ARCHIVED - 13. List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)

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This is an archived list. Please refer to the most current version of this list.

This List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents sets out authorized food additives that are used to modify the structural properties of a starch. It is incorporated by reference in the  Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May Be Used as Starch-Modifying Agents.

Date issued: 2012-10-30

List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents
Item No. Column 1
Column 2
Permitted in or Upon
Column 3
Maximum Level of Use and Other Conditions
A.1 Acetic Anhydride Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
A.2 Adipic Acid Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
A.3 Aluminum Sulphate Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
E.1 Epichlorohydrin Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
H.1 Hydrochloric Acid Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
H.2 Hydrogen Peroxide Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
M.1 Magnesium Sulphate Starch 0.4%
N.1 Nitric Acid Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
O.1 Octenyl Succinic Anhydride (OSA) Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
P.1 Peracetic Acid Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
P.2 Phosphorus Oxychloride Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
P.3 Potassium Permanganate Starch 50 p.p.m. of Manganese Sulphate calculated as Manganese
P.4 Propylene Oxide Starch 25%
S.1 Sodium Acetate Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.2 Sodium Bicarbonate Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.3 Sodium Carbonate Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.4 Sodium Chlorite Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.5 Sodium Hydroxide Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.6 Sodium Hypochlorite Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.7 Sodium Trimetaphosphate Starch 400 p.p.m. calculated as Phosphorus
S.7A Sodium Tripolyphosphate Starch Total residual phosphate not to exceed 0.4% (calculated as Phosphorus)
S.8 Succinic Anhydride Starch Good Manufacturing Practice
S.9 Sulphuric Acid Starch Good Manufacturing Practice

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