Canada – Yukon transfer payment agreement on the implementation of the National Action Plan to end Gender-Based Violence


His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and including any person duly authorized to represent it (hereinafter referred to as “Canada”)

The Government of Yukon as represented by the Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate and including any person duly authorized to represent it (hereinafter referred to as “ Yukon”)

Hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Parties”.


Whereas, Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality’s powers, duties and functions include the advancement of equality, including social, economic and political equality, with respect to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression;

Whereas, the mandate of the Government of Yukon’s Women and Gender Equity is advance equitable economic, legal, and social outcomes of all genders and sexual orientations and advance the integration of intersectional considerations throughout government;

Whereas, preventing and addressing gender-based violence necessitates coordinated and collaborative actions from federal, provincial, and territorial governments, each working within their respective jurisdictional authorities, in partnership with survivors, Indigenous partners, civil society, front-line service providers, municipalities, the private sector and researchers;

Whereas, on November 8th, 2022, at the 40th Annual Meeting of Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, Ministers endorsed the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (hereinafter referred to as the “NAP to End GBV”); a ten-year, collaborative approach to ending gender-based violence (hereinafter referred to as “GBV”); 

Whereas, joint efforts in support of the NAP to End GBV will align with and complement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for Justice, and Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Yukon's MMIWG2S+ People Strategy;

Whereas, the federal government’s Budget 2022 provided $539.3 million over five years (2022-2023 to 2026-2027) to the Department for Women and Gender Equality Canada, including $525 million to enable provinces and territories to supplement and enhance services and supports within their jurisdictions to prevent gender-based violence and support survivors; 

Whereas, Yukon already supports efforts to prevent GBV and supports victims and families;

Whereas, Canada wishes to supplement Yukon’s investments, including new and expanded actions to end GBV under the collaborative framework of the NAP to End GBV, based on Yukon’s priorities, but including investment in the areas defined as Priorities in Section 2.10;

Whereas, section 5 of the Department for Women and Gender Equality Act authorizes the Minister for Women and Gender Equality to, with the approval of the Governor in Council, enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement on the Implementation of the National Action Plan to End Gender- Based Violence with Yukon;

And whereas Canada’s funding under this Agreement will be distributed to Yukon in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Department for Women and Gender Equality’s (hereinafter referred to as “WAGE”) Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program: A Grants and Contributions Program.

Now therefore, Canada and Yukon agree as follows:

1. Purpose of agreement

The purpose of this Agreement is to support Yukon’s implementation of its actions under the NAP to End GBV (Annex A) so that collectively, the vision of the NAP to End GBV can be advanced - “A Canada free of gender-based violence. A Canada that supports victims, survivors and their families, no matter where they live”.

2. Definitions

The following expressions, used in this Agreement, shall have the scope defined below:

2.1 “Agreement” means this binding Transfer Payment Agreement on the Implementation of the National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence, including its Annexes and Schedules, as may be amended from time to time. 

2.2 “Days” means calendar days.

2.3 “Designated Official” means the person(s) identified by the Party with the authority, responsibility, and integrity to represent the Party and perform responsibilities related to implementing the Agreement.

2.4 “Effective Date” means the date this Agreement comes into force, which is the date the second Party signs the Agreement.

2.5 “Eligible Expenditures” means expenses related to actions in Yukon’s Implementation Plan (Schedule B) for which federal funding can be used in accordance with this Agreement.

2.6 “Fiscal Year” means the period commencing on April 1 of any calendar year and terminating on March 31 of the immediately following calendar year.

2.7 “GBV (Gender-Based Violence)” means violence perpetrated against someone based on their gender, gender expression, gender identity, or perceived gender. It takes many forms, including physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and financial abuse as well as technology-facilitated violence.

2.8 “NAP to End GBV” means the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (attached as Annex A), a ten-year, collaborative framework for a national approach to ending GBV and its impacts in Canada through opportunities for action under five pillars and a foundation:

2.9 “In-kind Contributions” means goods and services provided instead of money, or cash-equivalent goods and services Yukon will contribute to actions under the NAP to End GBV. In-kind contributions could include rental space in territorially owned buildings given to an organization at no cost, administrative support provided by provincial/territorial employees, or providing materials to organizations.

2.10 “Priorities” mean the following three, broad priority areas:

  1. Increasing prevention efforts – to stem the tide of downstream costs and support sustainability over the longer-term
  2. Reaching underserved and/or most at-risk populations – to ensure that services and supports are accessible, appropriate, and tailored to specific needs
  3. Stabilizing the GBV sector – to enable the ongoing and effective delivery of essential GBV services across the country

2.11 “ Yukon’s Implementation Plan” means the four-year actions of Yukon to implement the NAP to End GBV in its jurisdiction, agreed to by the Parties and attached as Schedule B. Yukon’s Implementation Plan outlines:

2.12 “Ultimate Recipients” means organizations providing actions to address GBV under Yukon’s Implementation Plan.

3. Duration of agreement

3.1 This Agreement shall come into force on the Effective Date and shall end on March 31, 2027, unless terminated before then by Canada or Yukon in accordance with this Agreement.

3.2 Subject to termination, this Agreement covers the actions described in Schedule B for the period commencing on April 1, 2023 and ending on March 31, 2027. Unless otherwise pre-authorized by Canada, only goods and services rendered within this period shall be considered as Eligible Expenditures.

3.3 All obligations of the Parties herein which, expressly or by their nature, survive termination or expiry of this Agreement, shall survive until and unless they are fulfilled or by their nature expire.

4. Areas of investment

4.1 Cost sharing

4.1.1 The federal allocation under this Agreement, up to the maximum amount allocated to Yukon in Section 5.1.1, shall be matched by Yukon through an overall, 50-50 sharing of costs. Canada’s allocation shall not exceed 50% of Yukon’s total funding for the purpose of this Agreement. 

4.1.2 Yukon’s cost share can include:

  1. new investments;
  2. existing GBV-related funding or investments; and,
  3. where agreed to in writing by Canada, In-kind Contributions. 

4.1.3 A higher federal cost share may be used for Yukon’s actions supporting the Priorities, within an overall 50-50 cost share ratio for the full value of the Agreement.

4.1.4 Any funds identified by Yukon as constituting any part of its 50% cost share under this Agreement must not be used as Yukon’s cost share or cost matching in any other agreement with the Government of Canada.

4.2 Use of funds

4.2.1 Canada and Yukon agree that federal funds provided under this Agreement will only be used by Yukon in accordance with Eligible Expenditures included in Yukon’s Implementation Plan (Schedule B) and align with the guiding principles of the NAP to End GBV (Annex A). 

4.2.2 Where Yukon transfers funding to Ultimate Recipients, Yukon shall have full independence and responsibility in the selection of such Ultimate Recipients.

4.2.3 Programs, services and actions supported with Government of Canada funding must support the needs of the key population groups, including: women and girls; Indigenous women and girls; Black and racialized women; immigrant and refugee women; Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, plus people (2SLGBTQI+); women with disabilities, and women living in Northern, rural, and remote communities.

4.2.4 A minimum of 25% of the total federal funding under this Agreement must be spent by Yukon on Priority area #1 -- increasing prevention efforts (as defined in Section 2.10).

4.2.5 Yukon’s administration costs including costs related to central administrative functions that are drawn upon to support actions but are not specifically part of delivering an action outlined in Schedule B (e.g., office equipment, IT maintenance, public sector salaries) may account for a maximum of 10% of Yukon’s 50% cost share.

4.2.6 Eligible Expenditures under the federal 50% cost share can include staff and management salaries and benefits directly related to delivery of Eligible Expenditures as outlined in Schedule B, but no federal funding can be used towards Yukon’s administration costs described in Section 4.2.5.

4.2.7 Funding under this Agreement shall not be used to displace existing or publicly announced funding by Yukon. 

4.3 Ineligible expenditures

4.3.1 Actions outside Canada

Expenditures for actions that take place outside Canada or that deal with a related matter abroad are not eligible for funding under this Agreement.

4.3.2 Costs incurred before April 1, 2023, are not eligible for cost sharing.

4.3.3 Expenditures that do not support the implementation of the NAP to End GBV are not eligible for funding under this Agreement.

5. Allocation and conditions

5.1 Allocation to Yukon

5.1.1 Subject to Parliamentary approval of appropriations, the maximum allocation by Canada to Yukon under this Agreement is $16,397,000 matched by Yukon, toward Eligible Expenditures in Yukon’s Implementation Plan. Yukon’s cost matching is further detailed in Schedule C. 

Canada’s annual maximum allocation of funding to Yukon shall be:

  1. $4,043,000 for the Fiscal Year beginning on April 1, 2023
  2. $4,118,000 for the Fiscal Year beginning on April 1, 2024
  3. $4,118,000 for the Fiscal Year beginning on April 1, 2025
  4. $4,118,000 or the Fiscal Year beginning on April 1, 2026.

5.2 Transfer of funds between expenditure categories

5.2.1 Canada and Yukon agree that, within each Fiscal Year of the period of this Agreement, Yukon may move funding between the pillars and the foundation of the NAP to End GBV outlined in its Implementation Plan in Schedule B to ensure the maximum use of funding, in accordance with Section 4.2.4. Yukon agrees to notify Canada in writing prior to any such change in funding allocation, including the rationale for the change. Should Canada have a reasonable objection to the change proposed by Yukon, Canada shall communicate its objection within 30 Days following the issuance of Yukon’s written notification to Canada.

6. Payment

6.1 Payment conditions

6.1.1 After the Effective Date, Canada shall pay Yukon $4,043,000 for Fiscal Year 1 within twenty (20) Days for the first payment.

6.1.2 Yukon will submit annual reports (Section 7.3 of Agreement) to receive subsequent advance payment for the following Fiscal Year in accordance with the “Payment and Reporting Schedule” below. The reports must be certified by Yukon’s Designated Official. Payments for the subsequent Fiscal Years following Fiscal Year 1 are conditional upon receipt and acceptance by Canada of these completed reports and will be made to Yukon within 20 Days. 

Table 1: Payment and reporting schedule
(per fiscal year)
Period covered by the payment Conditions Reports submitted by
Payment 2023-2024 April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024
  • Subject to parliamentary approval of appropriation.
  • After the Effective Date.
Payment 2024-2025  April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025
  • Subject to parliamentary approval of appropriation.
  • Upon receipt of Yukon’s annual report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (see Section 7.3 of Agreement).
July 31, 2024
Payment 2025-2026 April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026
  • Subject to parliamentary approval of appropriation.
  • Upon receipt of Yukon’s annual report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (see Section 7.3 of Agreement).
July 31, 2025
Payment #1 for 2026-2027 April 1, 2026, to March 31, 2027
  • Subject to parliamentary approval of appropriation.
  • Upon receipt of Yukon’s annual report for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 (see Section 7.3 of Agreement).
  • Payment 1 for fiscal year 2026-2027 will be 90% of the annual payment for 2026-2027
July 31, 2026
Payment #2 for 2026-2027 April 1, 2026, to March 31, 2027
  • Upon receipt of Yukon’s annual report for fiscal year 2026-2027 (see Section 7.3).
  • Payment 2 for fiscal year 2026-2027 will be 10% of the annual payment for 2026-2027
July 31, 2027

6.2 Carry forward

6.2.1 At the written request of Yukon, and subject to the approval of Canada, funding amounts may be carried forward into the next Fiscal Year, under the following terms:

  1. Yukon may only use the amount carried forward to the next Fiscal Year for Eligible Expenditures incurred in that Fiscal Year;
  2. amounts carried forward and paid must be spent by September 30th of the following Fiscal Year, and
  3. any amounts unspent by Yukon on March 31, 2027, shall be repaid to Canada within six months after that date. 

6.3 Final payment

6.3.1 The final payment will be made to Yukon upon Canada’s receipt of the 2026-2027 annual report, due by July 31, 2027, and confirmation that Yukon has met its commitments under this Agreement. 

6.3.2 Details on other payment conditions can be found in Schedule C.

7. Results, monitoring and reporting

7.1 Monitoring ultimate recipients

7.1.1 Yukon will follow its own policies and procedures to assess and manage the manner in which Ultimate Recipients use federal funds provided under this Agreement to ensure transparency, impartiality, and fairness.

7.2 Performance indicators 

7.2.1 Canada collects and disseminates information on the outputs and impacts of the actions funded through its programs; this information is an important part of Canada’s accountability to Canadians. 

7.2.2 Yukon will collect jurisdictional-specific data needed to report on the performance indicators in the NAP to End GBV Expected Results, attached as Annex D. 

7.3 Annual reporting

7.3.1 Yukon shall provide Canada with an annual report for each Fiscal Year that this Agreement is active by July 31st of the following year. Yukon agrees that the annual report will include:

  1. data to report on results for the indicators in Yukon’s Implementation Plan (Schedule B) and the Results Framework (Annex D);
  2. a report on the actions completed in the Fiscal Year against the actions in Yukon’s Implementation Plan;
  3. a report of Yukon’s Eligible Expenditures and a financial statement that is prepared in accordance with Yukon’s financial authorities and/or regulations against the amounts in Yukon’s cost-sharing budget; 
  4. a list of Ultimate Recipients that were supported during the reporting period, including the amount each organization received;
  5. an updated Implementation Plan, if needed, for the remaining years of this Agreement;
  6. an updated Cost-sharing Budget, if needed, for the following years of this Agreement;
  7. any amount to be carried forward under Section 6.2. 

8. Audit & evaluation

8.1 Audit

8.1.1 Canada may choose to rely on the reporting requirements due by Yukon under Section 5, 6 and 7 of this Agreement to conduct its own internal audit, for a period of up to five years after the end of this Agreement, without waiving the right to subsequently request an independent audit as provided herein.

8.1.2 If requested by Canada, the Parties agree that an independent auditor may be appointed through mutual agreement to review the records maintained by Yukon, including the management of funds provided by Canada and the consistent application of generally accepted accounting principles in the maintenance of financial and accounting records.

  1. The scope, coverage and timing of an audit is determined in collaboration between Canada and Yukon. Both Parties shall make available to the auditors, in a timely manner, any accounts, records, documents or information related to actions that the auditors may reasonably require, upon request. The records, documents and information provided by the Parties are subject to their respective privacy legislation.
  2. The results of the audit shall be made available by the auditor to Canada and Yukon within thirty (30) Days of its completion.
  3. If money is owing to either Party, the Party owing money will pay within ninety (90) Days of their receipt and agreement with the final audit report. 
  4. The cost of providing the services of an independent auditor from the private sector shall be borne by Canada. 

8.2 Evaluation 

8.2.1 Canada and Yukon agree on the importance of assessing what has been accomplished in terms of the implementation progress to date on the NAP to End GBV outlined in this Agreement.

8.2.2 Canada’s programs are routinely subject to evaluation. The Parties agree to participate in the NAP to End GBV evaluation. 

8.2.3 The evaluation plan for the NAP to End GBV evaluation will be jointly agreed with all provinces and territories in advance of the evaluation and will: focus on gaps and strengths in governance, coordination, and actions; assess progress towards short-, medium- and long-term outcomes; and examine the effectiveness and efficiency in the design and delivery of the NAP to End GBV.

9. Public communications & stakeholder engagement

9.1 Joint announcements

9.1.1. Canada and Yukon agree to collaborate in the development of communication materials and activities related to this Agreement. The Parties shall designate communications contacts responsible for implementing coordinated joint communications to the public.

9.1.2 Canada and Yukon agree to participate in an announcement of the bilateral Agreement, which may include stakeholders, once the Parties have signed this Agreement. This must precede the announcements under Section 9.1.3. 

9.1.3 Canada and Yukon agree to collaborate on communication products related to announcements of actions funded under this Agreement with a value of over $100,000. This includes individual actions with a value of over $100,000, or a collection of actions announced at the same time for a value of over $100,000 total. Canada and Yukon can collaborate on communications products related to actions funded under $100,000, if agreed upon by both Parties. 

9.1.4 All efforts will be made to ensure that public communications related to joint announcements are mutually agreed to by the Parties. Where applicable, communication products shall include a quote from both Yukon’s Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate, and Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality. For announcements related to specific actions, the Ultimate Recipients of the actions will be invited to take part. 

9.2 Individual communications

9.2.1 The Parties agree that its public communications (announcements and promotional material) related to the use of funding under this Agreement will acknowledge the financial contributions of the other Party. Wherever Yukon’s visual identity is used (both online and physical), the Government of Canada’s visual identity must be used as well.

9.2.2 Notwithstanding Section 9.1, the Parties shall retain the right to fulfill their respective obligations to provide the people of Yukon and Canada with information on this Agreement and on the use of funds through their own communication activities after the joint announcement with twenty (20) Days’ notice to the other Party prior to the public release.

9.3. Stakeholder engagement

9.3.1 Yukon is encouraged to engage with Indigenous peoples, official language minority communities, GBV advocates, stakeholders, and other interested parties throughout implementation of the actions outlined in Schedule B. 

10. Official languages

In carrying out this Agreement, Yukon must take necessary measures to communicate and provide related services to under this Agreement in English and in French in accordance with the requirements of Yukon’s Languages Act in carrying out its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

11. Intellectual property

Canada does not assert ownership of any intellectual property developed as a result of the funding provided under this Agreement. Annual reports submitted to Canada under this may be used by Canada for purposes consistent with its role as funder of actions under this Agreement.

12. Partnership

12.1 The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement does not constitute an association for the purpose of establishing a partnership or joint venture and does not create an agency relationship between Canada and Yukon, and that in no way implies any agreement or undertaking to conclude any subsequent agreement. 

12.2 Neither Party shall represent itself as being a co-contractor, employee, or agent of the other Party in carrying out its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

13. Amendments

13.1 Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality may be required to obtain approval of the Governor in Council under Section 5 of the Department for Women and Gender Equality Act before amending this Agreement.

13.2 The sections of this Agreement may only be amended by the mutual written consent of the Parties. 

Annex A is for information only and cannot be amended through this Agreement.

 Yukon may adjust the actions in its Implementation Plan (Schedule B) within a Fiscal Year, as needed from time to time, without the mutual consent of the Parties, with the exception of changes under section 5.2.1. Yukon will report all changes in its annual report for that Fiscal Year (Section 7.3).

Schedule C may only be amended by the mutual written consent of the Parties. 

Annex D can only be amended with the consensus of all jurisdictions who endorsed the NAP to End GBV through the Federal Provincial Territorial Forum of Ministers responsible for the Status of Women. 

14. Dispute resolution

14.1 Dispute Resolution Mechanism

In the event of a dispute arising under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Parties agree to make a good-faith attempt to settle the dispute. If a dispute cannot be resolved by the Designated Officials identified in Section 18.2, then either Party may refer the matter to such senior officials as the Parties may designate for resolution.

14.2 Termination for Breach

If a Party breaches the terms of the Agreement and the Parties are not able to resolve the issue in dispute under the dispute resolution process pursuant to Section 14.1, the other Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving at least ninety (90) Days of written notice to the breaching Party. 

14.3 Termination for No Cause

Canada or Yukon may terminate this Agreement for any reason, by giving one hundred and eighty (180) Days notice to the Designated Official identified in this Agreement (Section 18.2).

14.4 No Payments After Date of Termination

As of the date of termination, if this Agreement is terminated by a Party under Sections 14.2 or 14.3, Canada shall have no obligation to make any further payments to Yukon. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in the event that funding is terminated under the program, Canada shall reimburse Yukon’s eligible costs incurred up to the end date of that notice period. The funding obligations of Canada shall cease at the end of the notice period. 

15. Reduction/termination of this agreement

15.1 The Parties acknowledge that any payment to be made under this Agreement is subject to the appropriation of funds by the Parliament of Canada and to the maintenance of the current and forecasted program budget levels. Yukon acknowledges that funding under this Agreement may be reduced or terminated at Canada’s discretion in response to the government’s annual budget, a parliamentary or governmental spending decision, or a restructuring or reordering of the federal mandate and responsibilities that impact on the program under which this Agreement is made.

15.2 In the event of a reduction or termination of the funding of the program, Canada may, upon giving Yukon written notice of ninety (90) Days, reduce the funding or terminate this Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in the event that funding is terminated under the program, Canada shall reimburse Yukon for any eligible costs incurred up to the end date of that notice period. The funding obligations of Canada shall cease at the end of the notice period. If Canada reduces its contribution under this Agreement, Canada and Yukon agree to review the effects of such reduction on the overall implementation of the actions and on this Agreement.

16. Equity of treatment

16.1 During the term of this Agreement, any material changes to any of its Sections or Schedules, under any bilateral transfer payment agreement on the NAP to End GBV which have been negotiated, either under the original agreement or through amendments, addendums or otherwise, between Canada and any other province or territory of Canada, except the province of Québec, and which are more favourable than what was negotiated with Yukon will, upon request, be extended to Yukon. This amendment shall be retroactive to the date on which this Agreement or the amendments to such an agreement with any other province or territory, as the case may be, comes into force.

17. General provisions

17.1 No current or former federal public servant or federal public office holder who is not in compliance with the provisions of the Conflict of Interest Act, S.C. 2006, c.9, with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment, members of the House of Commons or Senator who is not in compliance with the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons or the Conflict of Interest Code for Senators, or anyone else bound by other values and ethics codes applicable to government or specific recipients, shall derive a direct benefit from this Agreement, unless the provision or receipt of the benefit is in compliance with the legislation or codes.

17.2 This Agreement shall constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties relating to its subject matter. 

17.3 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in Yukon.

17.4 In the spirit of transparency and open government, Canada and Yukon shall make the entire Agreement, including any amendments, public by posting it on the Government of Canada’s and the Government of Yukon’s website with the mention that the English version of this Agreement is the official version.

17.5 If, for any reason, a provision of this Agreement that does not constitute a fundamental condition thereof is deemed to be void or unenforceable, in whole or in part, that provision shall be considered severable and shall be struck from this Agreement; however, all other terms and conditions thereof shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

17.6 Information gathered by the Parties in carrying out this Agreement is subject to the applicable federal and provincial legislation regarding access to information and privacy. If the Parties share confidential information while carrying out this Agreement, the receiving Party will make best efforts to ensure the information is treated as confidential by that Party, during and after the period of this Agreement. 

17.7 Both Parties acknowledge that the other Party may publish any reports, audits, evaluations, or other documents produced in connection with this Agreement and any information contained in them that can be made public. Both Parties shall ensure that any public disclosure respects all requirements to protect personal information and third-party information.

18. Notice

18.1 Any notice, information or document required under this Agreement shall be deemed given if it is sent by email. Any notice sent by email shall be deemed to have been received one working day after it is sent. Either Canada or Yukon may change the address and other information set out below, provided that a written change of address notice is issued to the other Party.

18.2 Notices or communications addressed to Canada shall be sent to the Designated Official at the following address:

Department for Women and Gender Equality

Notices or communications addressed to Yukon shall be sent to the Designated Official at the following address:

The Women and Gender Equity Directorate

19. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. An electronic PDF copy or facsimile with a Party’s signature shall be binding upon the signatory with the same force and effect as an original signature.


In witness whereof, the Parties have signed this Agreement,


Signed on behalf of Canada
At Toronto
On this 27th day of July 2023

The Honourable Marci Ien
Minister for Women and Gender Equality


Signed on behalf of Yukon
At Whitehorse, Yukon
On this 19th day of July 2023.

The Honourable Jeanie McLean
Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate

Annex A - National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

Read the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

Schedule B – Context* and annual actionsFootnote 1   

*Please note that the Context has been provided by the Government of Yukon and is not part of the Agreement. 


Gender-based violence is a significant and complex issue in the Yukon, with rates approximately 3 to 4 times higher than the national average. According to the 2018 Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces, both women and men in the Yukon were more likely than the other two territories to report having been physically or sexually assaulted. Over 6 in 10 women (61%) and men (61%) in the Yukon experienced at least one physical or sexual assault since the age of 15Footnote 2   . 

Recent Statistics Canada data between 2011 and 2021 indicate that the territories reported the highest rates of gender-related homicides. Additionally, 21% of gender-related homicides of women and girls nationally involved an Indigenous victim, who represent 5% of the Canadian population. By 2013, 38 Yukon cases of MMIWG2S+ were identified by local and national Indigenous women’s organizations. Today, there are 41 known cases of MMIWG2S+ in the Yukon but unofficially, this number is believed to be higher.

The root causes of gender-based violence in the territory are complex, and often intertwined with other social issues such as lack of affordable housing, high cost of living, substance use crisis, as well as lack of community services and transportation in rural Yukon. The devastating impact of colonization cannot be underestimated when addressing violence against Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQIA+ people. Indigenous communities are struggling with impacts of intergenerational trauma of residential schools, 60s’ scoop, and other discriminatory colonial policies. Access to services such as counselling, addictions treatment, and safe transitional housing is extremely limited for those living in Yukon communities. There is a well-documented correlation between extractive industry activity and increased rates of gender-based violence, particularly towards Indigenous women at work camps and in neighbouring communities. 

Government of Yukon’s Commitment to End Gender-Based Violence

The Government of Yukon is committed to ending gender-based violence. Several initiatives aimed at supporting victims of gender-based violence are in place. Some of these initiatives include:

The actions in Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy were developed in response to the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The initiatives outlined in the Yukon’s Implementation Plan on the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence align with several of the actions in Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy and the priorities identified by the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+. 

Partners in Ending Gender-Based Violence

We understand that collaboration with Yukon not-for-profit women and gender-equity seeking organizations is integral to achieving real change. We intend to engage with our key partners and use these discussions to inform our work on Yukon’s implementation plan for the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence. These key partners include women and gender-equity seeking organizations, Indigenous women’s organizations, Yukon First Nations, and front-line workers who provide services to victims of gender-based violence.

Yukon’s Implementation Plan for the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

During development of Yukon’s implementation plan for the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence we considered multiple priorities: 

Following engagement with Yukon's not-for-profit women and gender-equity seeking organizations, Yukon First Nations, and other partners to strengthen knowledge and understanding of the gaps in gender-based violence programs and services, we will update Yukon’s implementation plan for the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

The four-year implementation plan includes many new programs that will reach underserved and most at-risk populations including the following:

The plan also includes new programs aimed at preventing gender-based violence:

Eliminating gender-based violence in our territory will require a multi-faceted, collaborative approach. Yukon's government looks forward to working with our partners, stakeholders and Canada towards ending gender-based violence in the Yukon.

Year 2 actions tables (2024-2025)

Table 2: Pillar 1 - Support for Victims, Survivors and Their Families




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Capacity Building within the GBV Sector

Organizations that are part of the Yukon Women's Coalition will engage with each other, including collaboration with 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations, on gaps, capacity building, mentorship and strategic planning to stabilize the NGO GBV sector. These organizations will also work together to improve programs, services, and supports for people experiencing GBV and their families so these initiatives may better address the intersectional needs of diverse communities and populations.

New Action


Third Party


Enhanced funding for existing partners - victim supports

This targeted fund is available to the organizations that receive annual funding from the Women and Gender Equity Directorate (WGED). This fund will support the enhancement of existing GBV initiatives or the creation of new GBV initiatives focused on supports for victims, survivors and their families. This fund will also enhance the capacity of Indigenous women's organizations and other organizations to provide supports to victims.

Enhanced Existing Action


Third Party


Expansion of Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) Services

A network of victim-centered response services exists in Whitehorse; this initiative is anticipated to broaden access to specialised services for victims in Yukon communities.

Enhanced Existing Action


Territorial Government


Table 3: Pillar 2 – Prevention




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Enhanced funding for existing partners - prevention

This targeted fund is available to the organizations that receive annual funding from the Women and Gender Equity Directorate (WGED) and will support the enhancement of existing GBV or the creation of new GBV initiatives such as public awareness campaigns, engagement with men and boys, Indigenous-led prevention programs, training for professionals and community-based approaches to prevent GBV.

Enhanced Existing Action


Third Party


Media literacy

A coordinated suite of media-literacy educational resources, awareness-building activities, and partnership actions to counteract the effects of misinformation that perpetuate disproportionate gender-based violence against 2SLGBTQIA+ people and racialized groups.

New Action


Territorial Government


Table 4: Pillar 3 - Responsive Justice System




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Integrated Case Assessment teams for high-risk intimate partner violence cases

Development of a Yukon-specific collaborative approach to managing risk and preventing lethality in intimate partner violence cases. 

New Action


Territorial Government


Services for Children and Youth

Implementation of multi-disciplinary responses for child and youth victims of or witnesses to crimes, to coordinate services for families and prevent system-based revictimization and recurring trauma.

New Action


Territorial Government


First Nations-led Responses to Gender-Based Violence

A partnership model that supports community capacity building to respond to incidents of gender-based violence rooted in a First Nation's customs, in a culturally inclusive way. It begins by healing community leaders and reintroducing or reinvigorating traditional practices and knowledge, (parenting, sacred teachings, role of elders and different genders). Over time, this model aims to build response capacity, resilience and sustainability by engaging more and more people in a community response to gender-based violence.

New Action


Third Party


Support for Justice-Involved Individuals

Make various resources and programs available to justice-involved people in facility-and community-based corrections to facilitate healing from trauma related to gender-based violence and achieve successful reintegration into the community.

New Action


Third Party


Table 5: Pillar 4 - Implementing Indigenous-led Approaches




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy - GBV Initiatives

Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy includes actions to prevent and address gender-based violence perpetrated against Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit plus people in the Yukon. The Government of Yukon will develop a plan in order to identify items that require YG participation as well as related work that is underway or planned in response to the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ Implementation Plan for Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy.

Existing Action


Territorial Government


Table 6: Pillar 5 - Social Infrastructure and Enabling Environment




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Inter-community Transport for Victims of Gender-Based Violence

Information about inter-community transportation options and financial support is needed for victims of sexualized assault and intimate partner violence to be able to leave their community to access clinical, legal and other services.

New Action


Territorial Government


Provide funding to assist the transition homes

Provide funding to assist the transition homes in addressing capacity and to enhance existing or create new initiatives in response to GBV.

Enhanced Existing Action


Third Party


Table 7: Foundation




Start Date

Who is Delivering the Action?

Is this a Multi-Year Action?

Coordination and leadership of Yukon's implementation plan for the National Action Plan to End GBV

The coordination and leadership of Yukon's implementation plan includes enhancing existing and creating new GBV initiatives. Three government of Yukon departments, WGED, Justice and Health and Social Services will be implementing parts of the plan for the duration of the agreement. Effective coordination and leadership will be key in order to fully implement the plan.

New Action


Territorial Government


Stakeholder engagement, research and knowledge mobilization towards implementation of the National Action Plan to End GBV

Coordinate sector-wide engagement and program review to strengthen knowledge and understanding of gaps and opportunities in GBV programs and services. Conduct program review to address gaps in evidence and analyses. Complete and implement a performance measurement evaluation framework to measure the effectiveness of initiatives in Yukon's implementation plan.

New Action


Third Party


Year 1 actions tables (2023-2024)

Table 8: Pillar 1 - Support for Victims, Survivors and Their Families
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Capacity Building within the GBV Sector Organizations that are part of the Yukon Women's Coalition will engage with each other, including collaboration with 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations, on gaps, capacity building, mentorship and strategic planning to stabilize the NGO GBV sector. These organizations will also work together to improve programs, services, and supports for people experiencing GBV and their families so these initiatives may better address the intersectional needs of diverse communities and populations. New Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Enhanced funding for existing partners - victim supports This targeted fund is available to the organizations that receive annual funding from the Women and Gender Equity Directorate (WGED). This fund will support the enhancement of existing GBV initiatives or the creation of new GBV initiatives focused on supports for victims, survivors and their families. Enhanced Existing Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) The Yukon's Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) provides a safe and confidential network of services that focus on the needs and choices of victims of sexualized assault and enhances the capacity of health, justice, and social services and systems to meet the needs of victims and their families. Enhanced Existing Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Table 9: Pillar 2 – Prevention
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Enhanced funding for existing partners - prevention This targeted fund is available to the organizations that receive annual funding from the Women and Gender Equity Directorate (WGED) and will support the enhancement of existing GBV or the creation of new GBV initiatives such as public awareness campaigns, engagement with men and boys, Indigenous-led prevention programs, training for professionals and community-based approaches to prevent GBV. Enhanced Existing Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Media literacy A primary prevention activity to counteract the effects of harmful misinformation that perpetuates gender-based violence including against 2SLGBTQIA+ people, and racialized groups. New Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Table 10: Pillar 3 - Responsive Justice System
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Integrated Case Assessment teams for high-risk intimate partner violence cases This team will work together to collaborate on preventing reoccurrences of GBV. The partnership includes local agencies such as Victim Services, Corrections, Police, child protection, health, social services and other agencies who will work together to respond to referrals of suspected highest risk cases of domestic violence with a goal of increasing safety and supporting those involved including enhanced supports for victims and monitoring, intervention, management and support for perpetrators. New Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Multi-disciplinary response to GBV in the Justice System - children and youth Implementation of a multi-disciplinary response, based on national Child and Youth Advocacy Center best practices, including space and dedicated resources to provide services for children/youth who are victims of or witness GBV. All children and youth who are victims of or witness GBV and their families who wish to work with agencies in a coordinated manner can access this service. This initiative will enhance the justice system’s support and measures to prevent revictimization and recurring trauma. New Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Community Based Justice Initiatives in Response to GBV Development of culturally integrated justice programs for the Therapeutic Court, Integrated Restorative Justice, community based, and First Nation Government led diversion and the Therapeutic Court programs that will strengthen the justice system’s response to GBV. New Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Culturally relevant programming to address GBV for women in territorial custody Development of culturally relevant programming to address gender-based violence for women in territorial custody. Funding would be utilized to contract this service from the Council of Yukon First Nations. New Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Table 11: Pillar 4 - Implementing Indigenous-led Approaches
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy - GBV Initiatives Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy includes actions to prevent and address gender-based violence perpetrated against Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit plus people in the Yukon. The Government of Yukon will develop a plan in order to identify items that require YG participation as well as related work that is underway or planned in response to the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ Implementation Plan for Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy. Existing Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women (PVAAW) This action will focus on projects that address the prevention of violence against Indigenous women in the Yukon. This fund is available to Yukon registered societies and Yukon First Nations. This fund will be reviewed as part of Action Foundation: 2 stakeholder engagement, research and knowledge mobilization towards implementation of the National Action Plan to End GBV. Existing Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Table 12: Pillar 5 - Social Infrastructure and Enabling Environment
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Transportation between Yukon communities for victims of GBV Development of safe, consistent and confidential transportation for victims of gender-based violence living in northern, rural and remote communities to flee their community, access shelters and/or medical services as required. New Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes
Provide funding to assist the transition homes Provide funding to assist the transition homes in addressing capacity and to enhance existing or create new initiatives in response to GBV. Enhanced Existing Action 2023 Third Party Yes
Table 13: Foundation
Action Description Status Start Date Who is Delivering the Action? Is this a Multi-Year Action?
Coordination and leadership of Yukon's implementation plan for the National Action Plan to End GBV The coordination and leadership of Yukon's implementation plan includes enhancing existing and creating new GBV initiatives. Three government of Yukon departments, WGED, Justice and Health and Social Services will be implementing parts of the plan for the duration of the agreement. Effective coordination and leadership will be key in order to fully implement the plan. New Action 2023 Territorial Government Yes

Schedule C – Canada - Yukon cost-sharing budgetFootnote 1 

Year 2 costing table (2024-2025)

Table 15: Year 2 costing (2024 – 2025)
Pillar Federal Contribution ($) PT Contribution ($) Total
Pillar 1  Support for Victims, Survivors and Their Families $680,415.50 $1,328,762.00 $2,009,177.50
Pillar 2 – Prevention $895,415.50 $797,000.00 $1,692,415.50
Pillar 3 – Responsive Justice System $1,023,000 $0 $1,023,000
Pillar 4 – Implementing Indigenous-Led Approaches $0 $627,000 $627,000
Pillar 5 – Social Infrastructure and Enabling Environment $950,000 $2,709,000.00 $3,659,000
Foundation $569,169.00 $0 $569,169
Total $4,118,000 $5,461,762 $9,579,762

Year 1 costing table (2023-2024)

Table 15: Year 1 costing (2023 – 2024)
Pillar Federal Contribution ($) PT Contribution ($) Total
Pillar 1  Support for Victims, Survivors and Their Families $741,790.50 $1,328,262.00 $2,070,052.50
Pillar 2 – Prevention $1,186,792.50 $797,000.00 $1,983,792.50
Pillar 3 – Responsive Justice System $841,280.00 $0 $841,280.00
Pillar 4 – Implementing Indigenous-Led Approaches $0 $657,000.00 $657,000.00
Pillar 5 – Social Infrastructure and Enabling Environment $703,968.00 $2,709,000.00 $3,412,968.00
Foundation $569,169.00 $56,000.00 $625,169.00
Total $4,043,000.00 $5,547,262.00 $9,590,262.00

1. Maximum amount of transfer payment


Table 16: Maximum amount of transfer payment
Fiscal year 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Total
Yukon Allocation $4,043,000 $4,118,000 $4,118,000 $4,118,000 $16,397,000

2. Cost-sharing

3. Stacking limit

4. Overpayment

5. Late claims

Annex D - National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence expected results framework

Read the expected results framework.

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