Commissioner's update for offenders and their families: August 11, 2023

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Senior Deputy Commissioner, Jay Pyke.

August 15 is National Acadian Day. Since 1881, this day has been a celebration of the rich:

of Acadian people who were the first Europeans to permanently settle in Canada. Mark this day by learning more about Acadians’:

contributions to Canadian communities. Happy National Acadian Day to those who have Acadian roots!

CSC is proud to offer alcohol sobriety support to those in our care and custody. Joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can mean becoming part of a community of people with similar experiences. It is a space where you can share your:

If you are looking for help or simply want to learn more about AA, please speak to a Social Program Officer or your case management team for more information on this great community resource that is available to you.

It was inspiring to learn about the work some of you do in our institutions to give back to the community. At William Head Institution, many have spent time in the woodshop building furniture and toys that will be donated. They have made picnic tables for temporary housing and toys, such as wooden cars and sock monkeys.

These gifts will be shared with children in the local community, as well as across the world in support of global charity initiatives. Others are learning to repair bikes to give to those in need.

I believe that the skills and sense of purpose you gain by giving back will benefit your journey.

Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. - Ben Carson

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