Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions: 2019

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The Department of Canadian Heritage is pleased to present the 2019 Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions. The survey captures financial and operating data on not-for-profit art galleries, museums, historic sites, archives, zoos and botanical gardens in Canada for the 2017 data year. In addition to being the fourth iteration of the survey, this one also marks the activities during Canada 150, the 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation.

The survey is conducted to provide aggregate data to all levels of government, heritage stakeholders and the public, in order to gain a better understanding of not-for-profit heritage institutions and to aid in the development of national and provincial/territorial policies and programs. The results from this sample survey are extrapolated to provide national and provincial/territorial estimates for the approximately 2700 not-for-profit heritage institutions across the country.

The 2019 survey captured data from 1817 heritage institutions and sites, which is approximately 67% of the entire not-for-profit heritage sector (including 95% of those with operating budgets of $1 million or more). This latest data will allow all levels of governments, and heritage stakeholders to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the heritage sector.

The survey has a number of core indicators that are always measured (i.e. revenue sources, number of visits etc.), though as in previous years, there is a segment of the survey that is allocated to capturing new information on operational activities and timely subject matter. This portion of the survey uses a rotational series (i.e. capture certain questions only once, or every third/fourth survey) allowing more questions overtime, while reducing survey fatigue. In 2017, the survey collected 2015 data on gender, age, visible minorities and distribution of careers throughout the heritage workforce. It also collected 2017 data on the state of heritage buildings and their capital infrastructure and any future planned building or capital infrastructure projects. The latest 2019 survey utilized this segment to capture a record of Indigenous cultural artefacts and ancestral remains located in heritage institutions across the country.

(Note: The 2015 data has been slightly revised for greater accuracy. In particular, data for archives is now weighted to better reflect the operations of Library and Archives Canada, in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The newly revised data is included in this report, allowing for accurate comparison of each data year. Only the revised data available in this report should be used for year over year comparison).


Revenue and expenditures

Not-for-profit heritage institutions in Canada generated over $2.6 billion in revenue in 2017, a 5% increase from 2015.

The four provinces that accounted for most of the sector’s revenues were Ontario at $890.4 million (34%), Quebec at $776.1 million (30%), Alberta at $269.6 million (10%) and British Columbia at $263.6 million (10%).

Considering the types of heritage institutions, museums generated the majority of revenue in the sector, contributing over $1.1 billion (45%) in 2017, followed by art galleries at $498.6 million (19%), archives at $377.3 million (14%), zoos and botanical gardens at $356.9 million (14%), and historic sites at $218.6 million (8%).

Unearned revenue accounted for $1.7 billion (67%) of total revenue for all heritage institutions in 2017; an increase from 2015 where unearned revenues accounted for $1.6 billion (64%). The majority of unearned revenue comes from government funding, equal to 51.7% of total revenue. All three levels of government increased their spending in 2017 to collectively contribute nearly $1.4 billion to the sector, an increase of approximately $100 million (8%) in funding over 2015. Donations from the private sector amounted to $354.9 million (13.5% of total revenue) in 2017, a marked increase from the $312.9 million donated in 2015. The remaining portion of unearned revenue comes in the form of interest and investments, which increased from approximately $35.7 million in 2015 to $38.9 million (1.4% of total revenue) in 2017.

Earned revenue accounted for $869.2 million (33%) of all revenue for heritage institutions in 2017, a 3% decrease from 2015 when earned revenue accounted for $896.7 million (36%) of all revenue. This slight decrease is mainly attributed to a drop in fundraising revenues across the heritage sector. The majority of earned revenue in 2017 is derived from admission fees, which accounted for $270.4 million (10%) of all revenue, closely followed by sales of goods and services including gift shops, cafeterias and other outlets, at $268.7 million (10%).

The Canada 150 celebrations saw a number of heritage institutions opt to forego charging admissions to their sites and facilities. For example, none of the national historic sites operated by the Government of Canada charged admission. The survey data shows that approximately 54% of all heritage institutions did not charge admissions fees in 2017, up from previous years where the base level for institutions not charging an admission has generally been 50%. For the remaining 46% that did charge in 2017, the average admission fee for an adult was $10.38, a slight increase from 2015 when the average fee was $9.91.

Overall, heritage sector operating costs in 2017 reached $2.4 billion, an increase of approximately $92.5 million (4%) from 2015. Compensation and wages represent the majority of the sector’s costs, approximately $1.0 billion (43%) of all expenditures (data on compensation and wages does not include services rendered by volunteers). The subsequent major expenses in the sector include other operating expenses ($365.3 million or 15%), occupancy costs ($249.4 million or 10%), amortization of capital assets ($246.4 million or 10%), and cost of all purchased supplies ($225.0 million or 9%).

The heritage sector posted a modest revenue over expenditure of 5.3% ($139.7 million) in 2017. It is the few larger institutions that account for most of this net revenue, as the survey data shows that approximately 59% of all heritage institutions only had a net revenue of $5,000 or less for all of 2017. In fact, nearly 40% of all institutions reported a net loss.


The heritage sector employed over 37,200 people in 2017, an increase of approximately 1,850 (5%) from the 2015 employment figures. Part-time employment comprised the bulk of the heritage work force, numbering nearly 19,980 (54%); this segment of the work force also had the highest number of new employees (981) since 2015. Full-time employees numbered roughly 13,000, an increase of 758 from 2015, while contract workers totalled 4,260, an increase of 110 employees over the same time span.

The 2015 data on workforce demographics and distribution of occupations collected in the previous survey have been slightly revised and are included in this report.


The latest data shows that the heritage sector continues to rely heavily on volunteers to help achieve their mandates. Volunteers play a roll in all aspects of heritage institutions across the country, from visitor engagement and programing, to facilities maintenance, conservation and even management as nearly 20% of heritage institutions have indicated they are solely run by volunteers. There were over 114,400 volunteers in 2017, up 5% from 2015. Volunteers outnumbered all paid employees by 3 to 1, essentially making up 75% of the heritage workforce. For museums the ratio is nearly 4 to 1, or 79% of the workforce. The distribution of volunteers also varies across the country. For example, Saskatchewan has the highest percentage of volunteers, making up approximately 90% of their heritage work force.

Volunteer hours also increased in 2017, with volunteers contributing approximately 6 million hours. Without diminishing the qualitative impact of volunteers in the heritage sector, from a strictly quantitative perspective, 6 million volunteer hours equates to approximately 2,885 full-time equivalent positions. If we apply only the minimum wage salary to that equation (in 2017, the average minimum wage in Canada was approximately $11.41) it would total nearly $68.5 million worth of services provided. The contribution of volunteers to the heritage sector remains enormous.

Attendance and membership

The Canada 150 celebrations brought a record number of visits to heritage institutions across the country in 2017. There were over 79 million physical visits, a 10% increase from the 71.6 million visits in 2015. The bulk of these visits were to museums, topping 36.1 million, followed by historic sites with 17 million, and art galleries with 13.2 million. Zoos and botanical gardens saw 9.7 million physical visit, and archives 2.7 million. From a provincial and territorial perspective, the majority of visits were received in Quebec, with over 26.7 million to all heritage institutions, followed by Ontario at 19.6 million, British Columbia at 9.5 million and Alberta at 8.2 million.

Online visits to heritage institutions also reached record numbers, with many organizations providing access to online material and virtual experiences. Online visits totalled approximately 254 million in 2017, a considerable increase of 29% over 2015. The majority of online visits were to Museums (126 million), archives (54.6 million) and art galleries (47 million). Museums and art galleries continue to experience the largest growth of online visits, up 29.3 million (30%) and 12.5 million (36%) respectively since 2015. Ontario was the province the with most online visits, reaching 112.7 million, followed by Quebec with 62.7 million, British Columbia with 34 million and Alberta with 14.5 million.

Museums and other heritage institutions play a key role in providing educational programs. These institutions are constantly designing and updating their programs to support the learning objectives of school curriculums at each level. School boards across the country recognize the important learning opportunities they offer, lending to the increase in attendance of school groups year after year. In 2017, the number of school groups visiting heritage institutions reached over 127,280 (approximately 6.4 million visits by students); up 7% or 433,000 student visits over 2015. Museums were the most frequented type of institution by school groups (63%), followed by art galleries (17%) and historic sites (11%). While school group visits were up overall in 2017, archives and art galleries experienced slight decreases of 8.5% and 1.7% respectively.

Just as heritage institutions have seen an overall increase in all physical and online visits, so to has there been an overall increase in memberships. Memberships grew by more than 250,660 (16%), reaching over 1.7 million members in 2017. This indicates that nearly 5% of the Canadian population is a member of a museum or other type of heritage institution (Note: Statistics Canada data indicates that the population in Canada was 36.5 million in 2017. CANSIM table 17-10-0005-01). Museums had the highest subscription of members totalling over 872,350 and registered the largest growth in new members since 2015 (up 37%). Art galleries had 464,153 members (up 1%), and zoos and botanical gardens had 228,327 members, registering a slight decrease in memberships (down 4%).

Indigenous cultural artefacts and ancestral remains

This year, the survey segment that captures new information on operational activities and timely subject matter focused on the number of Indigenous cultural artefacts (not including contemporary art or other contemporary material) and ancestral remains (includes partial and fragment remains) housed in heritage institutions.

Overall, roughly 26% of heritage institutions reported that they house Indigenous cultural artefacts. The survey data indicates that there are approximately 6.7 million Indigenous cultural artefacts in heritage institutions across the country (eight of the largest institutions in Canada with archaeological collections care for 94% of these items), with the majority located in Ontario (2.1 million), Quebec (2 million), Manitoba (2 million) and British Columbia (nearly 310,000). Almost 70% or 4.7 million Indigenous cultural artefacts are cared for by Museums, while nearly 30% or 2 million are cared for by historic sites.

1.3% of heritage institutions reported that their facilities house Indigenous ancestral remains. In total, there are an estimated 2,500 ancestral remains, including partial and fragment remains, that are preserved in heritage institutions (three museums care for 75% of all ancestral remains within the heritage sector). The majority are located in British Columbia and Ontario, 1,176 and 1,129 respectively.


In recognition of Canada’s 150th anniversary, heritage institutions provided numerous new exhibitions to domestic and international visitors, highlighting stories of history and culture in different parts of the country. The number of newly created exhibitions increased to more than 8,940 in 2017, up approximately 7% from 2015; a continuing trend over the years. The bulk of new exhibitions were created by museums (52%), followed by art galleries (29%) and archives (9%). Another trend is the decrease of permanent exhibitions displayed in heritage institutions. Permanent exhibitions totalled approximately 15,290 overall in 2017, a decrease of 331 from 2015. The vast majority of permanent exhibitions are held in museums (79%), historic sites (9%) and art galleries (4%).

More than 3,120 exhibitions were circulated across the country in 2017. Museums continue to circulate the majority of exhibitions (49%), followed by art galleries (29%) and archives (13%).

Heritage institutions continue to develop and increase virtual access to their exhibitions. The number of online exhibitions for 2017 reached nearly 3,560, an increase of 235 or 7% over 2015. Archives continue to have the bulk of online exhibitions (45%), followed by museums (36%) and art galleries (12%). Archives also had the highest number of new online exhibitions, since 2015, up by 114, making up nearly half of all new online exhibitions overall.

Research requests

Heritage institutions frequently provide all sorts of information to academics, researchers and the public alike. In 2017, heritage institutions demonstrated that they remain a trusted source for research and education, as they responded to over 1.1 million research requests, an overall increase of 10,000 from 2015. Archives was the only institution type to experience a slight decrease from 2015, though it continues to receive the majority of requests, with over 791,850 (70% of all requests) in 2017, followed by museums, with 183,822 (16% of all requests) and art galleries, with 109,451 (10% of all requests). At the provincial and territorial level, the bulk of research requests were to institutions in Quebec (41%), Ontario (37%) and British Columbia (7%).

Heritage buildings and capital infrastructure

More than half (55%) of all institutions reported that their facilities are in good or very good condition with 22% indicating that their facilities are very good and fit for the future. 31% of all institutions responded that conditions are less than adequate and require attention, while 7% say their facilities are approaching end of service life or are unfit for sustained service. Approximately 7% of respondents were either not sure, or indicated that the question did not apply.

When looking at the data by province/territory, institutions in the Atlantic Provinces seem to fair well, with the majority of their institutions indicating they are either good, or very good and fit for the future (70% in Prince Edward Island, 69% in Newfoundland and Labrador, and 63% in New Brunswick). On the other hand, the territories, Manitoba and British Columbia reported having the highest percentage of buildings and other capital infrastructure that are less than adequate, 56%, 44% and 39% respectively.

Overall, approximately 72% of heritage institutions indicated they were planning to undertake some sort nof infrastructure project over the next three years. Of those, approximately 20% of institutions stated that they were constructing a new facility or expanding their existing one and approximately 43% are planning to improve their current facility (i.e. improve visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces, etc.). Nearly 35% were planning improvements to their facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting, etc.), and approximately 48% plan to make improvements to visitor experience (i.e. displays and exhibits). The remaining 28% of institutions indicated that they are not planning to undertake any infrastructure upgrades (15%), or did not know/did not apply (14%).

Please refer to the tables in this report for a more detailed breakdown of figures captured in the latest Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions.

Heritage institutions: National revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

Table 1. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleries Museums Historic sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues $360,464 $717,426 $167,146 $361,879 $143,902 $1,750,817
Earned revenues $138,181 $451,031 $51,467 $15,498 $213,064 $869,240
Total revenues $498,644 $1,168,457 $218,613 $377,377 $356,965 $2,620,057
Total Expenditures $457,597 $1,078,951 $218,873 $379,267 $345,704 $2,480,394
Profit margin (percent) 8.2% 7.7% -0.1% -0.5% 3.2% 5.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 2. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government $58,243 $228,700 $106,775 $159,463 $11,851 $565,031
Provincial government $104,062 $217,836 $38,877 $153,337 $30,010 $544,122
Local government $44,594 $96,934 $13,256 $31,360 $61,599 $247,743
Donations tax receipted $104,413 $59,159 $4,106 $11,189 $18,190 $197,056
Donations non-tax receipted $12,355 $41,014 $2,894 $2,750 $8,840 $67,853
Donations from other charities $27,264 $51,430 $871 $2,335 $8,138 $90,038
Interest/investment $9,532 $22,355 $367 $1,445 $5,274 $38,974
Total unearned revenues $360,464 $717,426 $167,146 $361,879 $143,902 $1,750,817

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 3. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities $4,009 $24,488 $2,843 $465 $3,693 $35,498
Membership fees $12,777 $20,065 $880 $387 $17,787 $51,897
Admission fees $31,554 $143,999 $15,129 $91 $79,636 $270,408
Public programs fees $13,355 $49,123 $5,193 $176 $8,186 $76,033
Fundraising $16,293 $38,182 $2,533 $1,997 $2,504 $61,507
Sales of goods and services $48,453 $113,121 $17,075 $2,657 $87,398 $268,703
Other earned revenue $11,741 $62,053 $7,814 $9,725 $13,860 $105,193
Total earned revenue $138,181 $451,031 $51,467 $15,498 $213,064 $869,240

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 4. Expenses profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion $15,297 $37,504 $2,745 $1,983 $10,330 $67,860
Travel and vehicle $3,317 $10,697 $1,602 $1,543 $2,987 $20,145
Interest and bank charges $4,450 $11,837 $608 $6,912 $5,066 $28,873
Office supplies and expenses $6,160 $26,920 $1,350 $5,360 $8,843 $48,634
Occupancy costs $39,805 $117,293 $19,781 $49,053 $23,473 $249,405
Professional consulting fees $16,203 $45,830 $9,594 $19,308 $7,598 $98,533
Training for staff and volunteers $752 $1,708 $266 $217 $806 $3,749
All compensation wages and admin $179,678 $443,770 $83,189 $216,836 $151,279 $1,074,751
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $39,635 $6,942 $167 $447 $230 $47,421
Total cost of all purchased supplies $34,654 $84,749 $56,222 $9,626 $39,770 $225,022
Amortization of capital assets $39,800 $135,489 $16,356 $19,882 $34,891 $246,419
Research grants and scholarships $123 $3,849 $58 $6 $189 $4,225
Other operating expenditures $77,722 $152,363 $26,934 $48,094 $60,242 $365,355
Total expenditures $457,597 $1,078,951 $218,873 $379,267 $345,704 $2,480,394

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Heritage institutions: National industry characteristics profile, 2017

Table 5. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) 2,412 5,360 788 2,609 1,828 12,996
Part-time employees (PT) 2,645 10,006 3,384 623 3,316 19,974
Contract workers 1,612 1,752 376 184 337 4,260
Number of volunteers 17,339 64,716 15,158 4,279 12,934 114,425
Hours worked by all volunteers 774,624 3,862,063 517,453 345,783 477,837 5,977,760

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 6. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits 13,251,422 36,125,343 17,096,300 2,764,979 9,786,903 79,024,946
# of Online visits 47,059,224 126,017,610 16,135,115 54,676,090 10,136,759 254,024,799
# of School groups 21,390 80,237 14,212 1,988 9,457 127,284
# of Members 464,153 872,358 25,983 184,765 228,327 1,775,586
# of Research requests 109,451 183,822 35,676 791,857 5,124 1,125,930

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 7. Artefacts and exhibition characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017
Art Galleries Museums Historic Sites Archives Zoos and Botanical Gardens Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts 14,094 4,709,195 2,005,249 4,691 2,500 6,735,728
# of Indigenous ancestral remains 7 2,433 63 0 0 2,503
# of Permanent exhibitions 622 12,118 1,355 365 833 15,291
# of Exhibitions created 2,553 4,644 559 841 349 8,947
# of Exhibitions circulated 894 1,528 142 413 149 3,126
# of Online exhibitions hosted 427 1,291 177 1,605 58 3,557

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Heritage institutions: National building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data

Table 8. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service 0.0% 1.6% 1.3% 1.3% 0.0% 1.3%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life 9.2% 5.7% 1.9% 7.1% 8.3% 5.7%
Fair: Facilities require attention 26.5% 36.3% 25.8% 23.9% 16.7% 31.0%
Good: Facilities are adequate 33.7% 31.2% 34.0% 32.3% 45.8% 32.4%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future 24.5% 20.1% 28.9% 21.3% 20.8% 22.3%
Don't know/does not apply 6.1% 5.1% 8.2% 14.2% 8.3% 7.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 9. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2017
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility 19.4% 21.1% 11.2% 20.3% 47.8% 19.8%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) 41.8% 46.2% 45.3% 24.8% 65.2% 42.8%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) 38.8% 36.5% 37.9% 18.3% 56.5% 34.6%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) 29.6% 56.1% 61.5% 13.1% 69.6% 47.9%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years 15.3% 11.9% 10.6% 28.1% 8.7% 14.6%
Don't know/does not apply 16.3% 10.1% 14.3% 25.5% 4.3% 13.9%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Art galleries: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 10. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues $520 X $3,805 $9,191 $93,240 $171,880 $7,832 $20,032 $14,142 $36,013 X $360,464
Earned revenues $146 X $2,151 $1,628 $34,512 $66,321 $3,604 $2,872 $5,975 $19,768 X $138,181
Total revenues $665 X $5,955 $10,819 $127,753 $238,201 $11,436 $22,904 $20,116 $55,781 X $498,644
Total expenditures $651 X $5,826 $8,707 $115,526 $220,745 $10,105 $22,713 $19,476 $48,880 X $457,597
Profit margin (percent) 2.1% X 2.2% 19.5% 9.6% 7.3% 11.6% 0.8% 3.2% 12.4% X 8.2%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 11. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government $222 X $519 $314 $4,067 $44,230 $734 $3,464 $995 $3,228 X $58,243
Provincial government $219 X $2,751 $1,171 $52,979 $29,067 $3,413 $2,934 $3,569 $4,739 X $104,062
Local government $22 X $47 $384 $3,256 $19,548 $866 $6,672 $5,305 $8,483 X $44,594
Donations tax receipted $19 X $248 $5,412 $17,461 $60,144 $2,364 $3,093 $3,274 $12,378 X $104,413
Donations non-tax receipted $38 X $200 $30 $3,292 $4,359 $223 $809 $330 $2,999 X $12,355
Donations from other charities $0 X X $8 $9,010 $12,348 $168 $2,673 $37 $2,977 X $27,264
Interest/investment $0 X X $1,871 $3,176 $2,184 $65 $387 $631 $1,209 X $9,532
Total unearned revenues $520 X $3,805 $9,191 $93,240 $171,880 $7,832 $20,032 $14,142 $36,013 X $360,464

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 12. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities $7 X $70 $242 $620 $1,219 $95 $128 $281 $1,346 X $4,009
Membership fees $1 X $59 $48 $4,474 $6,173 $135 $72 $263 $1,546 X $12,777
Admission fees X X $111 $50 $14,397 $11,400 $342 $465 $321 $4,424 X $31,554
Public programs fees X X $560 $256 $4,864 $5,448 $214 $186 $1,060 $734 X $13,355
Fundraising $29 X $473 $319 $626 $8,645 $392 $366 $1,322 $3,916 X $16,293
Sales of goods and services $91 X $189 $372 $7,215 $29,426 $1,808 $946 $1,488 $6,159 X $48,453
Other earned revenue $17 X $689 $341 $2,316 $4,010 $617 $709 $1,239 $1,643 X $11,741
Total earned revenue $146 X $2,151 $1,628 $34,512 $66,321 $3,604 $2,872 $5,975 $19,768 X $138,181

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 13. Expenses profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion $8 X $163 $175 $4,476 $7,129 $303 $643 $461 $1,857 X $15,297
Travel and vehicle $18 X $102 $40 $487 $1,679 $163 $210 $186 $396 X $3,317
Interest and bank charges $4 X $18 $24 $2,581 $1,091 $114 $30 $128 $457 X $4,450
Office supplies and expenses $7 X $79 $157 $999 $3,264 $127 $392 $392 $712 X $6,160
Occupancy costs $80 X $285 $511 $9,849 $20,375 $584 $2,315 $2,244 $3,187 X $39,805
Professional consulting fees $8 X $104 $272 $5,617 $7,148 $335 $756 $443 $1,382 X $16,203
Training for staff and volunteers $0 X $1 $0 $120 $446 $6 $34 $24 $120 X $752
All compensation wages and admin $260 X $2,924 $2,677 $38,652 $91,965 $4,553 $7,873 $7,977 $20,359 X $179,678
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $0 X $18 $2,852 $10,385 $25,459 $0 $22 $73 $827 X $39,635
Total cost of all purchased supplies $23 X $17 $229 $2,501 $25,378 $5 $2,235 $1,222 $2,810 X $34,654
Amortization of capital assets $3 X $12 $718 $10,773 $23,126 $283 $264 $2,494 $1,902 X $39,800
Research grants and scholarships $0 X $0 $1 $15 $15 $0 $0 $0 $92 X $123
Other operating expenditures $240 X $2,103 $1,052 $29,071 $13,669 $3,632 $7,941 $3,831 $14,779 X $77,722
Total expenditures $651 X $5,826 $8,707 $115,526 $220,745 $10,105 $22,713 $19,476 $48,880 X $457,597

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Art galleries: Industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 14. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) 4 X 40 47 591 1,144 65 100 109 278 X 2,412
Part-time employees (PT) 20 X 48 56 596 969 131 154 135 482 X 2,645
Contract workers 18 X 10 25 430 670 160 112 28 156 X 1,612
Number of volunteers 70 X 331 276 1,488 9,176 578 880 1,119 3,320 X 17,339
Hours worked by all volunteers 7,563 X 31,749 10,500 78,583 489,101 14,130 19,044 44,947 77,823 X 774,624

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 15. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits 59,375 X 111,154 127,870 3,398,167 4,700,150 381,872 993,343 1,513,169 1,901,606 X 13,251,422
# of Online visits X X 522,000 425,832 7,007,873 28,116,055 945,257 1,549,360 560,171 7,932,676 X 47,059,224
# of School groups 57 X 400 299 7,192 8,509 589 1,132 1,154 2,002 X 21,390
# of Members 287 X 2,767 1,790 206,189 179,640 5,177 8,570 8,353 51,230 X 464,153
# of Research requests 175 X 217 69 5,275 98,931 1,556 187 417 2,625 X 109,451

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 16. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts 0 X 0 150 12,194 1,158 50 269 0 272 X 14,094
# of Indigenous ancestral remains 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 X 7
# of Permanent exhibitions 25 X 13 5 68 198 19 77 80 133 X 622
# of Exhibitions created 30 X 47 75 330 1,166 78 170 149 471 X 2,553
# of Exhibitions circulated 2 X 7 8 291 431 5 23 98 30 X 894
# of Online exhibitions hosted 3 X 0 1 26 222 22 31 12 89 X 427

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Art galleries: Building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 17. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service X X X X 0.0% 0.0% X 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% X 0.0%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life X X X X 0.0% 6.1% X 0.0% 22.2% 21.4% X 9.2%
Fair: Facilities require attention X X X X 31.8% 24.2% X 42.9% 0.0% 35.7% X 26.5%
Good: Facilities are adequate X X X X 36.4% 39.4% X 28.6% 22.2% 28.6% X 33.7%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future X X X X 18.2% 24.2% X 28.6% 44.4% 14.3% X 24.5%
Don't know/does not apply X X X X 13.6% 6.1% X 0.0% 11.1% 0.0% X 6.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 18. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility X X X X 27.3% 18.2% X 14.3% 11.1% 21.4% X 19.4%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) X X X X 31.8% 48.5% X 14.3% 55.6% 50.0% X 41.8%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) X X X X 31.8% 57.6% X 14.3% 33.3% 21.4% X 38.8%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) X X X X 22.7% 42.4% X 14.3% 44.4% 14.3% X 29.6%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years X X X X 27.3% 9.1% X 14.3% 0.0% 21.4% X 15.3%
Don't know/does not apply X X X X 18.2% 12.1% X 42.9% 11.1% 14.3% X 16.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Museums: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 19. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues $13,622 $2,110 $33,883 $8,181 $206,416 $250,106 $45,044 $16,902 $75,692 $52,756 $12,714 $717,426
Earned revenues $5,572 $875 $13,313 $3,192 $93,325 $175,777 $14,586 $14,837 $77,422 $49,791 $2,342 $451,031
Total revenues $19,194 $2,985 $47,196 $11,373 $299,741 $425,883 $59,630 $31,739 $153,114 $102,547 $15,056 $1,168,457
Total expenditures $16,780 $2,067 $37,294 $10,647 $267,565 $407,137 $61,458 $29,148 $136,375 $96,513 $13,969 $1,078,951
Profit margin (percent) 12.6% 30.8% 21.0% 6.4% 10.7% 4.4% -3.1% 8.2% 10.9% 5.9% 7.2% 7.7%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 20. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government $1,412 $239 $14,485 $772 $98,959 $73,403 $27,857 $1,027 $6,700 $3,057 $790 $228,700
Provincial government $8,253 $1,158 $11,510 $4,775 $49,394 $67,784 $4,997 $10,090 $28,790 $19,719 $11,364 $217,836
Local government $658 $582 $2,666 $1,251 $20,111 $28,691 $3,690 $1,545 $20,207 $17,052 $480 $96,934
Donations tax receipted $1,291 $76 $2,477 $789 $6,572 $27,229 $4,766 $2,245 $7,999 $5,646 $68 $59,159
Donations non-tax receipted $1,886 $30 $701 $290 $4,894 $17,697 $1,635 $1,842 $7,807 $4,223 $7 $41,014
Donations from other charities $20 $8 $1,445 $168 $18,796 $26,617 $1,779 $56 $604 $1,939 $0 $51,430
Interest/investment $103 $17 $599 $136 $7,690 $8,685 $319 $96 $3,586 $1,120 $4 $22,355
Total unearned revenues $13,622 $2,110 $33,883 $8,181 $206,416 $250,106 $45,044 $16,902 $75,692 $52,756 $12,714 $717,426

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 21. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities $453 $22 $682 $68 $3,595 $9,244 $892 $939 $3,974 $4,561 $59 $24,488
Membership fees $135 $1 $333 $38 $2,955 $8,979 $565 $430 $3,617 $2,982 $30 $20,065
Admission fees $1,434 $264 $3,878 $705 $29,560 $52,854 $5,006 $1,683 $25,716 $22,081 $819 $143,999
Public programs fees $243 $48 $1,133 $244 $8,127 $18,039 $1,079 $66 $17,253 $2,834 $58 $49,123
Fundraising $595 $60 $2,518 $745 $4,801 $18,675 $2,241 $1,614 $2,910 $3,844 $180 $38,182
Sales of goods and services $2,226 $437 $4,047 $796 $17,159 $49,397 $3,444 $5,517 $19,128 $10,620 $348 $113,121
Other earned revenue $486 $42 $722 $596 $27,129 $18,590 $1,360 $4,586 $4,824 $2,869 $848 $62,053
Total earned revenue $5,572 $875 $13,313 $3,192 $93,325 $175,777 $14,586 $14,837 $77,422 $49,791 $2,342 $451,031

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 22. Expenses profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion $714 $97 $1,659 $195 $6,416 $17,309 $2,015 $1,112 $4,725 $3,116 $146 $37,504
Travel and vehicle $174 $12 $415 $237 $2,698 $4,222 $879 $143 $684 $934 $299 $10,697
Interest and bank charges $88 $12 $257 $63 $4,025 $5,053 $195 $190 $954 $955 $46 $11,837
Office supplies and expenses $217 $43 $775 $236 $4,453 $11,690 $1,586 $961 $4,160 $2,542 $256 $26,920
Occupancy costs $2,665 $214 $5,265 $1,097 $33,580 $46,079 $6,365 $2,576 $9,688 $8,814 $949 $117,293
Professional consulting fees $303 $8 $862 $599 $14,846 $16,005 $1,855 $602 $6,047 $2,796 $1,906 $45,830
Training for staff and volunteers $55 $14 $73 $44 $125 $657 $59 $42 $270 $356 $15 $1,708
All compensation wages and admin $6,849 $1,351 $17,735 $5,545 $96,685 $163,035 $21,754 $13,317 $62,716 $46,284 $8,499 $443,770
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $8 $0 $43 $67 $379 $4,522 $588 $20 $1,048 $267 $1 $6,942
Total cost of all purchased supplies $531 $41 $1,964 $517 $21,720 $38,519 $3,150 $926 $12,883 $4,154 $343 $84,749
Amortization of capital assets $1,627 $0 $4,155 $165 $34,728 $52,733 $18,065 $2,106 $15,159 $6,543 $208 $135,489
Research grants and scholarships $0 $0 $1 $5 $1 $3,797 $13 $0 $4 $28 $0 $3,849
Other operating expenditures $3,549 $277 $4,090 $1,875 $47,909 $43,516 $4,932 $7,152 $18,039 $19,725 $1,300 $152,363
Total expenditures $16,780 $2,067 $37,294 $10,647 $267,565 $407,137 $61,458 $29,148 $136,375 $96,513 $13,969 $1,078,951

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Museums: Industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 23. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) 93 15 228 65 1,309 1,663 282 198 803 607 96 5,360
Part-time employees (PT) 353 87 673 268 1,895 2,562 409 523 1,857 1,278 102 10,006
Contract workers 70 37 62 57 339 557 56 41 227 239 66 1,752
Number of volunteers 1,912 441 3,136 1,215 5,693 19,561 6,530 10,055 8,462 7,469 243 64,716
Hours worked by all volunteers 88,408 9,898 176,708 94,228 268,977 1,600,266 308,841 284,197 505,531 518,563 6,447 3,862,063

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 24. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits 481,839 166,784 1,707,870 268,015 11,070,934 10,277,786 2,074,598 1,363,451 4,025,873 4,340,991 347,202 36,125,343
# of Online visits 646,555 19,287 3,297,365 2,907,000 27,655,151 56,080,772 4,185,431 1,645,589 8,769,040 20,604,806 206,615 126,017,610
# of School groups 1,020 227 1,643 706 17,300 25,824 5,480 4,523 11,721 11,200 593 80,237
# of Members 3,455 304 17,842 4,536 69,674 542,789 39,773 21,553 83,798 86,001 2,633 872,358
# of Research requests 2,791 2,665 13,469 6,145 32,438 64,322 3,445 3,155 23,056 30,796 1,540 183,822

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 25. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts 349 0 5,549 203 37,931 2,190,835 2,015,424 36,657 6,114 307,805 108,328 4,709,195
# of Indigenous ancestral remains 110 0 0 0 12 1,129 0 0 0 1,169 13 2,433
# of Permanent exhibitions 659 122 965 495 608 2,481 1,053 1,680 2,232 1,545 279 12,118
# of Exhibitions created 165 30 430 176 354 1,303 490 353 797 507 40 4,644
# of Exhibitions circulated 3 6 17 53 376 570 127 119 90 160 7 1,528
# of Online exhibitions hosted 29 5 67 24 292 283 76 92 222 134 68 1,291

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Museums: Building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 26. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service 4.5% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 2.2% 0.0% 2.7% 0.0% 1.6%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 9.1% 9.2% 0.0% 4.4% 1.6% 6.7% 11.1% 5.7%
Fair: Facilities require attention 27.3% 18.2% 39.6% 25.0% 45.5% 33.6% 39.5% 31.1% 39.3% 38.7% 44.4% 36.3%
Good: Facilities are adequate 27.3% 18.2% 35.4% 29.2% 27.3% 31.9% 31.6% 44.4% 31.1% 25.3% 33.3% 31.2%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future 36.4% 54.5% 22.9% 29.2% 14.5% 16.8% 15.8% 13.3% 23.0% 20.0% 11.1% 20.1%
Don't know/does not apply 4.5% 0.0% 2.1% 0.0% 3.6% 5.9% 13.2% 4.4% 4.9% 6.7% 0.0% 5.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 27. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility 11.5% 0.0% 12.0% 13.8% 31.5% 21.7% 13.5% 11.1% 27.1% 32.0% 30.0% 21.1%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) 34.6% 38.5% 48.0% 34.5% 51.9% 55.7% 37.8% 35.6% 47.5% 48.0% 30.0% 46.2%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) 19.2% 23.1% 34.0% 24.1% 46.3% 47.0% 29.7% 31.1% 30.5% 40.0% 30.0% 36.5%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) 50.0% 69.2% 50.0% 44.8% 61.1% 61.7% 48.6% 57.8% 61.0% 50.7% 60.0% 56.1%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years 15.4% 0.0% 12.0% 27.6% 11.1% 7.8% 13.5% 11.1% 15.3% 12.0% 0.0% 11.9%
Don't know/does not apply 11.5% 15.4% 8.0% 6.9% 7.4% 11.3% 16.2% 8.9% 11.9% 8.0% 10.0% 10.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Historic sites: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 28. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues $9,791 $2,028 $29,157 $6,218 $28,532 $32,871 $735 $10,719 $12,721 $23,704 $10,671 $167,146
Earned revenues $3,057 $880 $2,564 $1,966 $10,222 $10,953 $1,072 $3,370 $7,169 $9,902 $312 $51,467
Total revenues $12,848 $2,908 $31,722 $8,183 $38,753 $43,825 $1,806 $14,089 $19,890 $33,605 $10,983 $218,613
Total expenditures $13,784 $2,434 $33,215 $8,484 $41,644 $42,708 $2,315 $13,345 $18,257 $31,392 $11,295 $218,873
Profit margin (percent) -7.3% 16.3% -4.7% -3.7% -7.5% 2.5% -28.2% 5.3% 8.2% 6.6% -2.8% -0.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 29. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government $7,305 $1,656 $26,097 $2,010 $21,988 $12,584 $176 $4,953 $5,156 $15,296 $9,553 $106,775
Provincial government $2,349 $291 $2,920 $3,573 $2,272 $12,884 $161 $2,419 $3,996 $7,010 $1,003 $38,877
Local government $28 $39 $61 $218 $2,486 $5,617 $193 $1,828 $1,978 $701 $108 $13,256
Donations tax receipted $79 $29 $35 $263 $288 $1,271 $145 $1,233 $621 $136 $7 $4,106
Donations non-tax receipted $21 $3 $32 $77 $875 $252 $41 $225 $843 $527 $0 $2,894
Donations from other charities $2 $0 $1 $0 $578 $162 $3 $28 $79 $18 $0 $871
Interest/investment $7 $9 $12 $77 $45 $103 $16 $33 $48 $15 $0 $367
Total unearned revenues $9,791 $2,028 $29,157 $6,218 $28,532 $32,871 $735 $10,719 $12,721 $23,704 $10,671 $167,146

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 30. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities $76 $0 $154 $63 $496 $894 $146 $222 $543 $244 $4 $2,843
Membership fees $6 $38 $2 $198 $231 $89 $76 $10 $155 $74 $0 $880
Admission fees $274 $0 $212 $505 $2,571 $5,244 X $46 $2,912 $3,326 X $15,129
Public programs fees $65 $0 $552 $104 $1,460 $850 X $136 $1,004 $514 X $5,193
Fundraising $92 $19 $94 $143 $472 $851 $176 $143 $398 $128 $17 $2,533
Sales of goods and services $2,458 $634 $1,424 $830 $2,447 $2,466 $83 $1,142 $1,866 $3,663 $62 $17,075
Other earned revenue $85 $189 $126 $124 $2,545 $560 $141 $1,671 $290 $1,953 $131 $7,814
Total earned revenue $3,057 $880 $2,564 $1,966 $10,222 $10,953 $1,072 $3,370 $7,169 $9,902 $312 $51,467

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 31. Expenses profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion $105 $10 $104 $174 $769 $486 $4 $243 $324 $514 $12 $2,745
Travel and vehicle $133 $2 $120 $24 $330 $171 $0 $219 $225 $265 $113 $1,602
Interest and bank charges $104 $2 $37 $10 $176 $45 $8 $36 $44 $146 $0 $608
Office supplies and expenses $94 $9 $113 $39 $178 $253 $20 $150 $117 $370 $8 $1,350
Occupancy costs $295 $62 $1,389 $1,106 $3,721 $9,548 $21 $393 $2,086 $987 $172 $19,781
Professional consulting fees $563 $22 $1,601 $155 $2,256 $1,236 $20 $817 $1,294 $501 $1,128 $9,594
Training for staff and volunteers $70 $1 $33 $14 $26 $48 $0 $29 $15 $30 $0 $266
All compensation wages and admin $5,171 $817 $12,648 $2,976 $17,816 $16,407 $402 $5,044 $8,948 $9,885 $3,074 $83,189
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $0 $0 $4 $0 $3 $3 $5 $114 $0 $37 $0 $167
Total cost of all purchased supplies $3,149 $161 $12,987 $2,022 $6,972 $7,829 $12 $3,522 $2,651 $11,159 $5,759 $56,222
Amortization of capital assets $755 $0 $2,404 $445 $4,356 $2,552 $1,445 $1,817 $885 $1,230 $468 $16,356
Research grants and scholarships $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34 $0 $0 $24 $0 $0 $58
Other operating expenditures $3,344 $1,349 $1,775 $1,520 $5,041 $4,097 $377 $960 $1,644 $6,266 $561 $26,934
Total expenditures $13,784 $2,434 $33,215 $8,484 $41,644 $42,708 $2,315 $13,345 $18,257 $31,392 $11,295 $218,873

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Historic sites: Industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 32. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) 28 16 71 29 245 132 6 39 107 101 15 788
Part-time employees (PT) 276 64 546 131 599 785 46 181 288 396 71 3,384
Contract workers 7 X 25 23 69 9 10 4 157 56 X 376
Number of volunteers 248 X 1,693 310 1,651 4,448 622 1,913 1,810 2,110 X 15,158
Hours worked by all volunteers 21,428 X 42,288 17,926 111,080 147,869 14,602 32,599 31,188 88,826 X 517,453

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 33. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits 773,270 X 1,855,294 276,884 7,710,430 1,989,089 669,634 1,114,010 890,426 1,092,477 X 17,096,300
# of Online visits 656,664 X 1,692,124 218,821 3,479,187 4,489,244 1,016,297 286,034 1,965,406 2,250,580 X 16,135,115
# of School groups 254 X 687 181 3,746 4,236 521 829 1,999 1,506 X 14,212
# of Members 373 X 1,687 1,101 12,198 5,379 156 293 1,997 2,608 X 25,983
# of Research requests 526 X 365 4,818 12,550 12,454 X 93 1,046 3,775 X 35,676

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 34. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts 572 0 11 417 2,000,878 580 184 0 408 1,699 X 2,005,249
# of Indigenous ancestral remains 0 0 0 0 23 0 6 0 34 0 X 63
# of Permanent exhibitions 70 X 74 145 167 254 184 45 159 237 X 1,355
# of Exhibitions created 36 X 48 64 83 130 64 27 71 34 X 559
# of Exhibitions circulated 0 X 0 0 91 16 8 2 14 11 X 142
# of Online exhibitions hosted 57 X 0 0 10 30 X 2 9 10 X 177

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Historic sites: Building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 35. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% X 0.0% 0.0% 7.7% X 1.3%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life 0.0% 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% X 9.1% 0.0% 0.0% X 1.9%
Fair: Facilities require attention 5.3% 33.3% 33.3% 50.0% 22.2% 25.0% X 27.3% 27.3% 23.1% X 25.8%
Good: Facilities are adequate 21.1% 16.7% 25.0% 16.7% 44.4% 53.6% X 54.5% 27.3% 15.4% X 34.0%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future 68.4% 50.0% 25.0% 33.3% 22.2% 14.3% X 9.1% 31.8% 30.8% X 28.9%
Don't know/does not apply 5.3% 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 5.6% 7.1% X 0.0% 13.6% 23.1% X 8.2%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 36. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility 5.3% 25.0% 8.3% 33.3% 2.8% 10.7% X 18.2% 4.5% 35.7% X 11.2%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) 78.9% 37.5% 58.3% 50.0% 27.8% 39.3% X 36.4% 36.4% 57.1% X 45.3%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) 68.4% 62.5% 25.0% 50.0% 36.1% 35.7% X 18.2% 18.2% 35.7% X 37.9%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) 78.9% 50.0% 50.0% 83.3% 55.6% 67.9% X 54.5% 54.5% 64.3% X 61.5%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years 5.3% 0.0% 16.7% 0.0% 13.9% 7.1% X 18.2% 18.2% 7.1% X 10.6%
Don't know/does not apply 5.3% 0.0% 25.0% 16.7% 16.7% 14.3% X 9.1% 13.6% 21.4% X 14.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Archives: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 37. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues X $2,135 $4,140 $3,421 $232,994 $81,598 $7,786 $7,431 $8,096 $10,592 X $361,879
Earned revenues X $5 $750 $72 $9,078 $2,785 $964 $405 $815 $578 X $15,498
Total revenues X $2,141 $4,890 $3,493 $242,072 $84,383 $8,750 $7,836 $8,911 $11,171 X $377,377
Total expenditures X $2,131 $5,105 $3,379 $244,363 $86,526 $8,206 $7,710 $8,800 $9,298 X $379,267
Profit margin (percent) X 0.5% -4.4% 3.2% -0.9% -2.5% 6.2% 1.6% 1.2% 16.8% X -0.5%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 38. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government X $0 $266 $46 $138,346 $20,501 $60 $86 $11 $143 X $159,463
Provincial government X $1,879 $3,236 $3,111 $77,367 $42,703 $5,934 $6,108 $5,230 $4,797 X $153,337
Local government X $257 $348 $13 $15,047 $9,013 $11 $770 $2,310 $2,919 X $31,360
Donations tax receipted X X $49 X $619 $7,806 $421 $399 $318 $1,563 X $11,189
Donations non-tax receipted X $0 $102 $237 $12 $290 $1,260 $29 $63 $719 X $2,750
Donations from other charities X X $139 X $594 $1,103 $98 $0 $116 $284 X $2,335
Interest/investment X $0 X X $1,009 $181 $0 $39 $49 $167 X $1,445
Total unearned revenues X $2,135 $4,140 $3,421 $232,994 $81,598 $7,786 $7,431 $8,096 $10,592 X $361,879

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 39. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities X $0 $42 $16 $0 $222 $23 $0 $46 $116 X $465
Membership fees X $0 $0 $0 $81 $254 $0 $10 $3 $39 X $387
Admission fees X $0 $30 $0 $16 $31 $3 $13 $0 $0 X $91
Public programs fees X $0 $6 $0 $76 $93 $0 $0 $0 $0 X $176
Fundraising X $0 $154 $19 $255 $1,124 $30 $3 $220 $181 X $1,997
Sales of goods and services X $0 $237 $3 $1,596 $413 $315 $30 $26 $37 X $2,657
Other earned revenue X $5 $281 $34 $7,054 $647 $593 $349 $520 $205 X $9,725
Total earned revenue X $5 $750 $72 $9,078 $2,785 $964 $405 $815 $578 X $15,498

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 40. Expenses profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion X $1 $8 $1 $1,435 $423 $16 $18 $60 $22 X $1,983
Travel and vehicle X $25 $14 $4 $1,032 $290 $7 $99 $20 $50 X $1,543
Interest and bank charges X X $14 $0 $6,826 $16 $7 $23 $17 $7 X $6,912
Office supplies and expenses X $2 $83 $30 $3,468 $1,101 $76 $48 $199 $256 X $5,360
Occupancy costs X X $540 $0 $36,611 $9,808 $84 $1,341 $406 $259 X $49,053
Professional consulting fees X X $79 $1 $16,720 $1,842 $39 $28 $207 $295 X $19,308
Training for staff and volunteers X X X X $4 $190 $2 X $6 $11 X $217
All compensation wages and admin X $2,069 $3,174 $3,184 $135,161 $44,941 $5,252 $5,481 $7,120 $7,130 X $216,836
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities X X $0 X $0 $427 $0 X $0 $0 X $447
Total cost of all purchased supplies X $24 $352 $140 $7,229 $1,358 $24 $185 $183 $123 X $9,626
Amortization of capital assets X X $97 $0 $17,888 $1,544 $3 $78 $116 $157 X $19,882
Research grants and scholarships X X X X $0 $2 $0 X $0 $0 X $6
Other operating expenditures X $3 $743 $20 $17,989 $24,585 $2,694 $378 $467 $988 X $48,094
Total expenditures X $2,131 $5,105 $3,379 $244,363 $86,526 $8,206 $7,710 $8,800 $9,298 X $379,267

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Archives: Industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 41. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) X 9 51 49 1,665 482 72 66 72 92 X 2,609
Part-time employees (PT) X 3 40 42 145 189 28 25 29 85 X 623
Contract workers X 1 4 0 54 51 8 1 25 27 X 184
Number of volunteers X 51 224 39 855 1,045 89 1,074 423 424 X 4,279
Hours worked by all volunteers X 777 23,913 7,100 58,576 130,406 5,713 12,283 28,927 77,253 X 345,783

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 42. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits X X 38,911 10,263 2,408,234 137,905 10,935 11,106 49,315 82,358 X 2,764,979
# of Online visits X X 3,912,043 1,488,608 22,465,430 19,597,585 3,329,672 161,785 501,380 3,157,930 X 54,676,090
# of School groups X 6 83 39 62 625 53 131 524 387 X 1,988
# of Members X 1 387 97 4,564 155,893 252 791 17,289 3,254 X 184,765
# of Research requests X X 28,170 15,788 409,936 244,431 14,242 7,957 15,691 44,879 X 791,857

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 43. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts X X 0 501 36 62 0 4,000 27 65 X 4,691
# of Indigenous ancestral remains X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0
# of Permanent exhibitions X 0 21 34 60 86 5 9 75 43 X 365
# of Exhibitions created X 13 56 30 135 331 27 31 89 113 X 841
# of Exhibitions circulated X 1 0 6 133 146 2 64 29 28 X 413
# of Online exhibitions hosted X 47 125 24 302 635 43 107 173 126 X 1,605

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Archives: Building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 44. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service X X 0.0% X 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1% X 1.3%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life X X 0.0% X 8.3% 2.3% 14.3% 0.0% 15.4% 7.1% X 7.1%
Fair: Facilities require attention X X 22.2% X 22.2% 30.2% 28.6% 42.9% 23.1% 14.3% X 23.9%
Good: Facilities are adequate X X 44.4% X 30.6% 27.9% 14.3% 42.9% 15.4% 46.4% X 32.3%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future X X 33.3% X 22.2% 23.3% 28.6% 14.3% 30.8% 14.3% X 21.3%
Don't know/does not apply X X 0.0% X 16.7% 16.3% 14.3% 0.0% 15.4% 10.7% X 14.2%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 45. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility X X 0.0% X 27.8% 12.2% 14.3% 14.3% 38.5% 21.4% X 20.3%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) X X 33.3% X 30.6% 17.1% 28.6% 42.9% 15.4% 25.0% X 24.8%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) X X 33.3% X 30.6% 9.8% 14.3% 0.0% 15.4% 17.9% X 18.3%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) X X 22.2% X 11.1% 17.1% 14.3% 0.0% 7.7% 10.7% X 13.1%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years X X 22.2% X 19.4% 34.1% 42.9% 28.6% 30.8% 28.6% X 28.1%
Don't know/does not apply X X 22.2% X 27.8% 31.7% 14.3% 14.3% 7.7% 25.0% X 25.5%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Zoos and botanical gardens: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 46. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues X X X $7,845 $16,901 $34,847 $34,449 X $32,363 $17,033 X $143,902
Earned revenues X X X $5,365 $50,970 $63,304 $13,006 X $35,250 $43,549 X $213,064
Total revenues X X X $13,209 $67,871 $98,151 $47,455 X $67,613 $60,582 X $356,965
Total expenditures X X X $11,778 $58,885 $99,107 $51,623 X $57,396 $64,961 X $345,704
Profit margin (percent) X X X 10.8% 13.2% -1.0% -8.8% X 15.1% -7.2% X 3.2%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 47. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government X X X $1,894 $189 $374 $6,630 X $615 $2,071 X $11,851
Provincial government X X X $1,136 $13,097 $6,691 $3,955 X $4,574 $475 X $30,010
Local government X X X $3,840 $1,248 $18,236 $15,965 X $21,303 $861 X $61,599
Donations tax receipted X X X $604 $1,048 $5,413 $4,642 X $2,930 $3,452 X $18,190
Donations non-tax receipted X X X $321 $567 $2,310 $693 X $316 $4,583 X $8,840
Donations from other charities X X X $50 $646 $1,416 $2,452 X $715 $2,851 X $8,138
Interest/investment X X X $0 $105 $406 $114 X $1,910 $2,739 X $5,274
Total unearned revenues X X X $7,845 $16,901 $34,847 $34,449 X $32,363 $17,033 X $143,902

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 48. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities X X X $0 $69 $1,373 $459 X $696 $1,057 X $3,693
Membership fees X X X $35 $886 $7,373 $1,070 X $4,445 $3,867 X $17,787
Admission fees X X X $1,440 $20,371 $22,627 X X $13,550 $20,670 X $79,636
Public programs fees X X X $590 $703 $4,227 X X $1,549 $1,117 X $8,186
Fundraising X X X $12 $66 $615 $412 X $358 $979 X $2,504
Sales of goods and services X X X $3,203 $28,319 $17,409 $10,810 X $12,602 $14,501 X $87,398
Other earned revenue X X X $84 $556 $9,680 $0 X $2,050 $1,358 X $13,860
Total earned revenue X X X $5,365 $50,970 $63,304 $13,006 X $35,250 $43,549 X $213,064

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 49. Expenses profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion X X X $92 $2,846 $2,439 $442 X $2,383 $2,115 X $10,330
Travel and vehicle X X X $144 $34 $658 $343 X $384 $1,418 X $2,987
Interest and bank charges X X X $9 $1,729 $695 $184 X $1,030 $1,394 X $5,066
Office supplies and expenses X X X $18 $198 $6,226 $710 X $173 $1,509 X $8,843
Occupancy costs X X X $1,946 $1,957 $7,054 $3,491 X $2,849 $6,102 X $23,473
Professional consulting fees X X X $302 $821 $1,163 $288 X $585 $4,426 X $7,598
Training for staff and volunteers X X X $30 $55 $236 $111 X $220 $116 X $806
All compensation wages and admin X X X $5,544 $19,600 $55,467 $14,331 X $25,626 $29,809 X $151,279
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities X X X $0 $0 $58 $90 X $55 $0 X $230
Total cost of all purchased supplies X X X $404 $1,070 $3,934 $20,775 X $2,892 $10,681 X $39,770
Amortization of capital assets X X X $577 $8,262 $5,798 $7,147 X $7,184 $5,911 X $34,891
Research grants and scholarships X X X $0 $0 $20 $73 X $95 $0 X $189
Other operating expenditures X X X $2,713 $22,312 $15,360 $3,637 X $13,921 $1,480 X $60,242
Total expenditures X X X $11,778 $58,885 $99,107 $51,623 X $57,396 $64,961 X $345,704

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Zoos and botanical gardens: Industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 50. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) X X X 109 286 539 175 X 235 476 X 1,828
Part-time employees (PT) X X X 83 994 715 333 X 456 654 X 3,316
Contract workers X X X X 213 12 X X 84 26 X 337
Number of volunteers X X X 173 1,864 3,050 X X 2,862 4,939 X 12,934
Hours worked by all volunteers X X X 6,767 30,009 167,833 X X 96,000 176,778 X 477,837

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 51. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits X X X 280,460 2,129,516 2,538,480 768,000 X 1,775,255 2,157,950 X 9,786,903
# of Online visits X X X X 2,187,536 4,474,004 X X 2,705,174 X X 10,136,759
# of School groups X X X 560 4,600 812 X X 1,726 1,454 X 9,457
# of Members X X X X 12,194 67,922 X X 68,356 61,184 X 228,327
# of Research requests X X X X 2,412 1,130 X X 75 1,502 X 5,124

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 52. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts X X X X X X X X X X X 2,500
# of Indigenous ancestral remains X X X X X X X X X X X 0
# of Permanent exhibitions X X X X 151 312 X X 118 184 X 833
# of Exhibitions created X X X X 16 188 X X 40 96 X 349
# of Exhibitions circulated X X X X 19 0 X X 127 3 X 149
# of Online exhibitions hosted X X X X 8 8 X X 42 0 X 58

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Zoos and botanical gardens: Building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 53. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life X X X X X X X X X X X 8.3%
Fair: Facilities require attention X X X X X X X X X X X 16.7%
Good: Facilities are adequate X X X X X X X X X X X 45.8%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future X X X X X X X X X X X 20.8%
Don't know/does not apply X X X X X X X X X X X 8.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 54. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility X X X X X X X X X X X 47.8%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) X X X X X X X X X X X 65.2%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) X X X X X X X X X X X 56.5%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) X X X X X X X X X X X 69.6%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years X X X X X X X X X X X 8.7%
Don't know/does not apply X X X X X X X X X X X 4.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

All heritage institutions: Provincial revenue and expenditure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 55. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Unearned revenues $25,437 $7,873 $71,211 $34,856 $578,083 $571,302 $95,845 $55,235 $143,014 $140,098 $27,862 $1,750,817
Earned revenues $8,900 $2,004 $19,139 $12,222 $198,107 $319,141 $33,231 $22,627 $126,630 $123,588 $3,652 $869,240
Total revenues $34,337 $9,877 $90,350 $47,078 $776,190 $890,443 $129,077 $77,862 $269,644 $263,686 $31,514 $2,620,057
Total expenditures $32,842 $8,426 $81,998 $42,995 $727,982 $856,223 $133,706 $74,176 $240,304 $251,044 $30,698 $2,480,394
Profit margin (percent) 4.4% 14.7% 9.2% 8.7% 6.2% 3.8% -3.6% 4.7% 10.9% 4.8% 2.6% 5.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 56. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Federal government $8,979 $2,100 $41,400 $5,036 $263,549 $151,092 $35,456 $9,539 $13,477 $23,795 $10,607 $565,031
Provincial government $11,532 $4,681 $20,492 $13,766 $195,110 $159,129 $18,461 $21,551 $46,158 $36,741 $16,501 $544,122
Local government $1,380 $878 $3,135 $5,706 $42,148 $81,106 $20,725 $10,947 $51,103 $30,017 $599 $247,743
Donations tax receipted $1,402 $110 $2,895 $7,081 $25,988 $101,863 $12,338 $6,972 $15,142 $23,175 $90 $197,056
Donations non-tax receipted $2,011 $64 $1,049 $955 $9,640 $24,908 $3,851 $2,909 $9,359 $13,051 $55 $67,853
Donations from other charities $22 $8 $1,629 $226 $29,624 $41,645 $4,500 $2,761 $1,550 $8,069 $4 $90,038
Interest/investment $111 $31 $611 $2,085 $12,025 $11,559 $514 $556 $6,224 $5,251 $7 $38,974
Total unearned revenues $25,437 $7,873 $71,211 $34,856 $578,083 $571,302 $95,845 $55,235 $143,014 $140,098 $27,862 $1,750,817

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 57. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Gross income from rental of facilities $536 $22 $987 $388 $4,780 $12,951 $1,615 $1,289 $5,541 $7,324 $64 $35,498
Membership fees $143 $39 $395 $320 $8,628 $22,868 $1,846 $634 $8,483 $8,508 $34 $51,897
Admission fees $1,708 $309 $4,231 $2,699 $66,915 $92,155 $5,644 $2,929 $42,499 $50,501 $819 $270,408
Public programs fees $308 $81 $2,252 $1,194 $15,230 $28,657 $1,703 $388 $20,865 $5,198 $156 $76,033
Fundraising $732 $210 $3,272 $1,238 $6,218 $29,909 $3,251 $2,145 $5,208 $9,048 $275 $61,507
Sales of goods and services $4,876 $1,094 $6,168 $5,203 $56,736 $99,112 $16,460 $7,817 $35,111 $34,981 $1,146 $268,703
Other earned revenue $597 $249 $1,834 $1,180 $39,601 $33,488 $2,711 $7,424 $8,923 $8,027 $1,158 $105,193
Total earned revenue $8,900 $2,004 $19,139 $12,222 $198,107 $319,141 $33,231 $22,627 $126,630 $123,588 $3,652 $869,240

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 58. Expenses profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Advertising and promotion $828 $119 $1,946 $637 $15,942 $27,786 $2,780 $2,016 $7,953 $7,624 $228 $67,860
Travel and vehicle $326 $73 $655 $450 $4,581 $7,020 $1,392 $674 $1,499 $3,063 $413 $20,145
Interest and bank charges $198 $14 $336 $105 $15,338 $6,900 $507 $294 $2,172 $2,960 $50 $28,873
Office supplies and expenses $413 $59 $1,055 $480 $9,296 $22,534 $2,519 $1,554 $5,041 $5,388 $295 $48,634
Occupancy costs $3,052 $549 $7,531 $4,661 $85,718 $92,864 $10,545 $6,636 $17,273 $19,351 $1,226 $249,405
Professional consulting fees $967 $99 $2,648 $1,329 $40,260 $27,395 $2,537 $2,214 $8,575 $9,399 $3,111 $98,533
Training for staff and volunteers $126 $14 $143 $88 $330 $1,576 $178 $110 $535 $634 $15 $3,749
All compensation wages and admin $13,536 $5,118 $36,841 $19,926 $307,913 $371,815 $46,293 $32,175 $112,386 $113,468 $15,281 $1,074,751
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $8 $0 $91 $2,919 $10,768 $30,469 $684 $176 $1,176 $1,130 $1 $47,421
Total cost of all purchased supplies $3,717 $420 $15,322 $3,311 $39,492 $77,019 $23,967 $6,868 $19,831 $28,927 $6,149 $225,022
Amortization of capital assets $2,392 $0 $6,668 $1,905 $76,007 $85,752 $26,944 $4,267 $25,838 $15,743 $902 $246,419
Research grants and scholarships $0 $0 $1 $7 $16 $3,867 $86 $5 $123 $120 $0 $4,225
Other operating expenditures $7,279 $1,961 $8,762 $7,179 $122,321 $101,227 $15,273 $17,187 $37,901 $43,238 $3,028 $365,355
Total expenditures $32,842 $8,426 $81,998 $42,995 $727,982 $856,223 $133,706 $74,176 $240,304 $251,044 $30,698 $2,480,394

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

All heritage institutions: Provincial industry characteristics profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 59. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
Full-time employees (FT) 150 50 392 299 4,096 3,960 600 409 1,325 1,552 162 12,996
Part-time employees (PT) 664 160 1,335 580 4,229 5,219 946 930 2,764 2,895 250 19,974
Contract workers 98 47 101 106 1,106 1,300 235 159 521 504 83 4,260
Number of volunteers 2,285 881 5,383 2,013 11,551 37,280 7,864 13,922 14,675 18,261 310 114,425
Hours worked by all volunteers 118,223 20,410 274,658 136,521 547,225 2,535,476 343,736 348,122 706,592 939,243 7,553 5,977,760

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 60. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Visits 1,326,393 855,271 3,713,230 963,491 26,717,281 19,643,409 3,905,039 3,619,152 8,254,038 9,575,382 452,260 79,024,946
# of Online visits 1,305,219 78,387 9,423,532 5,040,761 62,795,177 112,757,660 10,128,657 3,642,768 14,501,172 34,063,537 287,929 254,024,799
# of School groups 1,389 290 2,813 1,784 32,899 40,005 6,949 6,615 17,123 16,549 866 127,284
# of Members 6,339 635 22,683 8,135 304,819 951,623 63,418 31,207 179,793 204,277 2,657 1,775,586
# of Research requests 11,714 3,517 42,220 26,825 462,611 421,268 19,254 11,392 40,284 83,576 3,268 1,125,930

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

Table 61. Artefacts and exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-chewan Alberta British Columbia Territories Total (Canada 2017)
# of Indigenous cultural artefacts 921 0 5,560 1,271 2,053,538 2,192,635 2,015,658 40,926 6,549 309,841 108,828 6,735,728
# of Indigenous ancestral remains 110 0 0 0 35 1,129 6 0 34 1,176 13 2,503
# of Permanent exhibitions 784 126 1,074 745 1,053 3,331 1,261 1,810 2,664 2,142 300 15,291
# of Exhibitions created 236 84 580 350 917 3,118 664 581 1,146 1,221 50 8,947
# of Exhibitions circulated 5 9 24 67 909 1,163 142 208 357 232 9 3,126
# of Online exhibitions hosted 89 72 192 49 637 1,177 201 232 458 359 90 3,557

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total. The data provided in this report are considered preliminary and could be subject to slight revision.

All heritage institutions: Provincial building and capital infrastructure profile, 2017

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 62. Overall physical condition of buildings and capital infrastructure of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Very poor: Facilities are unfit for sustained service 2.1% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 1.3% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 3.7% 0.0% 1.3%
Poor: Facilities are approaching end of service life 2.1% 0.0% 1.4% 12.5% 5.8% 6.2% 3.8% 4.3% 5.4% 7.5% 18.8% 5.7%
Fair: Facilities require attention 18.8% 25.0% 36.1% 22.5% 31.2% 30.7% 40.4% 32.9% 30.4% 31.3% 37.5% 31.0%
Good: Facilities are adequate 25.0% 15.0% 34.7% 32.5% 35.7% 35.1% 25.0% 44.3% 28.6% 28.4% 31.3% 32.4%
Very good: Facilities are fit for the future 43.8% 55.0% 25.0% 30.0% 18.2% 18.7% 15.4% 14.3% 27.7% 20.1% 12.5% 22.3%
Don't know/does not apply 8.3% 0.0% 2.8% 2.5% 8.4% 8.0% 15.4% 2.9% 8.0% 9.0% 0.0% 7.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 63. Planned infrastructure upgrades over the next 3 years of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2017
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2017)r
Yes, construction of a new facility or expansion to the existing facility 9.6% 9.1% 9.5% 16.3% 24.2% 18.3% 13.7% 12.9% 23.6% 29.9% 41.2% 19.8%
Yes, improvements to the current facility (i.e. improved visitor flow, accessibility, storage, curatorial spaces) 46.2% 40.9% 47.3% 37.2% 39.2% 45.9% 41.2% 34.3% 43.6% 44.8% 41.2% 42.8%
Yes, improvements to the facility’s physical plant (i.e. HVAC, lighting) 34.6% 45.5% 33.8% 27.9% 38.6% 40.8% 27.5% 24.3% 28.2% 32.8% 47.1% 34.6%
Yes, improvements in visitor experience (i.e. displays, exhibits) 55.8% 63.6% 45.9% 46.5% 43.1% 51.8% 41.2% 47.1% 51.8% 41.0% 58.8% 47.9%
No, the institution is not planning on undertaking any upgrades within the next 3 years 11.5% 0.0% 14.9% 25.6% 16.3% 12.8% 15.7% 14.3% 16.4% 15.7% 0.0% 14.6%
Don't know/does not apply 15.4% 13.6% 12.2% 9.3% 15.7% 15.6% 17.6% 12.9% 10.9% 13.4% 5.9% 13.9%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Heritage institutions: National revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

Table 64. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues $346,238 $681,904 $104,864 $348,350 $125,381 $1,606,737
Earned revenues $191,591 $423,387 $60,499 $19,742 $201,529 $896,748
Total revenues $537,829 $1,105,291 $165,363 $368,092 $326,910 $2,503,485
Total Expenditures $512,507 $1,026,358 $161,539 $373,596 $313,866 $2,387,866
Profit margin (percent) 4.7% 7.1% 2.3% -1.5% 4.0% 4.6%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 65. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government $63,625 $216,243 $52,019 $155,687 $2,132 $489,705
Provincial government $103,626 $218,907 $30,441 $152,855 $23,370 $529,200
Local government $44,664 $101,233 $11,942 $26,069 $55,208 $239,115
Donations tax receipted $97,094 $60,755 $4,757 $8,584 $23,236 $194,426
Donations non-tax receipted $5,054 $20,525 $2,477 $2,303 $6,758 $37,117
Donations from other charities $24,657 $41,325 $2,486 $1,336 $11,610 $81,413
Interest/investment $7,517 $22,916 $742 $1,517 $3,068 $35,760
Total unearned revenues $346,238 $681,904 $104,864 $348,350 $125,381 $1,606,737

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 66. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities $3,919 $22,766 $2,440 $245 $4,088 $33,458
Membership fees $12,863 $21,999 $1,486 $482 $17,249 $54,077
Admission fees $24,743 $126,256 $21,107 $153 $72,407 $244,667
Public programs fees $11,524 $37,758 $5,200 $21 $6,911 $61,414
Fundraising $66,634 $49,636 $2,681 $5,998 $4,570 $129,520
Sales of goods and services $49,784 $111,213 $18,442 $2,204 $82,264 $263,907
Other earned revenue $22,124 $53,759 $9,143 $10,639 $14,041 $109,705
Total earned revenue $191,591 $423,387 $60,499 $19,742 $201,529 $896,748

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 67. Expenses profile of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion $14,805 $32,998 $3,042 $3,471 $10,310 $64,626
Travel and vehicle $3,970 $9,740 $1,488 $1,292 $2,110 $18,599
Interest and bank charges $3,925 $12,486 $773 $7,207 $5,630 $30,022
Office supplies and expenses $8,648 $27,337 $2,525 $3,459 $7,767 $49,735
Occupancy costs $42,192 $118,739 $18,564 $59,743 $22,895 $262,133
Professional consulting fees $15,414 $40,438 $5,149 $16,382 $5,533 $82,916
Training for staff and volunteers $935 $2,813 $147 $113 $726 $4,733
All compensation wages and admin $167,390 $411,322 $75,595 $199,484 $142,395 $996,186
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $53,161 $6,891 $675 $859 $132 $61,718
Total cost of all purchased supplies $20,550 $66,638 $14,409 $8,777 $24,174 $134,548
Amortization of capital assets $33,012 $127,598 $11,497 $20,011 $33,090 $225,207
Research grants and scholarships $195 $8,360 $127 $7 $198 $8,887
Other operating expenditures $148,310 $161,000 $27,548 $52,793 $58,905 $448,556
Total expenditures $512,507 $1,026,358 $161,539 $373,596 $313,866 $2,387,866

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Heritage institutions: National industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

Table 68. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada 2015
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) 2,168 5,107 771 2,517 1,676 12,238
Part-time employees (PT) 2,524 9,297 3,287 570 3,314 18,993
Contract workers 1,343 1,844 388 134 441 4,150
Number of volunteers 15,527 62,124 14,421 4,117 12,431 108,620
Hours worked by all volunteers 604,225 3,870,112 558,566 324,103 509,734 5,866,741

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 69. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female 66.1% 67.9% 66.3% 65.3% 63.6% 66.4%
Male 33.9% 32.1% 33.7% 34.7% 36.4% 33.6%
Under 25 years of age 16.1% 33.4% 50.1% 6.3% 62.8% 30.2%
25 to 44 years of age 48.4% 35.2% 23.2% 47.0% 23.2% 37.6%
45 to 59 years of age 27.1% 22.3% 18.1% 40.0% 10.9% 24.4%
Age 60 and over 8.4% 9.1% 8.6% 6.7% 3.1% 7.8%
Administration/management 19.5% 15.2% 9.6% 14.9% 6.4% 14.7%
Archivist/librarian 2.6% 2.5% 0.9% 23.3% 0.3% 6.3%
Conservation/preservation 3.2% 3.2% 1.1% 8.3% 0.6% 3.7%
Curatorial/research or scientist 6.8% 8.3% 1.7% 0.5% 8.4% 5.9%
Digital/IT 3.3% 1.9% 0.2% 5.3% 0.5% 2.6%
Education/programing & engagement 17.7% 24.5% 19.4% 1.0% 13.5% 16.8%
Exhibitions/touring 8.4% 10.9% 17.7% 0.3% 0.5% 7.7%
Facilities maintenance & security 12.1% 7.7% 7.6% 0.3% 16.3% 8.1%
Gift shop/catering 15.1% 5.9% 9.4% 0.1% 35.2% 10.1%
Multiple job roles 5.8% 15.6% 30.5% 23.3% 4.2% 15.0%
Other job roles 5.5% 4.3% 1.9% 22.7% 14.1% 9.1%
Self-identified as a visible minority 4.3% 4.3% 7.3% 4.1% 0.2% 4.0%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 70. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada 2015
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits 11,936,935 32,540,204 14,767,384 2,837,107 9,499,413 71,581,043
# of Online visits 34,536,069 96,643,531 12,127,167 44,990,875 8,957,063 197,254,705
# of School groups 21,762 73,145 12,676 2,173 8,866 118,623
# of Members 460,362 636,417 21,527 169,245 237,367 1,524,919
# of Research requests 102,932 174,347 34,387 803,357 4,791 1,119,814

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 71. Exhibition characteristics of not-for-profit heritage institutions, by institution types, Canada 2015
Art Galleriesr Museumsr Historic Sitesr Archivesr Zoos and Botanical Gardensr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions 670 12,401 1,330 375 846 15,622
# of Exhibitions created 2,646 4,227 425 663 408 8,369
# of Exhibitions circulated 915 1,577 98 358 181 3,128
# of Online exhibitions hosted 367 1,252 165 1,491 47 3,322

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Art galleries: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 72. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues $511 X $3,638 $5,885 $86,776 $177,587 $7,164 $20,432 $14,199 $26,757 X $346,238
Earned revenues $180 X $2,178 $1,534 $33,564 $123,011 $3,657 $2,886 $5,126 $18,495 X $191,591
Total revenues $691 X $5,816 $7,419 $120,340 $300,598 $10,822 $23,318 $19,325 $45,252 X $537,829
Total expenditures $668 X $5,509 $6,559 $113,159 $289,279 $9,668 $21,356 $18,983 $42,710 X $512,507
Profit margin (percent) 3.3% X 5.3% 11.6% 6.0% 3.8% 10.7% 8.4% 1.8% 5.6% X 4.7%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 73. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government $155 X $283 $443 $3,230 $54,487 $413 $1,189 $956 $2,175 X $63,625
Provincial government $248 X $2,874 $984 $51,355 $30,830 $3,183 $2,727 $4,147 $4,388 X $103,626
Local government $7 X $29 $314 $3,730 $19,730 $890 $5,646 $5,291 $9,020 X $44,664
Donations tax receipted $90 X $251 $3,723 $16,434 $53,491 $2,597 $10,491 $2,892 $7,091 X $97,094
Donations non-tax receipted $11 X $190 $270 $1,495 $1,185 $5 $75 $371 $1,392 X $5,054
Donations from other charities $0 X X $1 $6,901 $15,789 $21 $127 $45 $1,762 X $24,657
Interest/investment X X X $149 $3,631 $2,075 $55 $178 $496 $929 X $7,517
Total unearned revenues $511 X $3,638 $5,885 $86,776 $177,587 $7,164 $20,432 $14,199 $26,757 X $346,238

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 74. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities $9 X $70 $216 $770 $1,241 $150 $123 $143 $1,198 X $3,919
Membership fees $2 X $59 $105 $4,227 $6,567 $167 $87 $289 $1,357 X $12,863
Admission fees X X $108 $158 $9,909 $9,991 $436 $170 $355 $3,424 X $24,743
Public programs fees X X $555 $450 $4,665 $4,333 X $344 $562 $584 X $11,524
Fundraising $30 X $478 $161 $621 $60,101 $417 $623 $1,325 $2,683 X $66,634
Sales of goods and services $97 X $191 $215 $11,416 $27,672 $1,568 $996 $1,668 $5,509 X $49,784
Other earned revenue $43 X $717 $230 $1,957 $13,106 $919 $543 $784 $3,741 X $22,124
Total earned revenue $180 X $2,178 $1,534 $33,564 $123,011 $3,657 $2,886 $5,126 $18,495 X $191,591

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 75. Expenses profile of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion $13 X $156 $139 $4,285 $6,503 $435 $646 $455 $2,084 X $14,805
Travel and vehicle $18 X $107 $20 $509 $2,203 $192 $244 $186 $457 X $3,970
Interest and bank charges $4 X $18 $31 $2,204 $927 $102 $44 $214 $378 X $3,925
Office supplies and expenses $8 X $74 $170 $2,023 $4,688 $151 $313 $385 $776 X $8,648
Occupancy costs $67 X $278 $786 $11,181 $23,318 $502 $1,063 $1,981 $2,642 X $42,192
Professional consulting fees $8 X $123 $271 $4,281 $7,298 $366 $487 $441 $2,041 X $15,414
Training for staff and volunteers $0 X $0 $0 $114 $421 $8 $63 $12 $107 X $935
All compensation wages and admin $233 X $2,881 $2,322 $40,362 $83,078 $4,427 $6,742 $7,555 $17,755 X $167,390
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $3 X $0 $564 $9,856 $40,964 $0 $110 $63 $1,600 X $53,161
Total cost of all purchased supplies $10 X $14 $181 $1,819 $15,629 $0 $309 $419 $1,987 X $20,550
Amortization of capital assets $1 X $12 $348 $7,306 $20,899 $360 $736 $2,517 $671 X $33,012
Research grants and scholarships $0 X $0 $0 $6 $22 $0 $0 $0 $166 X $195
Other operating expenditures $304 X $1,846 $1,729 $29,212 $83,330 $3,125 $10,599 $4,754 $12,044 X $148,310
Total expenditures $668 X $5,509 $6,559 $113,159 $289,279 $9,668 $21,356 $18,983 $42,710 X $512,507

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Art galleries: Industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 76. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) 6 X 47 46 536 1,012 53 107 101 229 X 2,168
Part-time employees (PT) 18 X 48 61 587 1,016 121 130 93 414 X 2,524
Contract workers 18 X 7 X 271 747 61 26 26 136 X 1,343
Number of volunteers 69 X 339 283 1,484 7,104 591 930 955 3,512 X 15,527
Hours worked by all volunteers 7,488 X 32,153 12,722 69,242 321,267 14,933 20,822 37,770 83,093 X 604,225

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 77. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female X X X 55.6% 66.0% 63.1% X 76.7% 72.0% 75.0% X 66.1%
Male X X X 44.4% 34.0% 36.9% X 23.3% 28.0% 25.0% X 33.9%
Under 25 years of age X X X 16.7% 21.0% 10.5% X 20.9% 14.3% 24.6% X 16.1%
25 to 44 years of age X X X 44.4% 39.0% 52.6% X 43.0% 63.5% 51.2% X 48.4%
45 to 59 years of age X X X 33.3% 29.1% 29.4% X 26.7% 18.3% 15.3% X 27.1%
Age 60 and over X X X 5.6% 10.8% 7.5% X 9.3% 4.0% 8.9% X 8.4%
Administration/management X X X 44.4% 31.3% 12.6% X 21.2% 17.7% 17.7% X 19.5%
Archivist/librarian X X X 0.0% 5.9% 1.5% X 0.0% 3.1% 0.5% X 2.6%
Conservation/preservation X X X 0.0% 4.0% 2.9% X 1.2% 6.2% 1.5% X 3.2%
Curatorial/research or scientist X X X 0.0% 5.9% 6.6% X 8.2% 10.0% 10.3% X 6.8%
Digital/IT X X X 0.0% 2.3% 4.7% X 1.2% 0.8% 0.5% X 3.3%
Education/programing & engagement X X X 22.2% 17.1% 16.9% X 17.6% 26.9% 21.2% X 17.7%
Exhibitions/touring X X X 0.0% 7.2% 8.9% X 15.3% 4.6% 9.9% X 8.4%
Facilities maintenance & security X X X 11.1% 14.8% 13.3% X 3.5% 3.8% 8.9% X 12.1%
Gift shop/catering X X X 0.0% 5.4% 23.1% X 8.2% 7.7% 11.8% X 15.1%
Multiple job roles X X X 16.7% 3.5% 2.8% X 21.2% 13.8% 14.3% X 5.8%
Other job roles X X X 5.6% 2.6% 6.6% X 2.4% 5.4% 3.4% X 5.5%
Self-identified as a visible minority X X X 11.1% 4.1% 2.8% X 8.1% 5.9% 9.4% X 4.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 78. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits 59,125 X 74,299 124,149 3,105,425 4,457,715 375,900 572,935 1,431,066 1,626,837 X 11,936,935
# of Online visits X X 116,631 451,500 6,127,191 19,889,873 X 666,930 556,914 6,610,187 X 34,536,069
# of School groups X X 311 301 7,941 8,750 573 1,074 990 1,663 X 21,762
# of Members X X 2,539 1,452 182,444 196,253 5,283 4,790 8,043 59,271 X 460,362
# of Research requests X X 133 54 6,250 92,556 600 191 480 2,472 X 102,932

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 79. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit art galleries, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions X X 38 9 102 188 19 83 85 111 X 670
# of Exhibitions created X X 48 89 288 1,289 65 159 150 501 X 2,646
# of Exhibitions circulated X X 15 16 305 389 5 35 107 39 X 915
# of Online exhibitions hosted X X 5 X 32 203 9 25 6 76 X 367

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Museums: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 80. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues $10,759 $1,303 $28,366 $7,213 $200,988 $234,530 $47,507 $15,676 $69,430 $47,650 $18,483 $681,904
Earned revenues $4,883 $787 $10,456 $2,485 $71,311 $179,417 $15,414 $14,534 $75,173 $46,173 $2,755 $423,387
Total revenues $15,642 $2,089 $38,821 $9,698 $272,298 $413,946 $62,921 $30,210 $144,604 $93,823 $21,238 $1,105,291
Total expenditures $16,057 $2,033 $35,151 $9,258 $254,952 $377,368 $67,543 $29,355 $127,422 $86,608 $20,611 $1,026,358
Profit margin (percent) -2.7% 2.7% 9.5% 4.5% 6.4% 8.8% -7.3% 2.8% 11.9% 7.7% 3.0% 7.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 81. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government $894 $160 $12,040 $585 $96,443 $69,010 $28,803 $572 $3,472 $2,288 $1,977 $216,243
Provincial government $7,708 $897 $9,703 $4,403 $49,810 $70,669 $4,761 $10,559 $25,782 $18,646 $15,969 $218,907
Local government $726 $179 $1,472 $1,118 $18,565 $35,621 $3,090 $1,641 $21,080 $17,266 $475 $101,233
Donations tax receipted $795 $48 $2,908 $633 $8,640 $24,412 $8,999 $2,091 $7,819 $4,361 $50 $60,755
Donations non-tax receipted $319 $16 $910 $187 $5,069 $3,398 $1,165 $622 $7,060 $1,767 $10 $20,525
Donations from other charities $51 $1 $828 $113 $14,108 $23,570 $444 $31 $995 $1,185 $0 $41,325
Interest/investment $266 $2 $506 $174 $8,354 $7,848 $246 $160 $3,222 $2,137 $1 $22,916
Total unearned revenues $10,759 $1,303 $28,366 $7,213 $200,988 $234,530 $47,507 $15,676 $69,430 $47,650 $18,483 $681,904

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 82. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities $698 $9 $678 $94 $3,738 $7,175 $1,155 $1,037 $4,282 $3,833 $65 $22,766
Membership fees $54 X $261 $71 $4,458 $9,324 $885 $437 $3,013 $3,462 $33 $21,999
Admission fees $1,231 $167 $2,787 $667 $27,674 $45,847 $5,067 $1,594 $20,881 $19,585 $758 $126,256
Public programs fees $109 $46 $363 $127 $3,050 $14,153 X X $16,936 $2,667 $12 $37,758
Fundraising $564 $72 $2,204 $500 $4,033 $30,067 $2,390 $1,664 $4,382 $3,489 $271 $49,636
Sales of goods and services $1,631 $238 $3,544 $834 $15,195 $50,547 $3,309 $5,073 $21,655 $8,509 $679 $111,213
Other earned revenue $596 $254 $619 $192 $13,162 $22,304 $2,365 $4,677 $4,024 $4,629 $936 $53,759
Total earned revenue $4,883 $787 $10,456 $2,485 $71,311 $179,417 $15,414 $14,534 $75,173 $46,173 $2,755 $423,387

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 83. Expenses profile of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion $334 $47 $1,482 $151 $5,902 $15,066 $1,607 $1,293 $4,025 $2,960 $130 $32,998
Travel and vehicle $182 $4 $526 $253 $2,668 $3,354 $489 $327 $718 $736 $483 $9,740
Interest and bank charges $83 $8 $184 $60 $4,436 $5,491 $176 $244 $839 $879 $86 $12,486
Office supplies and expenses $400 $32 $698 $255 $3,692 $13,582 $1,275 $900 $3,429 $2,523 $551 $27,337
Occupancy costs $2,572 $202 $4,909 $961 $32,689 $42,049 $15,465 $3,018 $8,477 $7,710 $686 $118,739
Professional consulting fees $601 $24 $674 $854 $14,456 $10,323 $1,532 $1,090 $5,741 $4,254 $890 $40,438
Training for staff and volunteers $53 $0 $89 $46 $968 $956 $22 $108 $360 $194 $16 $2,813
All compensation wages and admin $6,460 $1,322 $16,224 $4,607 $93,358 $146,537 $20,561 $12,681 $59,794 $41,105 $8,674 $411,322
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $6 $0 $21 $0 $955 $4,812 $412 $1 $504 $180 $0 $6,891
Total cost of all purchased supplies $1,006 $17 $1,564 $482 $20,413 $22,351 $2,468 $1,392 $13,517 $2,900 $526 $66,638
Amortization of capital assets $1,309 $0 $4,015 $125 $29,350 $47,865 $17,032 $2,503 $18,899 $6,334 $166 $127,598
Research grants and scholarships $0 $0 $158 $104 $9 $8,020 $44 $0 $2 $23 $0 $8,360
Other operating expenditures $3,049 $377 $4,609 $1,359 $46,057 $56,961 $6,461 $5,799 $11,116 $16,810 $8,402 $161,000
Total expenditures $16,057 $2,033 $35,151 $9,258 $254,952 $377,368 $67,543 $29,355 $127,422 $86,608 $20,611 $1,026,358

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Museums: Industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 84. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) 92 12 232 63 1,210 1,664 244 205 785 515 86 5,107
Part-time employees (PT) 342 82 566 255 1,626 2,392 427 544 1,824 1,101 138 9,297
Contract workers 47 17 61 34 460 492 114 31 250 255 84 1,844
Number of volunteers 1,513 452 3,330 1,463 4,938 18,489 6,271 9,000 8,838 7,584 247 62,124
Hours worked by all volunteers 71,515 9,932 142,620 93,203 275,143 1,724,259 299,523 310,819 418,974 519,269 4,854 3,870,112

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 85. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female 65.9% 58.3% 69.0% 70.2% 63.8% 68.8% 65.3% 71.9% 66.9% 75.3% 71.6% 67.9%
Male 34.1% 41.7% 31.0% 29.8% 36.2% 31.2% 34.7% 28.1% 33.1% 24.7% 28.4% 32.1%
Under 25 years of age 70.7% 34.7% 37.0% 57.2% 24.1% 29.4% 34.1% 54.3% 35.4% 36.9% 22.4% 33.4%
25 to 44 years of age 12.2% 20.4% 30.1% 16.3% 42.4% 37.2% 43.8% 21.9% 35.4% 29.9% 38.8% 35.2%
45 to 59 years of age 8.5% 26.5% 20.5% 17.2% 26.8% 23.7% 15.9% 16.6% 20.2% 21.1% 28.4% 22.3%
Age 60 and over 8.5% 18.4% 12.3% 9.3% 6.7% 9.6% 6.2% 7.3% 8.9% 12.1% 10.4% 9.1%
Administration/management 14.3% 14.3% 16.9% 12.4% 14.5% 14.7% 15.3% 11.9% 19.8% 13.9% 25.8% 15.2%
Archivist/librarian 5.3% 2.0% 3.9% 3.2% 2.5% 1.9% 2.2% 0.4% 1.9% 3.3% 6.1% 2.5%
Conservation/preservation 1.5% 2.0% 2.2% 2.3% 3.9% 2.9% 2.0% 1.1% 8.3% 1.3% 3.0% 3.2%
Curatorial/research or scientist 5.3% 0.0% 6.6% 14.7% 5.2% 11.9% 5.0% 7.1% 6.0% 9.5% 16.7% 8.3%
Digital/IT 0.8% 0.0% 2.4% 0.0% 2.7% 1.7% 2.8% 0.4% 1.9% 1.8% 1.5% 1.9%
Education/programing & engagement 5.3% 0.0% 16.6% 24.0% 36.8% 25.7% 33.8% 16.4% 15.9% 14.9% 7.6% 24.5%
Exhibitions/touring 30.1% 40.8% 14.9% 10.6% 9.6% 11.9% 6.8% 7.1% 10.3% 5.4% 4.5% 10.9%
Facilities maintenance & security 1.5% 8.2% 6.1% 2.8% 7.7% 10.6% 7.4% 6.3% 9.7% 3.1% 7.6% 7.7%
Gift shop/catering 0.0% 12.2% 7.1% 7.4% 4.3% 3.6% 6.3% 14.9% 8.1% 7.7% 3.0% 5.9%
Multiple job roles 27.1% 20.4% 22.0% 17.5% 8.9% 11.6% 14.2% 19.4% 14.9% 36.2% 10.6% 15.6%
Other job roles 9.0% 0.0% 1.2% 5.1% 3.7% 3.5% 4.1% 14.9% 3.3% 2.8% 13.6% 4.3%
Self-identified as a visible minority 5.9% 7.6% 10.1% 3.7% 2.4% 2.7% 2.4% 22.9% 0.8% 12.1% 7.5% 4.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 86. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits 321,773 166,525 1,464,078 262,837 9,778,292 9,271,718 1,920,205 1,220,979 3,529,477 4,316,556 287,763 32,540,204
# of Online visits 656,566 2,576 2,693,975 2,415,674 25,580,493 38,363,446 2,481,056 1,614,377 7,219,817 15,430,401 185,149 96,643,531
# of School groups 949 222 1,439 569 17,327 20,756 3,837 4,582 12,243 10,695 527 73,145
# of Members 2,873 264 17,409 4,681 58,163 317,533 38,761 22,186 83,040 88,671 2,837 636,417
# of Research requests 2,006 2,617 10,832 5,183 25,875 70,466 4,696 2,930 24,652 23,936 1,154 174,347

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 87. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit museums, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions 590 71 829 437 1,089 2,808 1,370 1,301 2,003 1,689 214 12,401
# of Exhibitions created 111 25 335 116 345 1,366 419 297 692 490 33 4,227
# of Exhibitions circulated 34 5 33 28 434 594 117 79 117 123 13 1,577
# of Online exhibitions hosted 33 5 46 27 278 268 61 114 211 169 42 1,252

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Historic sites: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 88. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues $7,247 $798 $13,231 $4,160 $25,453 $23,418 $701 $8,090 $7,678 $9,923 $4,164 $104,864
Earned revenues $3,589 $1,539 $4,849 $1,951 $12,894 $11,923 $852 $3,467 $6,973 $12,085 $375 $60,499
Total revenues $10,836 $2,338 $18,080 $6,112 $38,347 $35,341 $1,553 $11,557 $14,652 $22,009 $4,539 $165,363
Total expenditures $11,516 $1,668 $18,145 $5,775 $38,006 $36,093 $1,210 $11,491 $13,155 $20,238 $4,242 $161,539
Profit margin (percent) -6.3% 28.7% -0.4% 5.5% 0.9% -2.1% 22.1% 0.6% 10.2% 8.0% 6.5% 2.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 89. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government $4,634 $646 $10,695 $894 $18,179 $7,685 $81 $2,157 $2,646 $932 $3,468 $52,019
Provincial government $2,254 $80 $2,293 $2,739 $2,103 $8,514 $120 $2,503 $1,760 $7,504 $571 $30,441
Local government $13 $12 $39 $129 $2,631 $4,680 $144 $1,053 $2,379 $764 $97 $11,942
Donations tax receipted $302 X $138 $239 $376 $1,258 $46 $1,446 $724 $163 X $4,757
Donations non-tax receipted $16 $0 $25 $27 $465 $768 $188 $689 $66 $213 $22 $2,477
Donations from other charities $9 X $5 $95 $1,686 $354 $32 $213 $26 $65 X $2,486
Interest/investment $18 X $36 $37 $12 $158 $91 $29 $78 $283 X $742
Total unearned revenues $7,247 $798 $13,231 $4,160 $25,453 $23,418 $701 $8,090 $7,678 $9,923 $4,164 $104,864

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 90. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities $81 $8 $79 $57 $305 $880 $76 $219 $308 $414 $14 $2,440
Membership fees $4 $1 $10 $78 $1,108 $94 $63 $6 $16 $106 $0 $1,486
Admission fees $402 $934 $2,532 $676 $2,929 $5,438 X $387 $2,412 $5,213 X $21,107
Public programs fees $100 $15 $274 $280 $1,949 $1,200 X $120 $849 $1 X $5,200
Fundraising $87 $8 $178 $126 $307 $1,003 $146 $143 $410 $248 $25 $2,681
Sales of goods and services $2,633 $570 $1,563 $673 $3,102 $2,570 $86 $1,051 $2,249 $3,898 $47 $18,442
Other earned revenue $283 $4 $214 $61 $3,194 $738 $109 $1,541 $730 $2,204 $66 $9,143
Total earned revenue $3,589 $1,539 $4,849 $1,951 $12,894 $11,923 $852 $3,467 $6,973 $12,085 $375 $60,499

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 91. Expenses profile of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion $106 $23 $115 $176 $889 $286 $6 $126 $301 $997 $18 $3,042
Travel and vehicle $170 $4 $297 $14 $356 $139 $1 $136 $114 $196 $60 $1,488
Interest and bank charges $85 $2 $49 $3 $332 $45 $55 $34 $35 $133 $0 $773
Office supplies and expenses $155 $15 $169 $22 $1,111 $307 $98 $144 $100 $396 $8 $2,525
Occupancy costs $293 $237 $1,351 $1,083 $3,901 $9,303 $73 $340 $1,058 $817 $108 $18,564
Professional consulting fees $583 $3 $368 $88 $1,565 $1,085 $75 $752 $198 $280 $153 $5,149
Training for staff and volunteers $11 $0 $17 $0 $14 $5 $0 $24 $46 $29 $0 $147
All compensation wages and admin $4,890 $656 $11,528 $2,464 $18,532 $14,698 $458 $4,759 $6,751 $8,266 $2,593 $75,595
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $0 $4 $4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $491 $44 $120 $12 $675
Total cost of all purchased supplies $1,225 $98 $981 $568 $647 $4,660 $2 $2,426 $1,748 $1,897 $156 $14,409
Amortization of capital assets $617 $80 $1,629 $247 $5,090 $973 $65 $1,346 $534 $495 $421 $11,497
Research grants and scholarships $108 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $127
Other operating expenditures $3,271 $547 $1,638 $1,111 $5,568 $4,573 $376 $913 $2,226 $6,614 $711 $27,548
Total expenditures $11,516 $1,668 $18,145 $5,775 $38,006 $36,093 $1,210 $11,491 $13,155 $20,238 $4,242 $161,539

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Historic sites: Industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 92. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) 27 22 70 25 217 131 12 55 82 116 14 771
Part-time employees (PT) 314 72 512 131 576 736 43 182 258 394 70 3,287
Contract workers 21 7 23 33 55 37 X 0 181 28 X 388
Number of volunteers 204 370 1,580 268 1,601 4,208 X 1,999 1,916 1,854 X 14,421
Hours worked by all volunteers 25,281 10,400 52,069 15,582 136,407 159,389 X 30,255 33,041 79,926 X 558,566

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 93. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female 80.2% 67.9% 56.6% 63.3% 59.2% 68.4% X 52.3% 72.1% 77.0% X 66.3%
Male 19.8% 32.1% 43.4% 36.7% 40.8% 31.6% X 47.7% 27.9% 23.0% X 33.7%
Under 25 years of age 41.1% 67.9% 46.3% 60.0% 54.1% 47.7% X 54.2% 37.5% 53.1% X 50.1%
25 to 44 years of age 28.6% 16.1% 14.8% 10.0% 19.7% 27.8% X 25.2% 24.0% 24.8% X 23.2%
45 to 59 years of age 22.3% 8.9% 27.8% 16.7% 16.7% 16.6% X 17.8% 21.9% 16.8% X 18.1%
Age 60 and over 8.0% 7.1% 11.1% 13.3% 9.4% 7.9% X 2.8% 16.7% 5.3% X 8.6%
Administration/management 2.9% 5.4% 3.8% 6.7% 14.2% 9.3% X 7.3% 15.7% 10.7% X 9.6%
Archivist/librarian 2.2% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% X 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% X 0.9%
Conservation/preservation 2.2% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% X 1.0% 1.7% 1.0% X 1.1%
Curatorial/research or scientist 0.0% 3.6% 1.9% 0.0% 2.3% 2.7% X 0.0% 2.5% 1.9% X 1.7%
Digital/IT 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% X 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% X 0.2%
Education/programing & engagement 12.9% 17.9% 9.4% 20.0% 23.9% 15.3% X 4.2% 41.3% 20.4% X 19.4%
Exhibitions/touring 3.6% 53.6% 18.9% 50.0% 10.6% 18.7% X 47.9% 13.2% 0.0% X 17.7%
Facilities maintenance & security 1.4% 12.5% 22.6% 13.3% 3.2% 10.0% X 16.7% 1.7% 5.8% X 7.6%
Gift shop/catering 2.9% 3.6% 11.3% 0.0% 8.7% 4.0% X 10.4% 3.3% 39.8% X 9.4%
Multiple job roles 71.2% 1.8% 30.2% 10.0% 28.9% 37.3% X 11.5% 19.0% 17.5% X 30.5%
Other job roles 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 2.7% X 1.0% 0.8% 1.9% X 1.9%
Self-identified as a visible minority 0.9% 1.8% 3.8% 0.0% 4.3% 8.4% X 27.1% 9.9% 1.8% X 7.3%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 94. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits 736,621 243,416 1,151,586 262,649 7,622,301 1,522,861 X 1,128,167 817,284 1,034,982 X 14,767,384
# of Online visits 241,330 21,333 1,694,175 169,503 2,445,025 3,946,751 X X 1,101,316 2,078,093 X 12,127,167
# of School groups 290 77 848 255 4,371 2,652 X 956 2,068 1,048 X 12,676
# of Members 287 88 1,057 696 11,177 4,173 X 250 1,115 2,486 X 21,527
# of Research requests 634 250 466 2,362 13,667 12,120 X 66 1,245 3,507 X 34,387

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 95. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit historic sites, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions 66 13 63 78 163 395 X 58 186 262 X 1,330
# of Exhibitions created 33 8 22 7 85 184 X 28 20 33 X 425
# of Exhibitions circulated 4 0 0 0 39 46 X 0 2 2 X 98
# of Online exhibitions hosted 33 0 2 0 13 39 X 3 2 14 X 165

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Archives: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 96. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues X X $3,341 $2,435 $230,618 $79,086 $6,959 $7,016 $6,863 $9,804 X $348,350
Earned revenues X X $825 $224 $9,121 $2,855 $2,380 $85 $861 $3,367 X $19,742
Total revenues X X $4,166 $2,659 $239,739 $81,942 $9,339 $7,101 $7,724 $13,171 X $368,092
Total expenditures X X $4,510 $2,627 $244,017 $86,426 $8,437 $7,762 $7,793 $9,814 X $373,596
Profit margin (percent) X X -8.3% 1.2% -1.8% -5.5% 9.7% -9.3% -0.9% 25.5% X -1.5%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 97. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government X X $293 $28 $136,414 $18,599 $29 $44 $65 $162 X $155,687
Provincial government X X $2,465 $2,366 $78,742 $47,114 $6,001 $6,085 $4,160 $4,571 X $152,855
Local government X X $342 $16 $11,706 $8,135 $23 $617 $2,083 $2,328 X $26,069
Donations tax receipted X X $122 X $2,235 $3,538 $287 $227 $219 $1,946 X $8,584
Donations non-tax receipted X X $119 $15 $183 $1,273 $188 $43 $214 $263 X $2,303
Donations from other charities X X $0 X $145 $275 $430 $0 $75 $410 X $1,336
Interest/investment X X X X $1,194 $152 $1 $0 $45 $124 X $1,517
Total unearned revenues X X $3,341 $2,435 $230,618 $79,086 $6,959 $7,016 $6,863 $9,804 X $348,350

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 98. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities X X $57 $19 $0 $52 $30 $0 $85 $1 X $245
Membership fees X X $0 $0 $77 $253 $12 $10 $13 $116 X $482
Admission fees X X $38 $0 $12 $104 X $0 $0 $0 X $153
Public programs fees X X $0 $0 $0 $9 $0 $12 $0 $0 X $21
Fundraising X X $164 $47 $541 $798 $1,310 $39 $292 $2,804 X $5,998
Sales of goods and services X X $300 $9 $1,033 $410 $330 $20 $39 $63 X $2,204
Other earned revenue X X $266 $148 $7,459 $1,229 $698 $4 $432 $383 X $10,639
Total earned revenue X X $825 $224 $9,121 $2,855 $2,380 $85 $861 $3,367 X $19,742

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 99. Expenses profile of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion X X $11 $1 $2,727 $558 $31 $18 $54 $65 X $3,471
Travel and vehicle X X $24 $4 $844 $231 $34 $51 $39 $52 X $1,292
Interest and bank charges X X $18 $0 $7,119 $15 $7 $22 $17 $10 X $7,207
Office supplies and expenses X X $75 $13 $2,126 $708 $33 $58 $218 $211 X $3,459
Occupancy costs X X $606 $0 $45,343 $11,558 $82 $1,262 $412 $298 X $59,743
Professional consulting fees X X $95 $1 $13,330 $2,129 $31 $82 $362 $351 X $16,382
Training for staff and volunteers X X X X $9 $76 $2 X $3 $15 X $113
All compensation wages and admin X X $2,546 $2,520 $127,274 $41,647 $5,360 $5,379 $5,611 $7,328 X $199,484
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities X X X X $28 $827 $0 X $4 $0 X $859
Total cost of all purchased supplies X X $215 $46 $6,896 $997 $39 $178 $217 $179 X $8,777
Amortization of capital assets X X $111 $0 $18,375 $958 $2 $77 $125 $364 X $20,011
Research grants and scholarships X X X X $1 $6 $0 X $0 $0 X $7
Other operating expenditures X X $810 $44 $19,947 $26,714 $2,816 $632 $731 $942 X $52,793
Total expenditures X X $4,510 $2,627 $244,017 $86,426 $8,437 $7,762 $7,793 $9,814 X $373,596

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Archives: Industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 100. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) X X 43 46 1,589 506 75 70 59 90 X 2,517
Part-time employees (PT) X X 40 31 195 104 25 18 25 88 X 570
Contract workers X X 6 7 19 30 7 6 28 18 X 134
Number of volunteers X X 301 62 851 1,152 122 691 475 330 X 4,117
Hours worked by all volunteers X X 21,900 11,575 67,054 137,591 7,226 10,852 35,429 31,367 X 324,103

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 101. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female X X 74.5% 51.3% 62.6% 69.7% 66.7% 65.4% 73.6% 75.3% X 65.3%
Male X X 25.5% 48.7% 37.4% 30.3% 33.3% 34.6% 26.4% 24.7% X 34.7%
Under 25 years of age X X 29.4% 5.1% 3.9% 9.1% 8.1% 11.5% 1.4% 15.6% X 6.3%
25 to 44 years of age X X 20.6% 51.3% 49.0% 46.5% 59.5% 34.6% 50.0% 40.6% X 47.0%
45 to 59 years of age X X 35.3% 38.5% 41.8% 35.9% 29.7% 50.0% 33.3% 32.8% X 40.0%
Age 60 and over X X 14.7% 5.1% 5.2% 8.5% 2.7% 3.8% 15.3% 10.9% X 6.7%
Administration/management X X 18.2% 17.9% 14.1% 17.0% 10.5% 19.5% 19.4% 13.2% X 14.9%
Archivist/librarian X X 32.7% 30.8% 18.6% 27.9% 42.1% 45.5% 40.3% 47.4% X 23.3%
Conservation/preservation X X 0.0% 5.1% 9.4% 9.4% 5.3% 0.0% 4.5% 1.3% X 8.3%
Curatorial/research or scientist X X 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% X 0.5%
Digital/IT X X 5.5% 5.1% 5.3% 5.3% 0.0% 9.1% 3.0% 3.9% X 5.3%
Education/programing & engagement X X 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 1.3% 6.0% 0.0% X 1.0%
Exhibitions/touring X X 1.8% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% X 0.3%
Facilities maintenance & security X X 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.4% 0.0% 2.6% 4.5% 0.0% X 0.3%
Gift shop/catering X X 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% X 0.1%
Multiple job roles X X 14.5% 2.6% 28.6% 7.9% 5.3% 13.0% 7.5% 28.9% X 23.3%
Other job roles X X 16.4% 38.5% 23.2% 29.2% 36.8% 9.1% 11.9% 2.6% X 22.7%
Self-identified as a visible minority X X 7.3% 2.6% 4.6% 3.0% 7.7% 2.6% 0.0% 4.1% X 4.1%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 102. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits X X 39,180 9,412 2,547,629 120,281 5,440 3,765 43,672 56,440 X 2,837,107
# of Online visits X X 3,592,615 966,810 19,174,015 16,340,697 1,054,150 138,630 583,520 3,138,437 X 44,990,875
# of School groups X X 139 30 120 799 65 45 631 310 X 2,173
# of Members X X 539 108 5,027 140,729 439 681 17,656 2,221 X 169,245
# of Research requests X X 31,678 10,230 412,012 241,350 14,368 7,992 17,023 63,215 X 803,357

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 103. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit archives, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions X X 25 5 78 98 10 4 72 72 X 375
# of Exhibitions created X X 50 10 123 224 15 33 75 122 X 663
# of Exhibitions circulated X X 0 2 118 149 0 20 29 33 X 358
# of Online exhibitions hosted X X 133 25 334 608 38 96 118 139 X 1,491

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Zoos and botanical gardens: Revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 104. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues X X X $6,287 $17,937 $40,041 $30,842 X $17,261 $12,613 X $125,381
Earned revenues X X X $5,274 $41,136 $59,930 $13,102 X $40,026 $41,167 X $201,529
Total revenues X X X $11,561 $59,074 $99,971 $43,944 X $57,287 $53,779 X $326,910
Total expenditures X X X $11,239 $56,564 $91,612 $37,124 X $58,091 $58,012 X $313,866
Profit margin (percent) X X X 2.8% 4.2% 8.4% 15.5% X -1.4% -7.9% X 4.0%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 105. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government X X X $290 $277 $546 $38 X $251 $690 X $2,132
Provincial government X X X $1,250 $13,404 $6,571 $87 X $1,435 $539 X $23,370
Local government X X X $3,897 $1,771 $17,711 $18,100 X $12,898 $757 X $55,208
Donations tax receipted X X X $794 $979 $9,953 $5,871 X $1,298 $4,170 X $23,236
Donations non-tax receipted X X X $54 $528 $2,004 $528 X $218 $3,406 X $6,758
Donations from other charities X X X $3 $813 $2,330 $6,110 X $252 $2,090 X $11,610
Interest/investment X X X $0 $164 $927 $108 X $909 $960 X $3,068
Total unearned revenues X X X $6,287 $17,937 $40,041 $30,842 X $17,261 $12,613 X $125,381

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 106. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities X X X $3 $444 $1,434 $396 X $655 $1,113 X $4,088
Membership fees X X X $47 $934 $7,266 $742 X $3,991 $4,132 X $17,249
Admission fees X X X $1,099 $16,103 $20,800 X X $15,340 $18,823 X $72,407
Public programs fees X X X $597 $0 $3,600 X X $1,600 $1,114 X $6,911
Fundraising X X X $22 $688 $2,048 $241 X $785 $691 X $4,570
Sales of goods and services X X X $3,420 $22,553 $15,871 $11,602 X $14,540 $14,069 X $82,264
Other earned revenue X X X $85 $414 $8,910 $121 X $3,115 $1,224 X $14,041
Total earned revenue X X X $5,274 $41,136 $59,930 $13,102 X $40,026 $41,167 X $201,529

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 107. Expenses profile of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion X X X $76 $2,580 $2,535 $553 X $2,410 $2,132 X $10,310
Travel and vehicle X X X $86 $39 $635 $312 X $425 $591 X $2,110
Interest and bank charges X X X $41 $1,823 $675 $454 X $1,279 $1,337 X $5,630
Office supplies and expenses X X X $39 $363 $5,079 $617 X $216 $1,435 X $7,767
Occupancy costs X X X $2,284 $2,165 $5,780 $3,315 X $2,501 $6,779 X $22,895
Professional consulting fees X X X $280 $544 $2,189 $403 X $258 $1,851 X $5,533
Training for staff and volunteers X X X $30 $17 $214 $165 X $206 $90 X $726
All compensation wages and admin X X X $5,025 $18,171 $51,885 $14,374 X $25,817 $26,250 X $142,395
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities X X X $0 $20 $37 $0 X $74 $1 X $132
Total cost of all purchased supplies X X X $469 $1,360 $2,500 $6,902 X $2,866 $10,049 X $24,174
Amortization of capital assets X X X $524 $8,698 $4,005 $6,963 X $7,299 $5,593 X $33,090
Research grants and scholarships X X X $0 $15 $127 $19 X $37 $0 X $198
Other operating expenditures X X X $2,385 $20,769 $15,952 $3,046 X $14,702 $1,904 X $58,905
Total expenditures X X X $11,239 $56,564 $91,612 $37,124 X $58,091 $58,012 X $313,866

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Zoos and botanical gardens: Industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 108. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) X X X 70 257 539 191 X 184 426 X 1,676
Part-time employees (PT) X X X 69 935 837 328 X 485 579 X 3,314
Contract workers X X X X 315 0 1 X 87 31 X 441
Number of volunteers X X X 67 1,673 3,035 X X 2,421 4,933 X 12,431
Hours worked by all volunteers X X X 7,000 33,616 197,683 X X 85,000 179,086 X 509,734

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 109. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female X X X 61.1% 62.5% 61.4% X X 68.6% 57.1% X 63.6%
Male X X X 38.9% 37.5% 38.6% X X 31.4% 42.9% X 36.4%
Under 25 years of age X X X 16.7% 66.8% 36.4% X X 53.2% 57.1% X 62.8%
25 to 44 years of age X X X 33.3% 21.9% 43.2% X X 27.0% 14.3% X 23.2%
45 to 59 years of age X X X 44.4% 9.0% 11.4% X X 15.3% 14.3% X 10.9%
Age 60 and over X X X 5.6% 2.3% 9.1% X X 4.5% 14.3% X 3.1%
Administration/management X X X 44.4% 5.3% 13.6% X X 5.5% 14.3% X 6.4%
Archivist/librarian X X X 0.0% 0.2% 2.3% X X 0.5% 0.0% X 0.3%
Conservation/preservation X X X 11.1% 0.5% 2.3% X X 0.0% 0.0% X 0.6%
Curatorial/research or scientist X X X 0.0% 6.0% 6.8% X X 21.8% 0.0% X 8.4%
Digital/IT X X X 0.0% 0.3% 2.3% X X 0.9% 0.0% X 0.5%
Education/programing & engagement X X X 16.7% 8.7% 25.0% X X 34.5% 0.0% X 13.5%
Exhibitions/touring X X X 0.0% 0.0% 4.5% X X 0.0% 0.0% X 0.5%
Facilities maintenance & security X X X 11.1% 18.4% 20.5% X X 7.7% 28.6% X 16.3%
Gift shop/catering X X X 0.0% 43.8% 2.3% X X 10.9% 42.9% X 35.2%
Multiple job roles X X X 16.7% 0.0% 9.1% X X 15.0% 14.3% X 4.2%
Other job roles X X X 0.0% 16.8% 11.4% X X 3.2% 0.0% X 14.1%
Self-identified as a visible minority X X X 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% X X 0.0% 0.0% X 0.2%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 110. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits X X X 266,483 2,073,621 2,387,949 765,000 X 1,853,955 2,088,906 X 9,499,413
# of Online visits X X X X 2,059,719 3,397,625 X X 2,673,174 X X 8,957,063
# of School groups X X X X 4,594 1,105 X X 1,084 1,649 X 8,866
# of Members X X X X 13,270 72,664 X X 70,715 60,674 X 237,367
# of Research requests X X X X 2,220 1,000 X X 169 1,397 X 4,791

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 111. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit zoos and botanical gardens, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions X X X X 167 390 X X 98 157 X 846
# of Exhibitions created X X X X 17 230 X X 48 107 X 408
# of Exhibitions circulated X X X X 51 0 X X 127 3 X 181
# of Online exhibitions hosted X X X X 9 10 X X 28 0 X 47

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

All heritage institutions: Provincial revenue and expenditure profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 112. Revenue and expenditure summary profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Unearned revenues $19,331 $3,648 $48,829 $25,981 $561,772 $554,662 $93,173 $51,287 $115,431 $106,747 $25,877 $1,606,737
Earned revenues $8,782 $2,556 $18,675 $11,468 $168,027 $377,136 $35,406 $21,374 $128,159 $121,287 $3,878 $896,748
Total revenues $28,113 $6,203 $67,504 $37,448 $729,798 $931,798 $128,579 $72,661 $243,590 $228,034 $29,755 $2,503,485
Total expenditures $29,180 $5,546 $63,814 $35,459 $706,699 $880,778 $123,982 $70,465 $225,443 $217,383 $29,117 $2,387,866
Profit margin (percent) -3.8% 10.6% 5.5% 5.3% 3.2% 5.5% 3.6% 3.0% 7.4% 4.7% 2.1% 4.6%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 113. Unearned revenue profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Federal government $5,709 $1,010 $23,339 $2,241 $254,542 $150,327 $29,363 $3,962 $7,389 $6,247 $5,576 $489,705
Provincial government $10,254 $2,182 $17,388 $11,741 $195,414 $163,699 $14,152 $21,874 $37,284 $35,648 $19,562 $529,200
Local government $1,462 $295 $1,896 $5,474 $38,404 $85,877 $22,247 $9,016 $43,731 $30,135 $580 $239,115
Donations tax receipted $1,203 $113 $3,568 $5,398 $28,664 $92,653 $17,800 $14,259 $12,953 $17,731 $85 $194,426
Donations non-tax receipted $352 $44 $1,248 $553 $7,740 $8,628 $2,074 $1,440 $7,929 $7,040 $70 $37,117
Donations from other charities $66 $1 $850 $213 $23,653 $42,318 $7,036 $371 $1,394 $5,513 $0 $81,413
Interest/investment $284 $2 $542 $361 $13,354 $11,161 $501 $367 $4,751 $4,433 $4 $35,760
Total unearned revenues $19,331 $3,648 $48,829 $25,981 $561,772 $554,662 $93,173 $51,287 $115,431 $106,747 $25,877 $1,606,737

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 114. Earned revenue profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Gross income from rental of facilities $787 $17 $926 $389 $5,257 $10,783 $1,807 $1,379 $5,474 $6,559 $79 $33,458
Membership fees $78 $1 $339 $300 $10,804 $23,505 $1,869 $649 $7,322 $9,174 $36 $54,077
Admission fees $1,707 $1,133 $5,632 $2,601 $56,626 $82,179 $5,563 $2,150 $38,987 $47,045 $1,043 $244,667
Public programs fees $210 $92 $1,192 $1,453 $9,665 $23,295 $557 $528 $19,947 $4,366 $110 $61,414
Fundraising $706 $209 $3,062 $856 $6,190 $94,017 $4,505 $2,501 $7,195 $9,916 $363 $129,520
Sales of goods and services $4,373 $832 $5,661 $5,151 $53,299 $97,071 $16,895 $7,273 $40,151 $32,047 $1,155 $263,907
Other earned revenue $921 $271 $1,862 $717 $26,186 $46,286 $4,212 $6,892 $9,084 $12,180 $1,093 $109,705
Total earned revenue $8,782 $2,556 $18,675 $11,468 $168,027 $377,136 $35,406 $21,374 $128,159 $121,287 $3,878 $896,748

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 115. Expenses profile of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015 (Note: all figures are in thousands of dollars)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Advertising and promotion $457 $80 $1,780 $543 $16,382 $24,949 $2,632 $2,086 $7,245 $8,238 $233 $64,626
Travel and vehicle $373 $40 $969 $377 $4,416 $6,563 $1,028 $762 $1,482 $2,032 $559 $18,599
Interest and bank charges $174 $10 $278 $135 $15,913 $7,153 $794 $353 $2,384 $2,737 $91 $30,022
Office supplies and expenses $574 $51 $1,020 $498 $9,315 $24,363 $2,174 $1,425 $4,349 $5,341 $624 $49,735
Occupancy costs $2,941 $747 $7,195 $5,114 $95,280 $92,008 $19,437 $5,693 $14,429 $18,246 $1,042 $262,133
Professional consulting fees $1,192 $90 $1,259 $1,493 $34,177 $23,023 $2,407 $2,418 $7,000 $8,777 $1,080 $82,916
Training for staff and volunteers $70 $0 $107 $76 $1,122 $1,672 $197 $200 $627 $436 $225 $4,733
All compensation wages and admin $12,392 $2,930 $33,516 $16,938 $297,697 $337,845 $45,181 $29,958 $105,527 $100,703 $13,499 $996,186
FMV of Donated goods to charitable activities $9 $4 $25 $564 $10,859 $46,641 $412 $602 $689 $1,901 $12 $61,718
Total cost of all purchased supplies $2,252 $296 $2,798 $1,746 $31,135 $46,138 $9,411 $4,305 $18,767 $17,011 $689 $134,548
Amortization of capital assets $1,935 $80 $5,766 $1,243 $68,819 $74,701 $24,423 $4,663 $29,373 $13,457 $747 $225,207
Research grants and scholarships $108 $0 $158 $104 $32 $8,193 $63 $0 $40 $189 $0 $8,887
Other operating expenditures $6,703 $1,218 $8,944 $6,628 $121,552 $187,530 $15,823 $17,999 $33,529 $38,314 $10,316 $448,556
Total expenditures $29,180 $5,546 $63,814 $35,459 $706,699 $880,778 $123,982 $70,465 $225,443 $217,383 $29,117 $2,387,866

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

All heritage institutions: Provincial industry characteristics profile, 2015

For all tables, “X” indicates too unreliable to be published.

For all tables, “r” indicates revision of previous data.

For all tables, Territories include: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Table 116. Employment characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Full-time employees (FT) 137 45 394 249 3,810 3,852 574 443 1,210 1,376 147 12,238
Part-time employees (PT) 706 160 1,195 547 3,919 5,086 943 913 2,684 2,575 265 18,993
Contract workers 92 65 102 84 1,119 1,307 183 63 572 468 97 4,150
Number of volunteers 1,966 992 5,699 2,143 10,546 33,988 7,384 12,620 14,605 18,213 464 108,620
Hours worked by all volunteers 110,284 21,382 250,743 140,082 581,461 2,540,190 337,252 372,748 610,213 892,742 9,645 5,866,741

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 117. Employment demographic and occupation characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015 (% of full-time/part-time employees)
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
Female 74.9% 63.9% 68.4% 65.9% 63.2% 66.2% 65.7% 67.2% 69.0% 75.3% 69.8% 66.4%
Male 25.1% 36.1% 31.6% 34.1% 36.8% 33.8% 34.3% 32.8% 31.0% 24.7% 30.2% 33.6%
Under 25 years of age 52.1% 48.0% 38.9% 46.6% 31.1% 20.7% 32.2% 39.6% 31.3% 34.5% 21.8% 30.2%
25 to 44 years of age 23.7% 19.5% 26.8% 22.5% 36.9% 44.2% 45.2% 29.4% 39.0% 35.5% 40.2% 37.6%
45 to 59 years of age 16.1% 18.7% 22.4% 22.2% 25.8% 26.6% 16.9% 25.1% 20.7% 19.9% 27.6% 24.4%
Age 60 and over 8.1% 13.8% 11.9% 8.8% 6.1% 8.5% 5.7% 5.9% 9.1% 10.2% 10.3% 7.8%
Administration/management 9.3% 11.4% 14.8% 16.1% 14.9% 13.8% 14.6% 13.7% 15.9% 14.4% 32.3% 14.7%
Archivist/librarian 3.4% 1.6% 6.2% 5.9% 8.4% 4.4% 5.0% 6.8% 4.1% 6.4% 7.7% 6.3%
Conservation/preservation 1.7% 3.3% 1.6% 2.8% 5.1% 3.4% 2.1% 1.0% 5.2% 1.3% 3.1% 3.7%
Curatorial/research or scientist 3.4% 3.3% 5.1% 9.9% 3.5% 8.0% 4.8% 4.9% 9.1% 8.0% 9.2% 5.9%
Digital/IT 1.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.6% 3.0% 3.2% 2.5% 1.7% 1.4% 1.5% 3.1% 2.6%
Education/programing & engagement 8.6% 8.9% 14.4% 20.2% 13.7% 19.2% 31.2% 12.2% 23.7% 15.7% 9.2% 16.8%
Exhibitions/touring 16.6% 41.5% 13.5% 11.8% 3.8% 9.6% 6.3% 14.8% 7.1% 5.3% 3.1% 7.7%
Facilities maintenance & security 1.4% 8.9% 6.9% 4.3% 8.1% 10.7% 7.1% 7.2% 7.2% 4.9% 6.2% 8.1%
Gift shop/catering 1.4% 6.5% 6.9% 5.0% 11.5% 11.2% 5.9% 10.8% 7.6% 12.6% 3.1% 10.1%
Multiple job roles 49.0% 14.6% 22.1% 14.9% 14.4% 8.8% 14.0% 17.3% 14.8% 27.1% 13.8% 15.0%
Other job roles 4.1% 0.0% 6.3% 8.4% 13.6% 7.6% 6.5% 9.5% 3.8% 2.8% 9.2% 9.1%
Self-identified as a visible minority 2.3% 10.7% 3.3% 3.4% 2.4% 2.9% 10.0% 13.2% 4.6% 6.9% 5.8% 4.0%

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 118. Attendance characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Visits 1,165,575 457,625 2,755,143 925,529 25,127,269 17,760,524 3,268,334 2,925,847 7,675,453 9,123,721 396,023 71,581,043
# of Online visits 899,896 23,909 8,154,396 4,003,488 55,386,443 81,938,392 4,304,770 2,848,857 12,134,741 27,374,664 185,149 197,254,705
# of School groups 1,328 377 2,747 1,253 34,352 34,062 4,883 6,657 17,016 15,365 583 118,623
# of Members 6,579 452 22,043 7,022 270,082 731,352 62,730 27,906 180,569 213,323 2,861 1,524,919
# of Research requests 6,668 2,887 43,115 17,828 460,025 417,492 19,713 11,179 43,569 94,526 2,811 1,119,814

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Table 119. Exhibitions characteristics of not-for-profit (all) heritage institutions, by province and territory, 2015
Newfoundland and Labradorr Prince Edward Islandr Nova Scotiar New Brunswickr Quebecr Ontarior Manitobar Saskat-chewanr Albertar British Columbiar Territoriesr Total (Canada 2015)r
# of Permanent exhibitions 722 84 955 531 1,599 3,878 1,426 1,446 2,444 2,291 246 15,622
# of Exhibitions created 175 59 455 223 857 3,292 509 517 984 1,253 46 8,369
# of Exhibitions circulated 40 12 48 46 947 1,177 126 134 382 201 16 3,128
# of Online exhibitions hosted 70 7 185 57 665 1,128 168 237 364 398 43 3,322

Notes: Due to rounding, some components may not add to total.

Data sources, methods and definitions

Reference period

The 2017 calendar year or in some cases the corresponding 12 month fiscal period for 2017-18, depending on the method of operation by the institution surveyed.

Collection period

March 11, 2019 through to March 31, 2019.


The survey collects financial and operating data required to gain a better understanding of not-for-profit heritage institutions in Canada and to help develop national and regional policies and programs.

This data is aggregated to produce official estimates of the national and provincial economic production along with the cultural civic role of all heritage institutions in Canada. Data from the Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions, together with revenue and expenditure data from the Canada Revenue Agency, contributes to the accurate measurement of national and provincial economic and social activities.

Target population

The target population consists of not-for-profit establishments classified as heritage institutions in accordance to the definition of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Institutions surveyed include archives (519122), non-commercial art museums and galleries, (712111), history and science museums (712115), other museums (712119), historic and heritage sites (712120), as well as zoos and botanical gardens (712130).

The survey captures publically and privately owned heritage institutions whose purpose is to preserve, interpret and provide public access to its artefacts, documents, specimens, buildings and sites of cultural and educational value. These can include historical, artistic, scientific, technological, as well as objects of natural history.

Data sources

The Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions data comes primarily from two sources.

  1. Revenues, expenditures and heritage sector characteristics data (i.e. visits, employment numbers, research requests, etc.) from an online survey administered by the Department of Canadian Heritage;
  2. Revenues and expenditures data from the Canada Revenue Agency’s Registered Charity Information Return (T3010 information return).


This is a sample survey with a cross sectional design. A cross sectional design is aimed at determining certain attributes at a particular point in time. In this case it is for heritage institutions in 2017

The sampling frame consists of a list of not-for-profit institutions eligible for surveying. All institutions from the sampling frame are confirmed to be eligible for surveying. The frame offers information about each institution including address, industry classification and information from administrative data sources.

The surveys main objective is to produce estimates for the entire sector, which includes incorporated and unincorporated institutions. These include revenue and expenditure estimates as well as sector characteristic estimates.

The sample size for all institutions for reference year 2017 was 2,335 institutions.

The overall response rate from the emailed survey questionnaire was 44% (1,019 institutions).

Data captured through the Canadian Revenue Agency provided statistics on 1,410 institutions.

By merging the corresponding two sources, the Department of Canadian Heritage captured data on 1,817 institutions or 67% of the entire heritage sector (the entire heritage sector is comprised of approximately 2700 institutions).

Revision of preliminary data

The data provided in this report is considered preliminary and could be subject to future adjustment. All 2015 data as well as the 2017 data on heritage buildings and capital infrastructure, has been revised and is included in this report, allowing for accurate comparison of each data year. Only the revised data available in this report should be used for year over year comparisons.

Error detection

Non sample errors such as duplication, response inaccuracy caused by human error, reporting or coding of data to which a specific statistical analysis is exposed, is verified several times to ensure that systematic and random non sample errors are minimized. Data is checked and analysed for errors and irregularity. These checks look for reporting consistency such as section totals being equal to the components, identification of excessive or incorrect values, etc.

Quality evaluation

Prior to dissemination, combined survey results are analyzed for comparability. In general, this includes a detailed analysis of individual responses for each institution, historic trends and comparison with other data sources.


Imputation can be used for any missing, invalid or inconsistent responses. Methods include:

Estimation and weighting

The survey data is weighted by institution type, geographical location and revenue bracket, and is combined with administrative data to produce final sector estimates. In instances where unweighted data is supressed in provincial tables by institution type and is instead replaced with an “X”, the unweighted data will be included in the national total figures and the provincial total figures.

Data accuracy

All efforts are made to ensure that all stages of collection and dissemination are done accurately. However, the final estimates are unavoidably subject to a certain degree of error. Data can be affected by two types of error: sampling error and non-sampling error.


Canadian Heritage is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent. Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published only in aggregate form.


Federal government revenue
Total revenue received or earned from the federal government grants, contributions, and contracts for goods, services and or facility operations.
Provincial/territorial government revenue
Total revenue received or earned from provincial/territorial government grants, contributions, and contracts for goods, services and or facility operations.
Local government revenue
Total revenue received or earned from municipal or regional government grants, contributions, and contracts for goods, services and or facility operations.
Donations tax receipted revenue
Total income from donations and gifts received during the fiscal period for which official donation receipts were issued.
Donations non-tax receipted revenue
Total income from all other donations and gifts for which official donation receipts were not issued.
Donations from other charities
The total amount of funds and value of property received from other registered charities.
Interest/investment revenue
Total interest and other investment income received or earned during the fiscal period (i.e. interest from bank accounts, investments, bonds, and dividends from shares).
Gross income from rental of facilities
Total income received or earned from renting land and buildings or leasing out surplus space.
Membership fees revenue
Total revenue received or earned from memberships, dues, and association fees.
Admission fees revenue
Total revenue earned from charging admission fees to the facility, site or particular event.
Public programs fees revenue
Total revenue earned from programming and educational services provided to the public.
Fundraising revenue
Total amount of all revenue received or earned from fundraising activities for which official donation receipts were not issued, including the amounts from activities carried out by third party fundraisers.
Sales of goods and services revenue
Total revenue received or earned from the sale of all goods and services to individuals or organizations, (i.e. gift shop sales, merchandise, retail, cafeteria, etc.).
Other earned revenue
Total of all other revenue received or earned that is not already included in the amounts above (i.e. goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) and provincial sales tax (PST) rebates, income from the rental or leasing of any equipment or other resources, etc.).
Advertising and promotion expenditure
All amounts spent to draw attention to the institution/site and its activities, including advertising and promotion costs related to fundraising activities (i.e. seminars, presentation booths, publications, media promotion or advertising).
Travel and vehicle expenditure
Total amount paid or incurred for travel and vehicle expenses (i.e. travel and accommodation costs; vehicle costs such as gas, repairs, and upkeep; and lease payments).
Interest and bank charges expenditure
Total amount paid or incurred in interest and bank charges (i.e. the interest portion of mortgage payments, or loan payments).
Office supplies and expenses
Total amount paid or incurred for office supplies and expenses (i.e. postage, minor equipment and supply purchases, meeting expenses, etc.).
Occupancy costs
Total amount paid or incurred for occupancy costs (i.e. rent, mortgage payments, maintenance, repairs, utilities, taxes, and all other costs related to maintaining premises used by the institution).
Professional consulting fees expenditure
Total amount paid or incurred for professional and consulting services (i.e. curatorial, legal, accounting, fundraising services, etc.).
Training for staff and volunteers expenditure
Total amount paid or incurred for education and training of staff and volunteers (i.e. cost of courses, seminars, conferences, etc.).
All compensation wages and admin expenditure
Total amount paid or incurred for all compensation to employees in the fiscal period (i.e. full-time, part-time, seasonal, contract employees, health plans, pension plans, etc.).
FMV of donated goods to charitable activities expenditure
Total fair market value of all goods the charity received as donations and used in charitable activities.
Total cost of all purchased supplies
Total cost of all supplies and assets bought in the fiscal period.
Amortization of capital assets expenditure
Total amortization expense (depreciation) for the fiscal period for capitalized assets.
Research grants and scholarships expenditure
Total amount paid for research grants and scholarships.
Other operating expenditures
Total of all other expenditures that is not already included in the amounts above.
Full time employees
Paid employees who worked at least 30 hours per week all year.
Part time employees
Paid employees who do not meet the full-time definition.
Contract workers
Not an employee of the institution but is hired for a specific task or project.
A person who did any activities without pay on behalf of the organization, at least once.
Hours worked by volunteer
Hours volunteers gave of their time on behalf of the organization.
An in person visit (paid or unpaid) made to an organization or site.
Online visit
A virtual visit to the organization’s website where at least one page has been loaded.
School groups
Organized trips by educational establishments (a group consists of approximately 50 students).
An individual or business that has obtained a membership registration with the organization.
Permanent exhibitions
Exhibitions that are a main fixture of the institution or site, usually on display for an extended period of time (i.e. several years).
Exhibitions created
New exhibitions created during or for the specified calendar/fiscal period (including for the originating institution or for circulation to other institutions).
Exhibitions circulated
Exhibitions circulated by the surveyed institution during the specified calendar/fiscal period.
Research request
A request which requires data extraction from a database, record keeping system, catalogues, etc., for information.

Contact information

Department of Canadian Heritage

15 Eddy Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2020
Catalogue number: CH1-32E-PDF
ISSN: 2368-500X

Page details

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