About state funerals and national commemorative ceremonies

A pallbearer dressed in red military attire lays a gloved hand atop a casket.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police pallbearers guide the casket of the Right Honourable John Turner at the state funeral held in his honour, Toronto, Ontario, October 6, 2020. Source: Government of Canada

State funerals are public events that may be held to honour and commemorate present and former governors general, present and former prime ministers, and sitting members of the Ministry. In addition, any eminent Canadian may be offered a state funeral at the discretion of the Prime Minister. An example would include the state funeral in honour of the Right Honourable John Turner in 2020.

National commemorative ceremonies are held to honour special Canadians, members of the Royal Family, or citizens from another country who have had an impact on Canada. An example would include the ceremony to commemorate the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2022.

State funerals and national commemorative ceremonies provide an opportunity for the public to honour great Canadians and participate in demonstrations of national grief.

Learn more by consulting our frequently asked questions and look at the list of past state funerals and national commemorative ceremonies that have been organized and administered by the Government of Canada.

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