Seek help and offer assistance

Need help?

If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911 (in Canada), for emergency services in your area. If you are outside of the 911 service area, please access available emergency services or get help now.

You may also want to consult the list of additional support services for people affected by gender-based violence.

Seek help

Safely respond and offer your assistance

If you know or see someone being harassed or abused, showing the person they are not alone is important. Saying “I believe you,” naming your concerns, asking "Are you okay?" or "Is there any way I can help?" are significant ways to show your support.

It is important to remember that situations involving violence can escalate and become unsafe, so you should exercise caution to avoid putting yourself and other people in harm's way. Particularly in situations of intimate partner violence you must only provide support in ways that the person is asking for and that does not increase their risk of experiencing violence. In situations of immediate danger to you or someone else call 911 or your local police service.

If you suspect that someone is being abused, but they do not wish to discuss this with you, you can find helpful information and resources to share with them at Get help now.

Report child abuse

If you have reason to believe a child is being abused or neglected, you must report it by calling 911, the police, or child welfare services in your area

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