Tritéléia de Howell (Triteleia howellii) évaluation et rapport de situation du COSEPAC : chapitre 14
Ouvrages cités
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Douglas, G.W., D. Meidinger et J. Pojar. 1999b. Illustrated flora of British Columbia. Volume 4. Dicotyledons (Orobanchaceae through Rubiaceae). B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks et B.C. Ministry of Forests, Victoria (C.-B.), 427 p.
Douglas, G.W., D. Meidinger et J. Pojar. 2000. Illustrated flora of British Columbia. Volume 5. Dicotyledons (Salicaceae through Zygophyllaceae) and Pteridophytes. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks et B.C. Ministry of Forests, Victoria (C.-B.), 389 p.
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Douglas, G.W., G.B. Straley, D. Meidinger et J. Pojar. 1998b. Illustrated flora of British Columbia. Volume 2. Dicotyledons. (Balsaminaceae through Cuscutaceae). B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks et B.C. Ministry of Forests, Victoria (C.-B.), 401 p.
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