Canadian Heritage Departmental Evaluation Plan 2023-24 to 2027-28
Evaluation Services Directorate
June 23, 2023
On this page
- Deputy Minister’s message
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Canadian Heritage mandate and role
- 3. Evaluation Function at Canadian Heritage
- 4. Key achievements in 2022-23
- 5. Planning for 2023-24 to 2027-28
- Appendix 1 – annual planning exercise
- Appendix 2 – schedule of evaluations per sector for 2023-24 to 2027-28
- Appendix 3 – schedule of evaluations per year for 2023-24 to 2027-28
List of tables
- Table 1: PCH 2023-24 Main Estimates
- Table 2: ESD planned budget for 2023-24
- Table 3: evaluation projects completed in 2022-23
- Table 4: evaluation projects to be continued for approval in 2023-24
- Table 5: modifications to 2022-23 Evaluation Plan
- Table 6: summary of Evaluations that will not respect FAA, 2023-24 to 2027-28
- Table 7: Cultural Affairs
- Table 8: Community and Identity
- Table 9: Official Languages, Heritage and Regions
- Table 10: Sport, Major Events and Commemorations
- Table 11: Strategic Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs
- Table 12: Internal Services
- Table 13: Horizontal Initiatives from other Government Departments
Alternate format
Departmental Evaluation Plan 2023-24 to 2027-28 [PDF version - 610 KB]
List of acronyms and abbreviations
- Assistant Deputy Minister
- CR
- Core Responsibility
- DM
- Deputy Minister
- Evaluation Services Directorate
- Financial Administration Act
- GBA Plus
- Gender-Based Analysis Plus
- Gs&Cs
- Grants and Contributions
- MC
- Memoranda to Cabinet
- Office of the Chief Audit Executive
- Canadian Heritage
- Professional Practice Unit
- Strategic Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs
- The plan
- Departmental Evaluation Plan
- Treasury Board Secretariat
- TB
- Treasury Board
Deputy Minister’s message
I approve the Departmental Evaluation Plan of the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) for the fiscal years 2023-24 to 2027-28 for submission to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) as required by the Policy on Results (2016).
I confirm that this five-year rolling Departmental Evaluation Plan:
- allows PCH to evaluate, at least every five years, all ongoing grants and contributions programs with five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or greater per year, in accordance with the requirements of section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA);
- meets the requirements of the Mandatory Procedures for Evaluation; and
- supports the requirements of the expenditure management system, including, as applicable, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board Submissions and resource alignment reviews.
The Department has a broad mandate and plays an important role in the lives of Canadians. PCH supports cultural industries, the arts, heritage and celebration, sports, official languages, Indigenous languages, diversity and inclusion, as well as youth.
Since the spring of 2020, the Department has contributed to the Government of Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to play an important role in stabilizing sectors which are important to Canadians and contribute to the Canadian economy.
Evaluation results are supporting evidence-based decision-making at PCH. A strong evaluation function contributes to the improvement of the Department’s many programs and initiatives, enabling Canadians to create, share and participate in a diverse and inclusive society.
This current five-year evaluation plan acknowledges pressures on the evaluation function to fully address all demands. It takes a risk-based approach to prioritize projects to respect the Policy on Results and the FAA while being useful and timely for senior management decision-making. It will continue to improve how evaluations support government priorities on Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus), equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) as well as reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
I will ensure that this plan is updated annually, and I will provide information about its implementation to TBS, as required.
Original signed by:
Isabelle Mondou
Deputy Minister
Canadian Heritage
1. Introduction
The Canadian Heritage (PCH) five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan, 2023-24 to 2027-28 (the plan), was developed in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Policy on Results and the Financial Administration Act (FAA). The Policy on Results and the FAA requires that all large departments evaluate grants and contributions (Gs&Cs) programs with five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or greater per year every five years. The plan also includes evaluations required to address commitments made through TB Submissions as well as those of other programs and initiatives based on risks and senior management needs.
2. Canadian Heritage mandate and role
Canadian Heritage is the federal department that, along with its portfolio organizations, plays a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians.
The Department’s mandate, as set out in the Department of Canadian Heritage Act, focuses on strengthening and promoting “Canadian identity and values, cultural development, and heritage.” The Act also provides for jurisdiction over human rights; multiculturalism; arts; cultural industries and heritage; sports; official languages; State ceremonial and Canadian symbols; broadcasting; conservation, export and import of cultural property; and national libraries, archives and museums.
PCH’s Departmental Results Framework sets out five core responsibilities (CRs) that reflect the Department’s mandateFootnote 1: Creativity, Arts and Culture; Heritage and Celebration; Sport; Diversity and Inclusion; and Official Languages.
According to the 2023-24 Main Estimates, PCH plans to spend more than $1.9 billion on these CRs and internal services (Table 1).
Core responsibilities | Expenditure forecasts |
CR1 – Creativity, Arts and Culture | 581,358,679 |
CR2 – Heritage and Celebration | 135,638,306 |
CR3 – Sport | 264,497,322 |
CR4 – Diversity and Inclusion | 322,704,475 |
CR5 – Official Languages | 552,774,917 |
Internal Services | 83,128,810 |
Total budget | 1,904,102,509 |
Source: Canadian Heritage – 2023-24 Departmental Plan. The figures include the following expenditures: salaries, operations and maintenance, capital, statutory expenditures, Gs&Cs and the cost of employee benefit plans.
3. Evaluation Function at Canadian Heritage
3.1. Governance
The Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of the Strategic Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs (SPPCA) sector assumes the role of Head of Evaluation and reports directly to the Deputy Minister (DM). As Head of Evaluation, the ADM SPPCA ensures that the plan, evaluation reports and the results of monitoring the implementation of management action plans in response to evaluation recommendations are submitted in a timely manner to the Executive Committee, chaired by the DM, for review, endorsement and subsequent approval by the DM.
The Executive Committee serves as the PCH Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee (PMEC) as per the Policy on Results.
The Head of Evaluation and the Director General of the Planning, Evaluation and Research Branch are supported by the work of the Evaluation Services Directorate (ESD) which is led by the Director of Evaluation.
3.2. Evaluation Services Directorate
The ESD has a mandate to provide quality and timely evaluations to support accountability, decision-making, expenditure management, continuous program improvement and policy development at PCH. The ESD also provides advisory services to the Department’s senior management in a variety of areas, including the preparation of Memoranda to Cabinet (MC), TB Submissions and performance measurement activities.
In addition to the director and administrative staff, the ESD has three evaluation project teams led by managers, as well as a Professional Practices Unit (PPU). The project teams lead individual evaluations based on the departmental plan. The PPU coordinates planning and reporting activities. It develops tools and guidance documents to ensure the function’s effectiveness and efficiency.
The ESD currently has funding for 20 full-time equivalents (FTE). The ESD also hires students annually to support its activities and provide capacity development opportunities.
The ESD conducts careful planning and leverages internal and external resources to fulfill its mandate. It frequently draws upon the expertise of PCH’s Policy Research Group as well as the Financial Management Branch (financial planning and Gs&Cs Centre of Expertise). Based on analysis of needs and risks, as well as available internal evaluation capacity, the ESD may call on the services of a pre-qualified evaluation consulting firm for certain projects under a multi-year contract developed through a procurement process. This hybrid approach provides flexibility and supports the ESD in the implementation of the plan.
ESD works in collaboration with PCH’s Office of the Chief Audit Executive (OCAE) in developing the Risk-Based Audit Plan and the Departmental Evaluation Plan, and in reporting on the implementation of action plans to the Executive Committee in response to evaluation and audit recommendations.
3.3. Financial resources dedicated to the evaluation function
Since 2016-17, the ESD has a permanent budget allocated to support evaluation projects and activities. For 2023-24, the ESD has a planned budget of just over $2.3 million (Table 2) including human resources and other operational expenditures. Though the ESD sometimes receives additional funding from sectors for specific projects that were negotiated as part of program funding request processes, no additional funding is expected in 2023-24.
Expenditure type | Estimated budget (April 2023) |
Salary (A-Base) | $1, 970,946 |
Non-salary expenditures | $330,829 |
Total | $2,301,775 |
Full-time equivalents | 20 |
Source: PERB operational budget, 2023-24
4. Key achievements in 2022-23
Completion of projects as per the approved 5-year plan
The ESD continued to prioritize the completion of FAA-required evaluations, on time or within a reasonable period with mitigations that included providing early results to program. The ESD worked on 12 evaluation projects in 2022-23. Of these, the ESD completed five evaluations (Table 3).
Evaluation Title | Approval date | Date to TBS | Publication date |
Evaluation of the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program (Aboriginal Peoples’ Program) | May 10, 2022 | May 16, 2022 | July 25, 2022 |
Evaluation of the Official Languages Support Programs | November 28, 2022 | December 6, 2022 | March 22, 2023 |
Horizontal evaluation of the Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023: Investing in Our Future | January 20, 2023 | January 27, 2023 | June 16, 2023 |
Evaluation of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage | January 20, 2023 | January 27, 2023 | June 16, 2023 |
Evaluation of the Creative Export Strategy | January 20, 2023 | January 27, 2023 | June 16, 2023 |
Status as of June 2023
A great achievement for PCH’s evaluation function in 2022-23 was the approval of the two remaining FAA-required evaluations that had been delayed since 2020-21 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: the evaluations of the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program (formerly titled: Aboriginal Peoples Program) and the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage Program.
Also, ESD led several evaluations in 2022-23 that were of great complexity or were completed to meet specific senior management requests.
- The evaluation of the Digital Citizenship Initiative was not required to address the FAA, but rather was completed to provide early results and to confirm relevance to support decision-making on continuation and funding.
- The evaluation of the Creative Export Program was also completed, earlier than the FAA date, to understand early results and support decision-making.
- The horizontal evaluation of the Action Plan on Official Languages was particularly complex as it included seven federal government partners.
- The evaluation of the Multicultural and Anti-racism Program and Canada’s Anti-racism Strategy was complicated though the grouping of initiatives and large changes over the period of evaluation.
ESD launched or continued seven projects in 2022-23 that will move forward for approval in 2023-24 as outlined in Table 4.
Evaluation Title | FAA Date | Expected Approval Date |
Evaluation of the Digital Citizenship Initiative | N/A | June 2023 |
Evaluation of the Celebrations and Commemorations Program | March 2023 | September 2023 |
Grouped Evaluation of the Multiculturalism and Anti-racism Program and Canada’s Anti-racism Strategy | March 2023 | September 2023 |
Evaluation of the Canada Arts Training Fund | February 2024 | January 2024 |
Evaluation of the Court Challenges Program | N/A | January 2024 |
Evaluation of the Harbourfront Funding Program | September 2023 | September 2023 |
Evaluation of the Local Journalism Initiative | April 2024 | February 2024 |
Adapting plans to changing capacity and other factors
It was necessary for ESD to adjust timelines for almost all planned projects due to both internal capacity challenges and those of programs and other officials. There were several evaluation positions that were not filled in 2022-23 due to budget pressures and lack of availability of qualified candidates. In addition, the work of the ESD is reliant in part on the participation of program officials, recipients and other stakeholders, whose capacity continued to be affected by the response to the pandemic and other factors such as new priorities and labour shortages. The Head of Evaluation and senior management were kept informed of changes to the Evaluation Plan throughout the year.
The ESD continued its collaboration with the PCH Policy Research Group to conduct post-evaluation project surveys with program officials. The surveys provided feedback from programs on the utility of evaluations by focusing on the following areas: relationships, processes and reports, value, and project management. Overall, the results available to date for the past year showed a good satisfaction rating (91% of respondents).
Management Response and Action Plan follow-up
The ESD conducted follow-up activities with program officials to assess progress in implementing approved management action plans in response to evaluation recommendations, as per the Policy on Results. The 2022-23 midyear follow-up exercise included a review of 18 evaluation reports comprising of 37 outstanding recommendations. Of these, 7 recommendations were completed, 21 were on schedule and 9 were delayed. Those delayed showed good progress and were mostly implemented to substantial extents. Reasons for delays were less related to COVID-19 for the first time in several years, and more related to the implementation of new priorities and workload. The end of year review exercise, normally conducted from March to June, was cancelled to mitigate resource gaps within the Department.
Evaluation function quality improvement
In efforts to both improve quality as well as to better manage resources, the ESD continued to work on its internal processes and to implement best practices in 2022-23. There are several initiatives of note:
- EDIA tool for evaluators to improve integration of questions related to GBA Plus, equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) as well as reconciliation with Indigenous people into evaluation planning, analysis and reporting.
- Learning and identification of best practices related to Indigenous approaches to evaluation. All ESD employees completed the Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP) training offered by Algonquin College and developed in partnership with the First Nations Information Governance Centre. ESD also identified next steps including updating internal tools, further learning from other departments and more specialized training for some team members.
- The development and launch of a shorter template for evaluation terms of reference along with new approaches to obtain faster approval by senior management.
- The development and implementation of an ESD Evaluation Manual to establish the use of a common documented evaluation process. This manual supports knowledge sharing and management, quality control and the onboarding of new employees.
- Review and improvements to ESD’s approach to efficiency questions and analysis to support quality, assurance, streamlining, and continued improvement of the utility of analysis and recommendations. This project included a review of past approaches to efficiency analysis, discussion of strengths and weaknesses, and identification of next steps. Next steps include clearer guidelines to be included in the Evaluation Manual and collaboration with PCH Finance and Resource Hubs to improve access to more detailed financial data.
Other Advisory, Planning and Collaborative Activities
The ESD also supported other advisory, planning and collaborative activities including:
- input and advice on the preparation of MC and TB submissions;
- contributions to the Departmental Plan, the Departmental Results Report;
- strengthened collaboration with the OCAE, including alignment of planning and recommendation monitoring processes to allow joint and timely status updates to senior management; and
- participation in the Data Strategy Working Group, the Research Network, the Planner's Networking Group, and other working groups aiming to share best practices and improve evaluation tools.
5. Planning for 2023-24 to 2027-28
In accordance with TB requirements, the ESD completed an annual planning exercise to identify those evaluation projects that should proceed in the five-year evaluation cycle. The key steps of the planning exercise were:
- identification of the evaluation universe;
- consultations;
- risk assessment;
- prioritization of evaluation projects;
- endorsement of PCH’s Executive Committee; and
- DM approval for the plan.
Consultations with senior management were focused on those with projects scheduled to commence in 2023-24. The directorate collaborated with the OCAE to identify projects that could be conducted jointly and to consider the best function to address any risks identified through planning to reduce overlap and burden on programsFootnote 2. For more details, see Appendix 1.
5.1. Priorities
5.1.1. Standards and requirements
Based on TBS policies, internal capacity as well as consideration of risks and senior management needs, the ESD will focus on FAA-required evaluations in 2023-24. ESD will strive to continue to ensure the timely delivery of findings, conclusions and recommendations that conform with professional standards and address the requirements set out in the TBS Policy on Results and specific information needs of senior management.
As outlined in section 5.3 and the annexes, PCH will not respect all mandatory FAA time requirements due to capacity issues and focus on most important priorities. However, risks have been considered and mitigations have been identified.
The ESD will continue to adapt and improve its evaluation function to provide timely and useful analysis that contributes to senior management decision-making. The ESD will ensure a minimum of annual analysis of the progress on the implementation of Management Action Plans in response to evaluation recommendations.
The Head of Evaluation will maintain strong communication with senior management to ensure that evaluation timing and design meet the Policy requirements and departmental information needs. PCH will continue to re-evaluate its evaluation schedule and communicate any changes to TBS as needed.
5.1.2. Horizontal priorities
The ESD will also continue and strengthen its examination of key horizontal priorities through its evaluations of programs. All evaluations will apply a GBA Plus lens as per the Policy on Results. In addition, evaluations will consider questions and indicators related to:
- reconciliation with Indigenous peoples; and
- supporting analysis on the response of PCH’s programs to the pandemic, including any lessons learned or best practices.
The pilot of ESD’s EDIA tool will be reviewed and updated in 2023-24, partly supporting by the findings of the EDI Review led by PCH’s Strategic Policy and International Affairs Directorate. The team will continue to develop culturally appropriate approaches to evaluating programs that center on Indigenous peoples. As the need to collect information on the response to COVID-19 decreases over time, ESD will consider how to communicate horizontal lessons learned and best practices to senior management in 2024-25.
5.1.3. Human Resources
The ESD will ensure strong internal evaluation capacity through recruitment, retainment, professional development and training in 2023-24. It will foster an environment of continuous learning and innovative thinking. The ESD will encourage all evaluators to have membership in the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES). It will support the professionalization of the evaluation function by enabling employees to obtain the Credentialed Evaluator designation through the CES’ Professional Designation Program.
The ESD is committed to a healthy workplace, free of racism and discrimination. It will contribute to a diverse workforce through recruitment and succession planning to address employment equity priorities.
As was the case in 2022-23, PCH is continuing to face human resources challenges that affect the capacity of ESD, programs and other evaluation stakeholders. Some positions are not filled and staffing actions are taking an extended time.
5.2. Scope of direct program spending
The evaluation plan provides coverage for 93% of the Department’s total expenditures for 2023-24, including 100% of the expenditures of ongoing Gs&Cs programs subject to evaluation in accordance with the requirements of section 42.1 of the FAA.
While the Policy on Results does not require periodic evaluations for programs with five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5 million per year, PCH understands and appreciates the importance of taking a risk approach and striving to evaluate most programming regularly. Taking advantage of this flexibility and considering workload, program risks and senior management information needs, some evaluations have been set aside.
5.3. Schedule for 2023-24 to 2027-28
Overview of the schedule
Appendix 2 presents the schedule for all evaluation projects that PCH will carry out for 2023-24 to 2027-28 by sector and includes: expected program expenditures; level of program risk; project timing; mandatory FAA dates; and any planned audit dates for the first three years. Appendix 3 presents a simplified version of the schedule by launch date and fiscal year.
In 2023-24, the ESD will complete 6 evaluations initiated in previous years. It will continue to support the Horizontal Evaluation of the Youth Employment Skills Strategy led by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). ESD will also launch 6 new projects, all of which have FAA dates in 2024-25.
Changes to the schedule since the previous plan
To meet the needs expressed by the programs while also recognizing the ESD and program internal capacity and the flexibility of the Policy on Results, this present schedule reflects some changes to the plan approved in 2022-23. Some projects were delayed, and others were moved ahead. Evaluations that had been grouped in the previous 5-year plan are now separated based on senior management information needs. Table 5 highlights the changes in the schedule from the previous plan.
Evaluation Title | Change from the 2022-23 to 2026-27 Evaluation Plan |
Joint Audit and Evaluation of the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Response to COVID-19 | This project was cancelled due to changing needs and limited capacity of Audit and ESD. To mitigate, ESD is collecting information through all evaluations. It will roll up the results from ongoing evaluations on the PCH response to COVID-19 pandemic in 2024-25. |
The Evaluation of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund | This evaluation is now set to launch in September 2023 and is not expected to meet its FAA date of August 2024. |
The Evaluation of the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund and the Canada Cultural Investment Fund | These programs will no longer be a grouped in one evaluation based on senior management requests. Canada Cultural Spaces Fund will be launched in May 2023 and is intended to meet the FAA requirement and to address key senior management questions. Canada Cultural Investment Fund will be delayed and is not expected to be approved until March 2025, missing the August 2024 FAA date. |
The Evaluation of the Local Journalism Initiative | Started in 2022-23 instead of 2023-24 based on consultation with program officials and to meet information needs. |
The Evaluation of the Canada History Fund (In reserve) | This evaluation, not required under the FAA, was scheduled to start in 2023-24. Due to capacity pressures and the need to focus on required evaluations, it will now start in 2024-25. |
The Evaluation of the Celebration and Commemoration Program | The project was launched in April 2022 and will be approved by September 2023, missing its March 2023 FAA date. |
The Evaluations of the Indigenous Screen Office and Indigenous Language Program | Adjusted start dates for both evaluations to allow for more planning and engagement with Indigenous communities. |
The Evaluation of TV5 | This evaluation will be delayed from a launch in March 2023 to a new launch of March 2024. Approval is expected by June 2025. |
FAA Requirements
PCH will not respect all FAA requirements in 2023-24. Given the large number of Gs&Cs programs that require evaluations, PCH has prioritized projects to meet requirements of the FAA while considering internal capacity issues and information and analysis needs of senior management. Two of the five projects were in final approval stages in June 2023. PCH will continue to mitigate any risks related to these delays by providing programs with preliminary results in advance of the approval of final reports. Table 6 summaries the evaluations that are scheduled to be approved beyond their FAA dates.
Evaluation | FAA date | Expected Approval date | Explanation |
Evaluation of Multiculturalism and Antiracism Program and Canada’s Antiracism Strategy | March 2023 | September2023 | This evaluation was in reporting phase in March 2023. Preliminary findings were shared with the program in the fall of 2022 and the final report was drafted by March 2023. Delays are due to internal capacity pressures, including ESD but also the significant changes in the management of the program in 2022-23. |
Evaluation of the Celebration and Commemoration Program | March 2023 | September 2023 | This evaluation was in reporting phase in March 2023. Preliminary findings were shared with the program in 2022-23. Delays are due to internal ESD capacity pressures in 2022-23. |
Canada Arts Presentation Fund | August 2024 | November 2024 | The launch of this evaluation is delayed by several months to allow the sector and ESD to focus on the completion of other evaluations. This delay will also improve the evaluation plan in future by not having as many evaluations from programs in this sector due at the same time. |
Evaluation of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund | August 2024 | March 2025 | This evaluation is delayed by less than one year to address capacity pressures and to focus on the completion of other evaluations in 2023-24. The delay will improve the evaluation plan in future by not having as many evaluations from the sector due at the same time. |
Evaluation of TV5 | October 2024 | June 2025 | This evaluation is delayed by less than one year to address capacity pressures and to focus on the completion of other evaluations in 2023-24. The delay will improve the evaluation plan in future by not having as many evaluations from the sector due at the same time. |
Neutral assessment of the evaluation function
The next neutral assessment is scheduled for 2023-24, as per the Policy on Results which states that the neutrality of the evaluation function should be assessed at least once every five years. PCH has implemented the three recommendations of the most recent PCH neutral assessment completed in March 2019. These recommendations concerned streamlining the governance structure for evaluation, exploring the possibility that the evaluation function be located with the OCAE and improving the evaluation planning process.
Appendix 1 – annual planning exercise
Appendix 2 – schedule of evaluations per sector for 2023-24 to 2027-28
This evaluation schedule was developed based on the following: the plan for 2022-23 to 2026-27; legislation; commitments made in TB Submissions; consultations with program management, representatives from TBS and federal departments and agencies; coordination with the OCAE; and updated reference levels obtained from the Financial Management Branch.
The level of risk for planning evaluation projects is based on the following six factors: (1) the program’s relative importance (in terms of budget); (2) performance management capacity and soundness of the program theory; (3) program complexity; (4) responsiveness – public interest and visibility; (5) preparedness for the evaluation; and (6) specific information needs of the program or senior management. The level of overall risk is of utmost importance in determining the level of effort and resources needed to conduct evaluation projects.
While taking the programs’ specific needs and concerns into consideration, these timelines reflect departmental evaluation priorities and risks during this current context of an ongoing pandemic. In the tables on the following pages, projects exempted from section 42.1 of the FAA in accordance with the Policy on Results are presented in bold print.
Start dates in these tables reflect the date of official evaluation launch. Expected end dates reflect the date of expected approval by the Deputy Minister.
An * indicates the evaluation is planned but will not respect the FAA date due to capacity constraints and assessment of risks.
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2023-24) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 | |
1 | CR1 | Canada Arts Training Fund | $27,664,328 | Moderate | - | February 2019 (2018-19) |
February 2024 (2023-24) |
Start October 2022 |
End January 2024 |
- | - | - | - | |
2 | CR1 | Canada Arts Presentation Fund* | $48,002,721 | Moderate | - | August 2019 (2019-20) |
August 2024 (2024-25) |
- | Start September 2024 |
End November 2025 |
- | - | - | |
3 | CR1 | Canada Cultural Spaces Fund | $61,539,339 | Moderate | - | August 2019 (2019-20) |
August 2024 (2024-25) |
- | Start May 2023 |
End August 2024 |
- | - | - | |
4 | CR1 | Canada Cultural Investment Fund* | $61,539,339 | Moderate | - | August 2019 (2019-20) |
August 2024 (2024-25) |
- | Start February 2024 |
End March 2025 |
- | - | - | |
5 | CR1 | Harbourfront Centre Funding Program | $6,663,438 | Moderate | - | September 2018 (2018-19) |
September 2023 (2023-24) |
Start January 2023 |
End September 2023 |
- | - | - | - | |
6 | CR1 | Canada Media Fund | $154,675,440 | Moderate | - | September 2021 (2021-22) |
September 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | - | Start May 2025 |
End September 2026 |
- | |
7 | CR1 | Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund | $6,489,763 | N/A | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
8 | CR1 | Creative Export StrategyFootnote 4,Footnote 5 | $2,792,329 | N/A | - | January 2023 (2022-23) |
- | - | - | - | - | Start August 2026 |
End December 2027 |
9 | CR1 | Broadcasting and Digital Communications Policy | $4,940,230 | N/A | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
10 | CR1 | Film and Video Policies | $1,843,945 | Moderate | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
11 | CR1 | Creative Marketplace and Innovation | $1,574,662 | - | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
12 | CR1 | Cultural Sector Investment Review | $400,710 | Moderate | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
13 | CR1 | Canada Music Fund | $35,895,960 | Moderate | - | July 2019 (2019-20) |
July 2024 (2024-25) |
- | Start April 2023 |
End July 2024 |
- | - | - | |
14 | CR1 | Canada Book Fund | $58,933,917 | Moderate | - | July 2019 (2019-20) |
July 2024 (2024-25) | - | Start April 2023 |
End July 2024 |
- | - | - | |
15 | CR1 | Canada Periodical Fund | $90,642,185 | Moderate | - | January 2022 (2021-22) |
January 2027 (2026-27) |
- | - | - | Start September 2025 |
End December 2026 |
- | |
16 | CR1 | TV5 | $13,597,621 | Moderate | - | October 2019 (2019-20) |
October 2024 (2024-25) |
- | Start March 2024 |
- | End June 2025 |
- | - | |
17 | CR1 | Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credits (in reserve) | $1,189,234 | Moderate | - | September 2008 (2008-09) |
- | - | - | - | Start April 2025 |
End March 2026 |
- | - |
18 | CR1 | Local Journalism InitiativeFootnote 6 | $21,059,773 | High | - | Never evaluated | April 2024 (2024-25) |
Start January 2023 |
End March 2024 |
- | - | - | - | |
19 | CR1 | Digital Citizen Contribution | $13,940,205 | Moderate | - | Never evaluated | - | Start September 2021 |
End June 2023 |
- | - | - | - | |
20 | CR1 | Indigenous Screen OfficeFootnote 7 | $12,759,614 | High | - | Never evaluated | August 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | Start October 2024 |
- | End June 2026 |
- |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2023-24) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 |
21 | CR2 | Canada History Fund | $4,342,051 | Moderate | - | July 2015 (2015-16) |
- | - | - | Start October 2024 |
End December 2025 |
- | - |
22 | CR4 | Exchanges Canada Program | $20,321,502 | Moderate | - | March 2022 (2021-22) |
March 2027 (2026-27) |
- | - | - | Start November 2025 |
End February 2027 |
- |
23 | CR4 | Youth Take Charge (in reserve) |
$2,149,250 | Low | - | December 2015 (2015-16) |
- | - | - | Start November 2024 |
End October 2025 |
- | - |
24 | CR4 | Youth Secretariat | $1,598,250 | Moderate | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
25 | CR2 | Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage | $29,756,004 | Moderate | - | January 2023 (2022-23) |
January 2028 (2027-28) |
- | - | - | - | Start September 2026 |
End November 2027 |
26 | CR4 | Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program | $264,070,639 | High | - | May 2022 (2021-22) |
May 2027 (2027-28) |
- | - | - | Start July 2025 |
End March 2027 |
- |
27 | CR4 | Community Support, Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program (grouped 27, 28)* | $22,415,208 | High | - | March 2018 (2017-18) |
March 2023 (2022-23) |
Start July 2021 |
End September 2023 |
- | - | - | - |
28 | CR4 | Anti-Racism Action Program (grouped 27, 28)* | $2,575,952 | High | - | Never evaluated | November 2025 (2025-26) |
Start July 2021 |
End September 2023 |
- | - | -- | - |
29 | CR4 | International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | $44,450 | - | - | March 2018 (2017-18) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
30 | CR4 | Reconciliation and Treaties | $921,285 | - | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
31 | CR4 | Anti-Racism Secretariat | $2,294,950 | - | - | Never evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2023-24) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 | ||
32 | CR2 | Museums Assistance Program | $36,202,772 | High | - | July 2021 (2021-22) |
July 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | Start March 2025 |
- | End June 2026 |
- | ||
33 | CR2 | Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program (in reserve) | $721,401 | Low | - | December 2016 (2016-17) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | Start October 2027 |
34 | CR2 | Canadian Conservation Institute (in reserve) | $10,052,804 | Moderate | - | July 2017 (2017-18) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | Start June 2027 |
End March 2028 |
35 | CR2 | Canadian Heritage Information Network (in reserve) | $2,670,202 | Moderate | - | December 2014 (2014-15) |
- | - | - | - | - | Start April 2026 |
End March 2027 |
- | |
36 | CR2 | Movable Cultural Property Program (in reserve) | $1,612,686 | Moderate | - | March 2016 (2016-17) |
- | - | - | - | - | Start October 2026 |
End October 2027 |
37 | CR5 | Development of Official-Language Communities Program (grouped 37, 38) |
$342,484,921 | High | - | November 2022 (2022-23) |
November 2027 (2027-28) |
- | - | - | - | Start April 2026 |
End September 2027 |
38 | CR5 | Enhancement of Official Languages Program (grouped 37, 38) |
$206,409,699 | High | - | November 2022 (2022-23) |
November 2027 (2027-28) |
- | - | - | - | Start April 2026 |
End September 2027 |
39 | CR5 | Official Languages Coordination Program | $3,880,297 | Moderate | - | March 2021 (2020-21) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
40 | CR5 | Action Plan for Official LanguagesFootnote 8, Footnote 9 | - | - | - | January 2023 (2022-23) |
- | - | - | - | Start December 2025 |
- | End September 2027 |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2023-24) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 |
41 | CR2 | Celebration and Commemoration Program* | $28,953,406 | Moderate | - | March 2018 (2017-18) |
March 2023 (2022-23) |
Start April 2022 |
End September 2023 |
- | - | - | - |
42 | CR2 | Capital Experience | $14,837,217 | Moderate | - | January 2022 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
43 | CR2 | State Ceremonial and Protocol (federal grant program for Lieutenant Governors)Footnote 10 | - | Low | - | May 2018 (2018-19) |
- | - | - | - | - | Start January 2027 |
End March 2028 |
44 | CR3 | Hosting Program (grouped 44, 45, 46)Footnote 11 | $30,656,701 | High | - | October 2021 (2021-22) |
October 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | Start March 2025 |
- | End August 2026 |
- |
45 | CR3 | Sport Support Program (grouped 44, 45, 46) | $200,071,143 | High | - | October 2021 (2021-22) |
October 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | Start March 2025 |
- | End August 2026 |
- |
46 | CR3 | Athlete Assistance Program (grouped 44, 45, 46) | $33,769,478 | Moderate | - | October 2021 (2021-22) |
October 2026 (2026-27) |
- | - | Start March 2025 |
- | End August 2026 |
- |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2023-24) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 |
47 | CR4 | Human Rights Program | $1,048,661 | Moderate | - | March 2015 (2014-15) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
48 | CR4 | Court Challenges ProgramFootnote 12 | $5,264,328 | High | - | Former program February 2003 (2002-03) |
- | Start August 2022 |
End January 2024 |
- | - | - | - |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2022-23) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 |
49 | - | Internal ServicesFootnote 13 | $89,741,629 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
# | CR | Program name | Planned spending (2022-23) | Evaluation risk level | Audits planned 2023-24 | Last evaluation date | Mandatory FAA date | Start date prior to 2023-24 | Year 1 2023-24 | Year 2 2024-25 | Year 3 2025-26 | Year 4 2026-27 | Year 5 2027-28 |
51 | - | Horizontal evaluation of the Youth Employment Skills Strategy (evaluation led by ESDC / PCH Young Canada Works) | - | - | - | February 2020 (2019-20) |
February 2025 (2024-25) |
Start December 2020 |
- | End February 2025 |
- | - | - |
Appendix 3 – schedule of evaluations per year for 2023-24 to 2027-28
Program name | FAA mandatory date | Start date | Projected approval date |
Evaluation projects carried over and continuing in 2023-24 | |||
Community Support, Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program | March 2023 | July 2021 | September 2023 |
Anti-Racism Action Program | November 2025 | July 2021 | September 2023 |
Digital Citizen Initiative | N/A | September 2021 | June 2023 |
Celebration and Commemoration Program | March 2023 | April 2022 | September 2023 |
Court Challenges ProgramFootnote 14 | N/A | August 2022 | January 2024 |
Canada Arts Training Fund | February 2024 | October 2022 | January 2024 |
Harbourfront Centre Funding Program | September 2023 | January 2023 | September 2023 |
Local Journalism InitiativeFootnote 15 | April 2024 | January 2023 | March 2024 |
Horizontal evaluation of the Youth Employment Skills Strategy (ESDC-led) | February 2025 | December 2020 | February 2025 |
Evaluation projects to be launched in 2023-24 | |||
Canada Book Fund | July 2024 | April 2023 | July 2024 |
Canada Music Fund | July 2024 | April 2023 | July 2024 |
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund | August 2024 | May 2023 | August 2024 |
Canada Arts Presentation Fund | August 2024 | September 2023 | November 2024 |
TV5 | October 2024 | March 2024 | June 2025 |
Canada Cultural Investment Fund | August 2024 | February 2024 | March 2025 |
Evaluation projects to be launched in 2024-25 | |||
Indigenous Screen OfficeFootnote 16 | August 2026 | October 2024 | June 2026 |
Canada History Fund | N/A | October 2024 | December 2025 |
Youth Take Charge (in reserve) | N/A | November 2024 | October 2025 |
Athlete Assistance ProgramFootnote 17 | October 2026 | March 2025 | August 2026 |
Sport Support Program | October 2026 | March 2025 | August 2026 |
Hosting Program | October 2026 | March 2025 | August 2026 |
Museums Assistance Program | July 2026 | March 2025 | June 2026 |
Evaluation projects to be launched in 2025-26 | |||
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credits (in reserve) | N/A | April 2025 | March 2026 |
Canada Media Fund | September 2026 | May 2025 | September 2026 |
Canada Periodical Fund | January 2027 | September 2025 | December 2026 |
Exchanges Canada Program | March 2027 | November 2025 | February 2027 |
Action Plan for Official Languages | N/A | December 2025 | September 2027 |
Indigenous Languages and Culture Program | May 2027 | July 2025 | March 2027 |
Evaluation projects to be launched in 2026-27 | |||
Official Languages Support Programs: Development of Official-Language Communities Program and Enhancement of Official Languages Program | November 2027 | April 2026 | September 2027 |
Canadian Heritage Information Network (in reserve) | N/A | April 2026 | March 2027 |
Creative Export StrategyAppendix 3 note * | N/A | August 2026 | December 2027 |
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage | January 2028 | September 2026 | November 2027 |
Movable Cultural Property Program (in reserve) | N/A | October 2026 | October 2027 |
State Ceremonial and Protocol (Federal funding Lieutenant Governors' Program) | N/A | January 2027 | March 2028 |
Evaluation projects to be launched in 2027-28 | |||
Canadian Conservation Institute (in reserve) | N/A | June 2027 | March 2028 |
Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program (in reserve) | N/A | October 2027 | October 2028 |
Note: Projects exempted from section 42.1 of the FAA in accordance with the Policy on Results are presented in bold print.
Appendix 3 Notes
- Appendix 3 note *
Timing of the evaluation is currently under discussion with the program. Final decisions for timing will be outlined in the next Evaluation Plan 2024-25 to 2028-29.
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Canadian Heritage, 2023
Catalogue No.: CH1-39E-PDF
ISSN: 2561-018X
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