Improvement priorities and metrics: Interpretation Policy - Canadian Heritage

The Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) has relatively few regulations when compared with other government departments and agencies, and in addition, its regulatory stakeholders are not typical Canadian businesses due to the nature of its programs. In lieu of an Interpretation Policy consultation with its stakeholders, PCH is relying on on-going consultations and process improvement practices such as having an open-door approach for feedback and scheduled program evaluations to achieve excellence in regulatory development and engagement.

Movable Cultural Property Program

Improvement priorities identified by the Movable Cultural Property program as a result of on-going consultations and a recent program evaluation are:

  • Improve access to the export permit application; and
  • Increase efficiency for high volume exporters.

Area of Improvement: Access to the export permit application

This initiative will improve client service and facilitate compliance. By December 31, 2016 (Update: Launch delayed to end of May 2017), exporters will be able to obtain an electronic application form from the Movable Cultural Property program website. Exporters who have reimported cultural property exported under a temporary permit will also have online access to the Notice of Return form.

Improvements include:

  • Clients will have immediate access to permit application forms from anywhere in Canada at any time; and
  • The waiting time to receive a paper application form from the program will be eliminated, thus reducing the overall time required to apply for an export permit.

Metrics for evaluating implementation:

  • Percentage of clients using the electronic application form versus the paper application form.

The new launch time for the online form is May 2017. Improvement metrics will be reported based on data collected in 2017-18.

Area of Improvement: Increase efficiency for high volume exporters

In order to reduce administrative burden on high volume exporters (such as dealers and cultural institutions) or in situations where accessing a Canada Border Services Agency permit issuing office causes considerable inconvenience to their business, the Movable Cultural Property program will encourage the exporter to apply for a general permit, provided that the objects exported are normally routinely approved for export. Periodic reporting also remains a condition of the general permit.

Improvements include:

  • Clients will no longer have to apply for individual permits for each export;
  • Reduced paperwork;
  • Greater flexibility to export at the client’s convenience; and
  • Permits are valid for a period of up to five years.

Metrics for evaluating implementation:

  • For those high volume exporters who obtain a general permit, the percentage reduction in individual permits applied for compared to the previous year.

In 2015-16 and 2016-17, six new general permits were issued to high volume exporters (commercial dealers and cultural institutions) which resulted in an average 58% reduction in individual permits applied for compared to the previous year.

Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program

Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) has assessed its current interpretation practices, and, with stakeholder input, identified the need to improve certain areas, including stakeholder engagement and service.

CAVCO will implement these improvements over the next two years and will update Canadians on progress by March 31, 2017.

Area of Improvement: Providing clear and consistent information and decisions

CAVCO will:

  • Provide updated training and new procedures manuals to guide officers and staff in their work to improve the quality and consistency of responses to inquiries.

Metrics for evaluating implementation:

  • Number of new procedures manuals and/or updates to procedures manuals; and
  • Number of in-house training opportunities designed and/or delivered to staff.

From April 2015 to February 2017:

  • CAVCO has produced two comprehensive procedure manuals for all employees that provide guidance on administrative and analysis practices.
  • CAVCO has provided 89 hours of formal training through 30 sessions for new and existing employees.

Area of Improvement: Usability of online application

CAVCO will:

  • Continue to enhance the functionality of the online application system to improve the user experience based on the results of CAVCO's 2014-15 client survey.

Metrics for evaluating implementation:

  • Number and type of improvements implemented, via system updates, to the online application system.

From April 2015 to February 2017:

CAVCO has issued four system updates to its online application system and introduced more than 20 improvements including:

  • user "alerts" that highlight new features;
  • submission warnings and review questions to help prevent incomplete applications;
  • a secure communications portal;
  • improved file status updates; and
  • a "copy from" function that allows users to quickly enter duplicate information across multiple applications.

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program

There are currently no improvement priorities for the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Regulations as these regulations have only recently been implemented and there has been no stakeholder feedback to date.

The information contained in the Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) is current as of September 30, 2017.

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

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