4th Canadian Division Training Centre

4th Canadian Division Training Centre Meaford Crest


4th Canadian Division Training Centre (4 CDTC) current role not only includes being a training facility for Regular and Reserve soldiers in Ontario but also hosts a variety of other countries military units and non military agencies. On average 4 CDTC has over 600 soldiers in training on any given week. The primary training is directed to basic Soldier Qualification skills pertaining to the combat arms, primarily field craft, offensive and defensive operations, weapons handling drills and the tactics techniques and procedures on employing these skills in a combat setting. Military units from the United States, New Zealand, Jamaica, United Kingdom and others have taken advantage of what 4 CDTC has to offer. In addition, Police agencies, security services and emergency service organisations from all over the province and from outside the country have honed their skills and refreshed their knowledge at 4 CDTC.

  • Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel M.Johnson, CD
  • Sergeant-Major: Chief Warrant Officer Z. Norman, MMM, CD

For information about the vehicles and weapons used by the Canadian Army visit our Equipment page.

4th Canadian Division Training Centre
139152 Grey road 112 RR1
Meaford, Ontario N4L 0A1

Phone: 519-538-1371

Email: 4CdnDivTC.OPS@forces.gc.ca

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