Protect yourself and others from disinformation

Protecting Canada’s democratic institutions

Democracy and democratic institutions (for example, Parliament, provincial legislatures and the electoral process) have long faced threats from people or groups whose goal is to weaken them and weaken citizens’ trust in government. This includes disinformation, the deliberate spread of inaccurate information, and foreign interference which have a negative effect on the well-being of people living in Canada and on Canada’s unity. 

You can protect yourself and others by becoming aware of the threats of disinformation and foreign interference, learning how to identify false information, and understanding how information is shared and consumed online. 

This page contains tools and resources to help you spot and fight disinformation and foreign interference. 

Protecting Democracy Toolkits

Download these toolkits for tips to help you spot and combat disinformation and foreign interference.

Countering Disinformation: A Guidebook for Public Servants

The Countering Disinformation: A Guidebook for Public Servants (the Guidebook) was developed by the Protecting Democracy Unit (PDU) in the Privy Council Office (PCO). It gives federal public servants a basic understanding of the threat of disinformation to Canada’s democracy and offers guidance on how to identify, build public resilience to, and counter disinformation.

The Guidebook is just one part of a larger toolkit for public servants which will include training, workshops, and other related guidance on countering disinformation.

Combating disinformation

Disinformation is false information that is deliberately intended to mislead people.

Everyone is susceptible to believing disinformation. Think critically about the information you consume and take steps to make sure the information that you share is accurate and reliable.  

Consult our Toolkits or visit the Government of Canada’s online disinformation page for information, tips, and guidance, including:

You can also access the following videos, articles, and tips focused on identifying and combating disinformation.

Civil society organizations


Government of Canada

Spotting and reporting foreign interference

Foreign interference includes deliberate and covert activities by a foreign groups, state actors, or individuals to advance their interests, often to the detriment of Canada’s interests. Foreign interference can erode trust and threaten the integrity of our democratic institutions, political system, fundamental rights and freedoms, and ultimately, our sovereignty.  

To learn more, consult our toolkits or visit the following websites for information, tools and guidance about foreign interference:


Government of Canada

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