Family and intimate partner violence
While government and public health officials have instructed Canadians that home is the safest place during the COVID-19 pandemic, some families may be more exposed to intimate partner violence and family conflict as a result of these difficult and stressful times.
If you or someone you know experiences family or intimate partner violence, seek help. A variety of tools, information, and resources for Defence Team members and their families struggling with family and intimate partner violence are listed below. You are not alone.
If you or someone close to you is in distress or danger, please call 9-1-1 immediately.

Support available to CAF members and their families
- Family Violence: Supervisor’s Guide
- Harassment and Violence Prevention: Addressing Family Violence in the Workplace
- CF Health Services Clinics
- Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP)
- CAF Health relationships campaign
- Family information line (FIL)
- Crisis Texting Service for Kids of CAF Families
- Canadian Forces Chaplain General
- Operational Trauma and Stress Support Centres (OTSSC)
- Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource (SMSRC)
- Canadian Forces Military Police Group
The Family Violence: Supervisor’s Guide (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) includes a step by step action plan, appropriate resources and a template for an Individualized Family Violence Safety Plan (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) to ensure the safety of the Defence Team member as well as other personnel.
The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Interim Policy aims to prevent and respond to harassment and violence, including family violence, in the Department of National Defence.
To report harassment and violence in the workplace, related to family violence, you may contact the secure voicemail box at 1-833-451-1604; or email the secure inbox
CF Health Services is the main provider of mental health services for the CAF. Locate a centre anywhere in Canada and abroad. Where service providers are unavailable, you and your family may be referred to local community programs and services.
The CFMAP offers confidential, voluntary, short term counselling to assist CAF members with resolving many of today's stresses at home and in the work place.
Phone: 1-800-268-7708 (available 24/7)
TTY - Hearing Impaired Line:1-800-567-5803 (available 24/7)
Access inspiring and helpful videos, support resources, and tip sheets for proper communication within relationships.
The Family Information Line is a confidential, personal, bilingual, and free service offering information, support, referrals, reassurance, and crisis management to the military community.
Phone: 1-800-866-4546
Children, youth, and young adults from military families can access free mental health and wellbeing support by texting the keyword CAFKIDS at 686868 for service in English; for service in French, text the keyword JEUNESFAC at 686868.
All bases provide a 24/7 chaplaincy, listening, and support service. Contact the family information line, which will redirect you to a chaplain in your area.
Phone: 1-866-502-2203 (Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 17:00 pm E.T)
Phone : 00-800-771-17722 (International)
OTSSC offer specialized programs within the Canadian Forces Health Services that provide comprehensive and consistent assessment and treatment of patients with operational stress injuries.
Phone: 1-877-705-8880 (Mon-Fri 7:30 am to 15:30 pm E.T)
Atlantic – Halifax: 1-902-721-5703
Quebec – Valcartier: 1-418-844-5000 ext 7373
Ontario – Ottawa: 1-613-945-1060 (now at the Montfort Hospital)
Western – Edmonton: 1-780-973-4011 ext 5332
Pacific – Victoria: 1-250-363-4411
The SMSRC offers round the clock, bilingual, confidential support services to CAF members who are affected by sexual misconduct. Counsellors are available to discuss resources and options to meet individual needs.
Phone: 1-844-750-1648 (available 24/7)
TFind your nearest Military Police detachment or the police service of jurisdiction in your area to report a non-emergency crime or make a complaint
Support for civilians
- Family Violence: Supervisor’s Guide
- Harassment and Violence Prevention: Addressing Family Violence in the Workplace
- Employee Assistance Program
- Women and Gender Equality(WAGE): Gender-Based Violence
The Family Violence: Supervisor’s Guide (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) includes a step by step action plan, appropriate resources and a template for an Individualized Family Violence Safety Plan (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) to ensure the safety of the Defence Team member as well as other personnel.
The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Interim Policy aims to prevent and respond to harassment and violence, including family violence, in the Department of National Defence.
To report harassment and violence in the workplace, related to family violence, you may contact the secure voicemail box at 1-833-451-1604; or email the secure inbox
The Employee Assistance Program offers crisis e-counselling and telephone counselling, short-term professional counselling, including follow-ups as needed, and referrals to an appropriate external community resource if the issue is not short-term or specialized treatment is required.
Phone: 1-800-268-7708
Toll-free TTY: 1-800-567-5803
Find a comprehensive list of national support services, provincial and territorial support services, family violence prevention services, and tips on planning your safety.
Women’s support services
- Canadian Women’s Foundation Support Resources
- Disabled women’s network canada (DAWN): Crisis Hotlines
Find links to shelters, other services, and information. The Canadian Women’s Foundation does not offer counselling or services to individuals.
Find a list of crisis hotlines and other domestic violence resources.
National resources
- Department of Justice Resources
- Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)'S Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP)
Find provincial and national family violence resources
ISC’s Family Violence Prevention Program supports the day-to-day operations of 46 shelters, as well as funding for community-driven proposals for family violence prevention projects on and off reserve.
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