Archivée - Code canadien du travail Partie II Santé et Sécurité au travail

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Mike Clegg,
General Chairperson,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (I.A.M.A.W.),
employee representative


Aeroguard Company Ltd.
Decision No. 04-048
December 8, 2004

This case was decided by appeals officer Richard Lafrance.

For the applicants
David B. Mercer, solicitor

For the employer
Douglas Pow
Senior Operations Manager

Health and Safety Officer
Lisa Mah, Labour Program, Human Resources and Skills Development, Canada, Vancouver, B.C. (No. BC6628).

[1] This case concerns an appeal made under subsection 129(7) of the Canada Labour Code (the Code), Part II on April 3, 2003, by Mike Clegg, General Chairperson, I.A.M.A.W. on behalf of the involved employees; Ulysses Bhritugo, Anil Boury, Pattria Darshan, Mila Espiritu, Reynaldo Espirtn, Darryel Fernandes, Annalyn P. Imbat, Liza Payuran, Avtar Singh Rai, Harjaspal Singh and Annabelle Villegas all working as passengers screeners for Aeroguard Company Ltd. (the employer).

[2] The appeal was made as a result of a decision of no danger rendered by health and safety officer Lisa Mah, following an investigation of a refusal to work by the above mentioned employees.

[3] The statement of the refusal to work specified that 11 employees exercised their right to refuse to do dangerous work. All 11 employees performed duties as passenger screening agents at various locations in the Vancouver airport terminal, including passenger security check points.

[4] The statement further specified that they felt it was unsafe to work based on the following reasons:

  • Exposing family members to a virus causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), if they were exposed to SARS at the work place.

  • Two employees are pregnant and are concerned that SARS may affect their health and the health of their unborn baby.

  • They were not provided with protective equipment (mask, gloves and isogel) to prevent contact with SARS.

[5] In a letter dated August 29, 2004, David Mercer, Solicitor for the applicants, indicated to the Appeals Office that the Union (I.A.M.A.W.) he was representing did not want to pursue this matter any longer.

[6] Therefore, as the appeals officer responsible for this case, after review of the file I confirm that this case is now closed.

Richard Lafrance
Appeals Officer

Summary of Decision

Decision No.: 04-049
Applicants: Mike Clegg,
General Chairperson,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (I.A.M.A.W.), employee representative
Employer: Aeroguard Company Ltd.
Key Words: Refusal to work, appeal, SARS.
Provisions: Code 129(7)

This case concerns an appeal made by Mike Clegg, on behalf of 11 other employees, under subsection 129(7) of the Canada Labour Code (the Code), Part II. The applicants withdrew their appeal on August 29, 2004. After reviewing the file, the case is closed.

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