Campaign Info – 2024
NDWCC Campaign Info
In 1945, Treasury Board Secretariat established United Way as the service provider for charitable giving across Federal Departments and the campaign is now known as the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) which includes two named recipients, Health Partners, and United Way. Through this campaign participants can choose to donate to any registered charity across Canada.
The GCWCC is led by two National Co-Chairs (Deputy Minister Employment and Social Development and Executive Vice-President of Public Health Agency of Canada) supported by a Senior Leaders Cabinet. It is managed and operated by the GCWCC National Office, on behalf of United Way/Centraide Canada and Health Partners, under an agreement with Treasury Board Secretariat.
DND has created its own charitable giving program called the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) which falls under GCWCC.
In 2023 DND reached its goals of being 100% canvassed and raising over $2 million through NDWCC, which accounted for ~7% of the $28.9 million raised in total through the GCWCC to support our communities, across the country.
In 2024 LGen Eric Kenny, Commander of the Royal Canadian Airforce has volunteered to be the Champion of the NDWCC.
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