Video — Updating the Culture Satellite Account (CSA)


Transcript of the video “Updating the Culture Satellite Account (CSA)”

Duration of the video: 00:04:41

[Map of Canada and logos representing different culture sectors appear]

[Text on screen: Updating the Culture Satellite Account]

Narrator: “The Culture Satellite Account – or CSA – measures the economic importance of culture in the Canadian economy, providing reliable and comparable numbers such as the gross domestic product, jobs and trade figures related to culture at the national, provincial and territorial levels.”

[Text on screen: CSA Culture Satellite Account]

[Text on screen: Economic importance of culture]

[Infographic of a line graph with four unlabelled curvilinear lines and a Y-axis with numbers 0 to 100 noted at an interval of 20]

[Infographic of a bar graph with a Y-axis of 0 to 100 noted at an interval of 50. The X-axis is unlabelled and there are 10 coloured bars labelled 30, 45, 80, 50, 100, 20, 75, 40, 70, 15]

[Three downward scrolling boxes appear from left to right filling with text]

[Text on screen: GDP, Gross domestic product (related to culture); jobs (related to culture), trade (related to culture)]

[Provinces and territories are accented by separate colours]

Narrator: “The CSA is a complex statistical tool, comprised of three main components.”

[Text on screen: CSA Culture Satellite Account]

[Three circles appear completing in a swirling motion filling with text]

[Text on screen: 01 CSMA The Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts; 02 CFCS 2011 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics; 03 Annual Survey of Service Industries]

Narrator: One: The Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts or CSMA, is the primary source of the CSA’s economic data. It provides Statistics Canada with a portrait of the overall Canadian economy and combines numerous data sources – ranging from industry surveys to administrative and tax data – into a massive, comprehensive economic database.”

[Zooming into the first circle on the left]

[Text on screen: 01 CSMA The Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts]

[Text on screen: CSA]

[Illustration of computer and different accounting tools moving around the centre computer]

[Zooming into the computer, the screen changes to the left half of a maple leaf with bars simulating a bar graph coming from the right side of the leaf]

[Zooming out of the computer again, the accounting tools move behind the computer and the computer turns into a computer and data server illustration]

[Text on screen: Industry surveys, administrative, tax data]

[Zooming out to see the three circles]

Narrator: “Two: The second main component of the CSA is the 2011 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics or the Framework, which sets out the main concepts and provides the definition of culture used by the CSA. It categorizes related culture goods and services, industries and occupations into groupings called’domains‘ and’subdomains.’ Culture domains include heritage and libraries, live performance, visual and applied arts, written and published works, audio-visual and interactive media, and sound recording. Each of these domains have multiple subdomains. The transversal domains are cross-cutting activities that support the culture domains.”

[Zooming into the middle circle]

[Text on screen: 02 CFCS 2011 Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics]

[Text on screen: “Framework”]

[Map of Canada with different logos of culture goods and services converging to one point]

[Text on screen: Goods and services, industries, occupations]

[Text on screen: Domains, sub-domains]

[Logos of each domain appear with the corresponding text below each logo]

[Text on screen: Culture domains: heritage and libraries, live performance, visual and applied arts, written and published works, audio-visual and interactive media, sound recording]

[With each Domain as a node, a line connects each logo directing them all to two labelled boxes]

[Text on screen: Core Culture Sub-domains, Ancillary Sub-domains]

[Below these boxes an unconnected box appears]

[Text on screen: Transversal Domains]

[Two arrows on each side of the unconnected box appear]

[Text on screen: Education and Training, Governance, Funding and Professional Support]

[Zooming out to see the three circles]

Narrator: “Three: The third main component of the CSA is the Annual Survey of Service Industries. It is used to determine what is counted as culture and what is not. Large retail stores, for instance, may sell several kinds of culture goods (for example, books, music, CDs, and movies on DVD), but typically offer many other non-culture items for sale too (such as food, housewares and cleaning supplies). These surveys permit Statistics Canada to distinguish between the value of culture and non-culture products.”

[Zooming into the circle on the right]

[Text on screen: 03 Annual Survey of Service Industries]

[A triangle with a checkmark appears and a circle with an X in it appears beside it]

[Text on screen: Large retail stores]

[Map of Canada in background, shopping carts spiral out of a balance pictogram]

[Text on screen: Culture goods, non-culture items]

[Culture items like books and compact discs fill the left-hand side shopping basket]

[Non-culture items fill the right-hand side shopping basket]

[Balance swings from side to side]

[Zooming out to see the three circles, the circles reverse their original swirling motion and disappear]

Narrator: “In short, the CSA is complex: its design integrates and synthesizes a significant amount of data from a variety of different sources. Moreover, these data sources can change over time and for any number of reasons, including: […]”

[Text on screen: CSA Culture satellite account]

[Network of sources is orbiting around the CSA logo]

[Text on screen: Wholesale Trade, Postsecondary student Info System, Balance of International Payments, Annual Surveys, Retail Trade]

Narrator: “The changing nature of businesses’ activities. For instance, a gallery that used to sell original artworks now only sells reproductions; […]”

[Text on screen: The Changing Nature of Businesses Activities]

[Text on screen: The Culture Satellite Account (CSA)]

[Frames appear on the background to illustrate the gallery, before transforming into black and white reproductions]

Narrator: “Improvements in the interpretation of survey results. This could include shifting the attribution of the value of a film production from where it was registered for tax purposes to the location where it was actually filmed; and […]”

[Text on screen: Improvements in the Interpretation of Survey Results]

[Map of Canada with a film clapperboard over Toronto]

[Text on screen: Registered for tax purposes]

[Arrow links clapper board to a different location, this time Vancouver, with a logo of a camera and producer chair]

[Text on screen: Location film production]

Narrator:Changes in the way data is categorized. For example, new codes were created for the North American video game industry in 2012, which separate this industry from broader, generic categories such as ‘software publishers.’”

[Text on screen: Changes in the Way Data is Categorized.]

[Map of Canada with two red dots collapsing into a videogame remote and a software logo]

[Text on screen: Codes 2012, Software publishers]

Narrator: “Additionally, the culture sector, in particular, has been subject to major shifts: disruptive digital technologies, the rise of new, major industry players, and the introduction of new business models.”

[Boxes appear descending from left to right]

[Text on screen: Culture sector, disruptive digital technologies, major industry players, new business models]

Narrator: “Because of this complexity, Statistics Canada proactively updates the CSA every two years. This involves realigning the CSA to incorporate changes to its source data, which is a significant undertaking and can impact reported results from one official release of data to the next. Simply put, the CSA evolves over time.”

[Text on screen: Updates…]

[Animated update progression bar]

[Computer sends information to a server with animated arrow connecting the illustrated computer screen to server. The computer screen has an unlabelled bar graph depicted on it.]

[Bar chart for 2017 appears with Y-axis labels 0 to 100 noted at an interval of 50. X-axis is labelled with 2017 and 6 different coloured bars are labelled with 27, 38, 48, 62, 59, 57]

[Bar chart for 2018 appears with Y-axis labels 0 to 100 noted at an interval of 50. X-axis is labelled with 2018 and 6 different coloured bars are labelled with 50, 63, 38, 53, 59, 48]

[Text on screen: CSA Culture Satellite Account]

Narrator: “This is why we only compare data within the same CSA publication but not between different publications.”

[Two different document types with 2018 headlines with a magnifier hovering over them with a check mark in the centre. These charts are replaced by two new documents, one labeled 2017 and the other 2018. This time, an “x” appears in the centre of the magnifying glass that moves between the two]

[Text on screen: The Culture Satellite Account (CSA)]

Narrator: “The CSA’s success is rooted in its ability to adapt to changes, both of data sources and in the economy, ensuring that it continuously provides current, accurate and reliable results.”

[Network of sources is orbiting around the CSA logo]

[Box appears with words stacking on top of each other in order]

[Text on screen: Current accurate reliable results]

Narrator: “To learn more about the CSA, visit”

[Text on screen:]

[Map of Canada]

[Text on screen: Presented by the Culture Statistics Strategy Consortium]

[Logos of Statistics Canada, Creative City Network of Canada, Ontario Creates, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Association for the Performing Arts, Alliance for Arts and Culture, Library and Archives Canada, Telefilm Canada, Cultural Human Resources Council, Canadian Crafts Federation, Parks Canada, Canadian Heritage]

[Logos of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon]

[Canada wordmark]

This video explains the updates regularly made to the Culture Satellite Account (CSA), which ensure that the economic impacts of culture, arts heritage, and sport on the Canadian economy continue to be accurately measured.

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