Chapter 205 - Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members

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Section 3 - Special Allowances

Section 4 - Clothing Allowances

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Section 1 - General

(TB 28 February 2022, effective 1 March 2022) 

205.015 - Interpretation

205.015(1) (Days in a Month) When computing entitlements in this chapter:

  1. for members of the Regular Force and members of the Reserve Force on Class “C” Reserve Service, article 203.06 (Computation of Entitlements and Forfeitures on a Daily or Monthly Basis – Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class "C" Reserve Service) of the QR&O applies; and
  2. for members of the Reserve Force on other than Class ”C” Reserve Service, article 203.065 (Computation of Entitlements, Forfeitures and Fines – Reserve Force – Other Than Class "C" Reserve Service) of the QR&O applies.

205.015(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this instruction apply to this chapter.

credit point

means a point that is regulated under CBI 205.20 (Credit Points). (points de crédit)

dependent child
means a child or legal ward of a member, of the spouse or common-law partner of a member, or of a member and their spouse or common law partner; or an individual adopted legally or in fact by a member, by the spouse or common-law partner of a member, or by a member and their spouse or common law partner when the child, legal ward or individual adopted is, at the relevant time:
  1. single;
  2. in law or in fact in the custody and control of the member;
  3. under 21 years of age, or of any age if prevented from earning a living by reason of mental or physical infirmity; and
  4. dependent upon the member for support. (enfant à charge)

means a calendar month (e.g. January, February, etc.). (mois)

205.015 (3) In the CBI, a dependent child is in law or in fact in the custody and control of the member if:

  1. there is a separation agreement or court order that gives custody of the dependent child to the member; or
  2. if there is no separation agreement or court order that gives custody of the dependent child to the member and the member has the actual custody of the child.

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.10 - Designated Positions

205.10(1) (Authority) Subject to paragraph 2, the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) or an officer authorized by the CDS may designate positions for the purposes of this chapter. For greater certainty, the authority to designate a position includes the authority to terminate the designation.

205.10(2) (Factors) Before making a designation under paragraph (1), the CDS, or an officer authorized by the CDS, must consider all of the following factors:

  1. a casual allowance is preferable to a monthly allowance;
  2. a monthly allowance compensates for a continual liability to exercise a skill, to be exposed to an environment, or to perform a specific duty;
  3. a casual allowance compensates for the infrequent exercise of skill, exposure to an environment, or liability to perform a specific duty;
  4. the nature and normal duties of the position (e.g. regularly involving operations and training duties as opposed to regularly involving clerical and support duties);
  5. the location of the position on the Canadian Forces (CF) establishment (e.g. inside or outside of an operational unit, formation, or element);
  6. the designation, if any, of similar positions on the CF’s establishment; and
  7. the financial implications of the designation upon the CF and Department of National Defence (DND).

205.10(3) (Designation) The designation of a position:

  1. must be in writing;
  2. is effective on the date as requested in the application for the designation or any later date;
  3. must specify the CBI to which it relates; and
  4. must be published on a defence web site as defined in article 1.21 (Publication of Regulations, Orders and Instructions) of the QR&O unless there is a security reason against doing so.

205.10(4) (Meaning – Occupy a Designated Position) In this chapter, a member is considered to occupy a designated position when the member is assigned as follows:

  1. as set out in a posting message, to a designated position,
  2. by attached posting or as Military Manning Overhead (MMO) to a unit, formation or element in which all the positions are designated positions, or
  3. by attached posting or as Military Manning Overhead (MMO) to a unit, formation or element that has designated positions and the member performs substantially the same duties as a member who is assigned to a designated position.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)


  1. A designation made under this instruction may be expressed in terms of:
    1. an individual position;
    2. any or all positions within a sub-unit or sub-element; or
    3. any or all positions within a unit, formation, command, or element.
  2. A member who is not in a designated position may be entitled to receive a similar casual allowance on the basis of their performed duties or functions. Example: a member who is not in a designated position for the purposes of CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) may be entitled under CBI 205.335 (Land Duty Allowance (Casual)).


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.105 - Designated Positions - Delegated Authority

The officer who holds the position of Chief of Military Personnel or Director General Compensation and Benefits (DGCB), or the incumbent  who holds the position of  Director of Pay Policy and Development (DPPD), is authorized to make designations under paragraph (1) of 205.10 Designated Positions).


(TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)

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205.15 — No Entitlement — Common Events

205.15(1) (Application) This instruction provides disentitlement events that may apply to the following allowances:

  1. CBI 205.30 (Paratroop Allowance (Monthly));
  3. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly));
  4. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly));
  5. CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly));
  6. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly));
  7. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly));
  8. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly));
  9. CBI 205.401 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)); and
  10. CBI 205.41 (Submarine Crewing Allowance (Monthly)).

205.15(2) (Disentitlement) The following disentitlement events apply to an allowance as set out in the instructions for that allowance:

  1. the member refuses to exercise the skill, or to be exposed to the environment, or to perform the duty, for which the allowance is provided when ordered or instructed to do so by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction. Entitlement ends the day before the date of the refusal;
  2. the member is assigned a permanent medical category with a medical employment limitation that prevents the member from exercising the skill, or being exposed to the environment, or performing the duty, for which the allowance is provided. Entitlement ends the day before the date the category is assigned;
  3. the member has been serving for more than 180 continuous days under a temporary medical category or a medical employment limitation that prevents the member from exercising the skill or being exposed to the environment, or performing the duty for which the allowance is provided. Entitlement ends on the 181st day after the day when the category or limitation was assigned;
  4. the member has been on leave under article 16.16 (Sick Leave) of the QR&O for more than 180 continuous days. Entitlement ends on the 181st day of leave;
  5. the member is posted or assigned to a unit or element that is organized for the control or administration of members with medical conditions (e.g., the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group). Entitlement ends at the end of the last day of duty with the losing unit, formation or element;
  6. the member is on leave under:
    1. article 16.18 (Retirement Leave) of the QR&O,
    2. article 16.19 (Rehabilitation Leave) of the QR&O,
    3. article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances) of the QR&O,
    4. article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) of the QR&O, or
    5. article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O.
      Entitlement ends on the 1st day of leave;
  7. the member is no longer in a designated posit
    ion for the purpose of the allowance. Entitlement ends at the end of the member’s last day of duty in the designated position;
  8. subject to paragraph (3), the member has been attached posted, on temporary duty, or any combination thereof, for more than 180 continuous days. Entitlement ends on the 181st day;
  9. subject to paragraphs (3), (4) and (5), the member commences an attached posting, temporary duty, or any combination thereof, and in accordance with the relevant written authorization, the attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof is scheduled to end more than 180 continuous days after its commencement. Entitlement ends the 1st day that the member commences the attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof;
  10. subject to paragraphs (3), (4) and (5), the member has been on an attached posting, temporary duty, or any combination thereof, for less than 181 continuous days, and in accordance with a subsequent written authorization, the original period of the attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof is changed to end more than 180 continuous days after its commencement. Entitlement ends on the 181st day; and
  11. the member starts the Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Serving Members (VRPSM). Entitlement ends on the day VRPSM begins.

205.15(3) (Posting and Attached Posting) For greater certainty, the disentitlement events in subparagraph (2)(h), (i) and (j) apply to an allowance related to the designated position that the member occupies and do not apply to an allowance to which the member may be entitled in relation to a concurrent attached posting.

205.15(4) (Written Authorization Amendment) If the attached posting, temporary duty, or any combination thereof referred to in subparagraph (2)(i) ends before the completion of more than 180 continuous days (e.g., it is shortened by a subsequent written authorization), then the condition provided in that subparagraph does not apply.

205.15(5) (Continuous Days) The reference to continuous days in subparagraphs (2)(h), (i) and (j) includes all weekends, statutory holidays and leave under Chapter 16 (Leave) of the QR&O that occur during a period of attached posting, temporary duty, or combination thereof.

205.15(6) (Calculation of Time) In this chapter time will be calculated in accordance with article 1.08 (Calculation of Time) of the QR&O.


(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)

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205.20 - Credit Points

205.20(1) (Interpretation – Eligible Service) In this instruction “eligible service” is service as a member of the CF when a member has satisfied the entitlement conditions for an allowance listed in paragraph 205.15(1) or under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance).

205.20(2) (General) Credit points will be used to track the months of eligible service a member accumulates during their career in relation to the allowances listed in paragraph 205.15(1) and to calculate the member’s monthly rate for an allowance.

205.20(3) (Earning — General Rule) A member earns one credit point for each month in which the member has completed a minimum of nine consecutive full days of eligible service. Despite the number of allowances to which a member may be entitled in a month, only one credit point can be earned for that month.

205.20(4) (Earning — One Allowance) When a member is entitled to receive only one of the allowances listed under paragraph 205.15(1) or under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance), the credit point earned will relate to that allowance.

205.20(5) (Earning — Two Allowances — Aircrew Allowance) A member who is entitled to receive an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)) may, for the same month, also receive an allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance), or CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) or CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance). The one credit point earned for that month will relate to the allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)).

205.20(6) (Earning — Two Allowances — Special Operations Allowance) A member who is entitled to receive an allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) may, for the same month, also receive an allowance under either CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance) or CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)). The one credit point earned for that month will relate to the allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).

205.20(7) (Use — General) Subject to paragraphs (8) to (13), credit points earned for eligible service in relation to an allowance listed in paragraph 205.15(1) can only be used to calculate the member’s monthly rate for that allowance.

205.20(8) (Use — One Allowance) When a member is entitled to receive an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)), or CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)), or CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)), or CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)), then the rate of the member’s monthly allowance will be calculated using the sum of:

  1. the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career in relation to the monthly allowances under:
    1. CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance),
    2. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)),
    3. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    4. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    5. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)),
    6. CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect,
    7. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)), and
  2. the number of credit points that the member would have earned had CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) been in effect prior to 1 April 2007.

205.20(9) (Use — Two Allowances – Aircrew Allowance and Hardship Allowance) If a member is entitled to the Aircrew Allowance (Monthly) under CBI 205.32 and the Hardship Allowance under CBI 10.3.05 in respect of the same month, the member’s entitlement for each allowance shall be calculated as follows:

  1. for the allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)), using the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance only; and
  2. for the allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance), in accordance with the terms and conditions of that allowance.

205.20(10) (Use — Two Allowances —Aircrew Allowance and Land Duty Allowances) If a member is entitled to the Aircrew Allowance (Monthly) under CBI 205.32 and the Land Duty Allowance under CBI 205.33 in respect of the same month, the member’s entitlement for each allowance shall be calculated as follows:

  1. for the allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)), the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance only; and
  2. for the allowance under CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) the sum of the credit points that the member would have earned had CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) been in effect prior to 1 April 2007 and the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career in relation to the allowances listed below less any credit points that the member earned while the member was entitled to receive only an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)):
    1. CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance),
    2. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)),
    3. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    4. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    5. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)),
    6. CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect, and
    7. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).

205.20(11) (Use — Two Allowances — Aircrew Allowance and Sea Duty Allowance) If a member is entitled to the Aircrew Allowances (Monthly) under CBI 205.32 and the Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly) under CBI 205.35 in respect of the same month, the member’s entitlement for each allowance shall be calculated as follows:

  1. for the allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)), the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance only; and
  2. for the allowance under CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)) the sum of the credit points that the member would have earned had CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) been in effect prior to 1 April 2007 and the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career in relation to the allowances listed below less any credit points that the member earned while the member was entitled to receive only an allowance under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)):
    1. CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance),
    2. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)),
    3. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    4. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    5. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)),
    6. CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect, and
    7. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).

205.20(12) (Use — Two Allowances — Special Operations Allowance and Hardship Allowance) If a member is entitled to the Special Operations Allowances (Monthly) under CBI 205.385 and the Hardship Allowance under CBI 10.3.05 in respect of the same month, the member’s entitlement for each allowance shall be calculated as follows:

  1. subject to paragraph (14), the allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) using the sum of the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance and for an allowance under CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect; and
  2. for an allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance) in accordance with the terms and conditions of that allowance.

205.20(13) (Use — Two Allowances — Special Operations Allowance and Land Duty Allowance) If a member is entitled to Special Operations Allowances (Monthly) under CBI 205.385 and the Land Duty Allowance (Monthly) under CBI 205.33 in respect of the same month, the member’s entitlement for each allowance shall be calculated as follows:

  1. subject to paragraph (14), the allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly) will be calculated using the sum of the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career for this allowance and for an allowance under CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect; and
  2. for the allowance under CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) the sum of the credit points that the member would have earned had CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) been in effect prior to 1 April 2007 and the credit points that the member has earned throughout their career in relation to the allowances listed below less any credit points that the member earned while the member was entitled to receive only an allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)):
    1. CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance),
    2. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)),
    3. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    4. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    5. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)),
    6. CBI 205.385 (Joint Task Force 2 Allowance) as it read the day before CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) came into effect, and
    7. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).

205.20(14) (Special Operations Allowance — Categories) The rate of a member’s monthly allowance under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) is calculated using the sum of:

  1. for a category 1 member, the credit points the member has earned throughout their career in relation to their eligible service as a category 1, 2 or 3 member;
  2. for a category 2 member, the credit points the member has earned throughout their career in relation to their eligible service as a category 2 or 3 member; and
  3. for a category 3 member, the credit points the member has earned throughout their career in relation to for eligible service as a category 3 member.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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205.25 - Transitional Provision

205.25(1) (Transition Application) No provision in this Chapter will disentitle any member to an allowance provided for in this Chapter before the date this Chapter comes into effect.

205.25(2) (Transition — Credit Points) The credit points that a member had accumulated under CBI chapter 205 (Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) as it read on the day before this instruction came into effect continue to the member’s credit in relation to the allowance in respect to which they were earned.

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Section 2 - Environmental Allowances

(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)

205.29 - Environmental Allowances Matrix

205.29(1) (Intent) Environmental allowances are meant to compensate members whose military duties involve exposure to adverse environmental conditions that are not normally experienced by other members and to serve as an incentive to attract and retain members under such conditions.

205.29(2) (Rule – General) A member is not entitled to receive more than one allowance at the same time when the purpose of each allowance is to compensate for substantially the same adverse environmental conditions. For example, a member who is entitled to receive an allowance under CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)) is not entitled to at the same time to receive an allowance under CBI 205.335 (Land Duty Allowance (Casual)), or under CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)), or under CBI 205.355 (Sea Duty Allowance (Casual)), or CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)), or CBI 205.375 (Submarine Allowance (Casual)).

205.29(3) (Matrix) A member is entitled to the allowance set out in a row to the matrix to this instruction if, in respect of the same period, the member is not in receipt of an allowance set out in a column to the matrix that is indicated, when reading across the applicable row, by an X located in that column. For example, in the row for CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)), an “X” is located in the columns for CBI 205.335 (Land Duty Allowance (Casual)), CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)), CBI 205.355 (Sea Duty Allowance (Casual)), CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)), and CBI 205.375 (Submarine Allowance (Casual)). As a result, a member is entitled to the Land Duty Allowance (Monthly) if the member is not receiving one of the other allowances in respect of the same period.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Matrix to CBI 205.29

CBI 205 .30 .305 .315 .32 .325 .33 .335 .34 .341 .342 .345 .35 .355 .37 .375 .38 .385 .3855
.30 - X X X - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.305 X - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.315 X X - X X - - X X X X - - - - - X X
.32 X - X - X - - - - - - - - X - - X X
.325 - - X X - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.33 - - - - - - X - - - - X X X X - - -
.335 - - - - - X - - - - - X X X X - - -
.34 - - X - - - - - - - X - - - - - X X
.341 - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.342 - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.345 - - X - - - - X - - - - - - - - X X
.35 - - - - - X X - - - - - X X X - X X
.355 - - - - - X X - - - - X - X X - X X
.37 - - - X - X X - - - - X X - X - X X
.375 - - - - - X X - - - - X X X - - X X
.38 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X
.385 X X X X X - - X X X X X X X X X - X
.3855 X X X X X - - X X X X X X X X X X -


(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)

205.30 - Paratroop Allowance (Monthly)

205.30(1) (Intent) Paratroop Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with military parachuting.

205.30(2) (Definition) In this instruction, “paratrooper” means a member who is qualified and current in military parachuting to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS.

205.30(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a paratrooper of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the paratrooper occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. the paratrooper reports for duty in the designated paratrooper position; 
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances); and
  4.  the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.30(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs.

205.30(5) (Amount) The amount of the allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      • N is the number of days in that month that the paratrooper is entitled to this allowance.

(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

Table to CBI 205.30

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Credit Points (CBI 205.20) Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0 - 35 points 267
36 - 71 points 294
72 - 107 points 323
108 - 143 points 355
144 + points 393
Rates effective 1 April 2017  

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.305 - Paratroop Allowance (Casual)

205.305(1) (Intent) Paratroop Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is a sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with military parachuting.

205.305(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix); 
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to jump from an aircraft in flight by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and the member jumps in accordance with the order or instruction; and
  3. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.305(3) (Amount) Subject to CBI 205.315 (Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual)), the amount of the allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( $75.71 × N )
      • where N is the number of times that a member jumps in accordance with subparagraph 2(b) in that month; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.30 (Paratroop Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017) 

205.31 REPEALED 31 MARCH 2021

(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

205.315 - Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual)

205.315(1) (Intent) Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid to Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR Tech) for the performance of assigned duties where there is sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with search and rescue operations.

205.315(1.1) (Definition) In this instruction, “rescue specialist” means a member who is qualified and current as a Search and Rescue Technician to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff.

205.315(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is a rescue specialist as defined in CBI 205.315 (1.1) (Definition), or is undergoing training to be a rescue specialist;
  2. the member is not in a designated rescue specialist position;
  3. the member is ordered or instructed to jump from an aircraft in flight, fly in an aircraft, dive, or any combination thereof, by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  4. the member jumps, flies, dives or any combination thereof in accordance with the order or instruction;
  5. in relation to that order, the member is not paid an allowance under:
    1. CBI 205.305 (Paratroop Allowance (Casual)),
    2. CBI 205.325 (Aircrew Allowance (Casual)), or
    3. CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual)), 
  6. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix); and
  7. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.315(3) (Daily Amount) Subject to paragraph (4), the amount of this allowance per day is the sum of the amounts that the member, but for this instruction, would have been entitled to receive under:

  1. CBI 205.305 (Paratroop Allowance (Casual));
  2. CBI 205.325 (Aircrew Allowance (Casual)); or
  3. CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual)).

For example a rescue specialist who flies and jumps but does not dive, is entitled to an amount equivalent to CBI 205.325 (Aircrew Allowance (Casual)) and CBI 205.305 (Paratroop Allowance (Casual)), but does not include any amount under CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual)).

205.315(4) (Maximum Monthly Amount) The maximum amount of this allowance in one month is $970, equal to the highest monthly rate payable under the previous CBI 205.31 (Rescue Specialist Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 10 December 2021, effective 1 April 2021)

205.32 - Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)

205.32(1) (Intent) Aircrew Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with flying operations.

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205.32(2) (Definition) In this instruction, “aircrew” means:

  1. a pilot who is paid under:
    1. CBI 204.21 (Pay – General Officers, Colonels and General Service      Officers), or 
    2. CBI 204.211 (Pay – General Service Officers – Officer Entry Plans – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet); 
  2. a member who is aircrew badge qualified and current in the operation of aircraft or airborne equipment to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS; or
  3. a member who is flight crew badge or specialist flight crew badge qualified and current to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS.

205.32(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), an aircrew member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the aircrew member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. the aircrew member reports for duty in the designated aircrew position; and
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances).

205.32(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs.

205.32(5) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction;
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      • N is the number of days in that month that the aircrew is entitled to this allowance.

(TB 9 December 2021, effective 1 April 2021)

Table to CBI 205.32

Credit Points Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0 - 59 points 327
60 - 107 points 396
108 - 143 points 459
144 - 179 points 516
180 - 215 points 571
216 + points 621
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.325 - Aircrew Allowance (Casual)

205.325(1) (Intent) Aircrew Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties by crew members of military aircraft where there is a sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with flying operations.

205.325(2) (Entitlement)  A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 

  1. the member is ordered to fly as a functional member of an aircrew or is undergoing training to become qualified in the operation of aircraft or airborne equipment who is ordered to fly as a member of an aircrew; 
  2. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix);
  3. the member is not a pilot to whom CBI 204.215 applies;
  4. the member is ordered or instructed to fly, except as a passenger or a paratrooper on an aircraft by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and
  5. the member flies in accordance with that order or instruction.

205.325(3) (Amount) Subject to CBI 205.315 (Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual)), the amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( $31.13 × N )
      • where N is the number of days the member flew in that month; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021) 

205.33 – Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)

205.33(1) (Intent) Land Duty Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with field operations. It recognizes the adverse conditions associated with living away from suitable accommodation and facilities normally found at a base location.

205.33(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. the member reports for duty in the designated position; and
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances).

205.33(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs.

205.33(4) (Amount) The amount of the allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction;
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      • N is the number of days in a month the member is entitled to this allowance.

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table to CBI 205.33

Credit Points Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0- 59 points 327
60 - 107 points 465
108 - 143 points 600
144 - 179 points 728
180 - 215 points 775
216 + points 822
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.335 - Land Duty Allowance (Casual)

205.335(1) (Intent) Land Duty Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with field operations and training. It recognizes the adverse conditions associated with living away from suitable accommodation and facilities normally found in base location.

205.335(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances);
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to perform — in the field — military related operations and training by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  3. the member who is in the field for at least 24 continuous hours for the purpose of conducting military related operations or training in accordance with that order or instruction; and
  4. the member is not:
    1. serving with, supervising, administering, or training cadets; or
    2. undergoing adventure training.

205.335(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    1. [ ( $27.16 × A ) + ( $27.16 × B ) ]
      1. where
      2. A is the number of continuous 24-hour periods the member spends in the field for the purpose of performing military related operations or training and starting when the member commences the operations or training, and
      3. B is 1 if there is a remaining continuous period in excess of six hours – otherwise it is 0, and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.34 - Diving Allowance (Monthly)

205.34(1) (Intent) Diving Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned diving duties where there is continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with diving operations.

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205.34(2) (Definition) In this section, “diver” means a member who is qualified and current in military diving (clearance, ship, or combat) to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS.

205.34(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a diver of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the diver occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. the diver reports for duty in the designated diving position; 
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances); and
  4. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.34(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following occur:

  1. an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events); or
  2. the member occupies a position on a ship that has been in refit for more than 180 days in which case entitlement ends on the 181st day the ship is in refit.

205.34(5) (Amount — Clearance Diver) For a clearance diver (officer or non-commissioned member), the amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, $689; and
  2. for less than a full month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    1. [ ( $689 ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      1. where N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.

205.34(6) (Amount — Other Divers) For a ship’s diver and for a combat diver, the amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a full month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    1. [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      1. where
      2. A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      3. N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

Table A to CBI 205.34

Credit Points Monthly Rate
(in dollars)
0 - 35 points 145
36 - 71 points 215
72 + points 260
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.341 - Diving Deep Danger Allowance

205.341(1) (Intent) Diving Deep Danger Allowance is a financial compensation increment paid for the performance of assigned clearance diving duties where there is exposure to the environmental conditions associated with diving operations exceeding 200 feet.

205.341(2) (Entitlement) A diver is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the diver is a clearance diver (officer or non-commissioned member);
  2. the diver is ordered or instructed to dive more than 200 feet underwater in a submersible by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  3. the diver dives in accordance with that order or instruction more than 200 feet underwater in a submersible at least once in a day;
  4. on that day, the diver is entitled to an allowance under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)); 
  5. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix); and
  6. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.341(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    1. ( $31.18 × N )
      1. where N is the number of days the member dove in that month; and
  2. $153.99.


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

205.342 - Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance

205.342(1) (Intent) Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance is a financial compensation increment for experimental saturation diving.

205.342(2) (Entitlement) A diver is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the diver is ordered or instructed to participate in an experimental saturation dive and decompression by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  2. the diver participates in accordance with that order or instruction;
  3. during the dive and decompression, the diver is entitled under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)), or CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual));
  4. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix); and
  5. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.342(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula

Table CBI 205.342

Depth (in feet) Daily Rate
(in dollars)
50 - 250 40.09
251 - 600 66.75
600 + 95.39
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

205.345 - Diving Allowance (Casual)

205.345(1) (Intent) Casual Diving Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned diving duties where there is sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with diving operations.

205.345(2) (Entitlement) This allowance applies to a member who:

  1. is a diver;
  2. is undergoing training to be a diver; or
  3. is either a medical officer or a medical assistant who:
    1. is qualified in submarine medicine or diving medicine or both or is undergoing training to reach the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS for submarine medicine or diving medicine or both; 
    2. is performing assigned medical duties inside a hyperbaric chamber for which no entitlement exists under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)); and
  4. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.345(3) (Entitlement) A member referred to in paragraph (2) is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix);
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to dive or to perform a medical duty inside a hyperbaric chamber by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and
  3. the member dives or performs a medical duty inside a hyperbaric chamber in accordance with that order or instruction.

205.345(4) (Amount — Clearance Diving) For clearance diving by a clearance diver, the amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( $42.35 × N )
      • where N is the number of days the member dove in that month; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)).

205.345(5) (Amount — Ship and Combat Diving and Performance of Medical Duties in a Hyperbaric Chamber) For ship’s diving and for combat diving and for the performance of medical duties in a hyperbaric chamber, the amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of,

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( $23.36 × N )
      • where N is the number of days the member dove in that month; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

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205.35 - Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)

205.35(1) (Intent) Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is a continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with operations in a surface ship.

205.35(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on either Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. in relation to a member who occupies a position with a maritime helicopter squadron that is designated for the purposes of this instruction, the member is maritime helicopter sea qualified to a standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS;
  3. the member reports for duty in the designated position; and
  4. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances).

205.35(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs;
  2. the member occupies a position on a ship that has been in refit for more than 180 days in which case entitlement ends on the 181st day the ship is in refit; or
  3. unless the member continues to occupy a designated position for the purposes of  this instruction, the member is assigned to a position with:
    1. a Fleet Diving Unit; or
    2. a ship or tender that is attached to a Fleet Diving Unit.

205.35(4) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      • N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table to CBI 205.35

Credit Points Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0 - 59 points 327
60 - 107 points 465
108 - 143 points 600
144 - 179 points 728
180 - 215 points 775
216 + points 822
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.3501 - Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Administration - Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)

The critical dates of refit commencement, of the six-month point and of refit completion will be as promulgated by the Commander RCN.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.355 - Sea Duty Allowance (Casual)

205.355(1) (Intent) Sea Duty Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with operations on a surface ship.

205.355(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix);
  2. the member is not serving:
    1. on a ship in refit, or
    2. on a diving tender that is in home port.
  3. the member is ordered or instructed to perform duties on a ship by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and
  4. the member is on a ship for at least 24 continuous hours for the purpose of performing duties in accordance with that order or instruction.

205.355(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( $27.16 × A ) + ( $27.16 × B ) ]
      • where
      • A is the number of continuous 24-hour periods the member is on a ship for the purpose of performing duties, and
      • B is 1 if there is a remaining continuous period in excess of six hours – otherwise it is 0; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.36 - Hypobaric Chamber Allowance (HCA)

205.36(1) (Intent) Hypobaric Chamber Allowance is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties in a high altitude (hypobaric) chamber.

205.36(2) (Entitlement) A member who is either an aero-medical training officer or an aero-medical technician and is qualified and current to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS is entitled to an allowance.

205.36(3) (Amount) The amount for this allowance is $15.58 for each day that the officer or technician performs inside a hypobaric chamber the duties of an instructor or of an observer.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.37 - Submarine Allowance (Monthly)

205.37(1) (Intent) Submarine Allowance (Monthly) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is a continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with submarine operations.

205.37(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction and is not undergoing the initial shore phase of submarine training;
  2. the member reports for duty in the designated position; and
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances).

205.37(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following conditions occur:

  1. an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events); or
  2. the submarine is in refit.

205.37(4) (Amount) The amount of the allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and
      • N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.

Table to CBI 205.37

Credit Points Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0 - 59 points 475
60 - 107 points 594
108 - 143 points 727
144 - 179 points 860
180 - 215 points 892
216 + points 935
Rates effective 1 April 2017  

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.3701 - Commander of the RCN Administration - Submarine Allowance (Monthly)

The critical dates of refit commencement and of refit completion will be as promulgated by the Commander RCN.

(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.375 - Submarine Allowance (Casual)

205.375(1) (Intent) Submarine Allowance (Casual) is financial compensation paid for the performance of assigned duties where there is sporadic exposure to the environmental conditions associated with operations in a submarine away from its home port.

205.375(2) (Definition) For the purpose of this instruction, a "submarine away from its home port" means a submarine when it is:

  1. away from its home port and the crew is not quartered ashore, or
  2. at its home port if general leave is not granted and the crew is required to live on board.

205.375(3) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix); 
  2. the member is serving :
    1. on a submarine that is not in refit, or;
    2. on a submarine that is away from its home port;
  3. the member is ordered or instructed to perform duties on a submarine by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and
  4. the member is on a submarine for at least 24 continuous hours for the purpose of performing duties in accordance with that order or instruction.

205.375(4) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly));
  2. the amount calculated by the formula 

[ ( $30.52 × A ) + ( $30.52 × B ) ]


A is the number of continuous 24-hour periods the member is on a submarine for the purpose of performing duties, and

B is 1 if there is a remaining continuous period in excess of six hours – otherwise it is 0. 


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017

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205.38 - Exceptional Hazard Allowance (EHA)

205.38(1) (Intent) Exceptional Hazard Allowance is financial compensation paid for each incident where a member is required to perform disposal procedures on a known or suspected "improvised explosive device" or any other extremely hazardous chemical, explosive substance or prime charge.

205.38(1.1) (Intent) In addition to paragraph 205.38(1), Exceptional Hazard Allowance is financial compensation paid to members who are deployed on Op LASER, Op VECTOR or Op GLOBE, and are preforming assigned duties in a location or environment where a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists.

205.38(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply to this instruction.

explosive substance

has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Criminal Code (substance explosive)

extremely hazardous chemical
means a chemical that:
  1. is not an explosive substance, improvised explosive device, or primed charge; and
  2. is determined by or under the authority of the CDS to be extremely hazardous. (produit chimique extrêmement dangereux)
improvised explosive device

means a device fabricated in an improvised manner that both incorporates destructive, or lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals and is designed to destroy, kill, disfigure, distract or harass, but does not include:

  1. items of military ordnance except when a military ordnance item, or any of its parts, is incorporated into a device that would otherwise qualify as an improvised explosive device; or
  2. nitro-glycerine or nitro-glycerine-based explosives except when these explosives are found to be in a deteriorated condition. (engin explosif artisanal)
primed charge

means a commercial explosive connected to one or more detonators. (charge amorcée)

205.38(2.1) (Definitions) In addition to paragraph 2, the definition in this paragraph applies to this instruction.


means the World Health Organization’s designation of the infectious disease caused by a coronavirus discovered in 2019. For the purposes of this instruction, COVID-19 includes future mutations of the virus, as applicable

205.38(3) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix);
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to dispose of a known or suspected explosive substance, improvised explosive device, primed charge, or extremely hazardous chemical, by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; and
  3. the member attempts to dispose of that substance, device, charge, or chemical in accordance with that order or instruction.

205.38(3.1) (Entitlement) Notwithstanding the conditions set out in paragraph 205.38(3), a member is entitled to this allowance if, within the period commencing 1 October 2020 and ending 30 September 2021, any of the following conditions are satisfied: 

  1. the member is deployed on Op LASER and performing assigned duties at a Short Term Care Facility or at a Long Term Care Facility, or at an Improvised Care Facility, where Director Health Services Operations has determined that a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists; 
  2. the member is deployed on Op VECTOR and performing assigned duties at a Short Term Care Facility or at a Long Term Care Facility, or at an Improvised Care Facility, where Director Health Services Operations has determined that a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists; or
  3. the member is deployed on Op GLOBE and performing assigned duties in a location or environment where Director Health Services Operations has determined that a high risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists. 

205.38(4) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable is:

  1. for an explosive substance, improvised explosive device, or primed charge, $366 per given incident; and
  2. for an extremely hazardous chemical, $190 per given incident.

205.38(4.1) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable is $78 per day worked by the member under any of the conditions set out at 205.38(3.1)(a), (b), or (c). 


(TB  effective 1 October 2020)

205.385 - Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)

205.385(1) (Definition) In this instruction:

category 1 member

means a member who provides command or general support to special operations and training of special operations forces, and who is qualified and current to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS. (militaire de catégorie 1).

category 2 member

means a member who provides operational specialist support to special operations and training of special operations forces, and who is qualified and current to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS. (militaire de catégorie 2)

category 3 member

means a member who:

  1. is not a category 1 or 2 member unless the category 1 or 2 member has been temporary assigned as a category 3; and
  2. conducts special operations and training of special operations forces. (militaire de catégorie 3)

205.385(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member occupies a designated position for the purposes of this instruction;
  2. the member reports for duty in the designated special operations position; 
  3. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix) or CBI 10.3.08 (Environmental Allowances); and
  4. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.385(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in paragraph (2) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs.

205.385(4) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula

205.385(5) (Permanent Category — Calculation) For the member’s permanent category, the amount P is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table “A” to this instruction for the member’s permanent category; and
  2. for less than a full month of entitlement, calculated by the formula


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

Table A to CBI 205.385

Credit Points Monthly Rate (in dollars)
CBI 205.20 CAT 1 CAT 2 CAT 3
0 - 35 points 741 1355 2154
36 - 59 points 741 1355 2220
60 - 71 points 781 1423 2220
72 - 107 points 781 1423 2288
108 - 143 points 811 1482 2356
144 - 179 points 837 1527 2427
180 - 215 points 862 1573 2503
216 + points 888 1621 2503
Rates effective 1 April 2017    


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.385(6) (Temporary Category — Calculation) For a permanent category 1 or 2 member who has a temporary higher category, the amount T is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table “B” to this instruction for the temporary higher category; and
  2. for less than a full month of entitlement, calculated by the formula
    1. [ ( B ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      1. where
      2. B is the monthly rate under Table “B” for the temporary higher category, and
      3. N is the number of days in a month in that temporary higher category.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table B to CBI 205.385

Temporary Higher Category Monthly Rate (in dollars)
Temporary Category 2 540
Temporary Category 3 1500
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.3851 - Commanding Officer Administration - Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)

The commanding officer for each unit with designated positions for the purposes of CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) must maintain an official record that contains the service particulars of each member and their credit points by Special Operations Allowance category of service.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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205.3855 - Special Operations Allowance (Casual)

205.3855(1) (Entitlement) A member who satisfies the requirements to be a category 1, 2, or 3 member under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)) is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not disentitled under CBI 205.29 (Environmental Allowances Matrix);
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to perform special operations and training of special operations forces by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; 
  3. the member performs special operations and training of special operations forces in accordance with that order or instruction; and
  4. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.3855(2) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( A × N )
      • where
      • A is the daily rate under the Table to this instruction for the member’s category, and
      • N is the number of days in a month that a member performs special operations and training of special operations forces; and
  2. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 31 March 2021)

Table to CBI 205.3855

Category Daily Rate (in dollars)
Category 1 22
Category 2 48
Category 3 71
Rates effective 1 April 2017  


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.39 – Repealed 1 April 2017

205.395 - Repealed 1 September 2017

Section 3 - Special Allowances

(TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2023)

205.40 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.401 - Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)

205.401(1) (Definitions) In this instruction, “assaulter” means a member who is qualified and current in assaulter operations and training of assaulters to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS.

205.401(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), an assaulter of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force who is on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if they are in a designated assaulter position.

205.401(3) (No Entitlement — Common) There is no entitlement to this allowance if:

  1. an event provided in subparagraphs (2)(a) to (f) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs; or
  2. the member is in receipt of CBI 204.31 (Pay - Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.401(4) (No Entitlement — Specific) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following events occur, and entitlement ends the day before the event occurs:

  1. the assaulter informs a commanding officer in writing that they no longer want to be an assaulter;
  2. the assaulter is in a designated assaulter position outside Joint Task Force 2 for more than three years; or
  3. the member’s assaulter qualification is cancelled by or under the authority of the CDS at any time for any reason.

205.401(5) (Amount — General) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula

[ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]


A is the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction, and

N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.

205.401(6) (Submission to Treasury Board) The CDS must personally submit a Management Exception Report to the Secretary of the Treasury Board by 31 March of a fiscal year if during that fiscal year the number of assaulters who are in positions outside Joint Task Force 2 reach the proportion that is determined by the formula:

X > ( 0.15 × Y )


X is the number of assaulters who are in positions — outside Joint Task Force 2 and who are entitled to this allowance during a fiscal year, and

Y is the total number of assaulters who are entitled to this allowance during a fiscal year.


Credit Points (CBI 205.20) Monthly Rate (in dollars)
0 – 23 points 1486
24 – 59 points 1592
60 – 95 points 1811
96 – 131 points 2141
132 – 167 points 2770
168 + points 3920
Rates effective 1 April 2021   

205.4011 - Commanding Officer Administration - Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)

The commanding officer, Joint Task Force 2, must maintain an official record that contains the service particulars of each officer and non-commissioned member and their accumulated Special Operations Assaulter Allowance service.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.4015 - Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Casual)

205.4015(1) (Entitlement) A member who does not occupy a designated assaulter position is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is not entitled under CBI 205.401 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)); 
  2. the member is ordered or instructed to perform assaulter operations and training of assaulters by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction; 
  3. the member performs assaulter operations and training of assaulters in accordance with that order or instruction; and
  4. the member is not eligible to be paid under CBI 204.31 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist) or CBI 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialist – Reserve Force).

205.4015(2) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

a. the amount calculated by the formula

( $76.22 × N )

where N is the number of days in a month that a member performs assaulter operations and training of assaulters; and

b. the highest monthly rate payable under CBI 205.401 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)

205.41 - Submarine Crewing Allowance (Monthly)

205.41(1) (Intent) The purpose of Submarine Crewing Allowance (Monthly) is to compensate members for crewing or for their readiness-to-crew submarines.

205.41(2) (Definitions) In this instruction, “sub-crew” means a member who is qualified and current to serve on an HMCS submarine to the standard that is established from time to time by or under the authority of the CDS.

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205.41(3) (Entitlement — On Submarine) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), a sub-crew member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force and who serves on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the sub-crew member occupies a position on a submarine (e.g. to an HMCS submarine or to another navy’s submarine under an exchange program);
  2. the sub-crew member reports for duty on that submarine.

205.41(4) (Entitlement — After Posting) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), upon leaving a position on a submarine, a sub-crew member is entitled to receive this allowance until the earlier of the following:

  1. the date that is determined by the formula
    • ( A + 3 years + B )
      • where
      • A is the change of strength date (yyyy/mm/dd) of the sub-crew member’s transfer from a position on a submarine, and
      • B is — during the three years after that change of strength date — the number of days that the sub-crew member was attached posted to a submarine; and
  2. the date on which the sub-crew member again occupies a position on a submarine.

205.41(5) (No Entitlement — Common) There is no entitlement to this allowance if an event provided in subparagraphs (2)(a) to (f) of CBI 205.15 (No Entitlement — Common Events) occurs.

205.41(6) (No Entitlement — Specific) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following events occur, and entitlement ends the day before the event occurs:

  1. the sub-crew member informs a commanding officer in writing that they no longer want to be a sub-crew member;
  2. the sub-crew member fails to maintain their sub-crew qualification;
  3. the member’s sub-crew qualification is cancelled— by or under the authority of the CDS at any time for any reason.

205.41(7) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( $402 ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance; and
  2. for a full month of entitlement, $402.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.42 - Posting Allowance

(relocated to Chapter 208.849)

(TB 836380, effective 1 January 12)

205.43 - Repealed 1 September 2017

205.44 – Not Allocated

205.45 - Repealed, TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 July 2023 

205.452 - Repealed, TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 July 2023 

205.453 – Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD) Effective 1 July 2023

205.453(1) (Intent) The intent of CFHD is to offset an equitable amount of accommodation costs for Regular Force members and Reserve Force members on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service, based on the comparator value for the place of duty in Canada to which the member is posted.

205.453(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply to this instruction:

“arm’s length transaction” means a transaction that is consummated between two or more individuals who are not connected by blood relationship, marriage or common-law partnership or adoption, as per the Canada Revenue Agency income tax folio S1-F5-C1 as amended from time to time. Non-immediate family members such as cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces are normally considered to be at arm’s length from each other. (transaction sans lien de dépendance)

“comparator value” means the average rent per Canadian Forces (CF) place of duty. This value is provided annually by a third party distributor. (valeur de comparaison)

“household goods & effects (HG&E) ” means the personal belongings, including the furniture, household effects, household equipment and personal effects of a member and dependants. They do not include those items specified as not eligible to be shipped under the applicable removal service contract (RSC). They do not include any effects that are shipped as unaccompanied baggage (UAB) for a restricted or a prohibited move. (articles de ménage et effets personnels)

“DND living accommodation” means all living accommodations under the control of the Minister of National Defence (MND), except that used for field training or deployed operations. (logement du MDN)

“period of employment” means a period of Reserve Force employment as described at CAFRD 13.02 (Meaning of “Period of Employment”). (période d’emploi)

“permanent residence” means a dwelling in Canada, other than a summer cottage or other seasonal accommodation, where the member’s HG&E is located or is to be moved at public expense, and where the member or their dependents reside. (résidence permanente)

“place of duty” means the place at which a member is posted to perform their military duties. (lieu de service)

“prohibited move” means a move to a place of duty to which the CF considers it desirable, or in the public interest, to prohibit the move of (D)HG&E, or both. (déménagement interdit)

205.453(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a member is entitled to CFHD if:

  1. the member is a Regular Force member who meets one of the following conditions:
If the member… then the member is paid the rate for their…
(i) is posted to a new place of duty and establishes their new permanent residence… new place of duty;
(ii) is entitled to CFHD under sub-subparagraph (i) or (v), and is subsequently moved via a prohibited move… former place of duty;
(iii) is entitled to CFHD under sub-subparagraph (i) or (v), and is subsequently posted to a new place of duty and granted an imposed restriction… former place of duty;
(iv) is entitled to CFHD under sub-subparagraph (i) or (v), and is subsequently posted to a new place of duty, but is authorized to commute from their former place of duty to their new place of duty… former place of duty; or
(v) is posted to a new place of duty where their permanent residence is already established… new place of duty.
  1. the member is a Reserve Force member who meets the conditions for either a new or subsequent period of employment:
    1. for a new period of employment:
      1. the member is on a nationally solicited period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service at a new place of duty; and
      2. is authorized to move their HG&E at public expense to that place of duty;
    2. for a subsequent period of service:
      1. their place of duty is the same location as their previous place of duty under sub-sub-paragraph (b)(i); and
      2. the member’s break in service does not exceed 90 days between the periods of employment under sub-sub-paragraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii).

205.453(4) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to CFHD if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. the member is not paying some portion of the rent or the mortgage for their permanent residence;
  2. neither the member, nor the member’s spouse or common-law partner, is listed on the mortgage, lease or rental agreement for their permanent residence;
  3. the mortgage, lease or rental agreement for the permanent residence is not an arm’s length transaction; 
  4. the member receives CFHD while posted to the same place of duty for longer than 7 consecutive years; 
  5. the member receives CFHD in relation to the same permanent residence for longer than 7 consecutive years;
  6. the member, or their dependants, have HG&E in storage at public expense;
  7. the member is posted for duty at an isolated post under CBI 11 (Isolated Post Instructions);
  8. the member resides in or is ordered to reside in DND living accommodations, except for those who meet the entitlement condition under subparagraphs (3)(a)(ii) or (3)(a)(iii);
  9. the member has claimed relocation expenses in respect of a move to their intended place of residence;   
  10. the Reserve Force member initiates an early termination of the period of employment for which they were entitled to CFHD under entitlement conditions in subparagraph (3)(b); or
  11. the move at public expense is in relation to the return move of the Reserve Force member at the completion of the period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve service.

205.453(5) (CFHD Amount) Subject to paragraph (6), the CFHD amount a member receives is based on the comparator value and their pay level as per paragraph (7). The CFHD amount is approved annually by the Secretary of the Treasury Board and is published annually by the Director of Pay Policy and Development (DPPD) on a defence website

205.453(6) (Amount – Multiple Residents and Service Couples) A member receives 50% of their applicable CFHD amount determined in accordance with paragraph (5) if they reside in a permanent residence with another member to which this instruction applies, even if the applicable CFHD amount to which that other member is entitled is zero. Where a member of a service couple meets the CFHD entitlement conditions under sub-subparagraph (3)(a)(ii) or (3)(a)(iii), the member remains entitled to 50% of the applicable amount determined in accordance with paragraph (5).

205.453(7) (Pay Level) For the purpose of CFHD, the pay level of:

  1. a Regular Force member and a Reserve Force member serving on a period of Class “C” Reserve service is determined in accordance with the following table:
Pay Level Monthly Rate of Pay (as set out in the relevant table to CBI 204 – Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) Rounded to the Nearest Dollar
1 0 - 3773
2 3774 - 5609
3 5610 - 6629
4 6630 - 7037
5 7038 - 7241
6 7242 - 7445
7 7446 - 7649
8 7650 - 7853
9 7854 - 8057
10 8058 - 8261
11 8262 - 8465
12 8466 - 8669
13 8670 - 8873
14 8874 - 9077
15 9078 - 9281
16 9282- 9485
17 9486 - 9689
18 9690 - 9893
19 9894 - 10097
20 > 10097


(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2024)

  1. a Reserve Force member serving on a period of Class “B” Reserve Service is determined in accordance with the following table:
Pay Level Daily Rate of Pay (as set out in the relevant table to CBI 204 – Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members)
1 0 - 115.11
2 115.12 - 171.13
3 171.14 - 202.25
4 202.26 - 214.70
5 214.71 - 220.92
6 220.93 - 227.14
7 227.15 - 233.37
8 233.38 - 239.59
9 239.60 – 245.82
10 245.83 - 252.04
11 252.05 - 258.26
12 258.27 - 264.49
13 264.50 - 270.71
14 270.72 - 276.93
15 276.94 - 283.16
16 283.17 - 289.13
17 289.39 - 295.61
18 295.62 - 301.83
19 301.84 - 308.05
20 > 308.05


(TB 9 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)

205.453(8) (Retroactive Pay Increase) If a member is in receipt of CFHD and the pay tables in CBI 204 (Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) are revised as a result of a retroactive pay increase, resulting in the member moving to a higher pay level in the table at paragraph (7), the amount of CFHD determined in accordance with paragraph (5) will be adjusted on the date on which Treasury Board approves the retroactive pay increase.

205.453(9) (Administration) For the purpose of CFHD, a member must:

  1. provide a mortgage, lease or rental agreement that is an arm’s length transaction; and
  2. request CFHD by submitting a CFHD request form, and must complete a new request form whenever any change occurs in relation to the conditions at paragraphs (3) and (4).


(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 July 2023)

205.4535 – Provisional Post Living Differential (PPLD)

205.4535(1) (Abbreviations) The following abbreviations are used in this instruction:

  1. “CFHD” means Canadian Forces Housing Differential as prescribed in CBI 205.453 (Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD));
  2. “PLD” means Post Living Differential as prescribed in CBI 205.45 (Post Living Differential) as it read on 30 June 2023;
  3. “PPLD” means Provisional Post Living Differential as prescribed in this instruction; and
  4. “TPLD” means Transitional Post Living Differential as prescribed in CBI 205.452 (Transitional Post Living Differential) as it read on 30 June 2023.

205.4535(2) (Intent) The intent of PPLD is to facilitate an incremental reduction of the PLD or TPLD rate as it read on 30 June 2023.

205.4535(3) (Application) This instruction applies to a member of the Regular or Reserve Force who was entitled to either PLD or TPLD on 30 June 2023.

205.4535(4) (Entitlement) A member of the Regular or Reserve Force is entitled to PPLD if on 30 June 2023 they were entitled to either PLD or TPLD as determined by CBI 205.45 (Post Living Differential) or CBI 205.452 (Transitional Post Living Differential) as it read on 30 June 2023.

205.4535(5) (Amount) The monthly amount of PPLD is calculated by the following formula:

{(A * B) – C}


A is the monthly PLD or TPLD rate the member is entitled to on 30 June 2023;

is the applicable percent for the period indicated:

C is the member’s CFHD monthly amountas determined by CBI 205.453(5) (CFHD Amount).

205.4535(6) (Cease Date) The entitlement to PPLD shall cease on the earlier of the following:

  1. the member is posted to a new place of duty after 30 June 2023;
  2. the outcome of the formula at paragraph (5) is a negative number; or
  3. at the latest on 30 June 2026.

For greater certainty, once a member’s entitlement to PPLD ceases in accordance with paragraph (6), their entitlement to PPLD shall not be re-established.  

(TB 22 Jun 2023, effective 1 July 2023)


205.46 – Repealed TB, 18 September 2003

205.461 - Maternity and Parental Allowance

205.461(1) (Definitions) In this instruction:



  1. one or more new-born children of the member; or
  2. one or more children placed with the member for the purpose of adoption under the laws governing  adoption in the province or territory in which the member resides. (enfant)
employment insurance benefit


  1. a maternity or parental benefit payable under the Employment Insurance Act ,S.C. 1996, c 23; or
  2. a maternity, paternity, parental or adoption benefit payable under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance, R.S.Q c. A-29.011. (prestation d’assurance emploi)
leave period

means a period of:

  1. exemption from duty or training granted under:
    1. article 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training — Maternity Purposes) of the QR&O, or
    2. article 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training — Parental Purposes) of the QR&O;
  2. leave granted under:
    1. article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) of the QR&O, or
    2. article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O; 
    3. article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances) of the QR&O for the purpose of personal reasons for parental purposes,
    4. article 16.16 (Sick Leave) of the QR&O for illness or injury not arising out of pregnancy or childbirth, and
    5. article 16.17 (Compassionate Leave) of the QR&O in relation to the child. (période de congé)
parental benefits options

“standard option” means 40 weeks of sharable parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act 

“extended option” means 69 weeks of sharable parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act. (options de prestations parentales) 


means a member’s pay in accordance with CBI 204, with the exception of pay under CBI 204.40 (Canadian Forces Severance Pay) and CBI 204.55 (Premium in Lieu of Leave – Reserve Force). (solde)


means all service except: 

(a) periods of Leave Without Pay and Allowances (LWOP) other than LWOP for maternity and parental purposes (options de prestations parentales);

(b) periods when a Reserve Force member has an Exemption From Duty and Training (ED&T) other than ED&T for maternity or parental purposes;

(c) periods when a Reserve Force member is Non Effective Strength (NES);

(d) service for which a Limitation of Payments (LOP) has been imposed under QR&O 203.20, Regular Force – Limitation of Payments; or

(e) periods for which forfeiture has been imposed under QR&O 208.30, Forfeitures – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members, or QR&O 208.31, Forfeitures, Deductions and Cancellations – When No Service Rendered. (service)


means a seven day period from Sunday to Saturday. (semaine) 

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (5), a member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member has continuously served more than 26 weeks before starting:
    1. a period of exemption from duty or training granted under article 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) of the QR&O, 
    2. a period of exemption from duty or training granted under article 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Parental Purposes) of the QR&O,
    3. a period of leave granted under article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) of the QR&O, or
    4. a period of leave granted under article        16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O; 
  2. the member commences on the day this instruction comes into effect or on a later date:
    1. a period of exemption from duty or training granted under
      1. article 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training — Maternity Purposes) of the QR&O; or
      2. article 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training — Parental Purposes) of the QR&O; or
    2. a period of leave granted under
      1. article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances) of the QR&O for personal reasons for parental purposes; 
      2. article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) of the QR&O; or
      3. article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O;
  3. the member qualifies for an employment insurance benefit based only on their Canadian Forces service;
  4. the member is in receipt of an employment insurance benefit as provided in paragraph (4);
  5. the member undertakes in writing to complete the number of days of service required under paragraph (5) and (5.1); 
  6. the member with a known release date, regardless of the release item of the Table to article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) of the QR&O, can complete the number of days of service required under paragraph (5) prior to their release; and
  7. subject to paragraph (6), the member claims this allowance from time to time for the number of days chosen by the member.

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461 (2.1) (Parental Benefit Election) – Once a member elects to receive either the standard option or extended option of parental benefits, the election is irrevocable once parental benefits have been paid under the Employment Insurance Act. Members residing in Québec are only eligible to elect the standard parental benefits option. 

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(3) (Repayment) – A member who fails to complete their required number of days of service in accordance with their undertaking will be subject to repayment for those remaining days in accordance with paragraph (5.1).

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(4) (“In Receipt” — Deeming Periods) For the purpose of subparagraph (2)(d):

  1. when a member is eligible to receive maternity or parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act (Canada) and is subject to a waiting period to receive those benefits, the member is deemed to be in receipt of a benefit under that Act during the waiting period unless:
    1. the member seeks to use the deeming provision for a parental benefit when the member previously used the deeming provision for a maternity benefit in relation to the same child, or
    2. two members seek a parental benefit for a child, when one of the members previously used the deeming provision in relation to the same child;
  2. when a member receives under the Employment Insurance Act, maternity benefits for up to 15 weeks and either standard parental benefits for 35 weeks or extended parental benefits for 61 weeks, that member is deemed to be in receipt of a benefit under that Act for a period of 52 weeks or 78 weeks, respectively; 
  3. when a member shares under the Employment Insurance Act, standard parental benefits for 40 weeks or extended parental benefits for 69 weeks, but no maternity benefits, and is subject to a waiting period, that member is deemd to be in  receipt of a benefit under that Act for one (1) additional week;
  4. when a member receives under an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, maternity benefits for up to 18 weeks and the full parental benefits for 32 weeks, that member is deemed to be in receipt of a benefit under that Act for a period of 52 weeks;
  5. when a member receives under an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, paternity benefits for five (5) weeks and parental benefits for 32 weeks, that member is deemed to be in receipt of a benefit under that Act for a period of 39 weeks; or
  6. when a member receives under an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, adoption benefits for 37 weeks, that member is deemed to be in receipt of a benefit under that Act for a period of 39 weeks

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

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205.461(4.1) (Return to Duty for Imperative Military Requirements) For the purposes of subparagraphs (4)(b) and (d), a member who is directed to return to duty by their commanding officer because of imperative military requirements is deemed to be in receipt of employment insurance benefits under the Employment Insurance Act or an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, as the case may be, for each day that they are so directed and for which they are unable to have their period of benefits extended. 

(TB, effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(5) (Undertaking to serve) In accordance with paragraph (2), members must undertake to serve a number of days of service to be eligible for an allowance under this instruction. Failure to complete the undertaking to serve subjects the member to repayment of the allowance received for the days not served. The number of days of service to be undertaken by the member is determined at paragraph (5.1) and the conditions for fulfilling this undertaking are as follows:

  1. a day of service is a day of duty or training for which the member receives pay. For clarity, the following are considered one day of service:
    1. one day of service for which the Regular Force member receives pay and allowances,
    2. one period, or any number of authorized cumulative periods, of duty or training of not less than six (6) hours in a calendar day for which the Reserve Force member was paid at the member’s rate of pay, and
    3. two periods of duty or training of less than six (6) hours in a calendar day, for each of which the Reserve Force member was paid at 50% of the member’s rate of pay; and
  2. the following are not considered days of service for the purpose of fulfilling the undertaking:
    1. days of absence without leave;
    2. days of desertion,
    3. days on leave without pay and allowances, other than leave without pay and allowances for personal reasons for parental purposes;
  3. members who make the undertaking while      serving in the Regular Force must complete the undertaking with days of Regular Force service;
  4. members who make this undertaking while serving in the Reserve Force may complete undertaking with days of Regular Force or Reserve Force service, or a combination thereof;
  5. when a member has received this allowance in respect of more than one child, the undertakings to serve made under this instruction are cumulative;
  6. the undertaking must be fulfilled within five (5) years after the last day of the last leave period taken in respect of a child or the member will be subject to repayment; and
  7. subparagraph (a) does not apply to a member who is released:
    1. by reason of death, or
    2. under Item 3, 5(b), or 5(d) of the Table to article 15.01 (Release Of Officers And Non-Commissioned Members) of the QR&O who receives notification with a known release date during the undertaking.

(TB, effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(5.1) (Repayment formula) For MATA and PATA, the number of days of service that must be served immediately after completing the maternity leave, parental leave or any other authorized leave without pay and allowances, as applicable, is calculated as follows:

(a) for the MATA, the member must undertake to serve one day of service for each day of MATA received, calculated by the formula: 

{[(A*B / 364) - C]}


(b) for the PATA standard option, the member must undertake to serve one day of service for each day of PATA received, calculated by the formula:

{[(A*B / 364) - C]}


(c) for the PATA extended option, the member must undertake to serve a number of days of service equivalent to 60% of the number of days the member received PATA, calculated by the formula:

{[(A*B / 546) - C]}


A is the number of days of MATA and PATA paid to a member under paragraph (6);

B is the number of days of service in the 364-day period immediately preceding the start of maternity leave, parental leave or any authorized leave without pay and allowances; and

C is the number of days of absence without leave, of desertion, of imprisonment, of detention, or of leave without pay and allowances, other than for personal reasons for parental purposes, of non-effective strength, or of supplementary reserve service, which occur before the last day of required service is served.

To clarify the repayment formula: 

(a) for the MATA, the member is required to serve an equivalent number of days of service to the number of days that the member was in receipt of the MATA;

(b) for the PATA standard option – the member is required to serve an equivalent number of days of service to the number of days that the member was in receipt of the PATA; and 

(c) for the PATA extended option – the member is required to serve 60% of the equivalent number of days of service to the number of days that the member was in receipt of the PATA.

205.461(6) (Duration) This allowance is payable in respect of maternity, parental, paternity and adoption benefits for a combined maximum of 57 weeks for members choosing the standard option under the Employment Insurance Act or for members subject to An Act Respecting Parental Insurance, and for a combined maximum of 86 weeks for the extended option under the Employment Insurance Act. If sharing benefits with the other parent of a service couple, under the Employment Insurance Act, the maximum number of weeks available are 40 weeks for standard option or 69 weeks for extended option. The maximum combined weeks depending on the option chosen may be composed of any combination of the following weeks:

  1. concerning waiting periods, no more than two (2) weeks if the member is subject to a waiting period under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period;
  2. concerning maternity benefits, no more than:
    1. 15 weeks if the member is in receipt of a maternity benefit under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period, and
    2. 18 weeks if the member is in receipt of a maternity benefit under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance less any other monies earned during this period;
  3. concerning paternity benefits, no more than five (5) weeks if the member is in receipt of a paternity benefit under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance less any other monies earned during this period;
  4. concerning parental benefits, no more than:
    1. 35 weeks if the member is in receipt of a standard parental benefit under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period,
    2. 61 weeks if the member is in receipt of an extended parental benefit under the Employment Insurance Act less any other monies earned during this period,
    3. 32 weeks if the member is in receipt of a parental benefit under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance less any other monies earned during this period, or 
    4.  37 weeks if the member is in receipt of an adoption benefit under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance less any other monies earned during this period;
  5. concerning deeming periods, no more than two (2) weeks if under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance the member:
    1. received the maternity benefit for up to 18 weeks,
    2. did not receive a paternity benefit, and
    3. received the parental benefit for 32 weeks (see sub-paragraph (4)(d));
  6. concerning deeming periods, no more than one (1) week if under the Employment Insurance Act the member was subject to a one-week waiting period, and:

i. received the maternity benefit for up to 15 weeks, or 

ii. received the standard parental benefit for 35 weeks or the extended parental benefit for 61 weeks;

g. concerning deeming periods, no more than two (2) weeks if under the Employment Insurance Act the member: 

i. received the standard parental benefit for 35 weeks or the extended parental benefit for 61 weeks, and

ii. was not subject to a waiting period; or

h. concerning deeming periods, no more than 2 weeks if under An Act Respecting Parental Insurance the member: 

i. received the paternity benefit for five (5) weeks, and

ii. received the parental benefit for 32 weeks, or ;

iii. received the adoption benefits for 37 weeks.

(TB, effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(7) (Amount) The weekly amount of this allowance for members:

a. who receive a maternity benefit, are subject to a waiting period or a maximum two-week deeming period, or choose the standard parental benefits option is determined by the formula:


b. who choose the extended parental benefits option is determined by the formula:

{ [ 0.558 × ( D + E + F ) ] − G }


is the member’s weekly rate of pay determined in accordance with paragraph (8); 

E is the member’s weekly rate of premium in lieu of leave determined in accordance with paragraph (10);

F is the member’s weekly rate of other allowances determined in accordance with paragraph (11); and

G is the member’s weekly rate of employment insurance benefit determined in accordance with paragraph (12).

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(8) (Weekly Rate of Pay) The weekly rate of pay — “D” in the formula in paragraph (7) — is determined by the formula:


is the sum of (H1 + H2) where 

H1 is the number of paid periods of six or more hours in a calendar day of other than on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service during the 364 days immediately before their exemption from duty and training period, and

H2 is one-half of the number of periods of less than six hours of other than on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service during the 364 days immediately before their exemption from duty and training period;

J is the daily rate of pay for the last rank and pay increment that they held during that Reserve Service of other than on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service immediately before their leave period;

K is the number of days of paid Class “B” Reserve Service during the 364 days immediately before their leave period;

L is the daily rate of pay for the last rank and pay increment that they held during that Class “B” Reserve Service immediately before their leave period;

M is the number of days of Class “C” Reserve Service during the 364 days immediately before their leave period;

N is one-thirtieth of the monthly rate of pay for the last rank and pay increment that they held during that Class “C” Reserve Service immediately before their leave period;

P is the number of days of service in the Regular Force during the 364 days immediately before their leave period;

Q is one-thirtieth of the monthly rate of pay for the last rank and pay increment that they held in the Regular Force during the 364 days immediately before their leave period; and

R is the lesser of:

a. 364; and

b. the number of paid days after their most recent maternity or parental leave or exemption from duty and training ended, and before their current leave period begins.

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(9) (Effect of a Revision of the Rates of Pay) When the rate of pay of a member who is entitled to this allowance is changed as a result of a revision of the rates of pay:

  1. the daily amount of the allowance payable to the member, determined in accordance with paragraph (7), is recalculated and the recalculated amount is payable beginning on the day the change comes into effect; and
  2. the weekly rate of pay, determined in accordance with paragraph (8), is calculated by substituting, at elements J, L, N or Q of the formula, the new applicable rate of pay for the rate of pay used to determine the weekly rate of pay when the member was first entitled to the allowance. 

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(9.1) (Effect of a Pay Increment or a Promotion) When the rate of pay of a member who is entitled to this allowance is changed as a result of a pay increment or a promotion:

  1. the weekly amount of the allowance payable to the member, determined in accordance with paragraph (7), is recalculated and the recalculated amount is payable beginning on the day the change comes into effect; and
  2. the weekly rate of pay, determined in accordance with paragraph (8), is calculated by substituting the new applicable rate of pay for the rate of pay used to determine the weekly rate of pay when the member was first entitled to the allowance: 
    1. if the member served in the Reserve Force on the day before the first day the member was entitled to the allowance, at elements J, L or N of the formula, or
    2. if the member served in the Regular Force on the day before the first day the member was entitled to the allowance, at element Q of the formula.

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(10) (Weekly Rate of Premium In Lieu Of Leave) The weekly rate of premium in lieu of leave — “E” in the formula in paragraph (7) — is determined by the formula


is the same as H in paragraph (8); 

J is the same as J in paragraph (8);

Z is the total number of days during the 364 days immediately before their leave period for which a premium was paid for Class “B” Reserve Service under CBI 204.55 (Premium In Lieu Of Leave — Reserve Force);

L is the same as L in paragraph (8);

Y is the total number of days during the 364 days immediately before their leave period for which a premium was paid for Class “C” Reserve Service under CBI 204.55 (Premium In Lieu Of Leave — Reserve Force);

N is the same as N in paragraph (8); and

R is the same as R in paragraph (8).

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(11) (Weekly Rate of Allowances)

a. The weekly rate of other allowances — “F” in the formula in paragraph (7) — is determined by the formula: 


is the sum of the daily rates of other allowances that are a daily allowance to which a member was entitled on the day immediately before their leave period; and 

T is the sum of the monthly rates of other allowances that are a monthly allowance to which a member was entitled on the day immediately before their leave period;

b. The term “other allowances” in sub-paragraph (a) means any one or more of the following other allowances:

i. CBI 10.14.02 (Foreign Service Premium), 

ii. CBI 10, Section 15 (Post Living Allowance),

iii. CBI 10, Section 16 (Post Differential Allowance), and

iv. CBI 205.453 (Canadian Forces Housing Differential); and

v. CBI 205.4535 (Provisional Post Living Differential).

c. The term “other allowances” in sub-paragraph (a) includes any one or more of the following components under CBI 11.2.02 (Isolation Allowance Components) — specifically, Environmental Allowance, Living Cost Differential, Fuel and Utilities Differential, and Shelter Cost Differential — if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

i. the member is entitled to an allowance under CBI 205.461 (Maternity And Parental Allowance),

ii. the member is entitled to the specific component, and

iii. the member is physically at the isolated post for which the component is paid, or is travelling at public expense under CBI 209.51 (Compassionate Travel Assistance).

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(12) (Weekly Rate of Employment Insurance Benefit) The weekly rate of unemployment insurance benefit — “G” in the formula in paragraph (7) — is: 

  1. in respect of a week during which the member is in actual receipt of benefits under the Employment Insurance Act or an Act Respecting Parental Insurance, one week; or
  2. in other cases, zero.

(TB effective 13 May 2021)

205.461(13) (Reduced period of maternity and parental allowance) A member who does not have sufficient time remaining in their terms of service or period of reserve service to serve the required number of days of service under paragraph (5), or chooses to serve a lesser period of paid service, is entitled to receive MATA and PATA during a period of service equivalent to the shorter of the period of service available to serve and the period of service the member chooses to serve.

205.461(14) (Transitional Provision) This instruction applies only to a member who commences a period of exemption from duty or training under articles 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) or 9.10 (Exemption from Duty or Training - Parental Purposes) of the QR&O, or a period of leave under articles 16.26 (Maternity Leave) or 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O on the date this instruction comes into force or a later date.


(TB 22 June 2023, effective 1 July 2023)

205.465 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

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205.47 - Allowance for Personal Requirements – Persons Held in Service Custody

205.47 When a person who is subject to the Code of Service Discipline under paragraph 60(1)(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) or (j) of the National Defence Act is held in service custody and is without funds, the commanding officer may approve payment to such person of an allowance for personal requirements at the rate of $1 a day for each day that person is held in custody.

205.475 - Imprisonment Allowance

205.475(1) (Purpose) The purpose of the imprisonment allowance is to support the rehabilitation of Canadian Forces members who are serving a period of imprisonment in the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks (CFSPDB) and whose pay and allowances have been forfeited. Imprisonment allowance is based on participation in the daily work routine and rehabilitation programs, and is scaled to provide an incentive for full participation.

205.475(2) (Entitlement) An officer or non-commissioned member, or a former officer or former non-commissioned member who is sentenced to imprisonment by a court martial and is committed to the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks is entitled, for each full day of imprisonment, to imprisonment allowance based on the member's participation in rehabilitation and work programs, as determined by the Commandant of the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks, as follows:

  1. $5.00 per day, if the officer or non-commissioned member or former officer or former non-commissioned member fully participates;
  2. $2.50 per day, if the officer or non-commissioned member or former officer or non-commissioned member does not fully participate due to circumstances beyond their control; or
  3. $1.00 per day, in any other case.

205.475(3) (Administration) The Commandant of the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks shall forward to the approving authority the inmate's claim for the Imprisonment Allowance and must ensure that the claim meets the following conditions:

  1. claims are submitted on the 15th and the last day of each month using a Form CF 52 (General Allowance Claim);
  2. section 1 of the Form CF 52 quotes this CBI as the authority; and
  3. section 2 of the Form CF 52 (particulars) contains the following information:
    1. periods of payment, and
    2. if entitlement to various rates is applicable, dates annotating the rates for each period.

205.475(4) (Advances) Advances of the imprisonment allowance are not authorized.

(TB, effective 4 April 2005)

205.48 - Stress Allowance

205.48(1) (Intent) Stress allowance is financial compensation paid to recognize abnormal physiological or psychological stress or discomfort anticipated from temporary exposure to adverse conditions or hazards not normally experienced by other Canadian Forces members.  

205.48(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if any of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is selected to participate as a subject in a physiological, psychological, or other test or experiment authorized by or under the authority of the CDS that is designed to cause stress or discomfort to its subject;
  2. the member participates as a student or instructor in the Conduct after Capture Course Level C; 
  3. the member participates as a student or instructor in the Conduct after Capture Instructor Course; 
  4. the member undergoes mandatory instructor selection process at the Conduct after Capture Assessment Centre; or
  5. the member conducts Full Motion Video (FMV) Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) activities in direct support of live targeting operations.

205.48(3) (Amount) A member is eligible to receive a daily allowance of $75.00 for each day they are exposed to any of the conditions stipulated in paragraph (2). 


 (TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2023)

205.49 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.50 – Repealed by TB, Effective 20 June 2006

205.505 - Court Allowance - Reserve Force Legal Officers

205.505(1) (Entitlement) A legal officer — as defined in paragraph (1) of CBI 204.218 (Pay — Officers — Legal) — is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the legal officer is on Reserve Service;
  2. the legal officer occupies an establishment position designated by or under the authority of the Judge Advocate General for the purposes of this instruction;
  3. the legal officer is assigned by the Director of Military Prosecutions or the Director of Defence Counsel Services to participate at a court proceeding;
  4. the legal officer participates at that court proceeding in the presence of a judge, military judge, magistrate, master, protonotary, or other judicial officer.

205.505(2) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.51 - Repealed TB, 1 September 2017

205.52 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.525 - Recruitment Allowance (RA)

205.525(1) (Interpretation) A military occupation is considered to be understrength if:

  1. the trained effective strength is less than or equal to 95% of the occupation’s maximum authorized strength;
  2. the trained effective strength is not predicted to increase to more than 95% during the next two calendar years, taking into consideration:
    1. the occupation’s untrained effective strength, and
    2. the average failure rate in the initial military occupation training during the previous three calendar years; and
  3. an announcement that the military occupation is understrength is published on a defence website as defined in article 1.21  (Publication of Regulations, Orders and Instructions) of the QR&O unless there is a security reason against doing so.

205.525(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 

a. that military occupation is an under-strength military occupation:

i. on the date of application for enrolment or component transfer, or

ii. on the date of enrolment or component transfer;

b. the member has never before received a benefit under:

i. this instruction, or

ii. any similar, repealed instruction (see paragraph (4));

c. the member enrols in or component transfers to the Regular Force;

d. on the date of enrolment or component transfer, the member:

i. is assigned to a military occupation specified in row 1 of the applicable Table to this instruction (“their Table”),

ii. possesses the qualifications specified in row 2 of their Table,

iii. undertakes to serve for at least the minimum period of service specified in row 3 of their Table not including any authorized periods of leave without pay taken during that period,

iv. satisfies any conditions specified in row 4 of their Table; and

e. the member did not serve in the Regular Force in that military occupation during the three years immediately before the date of enrolment or component transfer.

205.525(3) Repealed TB, Effective 1 August 2021

205.525(4) (Previous Financial Assistance) Subject to paragraph (9), if a member who is entitled to a recruitment allowance has previously received financial assistance from the Canadian Forces to obtain the qualification referred to in row 2 of their Table, the member’s entitlement is as follows:

  1. the total amount of the recruitment allowance is payable when a previous undertaking to serve incurred as a result of the receipt of financial assistance has been completed, or has been repaid in accordance with the conditions set out in article 15.07 (Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training) of the QR&O; and
  2. a reduced recruitment allowance equal to the total amount of the recruitment allowance less the amount of the financial assistance provided is payable when no undertaking to serve was required but financial assistance was provided to directly assist the member in obtaining the qualification related to the occupation.

(TB 12 December 2024, effective 12 December 2024)

205.525(5) (Conditions of Payment) The conditions for payment of the reduced recruitment allowance are the same as set out in Tables "A" to “K”. If the payment is to be made in instalments, the following formula will be used to calculate the reduced instalments:

Original Amount of First Instalment


Amount of Assistance Received / 2


Reduced First Instalment


Original Amount of Second Instalment


Amount of Assistance Received / 2


Reduced Second Amount


Total Recruitment Allowance


Total Assistance Received


Total Reduced Recruitment Allowance


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205.525(6) (Repayment Formula) If a member does not complete their minimum period of service, the amount of recruitment allowance that must be repaid is calculated as follows noting that a part of a month will be considered a full month:

Total amount of allowance received


Months of service remaining divided by total months of period of service


Re-payment Amount


205.525(7) (Full Repayment – Medical Officer Training Plan and Regular Officer Training Plan) Despite paragraph (6), an officer who receives under this instruction a Medical Officer - Medical Officer Training Plan recruitment allowance or a Medical Officer Training Plan -Specialist recruitment allowance or a Pharmacy Officer - Regular Officer Training Plan recruitment allowance, but fails to become licensed to carry out the unrestricted practice of medicine or pharmacy in a Canadian province or territory within six months of the conclusion of the period of Medical Officer Training Plan or Regular Officer Training Plan subsidization, must repay the entire amount of the allowance. 

205.525(7.1) (Full Repayment) Despite paragraph (6), an officer or non-commissioned member who: 

  1. fails to maintain the qualifications specified in rows 2 and 4 of their Table for at least the minimum period of service specified in row 3 of their Table, not including any authorized periods of leave without pay taken during that period, must repay the entire amount of the allowance; 

  2. subparagraph (a) does not apply to a member who is released:
    1. by reason of death,
    2. under Item 3 or 5(b) of the Table to article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) of the QR&O, or
    3. under Item 4 for compassionate reasons in accordance with article 15.071 (Voluntary Release After Receiving a Recruitment Allowance) of the QR&O.

205.525(8) (Payments) The payment of this allowance, including the date, amount, and method, is determined and regulated under rows 5 and 6 of the relevant Table.

205.525(9) (Transitional Provision) A member, who before 1 October 2003 became entitled to a benefit under any of the following instructions, remains entitled to that benefit under the terms and conditions of that instruction as they read at that time

  1. CBI 205.52 (Medical Officer Direct Entry Recruitment Allowance),
  2. CBI 205.53 (Dental Officer Direct Entry Recruitment Allowance);
  3. CBI 205.531 (Recruitment Allowance – Post-Secondary Diploma or Certificate – Non-commissioned Members),
  4. CBI 205.532 (Recruitment Allowance – Civilian Trade Qualified Non-commissioned Members),
  5. CBI 205.533 (Recruitment Allowance – Military Occupation Qualified Non-commissioned Members), and
  6. CBI 205.535 (Recruitment Allowance – Engineering Officers).


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 1 August 2021)

Table "A" to CBI 205.525

Medical Officers (Licensed)  and Medical Specialist (Licensed)
  1. Military Occupation: Medical Officer and Medical Specialist
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of family medicine in Canada and either a fellowship certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (Medical Officer) or a fellowship certification in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Medical Specialist Officer). 
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment or component transfer, four years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: None.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum on date of enrolment or component transfer.
  6. Payment amount: $225,000

Rates effective 01 April 2006  


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 1 August 2021)

Table "B" to CBI 205.525

Medical Officer (Licensed) and Medical Specialist (Licensed)
  1. Military Occupation: Medical Officer and Medical Specialist
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of family medicine in Canada and either a fellowship certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (Medical Officer) or a fellowship certification in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Medical Specialist Officer). 
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment or component transfer, three years in the Regular Force as a Medical Officer or Medical Specialist.
  4. Other conditions: None.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum on date of enrolment or component transfer.
  6. Payment amount: $80,000

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 12 December 2024, effective 12 December 2024)

Table "C" to CBI 205.525

Medical Officer (Licensed) and Medical Specialist (Licensed)
  1. Military Occupation: Medical Officer and Medical Specialist
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of medicine in Canada and either a fellowship certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (Medical Officer) or a fellowship certification in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Medical Specialist Officer). 
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the day after completing the minimum initial period of service under Table “B” of this instruction, undertakes to serve for an additional period of two years in the Regular Force as a Medical Officer or Medical Specialist.
  4. Other conditions: The officer:
    1. received a Medical Officer or Medical Specialist recruitment allowance under Table "B" of this instruction; and
    2. gave the undertaking to serve for an additional period of two years prior to the expiration of the initial undertaking given under Table “B” of this instruction
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum on the day the officer extends their initial undertaking to serve under Table "B" of this instruction.
  6. Payment amount: $100,000

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 12 December 2024, effective 12 December 2024)

Table "D" to CBI 205.525

Medical Specialist
  1. Military Occupation: Medical Specialist
  2. Qualifications: Is enrolled or component transferred as an officer who is currently accepted into a Canadian specialty residency program for a medical specialist as defined in CBI 204.216 (Pay – Medical Officers and Medical Specialists) and as prescribed for the purposes of article 15.07 (Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training) of the QR&O. 
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of completing their residency program and becoming a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in their specialty, five years in that military occupation as a Medical Specialist as defined in CBI 204.216 (Pay – Medical Officers and Medical Specialists).
  4. Other conditions: The officer has not previously received publicly subsidized education leading to their current medical degree.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum payment on date of enrolment.
  6. Payment amount:
    • $215,000 if the member completes the residency program in 12 months or less; and
    • $180,000 if the member completes the residency program in more than 12 months and up to 24 months.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 13 May 2021, effective 1 August 2021)

Table "E" to CBI 205.525

Medical Officer Training Plan
  1. Military Occupation: Medical Officer and Medical Specialist
  2. Qualifications: Is enrolled or component transferred as an officer to attend medical courses that are prescribed for the purposes of article 15.07 (Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training) of the QR&O.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date they possess a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of medicine in Canada and either a fellowship certification in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (Medical Officer) or a fellowship certification with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Medical Specialist), four years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: The officer has not previously received publicly subsidized education leading to their current medical degree.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum payment on date of enrolment.
  6. Payment amount:
    • $180,000 if the member possesses their license in 12 months or less;
    • $150,000 if the member possesses their license in more than 12 months and up to 24 months;
    • $110,000 if the member possesses their license in more than 24 months and up to 36 months;
    • $75,000 if the member possesses their license in more than 36 months and up to 48 months; and
    • $40,000 if the member possesses their license in more than 48 months.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 12 December 2024, effective 12 December 2024)

Table "F" to CBI 205.525

Pharmacy Officer (Licensed)
  1. Military Occupation: Pharmacy Officer
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a pharmacy degree that is recognized by a Canadian university.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment or component transfer, four years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: No more than six months after the date of enrolment or component transfer, possesses a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of pharmacy in Canada.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum on date of enrolment or component transfer.
  6. Payment amount:
    • $50,000 if the trained effective strength is 60% or less of the maximum authorized strength;
    • $30,000 if the trained effective strength is more than 60% and up to 80% of the maximum authorized strength; and $20,000 if the trained effective strength is more than 80% and up to 95% of the maximum authorized strength.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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Table "G" to CBI 205.525

Pharmacy Officer - Regular Officer Training Plan
  1. Military Occupation: Pharmacy Officer
  2. Qualifications: Is enrolled or component transferred as an officer to attend pharmacy courses that are prescribed for the purposes of article 15.07 (Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training) of the QR&O.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date they possess a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of pharmacy in Canada, four years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: Was never subsidized under the National Defence Act for any pharmacy education or pharmacy training.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum payment on date of enrolment.
  6. Payment amount:
    • $50,000 if the member possesses their license in less than 12 months and the trained effective strength is 60% or less of the maximum authorized strength;
    • $40,000 if the member possesses their license in less than 12 months;
    • $30,000 if the member possesses their license in 12 months or more and in less than 24 months;
    • $20,000 if the member possesses their license in 24 months or more and in less than 36 months; $10,000 if the member possesses their license in 36 months or more.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table "H" to CBI 205.525

Dental Officer (Licensed)
  1. Military Occupation: Dental Officer.
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of dentistry in Canada.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment or component transfer, four years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: The member
    • never served in the Regular Force in that military occupation before the date of enrolment or component transfer; and
    • successfully completes Basic Officer Training.
  5. Payment method and date: Lump sum on date of successful completion of Basic Officer Training.
  6. Payment amount:
    • $25,000

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table "I" to CBI 205.525

Occupation Education
  1. Military Occupation: Any under-strength military occupation for non-commissioned members.
  2. Qualifications: Possesses a diploma or certificate issued by a Canadian post-secondary educational institution in an area that closely corresponds to a majority of the initial military occupation training.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment or component transfer or occupational transfer from the Regular Force Basic Training List for the occupation into which the member was enrolled or transferred, three years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: The member
    • successfully completes Regular Force basic training (non-commissioned member); or
    • the member is credited with that training.
  5. Payment method and date: Two instalments:
    • 1st instalment: on date of
      • successfully completing Regular Force basic training (non-commissioned member), or
      • being credited for that training; and
    • 2nd instalment: 12 months after the first instalment provided that the member is still serving in the Regular Force as a non-commissioned member in the assigned understrength occupation.
  6. Payment amount:
    • 1st instalment: $5,000.
    • 2nd instalment: $5,000.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

TABLE “J” TO CBI 205.525

  1. Military occupation: Any under-strength military occupation for non-commissioned members.
  2. Qualifications: Any one of the following:  
    •  possesses a technical or vocational qualification that is in part based upon practical work experience and that closely corresponds to the majority of advanced military occupation training;
    • possesses the military training and experience that is necessary for immediate employment — without further training or experience — in the military occupation. 
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on for which the member has enrolled, component transferred or occupational transferred from the Regular Force Basic Training List for the occupation into which the member was enrolled or transferred, three years in that military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: The member:
    •  successfully completes Regular Force basic training (non-commissioned member); or
    •  the member is credited with that training.
  5. Payment method & date: Two instalments:
    •  1 st instalment on date of :
      • successfully completing Regular Force basic training (non-commissioned member), or
      •  being credited for that training; and 
    •  2nd instalment: 12 months after the first instalment provided that the member is still serving in the Regular Force as a non-commissioned member in the assigned understrength occupation. 
  6. Payment amount  :
    • 1st instalment: $10,000
    • 2nd instalment: $10,000

Rates effective 01 April 2006

Table "K" to CBI 205.525

Engineering Officer
  1. Military Occupation: Any under-strength military occupation for Engineering Officers.
  2. Qualifications: Possesses an engineering or science degree that is
    • recognized by a Canadian university; and
    • suitable for the specific military occupation.
  3. Minimum period of service: Commencing on the date of enrolment, component transfer, or other entry into the specific military occupation, four years in that specific military occupation.
  4. Other conditions: The member
    • successfully completes Basic Officer Training; or
    • the member is credited with that training.
  5. Payment method and date: Two instalments:
    • 1st instalment on date of:
      • successfully completing Basic Officer Training, or
      • being credited for that training; and
    • 2nd instalment: 24 months after the first instalment provided that the member is still serving in the Regular Force as an engineering officer in the assigned understrength occupation.
  6. Payment amount:
    • 1st instalment: $25,000.
    • 2nd instalment: $15,000.

Rates effective 01 April 2006


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.53 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.531 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.532 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.533 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.534 – Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.535 –Repealed by TB, 18 September 2003

205.536 - Allowance – Loss of Operational Allowances

205.536(1) (Definitions) In this instruction:

environmental conditions

means the biological, faunal, floral, geographic, meteorological, organic and other natural conditions in an area at any given time. (conditions environnementales)

special duty service

has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act. (service special)

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205.536(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (4), a member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member serves on special duty service;
  2. during that special duty service, the member is entitled to a monthly allowance under:
    1. CBI 10 (Military Foreign Service Instruction),
    2. CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly)),
    3. CBI 205.33 (Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    4. CBI 205.35 (Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)),
    5. CBI 205.37 (Submarine Allowance (Monthly)), or
    6. CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly)).
  3. during that special duty service, the member becomes ill or injured;
  4. the CDS — or an officer designated by the CDS — determines that there is a direct or proximate causal connection between the member’s illness or injury and any of the following:
    1. the environmental conditions at the member’s location during that special duty service,
    2. an enemy or non-combatant attack upon the member that occurred during that special duty service, or
    3. an act that would constitute an offence under the Code of Service Discipline and that is committed against the member by another member or by a member of an allied or friendly force during that special duty service;
  5. a medical officer determines that the member is medically unfit for that special duty service;
  6. the member ceases to serve on that special duty service because of the medical officer’s determination; and
  7. the member ceases to be entitled to a monthly allowance referred to in subparagraph (b).

205.536(3) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to this allowance if any of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the injury occurs when the member is:
    1. conducting physical fitness training, or
    2. playing sports;
  2. the injury occurs when the member commits a service offence for which the member is subsequently found guilty;
  3. a military investigation determines that the member’s own misconduct or negligence was the cause or a contributing factor leading to the member’s illness or injury;
  4. the member commences to serve on a subsequent special duty service; or
  5. the member remains entitled to a monthly allowance specified in subparagraph (2)(b) that the member was receiving when the member became ill or injured.

205.536(4) (Duration) This allowance is payable until the earlier of the following:

  1. the date on which the special duty service generally ceases (not the date on which member’s special duty service ceases); and
  2. the date on which the member’s special duty service would have ceased if not for the illness or injury.

205.536(5) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the amount calculated in subparagraph (b), and
      • N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance; and
  2. for a full month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( B + C ) × 1.35 ]
      • where
      • B is
        1. for a member described in clause 110(1)(f)(v) of the Income Tax Act, $865.00, as amended from time to time, and
        2. in any other case, $0.00, and
      • C is the amount of the monthly allowances specified in subparagraph (2)(b) that the member receives on the date that the member ceases to serve on special duty service because the member is determined to be medically unfit.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.5365 - Allowance - Loss of Operational Allowances - Designated Officers

205.5365(1) (Designations) Subject to paragraph (2), the following officers are hereby designated under subparagraph (2)(d) of CBI 205.536 (Allowance — Loss of Operational Allowances):

  1. an officer who holds the rank of Colonel or a higher rank; and
  2. an officer who:
    1. holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel or a higher rank, and
    2. exercises command of a formation or command outside Canada.

205.5365(2) (No Subdelegation) The authority cannot be subdelegated.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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205.5365 - Allowance - Loss of Operational Allowances - Designated Officers

205.5365(1) (Designations) Subject to paragraph (2), the following officers are hereby designated under subparagraph (2)(d) of CBI 205.536 (Allowance — Loss of Operational Allowances):

  1. an officer who holds the rank of Colonel or a higher rank; and
  2. an officer who:
    1. holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel or a higher rank, and
    2. exercises command of a formation or command outside Canada.

205.5365(2) (No Subdelegation) The authority cannot be subdelegated.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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Section 4 - Clothing Allowances

205.54 – Repealed by TB, Effective 13 June 2005

205.55 – Repealed by CDS 29 March 2004

205.56 – Repealed by CDS 29 March 2004

205.57 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly)

205.57(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2), a member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member is in a position that requires the member to perform a duty that is described in the Table to this instruction;
  2. the CDS — or an officer designated by the CDS — determines that the member must wear civilian dress for at least 70% of the member’s normal working hours when performing that duty (see chapter 17 (Dress and Appearance) of the QR&O);
  3. the member is ordered or instructed to wear civilian clothing by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  4. the member:
    1. performs the duty, and
    2. wears civilian clothing in accordance with the order or instruction, and
  5. the civilian clothing worn is not otherwise provided at public expense.

205.57(2) (No Entitlement) Unless the CDS otherwise directs, a member is not entitled to this allowance during any of the following periods:

  1. service in a theatre of operations in which civilian clothing is provided by the Crown or paid for by the Crown;
  2. imprisonment in a civil prison;
  3. imprisonment or detention in a service prison or detention barracks;
  4. leave without pay;
  5. absence without leave;
  6. rehabilitation or retirement leave, or posting on the Service Personnel Holding List (SPHL);
  7. special, maternity or parental leave, except that a member in receipt of Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance continues to be entitled to Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance while on special leave if the member proceeds on maternity leave immediately after the special leave;
  8. attendance as a student on duty on an official languages course, Staff College, Advanced Military Studies Course, National Security Course or other course or learning activity, or a subsidized education program at a civilian university; or
  9. hospitalization in excess of 90 days if hospital clothing is provided.

205.57(3) (Amount) The amount of this allowance is:

  1. for a full month of entitlement, the monthly rate set out in the Table to this instruction; and
  2. for less than a month of entitlement, the amount calculated by the formula
    • [ ( A ÷ 30 ) × N ]
      • where
      • A is the monthly amount for the duty that is described in the Table, and
      • N is the number of days in a month that the member is entitled to this allowance.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Table A to CBI 205.57


Monthly Rate (in dollars)

Clandestine operations that are conducted in hostile, forbidding, or politically sensitive environments


Close personal protection duties


Military police security, counter-intelligence, complaint, and other low profile investigations


Service with a body - including the armed forces of a foreign power - that prohibits the member from wearing their uniform


Operations outside Canada on which the wearing of a uniform compromises the safety or security of a member


Canadian Forces attaché or attaché assistant duty outside Canada


Governor General’s staff


Articling in a civilian law firm or as a court clerk



(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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205.571 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance - Designated Officers

205.571(1) (Designations) Subject to paragraph (2), the following officers are hereby designated under subparagraph (1)(b) of CBI 205.57 (Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly)) and subparagraph (1)(b) of CBI 205.575 (Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Casual)):

  1. an officer who holds the rank of Colonel or a higher rank; and
  2. an officer who:
    1. holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel or a higher rank, and
    2. exercises command of a formation or command outside Canada.

205.571(2) (No Subdelegation) The authorities granted in paragraph (1) cannot be subdelegated.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.575 - Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Casual)

205.575(1) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member performs a duty that is described in the Table to CBI 205.57 (Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly));
  2. the CDS or an officer designated by the CDS determines that the member must wear civilian dress for at least 70% of the member’s normal working hours when performing that duty (see chapter 17 (Dress and Appearance) of the QR&O);
  3. the member is ordered or instructed to wear civilian clothing by a person who is authorized to issue that order or instruction;
  4. the member:
    1. performs the duty, and
    2. wears civilian clothing in accordance with the order or instruction;
  5. the member is not entitled to an allowance under CBI 205.57 (Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly)).

205.575(2) (Amount) The amount of the allowance payable in one month is the lesser of:

  1. the amount calculated by the formula
    • ( $6.30 × N )
      • where N is the number of days on which the member wore civilian dress for at least 70% of the member’s normal working hours when performing that duty in that month; and
  2. the monthly rate that the member would have received had the member been entitled to an allowance - for that same duty - under CBI 205.57 (Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (Monthly)).


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

Section 5 - Payments to Serving CF Members or to Dependants of Personnel Deceased or Missing

205.71 – Repealed by TB Effective 16 February 2004

205.72 - Special Allowance - Dependants of Deceased Personnel

205.72(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3), when a member as defined in Section I of the Military Foreign Service Instructions for members serving outside Canada and Section 1 of the Isolated Post Instructions for members serving at isolated posts dies, or is presumed to have died, Special Allowance calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) shall be paid to the:

  1. spouse or common-law partner; or
  2. person or persons undertaking the care of the member's dependent child or children.

205.72(2) (Monthly rate) Subject to paragraph (3), the monthly rate of Special Allowance is the rate at which any of the following allowances is in issue on the date the officer or non-commissioned member dies or a certificate of presumption of death is issued:

  1. Isolation Allowance (see CBI Chapter 11);
  2. Foreign Service Allowance and related entitlements under the Military Foreign Service Instructions; or
  3. any other allowance authorized in respect of a place of duty when dependants are residing at that place of duty and were moved there at public expense.

205.72(3) (Limit) When Special Allowance is payable under subparagraph (1)(b) to more than one person, the amounts payable shall be as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff but the total of all monthly payments may not exceed the rate described in paragraph (2).

205.72(4) (Start and end of allowance) Special Allowance under this instruction:

  1. commences on the first day of the month immediately following that in which pay and allowances are ceased in accordance with CBI 203.11 (Personnel Deceased or Presumed Dead); and
  2. subject to paragraph (5), continues until the end of the day of departure of the member's dependants from the place or country in respect of which an allowance was payable under paragraph (2), but not beyond 30 days from the day after the day of death, or the date on which a certificate of death or presumption of death is issued, whichever is later.

205.72(5) (Member alive) When an officer or non-commissioned member who has been reported dead or presumed dead is later found to be alive:

  1. payments under this instruction shall cease; and
  2. the amount of Special Allowance already paid shall be recovered from the member's pay account.

(CDS 27 November 2003)

205.73 - Death Gratuity - Reserve Force

205.73(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer or non-commissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class A, B, or C Reserve Service who is reported dead, presumed dead or reported missing, and who:

  1. at the date of the member's death or presumed death was not a participant in the Supplementary Death Benefits Plan under Part II of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or Part II of the Public Service Superannuation Act;
  2. to the extent established in sub-subparagraph (4)(b)(i), is reported missing and who, on the day the member was reported missing, was a participant in the Supplementary Death Benefits Plan under Part II of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or Part II of the Public Service Superannuation Act; or
  3. to the extent established in sub-subparagraph (4)(b)(ii), is reported missing and who, on the day the member was reported missing, was not a participant in the Supplementary Death Benefits Plan under Part II of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or Part II of the Public Service Superannuation Act.

205.73(2) (Death Gratuity) Subject to paragraph (5), a monthly Death Gratuity equal to thirty days pay at the basic rate for a member of the Regular Force of the same rank and classification or trade group shall be paid for the appropriate period established under paragraph (4) when an officer or non-commissioned member is:

  1. reported dead or is presumed dead:
    1. to the spouse or common law partner;
    2. if there is neither a spouse nor common-law partner, to the estate,
  2. reported missing:
    1. to the spouse or common-law partner;
    2. if there is no spouse or common-law partner, to the person or persons undertaking the care of any dependent child or children as defined in CBI 205.015 (Interpretation); or
    3. if there is neither a spouse or common-law partner nor a dependent child as defined in CBI 205.015 (Interpretation), to the estate.

205.73(3) (Limit) When a Death Gratuity is payable under paragraph (2) to more than one person, the amounts payable to each person shall be as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, but the total of all monthly payments may not exceed 30 days pay per month.

205.73(4) (Period of Death Gratuity) The Death Gratuity is payable on the day immediately following the day on which the officer or non-commissioned member dies, is presumed dead or is reported missing and, subject to paragraph (5), is:

  1. a one-time payment based on a period of twenty months in the case of a member who dies or is presumed dead; or
  2. continued in the case of an officer or non-commissioned member who is reported missing
    1. if the member was a participant in the Supplementary Death Benefits Plan under Part II for the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or Part II of the Public Service Superannuation Act, to the end of the month in which a certificate of death or presumption of death is issued for a period of six months from the day the member is reported missing, whichever is the shorter period, or
    2. if the member was not a participant in the Supplementary Death Benefits Plan under Part II of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act or Part II of the Public Service Superannuation Act, for a period of twenty months.

205.73(5) (Member found to be alive) When an officer or non-commissioned member who has been reported dead, presumed dead or reported missing is later found to be alive:

  1. payments under this instruction shall cease; and
  2. the amount of the Death Gratuity already paid shall be recovered from the member's pay account.

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205.74 - Leave Entitlement - Payment to Service Estate

When an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service dies or is presumed to have died, an amount equal to the value of the unused earned leave to which the member had an entitlement at the time of death or presumed death shall be paid to the service estate.

205.75 - Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave

205.75(1) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member:
    1. is in the Regular Force or is on Class “C” Reserve Service at the end of a fiscal year, or
    2. completes a period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service during a period of reserve service yearly cycle.
  2. the member has leave under article 16.14 (Annual Leave) of the QR&O that was not granted during that fiscal year or during that period of Reserve Service yearly cycle, as the case may be; and
  3. the annual leave is not authorized - by or under the authority of the CDS - to be carried over under article 16.15 (Accumulated Leave) of the QR&O.

205.75(2) (Amount - Regular Force and Class “C” Reserve Service) In relation to a member who:

  1. is in the Regular Force at the end of a fiscal year;
  2. completes a period of Class “C” Reserve Service during a fiscal year or yearly cycle; or
  3. is on Class “C” Reserve Service at the end of a fiscal year or yearly cycle, the amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula
    • ( A × 12 ÷ 2087.04 × 8 × N )
      • where
      • A is the member’s monthly rate of pay for the rank and pay increment that they held on the last day of the fiscal year or yearly cycle as applicable in which the member became entitled to the annual leave; and
      • N is the number of days of annual leave entitlement that is not granted in that fiscal year or yearly cycle, as applicable.

205.75(3) (Amount — Class “B” Reserve Service) In relation to a member who:

  1. completes a period of Class “B” Reserve Service during a fiscal year or yearly cycle; or
  2. is on Class “B” Reserve Service at the end of the fiscal year or yearly cycle, the amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula
    • ( B × 365 ÷ 2087.04 × 8 × N )
      • where
      • B is the member’s daily rate of pay for the rank and pay increment that they held on the last day of the period of Class “B” Reserve Service in which the member became entitled to the annual leave, and
      • N is the number of days of annual leave entitlement that is not granted during that Reserve Service.


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.76 - Payment in Lieu of Accumulated Leave

205.76(1) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member has leave under article 16.15 (Accumulated Leave) of the QR&O to their credit;
  2. the member applies for this allowance for any of those days of leave;
  3. the member is in the Regular Force or in the Reserve Force when they apply for this allowance; and
  4. in respect of a member of the Reserve Force, their application is received by their commanding officer before 1 April 2020.

205.76(2) (Amount — Regular Force and Class “C” Reserve Service) In relation to a member who:

  1. is in the Regular Force when they apply for this allowance; or
  2. is on period Class “C” Reserve Service when they apply for this allowance and the leave was accumulated during a period of Class “C” Reserve Service, the amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula
    • ( A × 12 ÷ 2087.04 × 8 × N )
      • where
      • A is the member’s monthly rate of pay for the rank and pay increment that they hold on the day that the member applies; and
      • N is the number of days of accumulated leave for which the member applies for this allowance.

205.76(3) (Amount — Class “B” Reserve Service) In relation to a member who is on Class “B” Reserve Service at the end of the fiscal year or yearly cycle when they apply for this allowance, the amount of this allowance is calculated by the formula


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

205.77 - Payment in Lieu of Retirement Leave

205.77(1) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to this allowance if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the member transfers from the Regular Force to the Reserve Force or is released;
  2. on the effective day of release or transfer, the member has leave:
    1. that was not granted during that fiscal year under article 16.14 (Annual Leave) of the QR&O, and for which no payment has been made under CBI 205.75 (Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave),
    2. that was accumulated under article 16.15 (Accumulated Leave) of the QR&O and for which no payment has been made under CBI 205.76 (Payment in Lieu of Accumulated Leave), and
    3. that was not granted during that leave year under article 16.20 (Special Leave) of the QR&O.
  3. before the effective day of release or transfer, the member applies for this payment for a portion or all of those days of leave; and
  4. before the effective day of release or transfer, the member does not take leave for any day for which a payment is made.

205.77(2) (Amount) The amount of this allowance payable is calculated by the formula


(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)

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