital budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsections 122(1) and 122(6) of the Financial Administration Act and Order in Council PC 2018‑0536 dated May 11, 2018, approve the amended corporate plan of the [name of Crown corporation] for the [YYYY-YY] to [YYYY-YY] planning period
  • authorize the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to issue a letter informing the [president / chief executive officer] of the [Crown corporation name] of the Treasury Board decision

Approval of new funding from the fiscal framework to implement an existing or a new activity

It is proposed that Treasury Board:

  • provide authority to adjust organizational reference levels as set out in the Cost, Funding Requirements, and Source of Funds table(s)
  • authorize the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to issue a letter informing the [president / chief executive officer] of the [Crown corporation name] of the Treasury Board decision

Approval of a specified period of a five-year corporate plan

It is proposed that Treasury Board:

  • pursuant to subsection 123(1) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the [YYYY-YY] operating budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsection 124(1) of the Financial Administration Act, approve the [YYYY-YY] capital budget projected to be in the amount of $000,000,000 for the [name of Crown corporation]
  • pursuant to subsections 122(1) of the Financial Administration Act and Order in Council PC 2018‑0536, dated May 11, 2018, approve the portion of the [YYYY-YY] to [YYYY-YY] corporate plan of the [name of Crown corporation] relating to the period beginning on [month] [day], [year], and ending on [month] [day], [year]
  • Authorize the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to issue a letter informing the [president / chief executive officer] of the [Crown corporation name] of the Treasury Board decision

Approval of restricted transactions, such as real property transaction or specified dividends

A separate Governor in Council authorization may be required. For more information, contact your TBS analyst.


In this section, explain why this submission is being brought forward at this time (for example, because of a legislative requirement, for policy cover (new activities), or because a funding decision is needed).

If you are submitting a corporate plan, mention subsections 122(1), 123(1) and 124(1) of the Financial Administration Act, which require that the corporate plan and the operating and/or capital budgets be approved annually.

If you are requesting approval of new activities or of deviations from previously approved capital or operating budgets, including new funding, indicate that clearly. Deviations can include changes to the timing of approvals required for new activities, unforeseen expenditures, a need for funds through the supplementary estimates, or third-party commitments.

Note that the context section should not:

  • provide long historical background
  • repeat or justify the policy rationale for the submission or repeat information that is available in other decision documents, such as MCs, Budget decisions and previous TB submissions
  • introduce policy uncertainty or arguments

It is sufficient to refer to other decision documents to establish that policy approval exists and that there is a source of funds.

Key activities

Delete the heading “Design, Delivery and Implementation” of the TB submission template, and replace it with “Key activities.”

The TB reviews planned activities of Crown corporations to make sure that they:

  • are consistent with the corporation’s mandate, public policy objectives and strategic direction
  • are aligned with government priorities
  • provide value for money

Present the Crown corporation’s mandate and key activities, including the strategies planned to achieve desired objectives drawn from the corporate plan.

Differentiate new activities, or the cessation of activities, from ongoing activities. Indicate if there will be any horizontal impacts on other government programs or initiatives, either in the minister’s portfolio or in other government organizations. Indicate the strategies that the corporation will take to implement the activities.

Provide the department’s analysis and assessment of the Crown corporation’s planned activities using a portfolio lens to highlight the policy coherence and possible impacts across all related portfolio activities under the minister’s responsibility. Expectations for future reporting by the Crown corporation should also be noted.

Regular and consistent contact between the department and the Crown corporation supports mutual understanding and collaboration, while promoting policy coordination and building coherence in the activities and reporting of portfolio organizations. Include information about the relationship between the department and the Crown corporation, such as regular meetings, mandate letters, and the coordination of communications materials for Parliament and for the public.

Costs and budget summary

TB reviews planned expenditures of Crown corporations to understand the corporation’s overall financial health; to make sure that they are consistent with the corporation’s mandate, public policy objectives and strategic direction; and to make sure that they are aligned with government fiscal priorities. TB also reviews planned expenditures by Crown corporations to understand how they are designed, implemented and delivered to realize the desired results and to achieve value for money.

Indicate, in general, the expected costs of the activities described in the corporate plan and related to new funding.

Clearly indicate whether the planned expenditures will be self-funded by the Crown corporation or whether government appropriations will be used.

Highlight key areas such as:

  • planned spending
  • carry-overs from the previous year
  • anticipated financial pressures
  • funding for new activities
  • major planned investments
  • planned revenue generation or increases
  • data collection costs for the purposes of monitoring, evaluation and reporting

Summarize, on a cash basis, the total operating budget and/or capital budget to be approved and any planned expenditures for new activities. Refer to the operating and capital budget tables over five years that are included in the corporate plan.

Provide the department’s analysis and assessment of the planned spending by the corporation, including:

  • overall financial health of the corporation
  • how costs are being contained
  • how value for money is being achieved
  • due diligence measures undertaken when developing the planned spending forecasts
  • credibility of the cost estimate(s) and supporting rationale
  • return on investment

For appropriated Crown corporations, describe departmental controls in place to manage and administer payments from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, consistent with the Directive on Payments (section 4.5).

Also in this section, discuss the Crown corporation’s profitability and sustainability in the context of any operating or capital pressures and based on the statement of income in the corporate plan. For submissions seeking approval of new funding, provide a “Cost, Funding Requirements and Source of Funds Table by Estimates Vote Structure” in the financial appendices of the submission.

Borrowing plans

If there is a borrowing plan that requires Minister of Finance approval, explain any specific or directed terms of use and explain increases or decreases in the plan.

Dividend plans

If there is a dividend plan, explain and provide the department’s view of the corporation’s level of retained cash and minimum cash requirements to support regular business operations.Footnote 2


This section should explain how the Crown corporation’s activities benefit Canadians. Provide an overview of the Crown corporation’s planned results (and outcomes, and how its key activities will help to achieve them) and its strategies for achieving its main objectives. Base this overview on the planned results and performance measures that are set out in the planned results appendix of the corporate plan. Crown corporations that receive government appropriations should indicate how their activities relate to their core responsibilities, key performance indicators, and government-wide priorities and expectations communicated by the responsible minister.

Provide the department’s analysis and assessment of the Crown corporation’s planned results, including any that may be integrated with other portfolio organizations under the minister’s responsibility.

Consider including information from past performance, findings from past evaluations and audits or results-related risks and mitigations.


Include a high-level summary of the Crown corporation’s key risks (financial and non-financial, including legal risks) and risk mitigation activities that are described in detail in the risk and risk response appendix of the corporate plan.

Be sure to include:

  • actions being taken to address recent special examination audit findings
  • the overall initial risk level of the submission, major mitigation measures and the resulting residual risk level

Provide the department’s assessment and analysis of the corporation’s stated risk and risk mitigation measures, including consideration of broader risks within the portfolio or government as a whole.


Insert the contact information for the portfolio department that supports the minister in their responsibility for the Crown corporation.


In most cases, the only appendix required for TB submissions that are seeking approval of an annual corporate plan is the five-year corporate plan, which includes the operating and capital budgets. Submissions seeking approval of new funding should also include the Cost, Funding Requirements and Source of Funds Table by Estimates Vote Structure.

Any additional required appendices will be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation between TBS and departments.

Do not reproduce specific information that already appears in the corporate plan (including any of its appendices) that is appended to the TB submission. Instead, cross-reference this information in the appropriate appendix of the submission. For more information, consult the Guidance for Crown Corporations on Preparing Corporate Plans and Budgets.


In the results appendix of the TB submission, write “See Appendix [insert letter or number]: planned results of the [Name of Crown corporation] [period covered, for example, 2023-24 to 2027–28] Corporate Plan.”

In the risks appendix, write “See Appendix [insert letter or number]: risks and risk responses of the [Name of Crown corporation] [period covered, for example, 2023-24 to 2027–28] Corporate Plan.”

The appendices that are typically included in corporate plans are as follows:

  • planned results
  • financial statements
  • chief financial officer attestation
  • borrowing plan
  • risks and risk responses
  • compliance with legislative and policy requirements (relating to, for example, access to information, privacy, official languages, human rights, and travel and hospitality)
  • government priorities and direction (for example, transparency and open government, gender and diversity, Indigenous issues, environment and sustainable development, safe workspaces, and accessibility) (Note: place information on gender-based analysis plus in this appendix.)

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