Active members of the public service pension plan

Find information about your public service pension plan as an employee of the federal public service.

Services and information

New to the public service

Learn about the public service pension plan, when you are eligible to join the plan and how you may be able to increase your pensionable service

Increasing your pension

Find information about how you may be able to increase your pension through a service buyback, transfer value reinstatement and pension transfer agreement

Taking a leave of absence

Learn about how your pension may be affected when you are on leave without pay

Getting married or reaching common-law status

Find out whether your new partner may be eligible for the survivor benefit under the pension plan


Access information to help you understand the pension implications if you become disabled or suffer from a long-term illness

Becoming a parent

Find out about the child allowance that may be available for your children

Terminating employment

Find out what happens to your pension if you end your employment in the federal public service

Preparing for retirement

Learn about your public service pension to help you choose the retirement options that are right for you

Divorce or separation

Learn about how a divorce or separation may affect your pension benefits

When death occurs

Learn about the survivor benefits your survivors and children may be eligible for in the event of your death

Workforce adjustment

Explore your pension options in the event that you are in a workforce adjustment situation

Working past age 65

Planning to work past age 65? Find information about how this may affect your pension benefits

Working part-time

Learn about how your pension may be affected if you decide to work part-time

Plan member responsibilities

Review guidelines to help you understand your responsibilities as a member of the public service pension plan

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