3 Intelligence Company

3 Intelligence Company

E Tenebris Lux
From darkness, light

Windsor Park
PO Box 99000 Stn Forces
Halifax, NS B3K 5X5

PO Box 99000 Stn Forces

3 Intelligence Company

Join Our Team

Looking for full-time or part-time work? We are hiring and provide excellent career opportunities. Please do not hesitate to call or email our recruiter who will be pleased to answer any questions you may have and provide direction on how to apply to our Regiment.

Our Team Recruiter

Name: MCpl Thomas Lee
Phone: 902-722-4188
Email: 3intcoyrec@forces.gc.ca

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Phone: 1-800-856-8488
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When We Train

September to May:

  • Tuesday evenings
  • 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • one weekend per month.

Full-time summer employment is available from May to August.

Trades In Our Unit




  • ASC Truck Mounted Shelter


  • Sensor Control & Coordination Planning Suite (SC2PS) Plotting software
  • Intelligence Collation Environment (ICE) information management software

See a list of Canadian weapons and vehicles.

3 Intelligence Company (3 Int Coy) is a sub-unit of the Canadian Army Intelligence Regiment assigned to support the Intelligence function of the land element (known as the Canadian Army). 3 Intelligence Company is the only Army Reserve intelligence unit in the Atlantic Provinces, and consists of both a headquarters in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and a detachment in Moncton, New Brunswick. Intelligence Operators and Officers provide military intelligence support to operations, planning and decision-making. Their work has an impact on military and national security, and the political and public relations of the government. 3 Int Coy personnel train regularly to augment their Regular Force counterparts on domestic and foreign operations, thereby enabling the “total force” concept of the Canadian Armed Forces.

When you join our unit, you will receive competitive pay for your part time or full time work as well as be eligible for on the job training that could benefit you in civilian life. Also, there are medical, dental and educational benefits available to Army Reservists.

Here are all the details:

  • Commanding Officer - Major M.J. Brittain
  • Sergeant-Major - Master Warrant Officer E.L. Mailman

3 Intelligence Company
PO Box 99000 Stn Forces
Halifax, NS B3K 5X5

Phone: 902-722-4202 (Orderly Room)

On 15 Nov 1950, HQ Eastern Command authorized the formation of 3 Intelligence Company. 3 Intelligence Training Company was given the important role of being the Intelligence Unit responsible to Group HQ. 3 Intelligence Company was formally stood up at the Queen Street Armouries by Major Edward Fairweather Harrington on 7 February 1951, the units first Commanding Officer. This new company office was located on the corner of Queen and Spring Garden Roads.

During the 1950s the role of 3 Intelligence Training Company encompassed a wide number of subjects/topics including: the monitoring of the enemy order of battle; equipment recognition; training in interrogation of POW; Security training; Air Photo Interpretation; Foreign Languages Training; and map provisioning.

Dissolved at Unification, the current unit was stood up on November 4, 1995 at a parade near the old library building in Royal Artillery Park, downtown Halifax.

In its lifetime, the Intelligence Company has had many homes. Initially 3 Intelligence Training Company was housed in the Queen Street Armouries at the corner of Queen Street and Spring Garden Road. The first move took place in 1952 when the unit moved to the Barrington Street Armouries. The next move was in 1958. The Armouries at the Corner of Cunard and Maynard Streets was the location that was to last for 14 years. Another move came in 1972, when the unit once again took up and moved to Building 3 Ahern Avenue. This building is located at the base of the Citadel Hill. In 1986, the unit moved to Building 1 on Ahern Avenue. In 1991, with the implementation of Land Forces Atlantic Area HQ, the Intelligence Section (Platoon) moved to the old MARCOM building located at the corner of South and Barrington Streets. From the MARCOM building the Intelligence Unit moved to Building 6 Royal Artillery Park in 1995. In the summer of 2002, 3 Int Coy moved to its present home at Windsor Park in Halifax.

3 Intelligence Company is identified in the Intelligence Master Development Plan (IMDP), as both a national and regional Intelligence augmentation unit. Its role, as it was for 3 Intelligence Training Company in 1951 is training. This role in many ways embraces many of the same themes as the former company.

In 2013, the capability of 3 Int Coy was elevated beyond the training capacity to also include the provision of force generation through the addition of the 3 Int Coy High Readiness Intelligence Support Team (HR IST). This HR IST is a full time Class B High Readiness Intelligence Support Team tasked to support the Comd 5 Div to fulfill tasking to deploy 2 x Intelligence Support Teams concurrently in the event of a domestic operation and the deployment of the Div Incident Response Unit (IRU). The company also continues to provide Intelligence support to all collective training events and exercises. In line with the “total force” concept, the unit continues to routinely deploy one or two personnel a year to support assigned Regular Force international military missions.

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