Budget/Off-Cycle Proposal – Annex 2: GBA Plus Departmental Summary

Please refer to the User Instructions document before completing this template. Hover over info buttons to see additional details for each section. Please do not make any structural modifications to this template, as this will create issues for data capture.

1. General Information

Proposal Title

Proposal Title

Sponsoring Department

Lead Department

Other Departments:

Click here to enter text.

Type of measure (Check all that apply)

Timing of conduct of GBA Plus (Select the stage at which the analysis was initially conducted)


2. Brief description of Budget/Off-Cycle Proposal (300 words maximum)

Problem Statement:

Please describe the particular problem this proposal is intended to address in 150 words or less.

Proposal Summary:

Please describe the approach this proposal is taking to address the problem in 150 words or less.

3. Target Group (Policy Intent)

What is the primary target group for this proposal?  In particular, this proposal is primarily designed to provide ultimate benefits to:

Please explain (1-2 sentences/250 words):

Enter text.

Note: exceptionally, if none of the options above can adequately reflect the intended target group of the proposal, please use the explanatory box to provide further details.

*Applicable to all persons living in Canada, including Canadian citizens, Indigenous Peoples, landed immigrants, and non-permanent residents.

**Select for initiatives aimed at helping women specifically and/or advancing gender equality more broadly.

4. Expected Benefits

The proposal should be assessed in relation to the direct and, indirect benefits (section 4) and barriers to access/participation or negative impacts (section 5) on different demographic groups. This assessment should cover/address the relevant quality of life domains identified in the budget proposal where applicable. For further information and examples, please consult the User Instructions.

a. Direct Benefits: which gender and demographic groups are expected to directly benefit from the proposal, and what are their intersecting identity factors?

The benefiting group(s) has the following demographic characteristics that are predominant relative to the population at large. Please select at least one option in the Gender identity and sexual orientation box and select all other characteristics that apply.

Gender identity and sexual orientation

Population group

Socio-economic, cultural and familial characteristics

Health characteristics

Geographic characteristics

Age and life stage

Please select, as applicable.

Please provide details, in 250 words or less, on these impacts and on the gender and diversity context related to this initiative, with specific breakdowns and data where feasible. Include an explanation on whether this proposal benefits multiple groups or one specific group. Sources and data gaps are to be noted in Section 9.

Enter text.

Long-term benefits: if the long-term benefits of the proposal differ from the benefits specified above, please describe the long-term benefits and the affected group(s) in the box below, in 250 words or less.

Enter text.

b. Indirect Benefits: which gender and demographic groups are expected to benefit indirectly from the proposal? Indirect beneficiaries are those that may receive secondary benefits of a proposal, for example through playing a role in the delivery of a proposal.

The benefiting group(s) has the following demographic characteristics that are predominant relative to the population at large. Please select at least one option in the Gender Identity box and select all other characteristics that apply.

Gender identity and sexual orientation

Population Group

Socio-economic, cultural and familial characteristics

Health characteristics

Geographic characteristics

Age or life stage

Please select one of the below, as applicable:

Please provide details on these impacts and on the gender and diversity context related to this initiative, with specific breakdowns and data where feasible (in 250 words or less). Include an explanation on whether this proposal benefits multiple groups or one specific group. Sources and data gaps are to be noted in Section 9.

Enter text.

Long-term benefits: if the long-term benefits of the proposal differ from the benefits specified above, please describe the long-term benefits and the affected group(s) in the box below, in 250 words or less.

Enter text.

c. Income Distributional Impacts: what are the overall expected impacts of this proposal from an income distributional perspective and/or are benefits concentrated among individuals of different income levels?

Please select one:

d. Generational Impacts: identify the generation that is expected to benefit most from the proposal.

Please select one:

5. A) Barriers To Participation Or Access Or Negative Impacts (if applicable)

Identify which gender and demographic groups are expected to face a barrier to participation/access or be negatively affected by the proposal.

Please select which is applicable:

Please select the demographic characteristics of the group(s) which faces a barrier to access or is negatively affected. For proposals that impact Canadians, demographic characteristics should only be selected if they are predominant relative to the Canadian population at large. (Select all that apply)

Gender identity and sexual orientation

Population Group

Socio-economic, cultural and familial characteristics

Health characteristics

Geographic characteristics

Age or life stage

Please provide details on the barriers to access or the negative impacts the group/groups selected above could experience. Include an explanation on whether this proposal affects multiple groups or one specific group. Sources and data gaps are to be noted in Section 9. If long-term impacts differ, please specify how.

5.B) GBA Plus Responsive Approach

If barriers to access/participation or negative impacts are identified above, please specify program designs or implementation elements that seek to reduce barriers to participation or mitigate potential negative impacts of the proposal itself. Of note, this section can be completed even if no barriers to access/participation or negative impacts have been identified, as mitigation measures can still be proactively put in place to prevent potential future occurrences of adverse impacts.

i. Steps for addressing potential barriers to access/participation

If potential barriers are identified above, have elements been incorporated into the design of the initiative to address these and to ensure that the proposal does not exacerbate existing inequalities?


Please describe the design elements to reduce potential barriers. Please provide a brief explanation in 250 words or less, if no such elements are present: Enter text.

ii. Mitigation measures to respond to potential negative impacts

If negative impacts are identified above, are there measures included in this proposal to mitigate potential negative impacts?


6. Gender Results Framework (if applicable)

Since 2018, Canada has identified key gender equality objectives in six areas as outlined in Canada's Gender Results Framework.

If applicable, which is the primary pillar and goal that would be demonstrably advanced by this proposal? Please choose only one pillar and the corresponding objective.

Please elaborate, where applicable, in 250 words or less.
Enter Text

For reference: Gender Results Framework placemat - Women and Gender Equality Canada

7. Public and Stakeholder Engagement, Gender and Diversity Considerations

If yes to the above, please explain who was consulted or provide details including any concerns expressed about possible consequences relevant to the proposal on different groups of people (please include timing of consultations). Please explain in 250 words or less.: Enter text.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

Enter text Enter text

9. Data sources

What data sources were used to inform this GBA Plus analysis and the development of the proposal? Were there any notable data gaps? (Select all that apply and specify in the right-hand column, please hyperlink URLs)

10. Summary GBA Plus (Suitable for Publication) (250 words maximum)

Please summarize the most salient points from sections 3-6. Please describe impacts in a neutral, factual tone and avoid promotional language. Avoid describing or restating the rationale for the measure. For examples, see Budget 2023 Impacts Report.

Enter text

11. Approved by

Name, Title, Phone number, Email address

Enter text


Enter date

Page details

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