Projects — Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program

The Projects funding component provides funds to community-based initiatives that address systemic racism, discrimination, or hate by effecting sustainable change to promote the value of diversity and foster inclusion and a sense of belonging in Canada.

Anti-Racism Call

The Anti-Racism Call funds initiatives to address systemic racism and discrimination in Canada with the following objective:

To enhance access to and inclusivity within Canada’s arts, culture, and heritage organizations and institutions, and creative industries by addressing systemic racism and discrimination in workplaces faced by Indigenous Peoples, Black communities, and other racialized and religious minority communities, while considering intersectionality.

Application deadline

Current status of the call for proposals: Closed

We invite you to visit our website to stay updated on upcoming funding opportunities.

How to apply

Read the Application Guidelines in their entirety before completing your application.

Contact us to request an application package and to submit the required documentation.

To apply for funding, you must provide:

  • a signed Declaration/Attestation
  • a balanced Budget (no surplus or deficit) using the program’s budget template
  • a signed Application Checklist
  • a copy of your most recent financial statements, audited if available
  • a copy of your organization’s letters patent and documents of incorporation, including the certificate of continuance (Incorporated applicants only)
  • a list of your current Board of Directors (Incorporated applicants only)
  • a copy of your organization’s bylaws (Incorporated applicants only)
  • a copy of your articles of association or a copy of your Terms of Reference (Unincorporated applicants only)
  • a signed copy of the Unincorporated Applicant Acceptance of Liability form (Unincorporated applicants only)

Anti-Hate Call

The Anti-Hate Call funds initiatives to address and prevent hate in Canada with the following objectives:

  • Objective 1: Build capacity to combat hate directed toward Indigenous Peoples, Black communities, and other racialized and religious minority communities, while considering intersectionality.
  • Objective 2: Support communities to prevent hate toward Indigenous Peoples, Black communities, and other racialized and religious minority communities, while considering intersectionality.

Application deadline

Current status of the call for proposals: Closed

We invite you to visit our website to stay updated on upcoming funding opportunities.

Contact us

Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy St
Gatineau QC  J8X 4B3
1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)
1-888-997-3123 (toll-free)

Agents are available to answer your questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm (ET).

Regional offices of the Department of Canadian Heritage

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