Gender-based analysis plus: 2019-20 Departmental Results Report, Women and Gender Equality Canada
Institutional GBA+ Capacity
The Department for Women and Gender Equality is the primary federal department responsible for advancing gender equality. As such, Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) is embedded throughout the Department’s core activities and decision-making processes. This applies to the Expertise and Outreach program, which captures the Department’s policy, research, external relations, promotion and commemoration functions, as well as the Community Action and Innovation program, through which the Department provides grants and contributions (Gs&Cs) funding to projects designed to address systemic barriers to gender equality. The Department also supports federal institutions in their efforts to mainstream GBA+ as outlined in the Government of Canada’s Action Plan on Gender-based Analysis (2016-2020).
The Department has a GBA+ implementation team that reports directly to the Department's DG-level GBA+ Champion. The Department’s GBA+ Implementation Team has 10 FTEs that were dedicated to the implementation of GBA+ in 2019-20, including the Department’s GBA+ Champion. The GBA+ Champion reports to the Department’s Deputy Minister (DM) and ensures that GBA+ is implemented in all policy activities by:
- Providing oversight and accountability for how GBA+ is integrated throughout the Department’s Treasury Board Submissions and Memoranda to Cabinet; and
- Overseeing the Department’s tracking of progress implementing the Government’s 2016-2020 GBA+ Action Plan.
In addition, the Department ensures that GBA+ is integrated into all decision-making processes through the following governance bodies and accountability mechanisms.
The Department for Women and Gender Equality’s Departmental Results Framework (DRF):
The Departmental Results Framework (DRF) is the Department’s performance measurement framework of record, and presents the Department’s Core Responsibility. The DRF is complemented by Program Information Profiles (PIPs), which support performance measurement, evaluation and reporting for each Program in the Department’s Program Inventory. Gender considerations and GBA+ are incorporated throughout the Department’s DRF and PIPs, which form the basis of annual plans and performance reports, and act as accountability mechanisms to ensure that GBA+ is integrated into departmental decision-making processes.
Executive Committee (EXCOM):
The Executive Committee (EXCOM) is the Department’s senior decision-making and priority-setting body. It is chaired by the Deputy Minister and composed of senior management from all departmental areas and functions, including the GBA+ Champion. EXCOM meetings serve to establish priorities, oversee the delivery of the Department’s work, take stock of progress and adjust priorities, as required. The GBA+ Champion ensures that GBA+ is considered in all departmental activities and integrated into all decision-making processes.
Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence:
Launched in 2017, It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence aligns all federal Gender-Based Violence (GBV) efforts. A thorough GBA+ was conducted for each initiative funded under the Strategy. To support this strategy, the Department chairs the governance of a three-committee structure for the Strategy: the Deputy Head Steering Committee, the Director General’s Coordinating Committee, and the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee. These three committees are responsible for the strategic leadership, development, implementation, and monitoring of the Strategy, as well as ensuring a GBA+ lens is applied to all activities.
Established in 2016, the Advisory Council serves as a forum on issues related to GBV and provides guidance related to the development and implementation of the Strategy. Advisory Council members have been selected to reflect expertise in prevention, support for survivors, and justice system responses, and work from an intersectional feminist approach to address particular barriers facing diverse groups such as Indigenous women and girls, young women and girls, LGBTQ2 and gender non-conforming persons, newcomer and migrant women and girls, and women and girls with disabilities.
Advisory Committee on the Framework to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions:
The Advisory Committee was established in January 2019 and completed its one-year mandate in January 2020. The Committee provided feedback and advice on the development, consultation and implementation of the framework. Members of the Advisory Committee come from a broad range of sectors and areas of expertise and were selected to speak to the particular barriers facing diverse groups such as Indigenous women and girls, young women and girls, LGBTQ2 and gender non-binary persons, newcomer and migrant women and girls, and women and girls with disabilities.
The Deputy Minister’s Indigenous Women’s Circle (IWC) plays an advisory role to the Department and members provide advice and guidance on the Department’s initiatives, policies, and programs. The IWC provides strategic guidance and expertise to inform federal efforts to address the systemic inequalities that Indigenous women experience, particularly those related to issues of GBV, economic insecurity, and Indigenous leadership, and allows for a more intersectional GBA+ approach. Members of the IWC include First Nations, Métis, Inuit, youth, and Elders, with representation coming from a broad range of sectors across the country.
A number of initiatives were planned in 2019-20 to advance GBA+ departmental capacity. The Department led national conversations with young Canadians about behaviours and attitudes that perpetuate gender inequalities and what actions would support social change towards a more equal and inclusive society. In addition, the Department developed a plan to engage men and boys as partners in advancing gender equality. Both the initiatives worked to strengthen the Department’s GBA+ capacity, by ensuring departmental staff had a greater understanding of the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors.
In 2019-20, WAGE invested $10.4 million to increase access to data and evidence to support GBA+ in the development, implementation and monitoring of federal policies and programs. These projects provided new data and analysis on subpopulations to further inform GBA+ and greater intersectional analyses. As part of these investments, in collaboration with Statistics Canada, the Department developed and implemented three national surveys to enhance understanding of gender-based violence from an intersectional perspective. These surveys are providing greater access to data to ensure a GBA+ is applied to the development, implementation and evaluation of initiatives designed to prevent and address gender-based violence.
Expertise and Outreach |
The Expertise and Outreach program captures the Department’s policy, research, external relations, promotion, and commemoration functions. The following initiatives have a direct impact on gender equality and utilize GBA+ in their programming and reporting: In 2019-20, the Department continued to support the implementation of GBA+ across the federal government, and its application to policies and programs. Notable highlights include:
In addition to supporting GBA+ within the federal government, the Department assisted external partners in implementing or applying GBA+. In 2019-20, the Department continued to work with the OECD to support Canada’s implementation of gender budgeting and to mainstream gender equality and inclusion considerations in policies, programs and initiatives. In addition, the Department provided technical advice and information on GBA+ and gender budgeting to other national governments on an as requested basis. The Gender Results Framework, introduced in Budget 2018, represents the Government of Canada’s vision for gender equality. This whole-of-government tool supports the application of robust GBA+ to programs and policies, including budgets, by providing tangible indicators to track how Canada is currently performing, defining what is needed to achieve greater equality, and determining how progress will be measured. The GRF has provided a foundation for the application of GBA+ to federal policy decision-making through federal budgets since 2018. To complement the tabling of Budget 2019, the Department launched the Gender Results Framework Portal, an up-to-date source of data and research relevant to the Framework’s indicators. In 2019-20, the Department oversaw the implementation of the Framework by collaborating with central agencies to incorporate the Framework in annual government planning and reporting activities. The Department continued to undertake and fund research and data collection in support of the Framework to increase access to data and evidence to support the application of GBA+ to policy and program development, implementation and evaluation. Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence
Community Action and Innovation |
The Community Action and Innovation program provides grants and contributions (Gs&Cs) to implement projects designed to address systemic barriers to gender equality. The following initiatives applied GBA+ in their programming and reporting: The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Program is population-specific with an objective to support organizations working in the GBV sector to develop and implement promising practices that address gaps in supports for Indigenous and underserved groups of survivors in Canada. An External Review Committee (ERC) comprised of stakeholders from other federal departments and from diverse backgrounds (i.e. Indigenous people, people with disability, racialized women) was established to support the Department in the assessment of concepts received through the first GBV Program Call for Concepts, launched in January 2018. In 2019-20, the ERC continued to ensure that diverse perspectives were applied when reviewing concepts submitted to the GBV Program, by incorporating the perspectives of marginalized populations and other identities, including gender, social and geographic status in the concept selection process. The purpose of the Women’s Program is to advance equality for women in Canada by working to address or remove systemic barriers to their progress and advancement. The program provides grant and contribution funding to Canadian organizations to support actions that will lead to equality across Canada. The Women’s Program applies GBA+ throughout program design, implementation and monitoring. It also supports organizations in their application of GBA+ to the project lifecycle. For example, G(irls)20 received funding for their Girls on Boards project which provides young women aged 18-25 with meaningful leadership opportunities to build the capacity of community organizations’ boards to implement gender based analysis (GBA+) throughout their practices and policies. Young women are provided with one-year assignments on community organizations’ boards and in consultation with their assigned board, select a program or a policy within the organization to be reviewed through a GBA+ lens. Three cohorts of young women were placed on boards. The young women are gaining leadership experience, mentorship from other board members and the opportunity to have an impact on communities across the country. The project was recently extended into the 2020-21 fiscal year to allow for an additional cohort of young women and an evaluation. In 2019-20, Women’s Program staff were provided with training to better apply GBA+ throughout the project life cycle. This training has promoted a greater understanding of the GBA+ process and the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors. It has also fostered stronger incorporation of GBA+ considerations in decision-making and internal practices for the program, including building GBA+ into program tools, administrative systems and reporting tools. Training also improved Program Officers capability to educate applicants and funding recipients of the importance of GBA+ and how to apply it in their projects. Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SSOGIE) Program and the LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund The LGBTQ2 Community Capacity Fund was launched in 2019-20 under the new Equality for SSOGIE Program. It advances equality by building capacity of LGBTQ2 organizations across Canada. One component of this program is to strengthening organizations’ ability to consider the intersection of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression with other identity factors. As part of preparation for the administering of this Fund, in early 2020, all Program staff in WAGE’s Regional Offices received training from EGALE Canada to gain a greater understanding of the issues and barriers facing LGBTQ2 communities, thereby strengthening their knowledge and background in working with these communities as well as strengthening their capacity to apply GBA+ to their work. This training was also provided to Communications and Policy staff at WAGE, allowing them to better integrate knowledge on LGBTQ2 communities in their work within the Department. Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions In 2019, WAGE provided funding to Possibility Seeds Consulting to develop a Framework to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions. In order to begin the development of this Framework, Possibility Seeds Consulting engaged experts in GBV at post-secondary institutions, including representatives from student groups, colleges, universities, unions, community organizations, survivor advocates, and frontline workers. The Department also convened an Advisory Committee on the Framework to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions, with members selected based on considerations of gender, age, education, language, geographic area, culture and income. Members of the Advisory Committee were selected to speak to the particular barriers facing diverse groups such as Indigenous women and girls, young women and girls, LGBTQ2 and gender non-binary persons, newcomer and migrant women and girls, and women and girls with disabilities. Over the course of 2019-20, the Advisory Committee provided advice and feedback to Possibility Seeds Consulting on the development, consultation and implementation of the framework. |
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