Employers – Young Canada Works
Young Canada Works (YCW) offers eligible employers wage subsidies and access to a pool of talented youth with innovative ideas and competitive skills. Subsidies to eligible employers enable the creation of about 2,300 job opportunities per year in the fields of heritage, arts, culture and official languages.
The YCW program is delivered through two components:
Employment programs
YCW (Young Canada Works) sponsors two employment programs for students:
Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations
This employment program usually lasts between 6 and 16 weeks and supports organizations in Canada that have a heritage mandate.
For the 2025-2026 funding cycle, the application deadline is January 17, 2025.
Read more about employer eligibility for Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations.
Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages (YCWBOL)
This employment program lasts between 6 and 16 weeks and supports organizations in Canada which conduct activities in both official languages.
The application deadline is February 3.
Read more about employer eligibility for Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages (includes Languages at Work).
Internship program
YCW (Young Canada Works) sponsors an internship program for unemployed or underemployed college or university graduates:
Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage
This program offers several types of internships, and supports organizations from the heritage, arts and cultural sectors. Internships usually range from 4 to 12 months.
For the 2025-2026 funding cycle, the application deadline is January 17, 2025.
Read more about employer eligibility for Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage.
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