Our action: How we will get there together

2 Billion Trees: Planting today for a better tomorrow. Follow us #2BillionTrees

Information on the new Indigenous funding stream can be found below.

On the path to two billion trees

Our path to two billion trees can only be achieved by building positive and collaborative relationships with all types of organizations and governments across the country. With engagement at the core, the program was developed using expert knowledge from western science and Indigenous sources, as well as stakeholder feedback.

Learn about our progress to 2 billion trees through our Summer Update. More details on the program’s development can be found in the timeline below.

To receive news about the program and hear about the latest events, sign up for the 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program distribution list.

The 2BT program provides funding through 5 streams to support the different types of applicant organizations in planting trees:

Indigenous funding stream

Through the co-development process, Indigenous governments and organizations unanimously shared their vision for a distinctions-based approach. A distinctions-based model recognizes the diversity of Indigenous cultures and priorities. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Indigenous leadership on climate change for First Nations Peoples, Métis Peoples, Inuit, and Intersectional Peoples.

The 2BT program has notionally allocated funding for the following, regardless of affiliation:

Please contact us for more information on the Indigenous funding stream.

Tree planting successes with organizations across Canada

In the two years since the 2BT program was launched, over 110 million trees have been planted, including trees planted through the Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF).

This means that the Government is exceeding its cumulative planting goal to date and is well on track to deliver on its commitment to plant 2 billion trees over ten years.

In total, 2BT-funded projects planted over 220 species at more than 2,900 sites. In addition, 76 communities have been directly supported and 1 in 5 projects funded by 2BT were Indigenous led.

Since 2021, the 2BT program has funded 179 projects representing:

Trees do not appear overnight. The 2BT program is establishing long-term commitments that will ensure that the right tree is planted in the right place at the right time for the right reasons, while generating lasting climate change mitigation and biodiversity benefits.

Response to the 2BT program has been promising. Two years into the program, both the Federal Lands and Urban Lands streams are already expected to exceed their planting targets. The Private Lands stream is well underway, and with the ongoing Call for Proposals launched in December 2022, it is projected that it will reach its target.  

Agreements in Principle between the federal government and the provincial/territorial governments demonstrate a shared commitment to plant trees on provincial and territorial Crown lands to support the program reaching its target. This collaboration will enable the provinces and territories to support the planting of approximately one billion trees, out of the two billion trees goal.

2021 tree planting partnerships and success stories

Seedlings take years to grow and as they do, so do the diverse collaborations that are vital for progress. Explore tree planting projects and success stories from across the country and learn more about 2BT recipients that received grants and contributions funding.

Not a sprint but a marathon

The process to get from seeds to trees is complex and takes several years to ramp up, which is why extensive and continuous engagement is necessary.

Tree planting requires careful planning to ensure the right tree is planted in the right place at the right time and for the right reasons. So, different species and sizes of trees are required in different planting projects. Seed collection, nursery operations, site preparation, and tree planting are seasonal activities, some of which can occur only 4 to 5 months per year.

That is why the 2BT program is designed to not be a sprint, but a marathon – building up capacity over time to ensure that planting is done under the right conditions and with the ultimate goals of the program in mind. These include the enhancement of biodiversity and habitat restoration, increased carbon sequestration, permanency of forest cover, and effective monitoring.

Starting small and growing fast

To deliver on our goal and build positive relationships with organizations across Canada, the program began hosting a series of webinars with provincial and territorial governments, non-governmental organizations, municipalities, Indigenous governments and organizations, for-profit companies, industry members, and more, to set up guidelines for a national tree-planting program in the fall of 2019 through 2020.

To continue gathering input, the program:

The National Tree Seed Centre also conducted a cross-country tour to support Indigenous communities in learning skills for seed collection and provide information on the program.

Since launching in February 2021, the program has had 3 different calls for proposals to support our participants and stakeholders and is continuing engagement to further refine the program.

Program timeline



  • October: Announced program and goals


  • November: Outlined program details and started stakeholder engagement



  • Designed program and established five funding streams over the course of the year


  • Spring to Summer: Refined program design and continued stakeholder engagement into summer
    • Presented findings to stakeholders
  • Fall: Continued stakeholder engagement to finalize program design and discuss reporting requirements

Indigenous engagement and co-development

  • Spring: Engaged through bilateral discussions, in-person events, and virtual sessions



  • February: Launched the program, including the first call for proposals (CFP), and a request for information (RFI)
    • Completed first planting season
  • December: Launched the second CFP


  • Spring: Engaged the Nature-Based Climate Solutions (NBCS) Advisory Committee
  • Ongoing collaboration with provinces and territories
  • Ongoing webinars, public outreach and program adjustments

Indigenous engagement and co-development

  • October: Announced commitment to co-develop an inclusive governance framework



  • December: Launched ongoing CFP using the 2BT portal


  • Engaged with nurseries
  • Ongoing collaboration with provinces and territories
  • Ongoing webinars, public outreach and program adjustments

Indigenous engagement and co-development

  • Spring: Phase 1 - Socialization and engagement with Indigenous groups
  • Fall: Phase 2 - Co-development and collaboration with Indigenous groups



  • Provided seven intake periods to submit applications through the Ongoing CFP
  • October: Opening applications under the Capacity Building Stream


  • Ongoing collaboration with provinces and territories
  • Ongoing webinars, public outreach and program adjustments

Indigenous engagement and co-development

  • August: Announced distinctions-based funding for the $500M Indigenous Funding Stream
  • October: Opening applications under the distinctions-based Indigenous Funding Stream

Ensuring long-term benefits

Just like in gardening, proper preparation is key to the success of planting new trees. The 2BT program collaborates with partners to understand their plans for preparing sites, how they are selecting species, and how they plan to monitor after planting. By ensuring the initial job is done well, nature can then thrive, maintaining the long-term health and sustainability of forested sites.

The program conducts site visits to monitor progress, and has also developed a Long-Term Monitoring Plan that uses site information collected from partners every year. Science that supports 2 Billion Trees ensures that we can use current and future technology to keep monitoring the trees after the program ends.

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