Application Guidelines – Projects component

The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program

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Objectives for the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program

The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage by building on Canada's strength as a diverse and inclusive society.

The Program and the Projects component objectives are to:

  • support communities in confronting racism and discrimination, promoting intercultural and interfaith understanding and fostering equitable opportunities to participate fully in Canadian society;
  • promote and engage in discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination at the domestic and international levels;
  • strengthen research and evidence to build understanding of the disparities and challenges faced by racialized and religious minority communities, and Indigenous Peoples.

Expected results for the Projects component

The Projects component of the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program provides funding for community development, anti-racism initiatives and engagement projects that promote diversity and inclusion by encouraging interaction among community groups.

We support projects that encourage positive interaction between cultural, religious and ethnocultural communities in Canada and projects that promote the expression of Canadians' multiple identities.

Expected results are that participants and communities gain knowledge, develop strategies and take action to:

  • increase awareness of Canada’s cultural diversity;
  • increase awareness of issues affecting full participation in society and the economy, related to culture, ethnicity and/or religion;
  • increase capacity within communities to address racism and discrimination.

This component is for projects that address one or more of the following priority themes:

  • work toward the elimination of discrimination, racism and prejudice;
  • provide opportunities for youth community engagement and involvement;
  • working together to build awareness and change attitudes.

Application deadline

The application intake is now closed.

Who can apply

The following groups and institutions are eligible for funding:

  • Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) governments, tribal councils, band councils or not-for-profit Indigenous organizations;
  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations and associations;
  • Non-federal Canadian public institutions such as boards of education, schools, colleges and universities, chambers of commerce, law enforcement and police agencies, hospitals and other health care institutions;
  • Crown Corporations as defined in theFinancial Administration Act;
  • Provincial, territorial, municipal and regional governments and their agencies (must apply in partnership with a non-governmental organization).


We are responsible for determining the eligibility of each applicant, its project, and project-related expenses.

The Program is highly competitive. Requests for funding typically exceed our available resources. If your organization is eligible, submitting an application does not guarantee funding.

Eligible projects

To be eligible for funding, your project must contribute to the Program's priorities, objectives and expected results. This call for proposals is for projects of up to three years in duration and with a start date no earlier than April 1, 2021.

The Projects component is focused on new initiatives that are not part of an organization’s regular core programming or daily operations. We encourage innovative and collaborative projects that will leverage the strength of a variety of community organizations towards addressing racism and discrimination and the priority themes.

The following types of activities are eligible, these may include:

  • mentorships and internships;
  • skills development initiatives;
  • development of new learning materials, tools and training sessions;
  • network and partnership development;
  • leadership and volunteerism initiatives;
  • knowledge sharing initiatives;
  • meetings, events and workshops;
  • development of new programs, policies and services responsive to diversity, or combatting racism and discrimination.

Here are a few examples of possible projects. This list is in no way exhaustive:

  • Development of a coalition/partnership between affected community groups, municipality and key partners to address racism in specific industries/sectors and/or to support increased representation of racialized communities. Examples may include projects to support the increased representation of racialized communities in decision-making positions within industries or organizations. Activities may include leadership training and mentorship as well as anti-racism training.
  • The development and implementation of strategies that will facilitate access of culturally appropriate services to marginalized communities. Examples may include the strengthening of a network of Indigenous, racialized and/or religious minority community health/mental health/legal service providers and creation of tools to increase awareness and accessibility for these services.
  • The development and implementation of strategies that will build advocacy skills of affected communities to increase their ability to address racism and discrimination. Examples may include a collaboration between a variety of organizations to develop and implement training on legal rights, employee rights, complaint mechanisms, developing support systems.
  • Leadership programs and mentorship activities for youth from Indigenous, racialized or religious minority groups to enhance their sense of belonging. Examples may include skills development, including entrepreneurship and digital literacy; and/or the development of a stronger sense of their own identities, their histories and contributions to Canada and beyond; and/or increase the ability to counter racism and discrimination.
  • Challenging racist narratives and creating new narratives online and in physical spaces. Examples may include community groups collaborating to create art projects to share their experiences and tell their stories; or a digital campaign to change the stereotypical images portrayed of affected groups.

Activities funded under the Events component of the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program cannot receive funding under the Projects component for the same activities.

Eligible expenses

Only project-related expenses which can be of cash and in-kind value are eligible. These may include:

  • rental of office space and equipment not normally used in your organization's daily operations;
  • promotion and communications costs:
  • salaries, benefits and consultant fees directly related to the project;
  • travel and accommodation within Canada, which must not exceed the rates permitted fortravel on government business;
  • hospitality (only for meals and refreshments for participants of workshops/activities);
  • insurance (recipients must ensure that any public events funded by the Program are covered by appropriate insurance);
  • project evaluation;
  • translation fees;
  • audit when project funding is $250,000 and above;
  • meetings, events and workshops (organization, logistics, venue).

In-kind contributions are considered real contributions to the cost of the proposed project but are not reimbursable. Donated goods and services may be considered in-kind contributions if they:

  • are essential to your project’s success;
  • are eligible and would otherwise have to be purchased or paid for by you;
  • can be measured at fair market value (i.e. in relation to similar goods and services);
  • are balanced by an equal revenue in your budget (i.e. total in-kind expenses equal total in-kind revenues).

In all cases, administrative/overhead costs (e.g. rental of office space) will be limited to a maximum of 15% of the total project funding.

We cannot fund expenses incurred prior to receiving your application. If you incur expenses for your project before receiving written confirmation of your funding approval, you will be doing so at your own risk.

Expenses that will not be considered for funding include:

  • core programming expenses such as:
    • directors’ fees for volunteer members of boards or other governing bodies;
    • annual general meetings or regular executive board meetings of an organization or association, including related travel;
    • ongoing production or development of newsletters, websites, newspapers, magazines, journals, or radio and television broadcasts;
    • capital costs or expenditures (eg. the purchase of computers and tablets, renovation expenses);
    • start-up and operational costs for organizations;
    • costs associated with the organization’s normal or daily conduct of business.
  • profit-making activities;
  • international travel.

Limits of government assistance

To ensure the success of your project, we encourage you to have other funding sources. This may include contributions from your organization, the private sector, or other levels of government.

Total government assistance cannot exceed 100% of total eligible project-related expenses. Total government assistance includes all levels of government funding: federal, provincial and municipal.

We can fund up to $200,000 per project in the case of grants, and $1,000,000 per project in the case of contributions.

Applying for more than 12 months

You may request funding for a project spanning more than 12 months. You must show then that there is a need for a multi-year commitment and that you have the capacity to complete the project. This is demonstrated with a realistic project timeline and budget projections, as well as sound governance.

How to apply

Please contact us to receive an application package. Please contact the Program before submitting your application.

Read the Application Guidelines in their entirety before completing your application.

You must meet all the eligibility requirements and submit a complete application package by the deadline date to be considered for funding. A complete application package includes:

  • the signed Application Form Projects-CSMARI;
  • a balanced (no surplus or deficit) Budget Form Projects-CSMARI (in accordance with the Budget instruction sheet);
  • two most recent financial statements (audited if available);
  • documents demonstrating your organization's legal constitution, bylaws, and incorporation, or articles of association for unincorporated applicants;
  • a minimum of two letters of support from key project partners: the letters must contain information to substantiate how the partners will contribute, whether financially, in time or expert knowledge.

Additional documents may be required, depending on the nature of your project.

Application process

  • Complete, sign, and date the Application Form;
  • Complete the Budget Form;
  • Attach all the required supporting documents.

Submit your applicationthrough only one means(i.e., by email or mail).

Email submissions

We encourage you to submit your application package electronically, at the following email

The email must be sent no later than 11:59 p.m. local time on the date of the application deadline for your application to be considered.

Mail submissions

You can mail or courier your complete application package to theheadquarters of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Your application must be postmarked no later than the published deadline to be considered.

How applications are evaluated

We fund projects that have clear objectives and measurable results. Funding decisions are based on the number and quality of applications received. Your application will be evaluated based on the criteria below. It will be compared with other applications received and prioritized in relation to the funds available.

Failure to comply with any conditions of a previously funded project will be considered in the evaluation of your new application and could result in the rejection of your new application.

Evaluation criteria

The following criteria will be used to evaluate all eligible applications:

Project design, goals and rationale

  • the proposal demonstrates how the project contributes to one or more of the Program objectives, expected results and priority themes outlined;
  • the proposal establishes the need for the project and articulates how it will address the issues identified;
  • the project activities are clearly described and directly related to the expected results of the project;
  • project partners are confirmed and contribute to the project: demonstrated interaction between at least two cultural, religious, or ethnocultural communities in Canada;
  • the proposal demonstrates how the applicant has included stakeholders and beneficiaries as active participants in project design and implementation; and how it reaches its target communities, beneficiaries and/or participants.

Results, budget integrity and value for money

  • the proposal demonstrates the extent to which the project, as designed, is likely to have significant impact in the community or communities;
  • the project expected results are realistic and measurable;
  • the proposal includes an evaluation plan and the applicant will report on results;
  • the proposed budget is balanced and sufficiently detailed (i.e., costs and revenues have been itemized and explained);
  • the proposed budget is reasonable and reflects due regard for the efficient and prudent use of public funds.

Applicant capacity

  • the applicant has demonstrated capacity to deliver the proposed project in a successful, efficient and timely manner (with regards to past experience, financial situation, human resource capacity and governance structure).

Application processing time

For application processing time, please refer to theService standards for Canadian Heritagefunding programs or contact the program.

We will acknowledge receipt of your application within two weeks of the date your application is received by the Department.

Funding decisions

We reserve the right to target our funding to specific projects.

Please note that decisions regarding eligibility and funding amounts are final.

How funding is provided

We will determine if funding will be disbursed as a grant or as a contribution.

Agrantis a payment issued to a recipient for a project. The conditions you agree to at the time of application will apply. At the end of your project, you may be required to submit a report and/or participate in the evaluation of results.

Acontributionis a conditional payment issued for a specific purpose, as outlined in a funding agreement. The agreement is signed by your organization and by us, and specifies the terms and conditions to receive payment. At the end of your project, you must submit a final report.

Funding conditions

You may be required to submit interim reports during your project. If you receive $250,000 or more as a contribution, you are required to submit an audited financial report.

Additional funding conditions may apply and, if applicable, will be included in your funding agreement.

Anti-racism and anti-hate

Canadian Heritage is committed to address systemic racism, promote diversity, and create environments where every individual is valued, respected, and empowered. We strive to challenge discriminatory beliefs and practices, cultivate understanding and empathy, and champion policies and programs that advance equality for all.

Organizations receiving funding, including any representatives whether employees, consultants, or other persons directly affiliated with the organization, must take steps to ensure they respect the values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy.

Workplace well-being

The Government of Canada is committed to promoting healthy workplaces where harassment, abuse and discrimination are not tolerated. Organizations that receive funding from Canadian Heritage must take measures conducive to creating a workplace free from harassment, abuse and discrimination.

Official languages requirements

We are committed to taking positive measures to enhance the vitality of official language minority communities and to promote the use of English and French in Canadian society. If you receive funding, you agree to comply with the official languages requirements set out in your application and in your funding agreement.

Acknowledgement of financial assistance

If you receive funding, you must publicly acknowledge – in English and in French – the financial support received from the Government of Canada in all communications materials and promotional activities. Additional requirements may be included in your funding agreement.

For additional information, please refer to ourGuide on the public acknowledgement of financial support.

Impact Assessment Act

If you receive funding, your project may be subject to the provisions of theImpact Assessment Act. If your activities are to be carried out on federal lands, we will contact you for additional information prior to the start of your project.

Access to information requests

We are subject to theAccess to Information Actand thePrivacy Act. The information you submit in your application may be disclosed in accordance with these acts.

Disclosure of information

By submitting your funding application, you authorize us to disclose any information submitted with this application within the Government of Canada or to outside entities for the following purposes:

  • to reach a decision;
  • to evaluate the results of the project;
  • to support transparency, accountability and citizen engagement;
  • to explore the possibility of funding from another federal government program.

Audits of recipients and evaluation of the Program

We reserve the right to audit your accounts and records to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of your funding agreement. We also conduct periodic Program evaluations, during which you may be required to present documentation.

You must keep any records, documents, or other information that may be required to perform the audit or the evaluation for five years. Demonstrated failure to maintain such records may result in the repayment of amounts previously received.

Contact us

For further information, please contact us by:


Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, QC J8X 4B3



1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

1-888-997-3123 (for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired)

Agents are available to answer your questions Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (ET).


This glossary contains definitions for some important terms used in the application guidelines, the application form or any other documents that could be required in the assessment of your project.

Administrative costs
Administrative expenses such as office supplies, telephone, fax, Internet, utilities, postage, courier, photocopying/printing, and rent for office space.
Audited financial report
An audited financial report includes a statement of operations for the given period with regard to the project and is prepared by a certified accountant who is not part of your organization.
Audited financial statements
A complete set of financial statements including a statement of financial position; a statement of operations; and a statement of changes in financial position. Audited financial statements are completed by a certified accountant who is not part of your organization. The certified accountant performs auditing activities in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards principles.
Cash flow
A presentation of all anticipated revenues and planned expenses that will occur over the length of your project. At the beginning of your project, your cash flow will have only forecasted revenues and expenses. Over time, your cash flow will be updated to reflect the actual revenues and expenses.
Core programming expenses
These are expenses incurred by the organization in its normal or daily conduct of business; those can also be called ongoing or operational expenses.
Ethnocultural communities

A group of people whose members identify with each other through a common heritage. An ethnocultural community or group is defined by the shared characteristics unique to, and recognized by, that group. This includes characteristics such as cultural traditions, ancestry, language, national identity, and/or country of origin.

To the extent that religion is inextricably linked to the group's racial or cultural identity, it can also be recognized as a defining characteristic. In some cases, a group may view its common origin as pan-national, or it may be based on geographic region of origin.

Final financial report
A final financial report includes, as separate items, the budget as well as all the revenues realized and expenditures incurred for the given period with regard to the project being funded.
Final report
A final report is submitted at the end of your project based on the requirements in the funding agreement. Your final report needs to provide the results of the activities you have undertaken for the duration of your project.
Financial statements
A complete set of financial statements, including a statement of financial position; a statement of operations; and a statement of changes in financial position. Financial statements may be audited or unaudited.
Payments for services provided by a person who is not a staff member of the organization, or by a firm that is separate from the organization. For example, it includes fees for, or in respect of, services provided by writers, translators and event managers.
Indigenous communities
Indigenous communities are First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.
Interim reports
Interim reports are submitted during your project based on the requirements in the funding agreement. These reports indicate the results of the activities undertaken for a specific period. In addition, they include a status report on the work to be accomplished and updated revenue and expense reports.
Liability insurance
Insurance for claims arising from injuries or damage to other people or property.
National in scope
Projects that are delivered or have an impact in three or more provinces and/or territories.
Official-language minority communities
The official-language minority communities are the Anglophone communities residing in Quebec and the Francophone communities residing outside of Quebec.
All parties (individuals, communities, community-based organizations, public and private sector institutions and funding bodies) with a vested interest in a particular issue.
Project funding
Funding provided to organizations to cover the cost of eligible, one-time activities that have a defined start and end date, do not require ongoing funding and are not part of an organization’s annual operating costs or functions.
An individual working on behalf of others without receiving financial or material gain.

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