Open calls for proposals: After you apply
Call for proposals 1: Women’s Economic and Leadership Opportunities Fund
Call for proposals 2: Women’s Capacity Fund
We are no longer accepting applications for this call for proposals. The deadline for applications was November 8, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Pacific time.
5. After you apply
Once you submit your application through ONAIS, the system will send an email to the account owner. Consider this the confirmation of receipt of your application. Some email servers may classify our email as spam. To prevent this, add the following email address to your contacts:
Approved projects
The department may not approve all eligible applications. There is a limit to the amount of funding available. It is also dependent on the department’s annual budget and decisions by Parliament.
We expect decisions on applications in Spring 2024.
We will communicate all decisions (approval or rejection) by email. The Minister for Women and Gender Equality makes all funding decisions. Decisions regarding funding are final and there is no appeal process.
If the Minister approves your project, the department will contact you for the next steps. You must wait to sign an agreement with the department before you can begin activities.
The Minister may announce successful projects. You must not make public announcements until the department gives the go-ahead.
Progress reports
All approved projects include reports to show progress. A funding agreement will outline the type and frequency of reporting required.
Final report
All approved projects include a final report. A funding agreement will outline when the final report is due.
Quality reports submitted on time show good project management. If you fail to submit progress or final reports on time, it may impact your ability to get funding from the department in the future.
Project results and impacts
The department will collect and disseminate information on the outputs and impacts of the activities funded through these calls for proposals; this information is an important part of our accountability to Canadians. Funding recipients will be expected to participate in the collection of performance (impact) data, program evaluations, and audits. Through regular project reporting (at least annually), data will be collected on progress of their activities, how the project was implemented, what was accomplished, who and how many benefited from the activities, and the concrete impact of the activities. This information will be used to report on how the Women’s Program is helping Canadians, assist WAGE in making decisions about its programs, and showcase the important work of women’s and equality-seeking organizations.
Data will be collected to demonstrate progress towards the outcomes of the Women’s Program:
Immediate outcomes
- Intended audiences have access to programs, resources, and supports to address barriers to women’s equality.
- Networks and collaborations to increase the reach, impact, and sustainability of women’s equality efforts are established.
Intermediate outcomes
- Intended audiences use or apply knowledge in their policy and program work to address barriers to women’s equality.
Long-term outcome
- Policies and practices to address barriers to women’s equality are inclusive.
- In the final report, all projects should outline how they plan to sustain the impacts of the project once WAGE funding ends.
- Scaling projects should show increased reach and impact, compared to the results of their original project.
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