DAOD 2008-1, Accountability and Responsibility for Public Affairs
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Overview
- Requirements
- Accountability and Responsibility - Minister, DM and CDS
- Accountability and Responsibility - Major PA Committees
- Accountability and Responsibility - ECS and Group Principals
- Accountability and Responsibility - COs and DND Managers
- Accountability and Responsibility - COs of CAF Operations and CAF Members and DND Employees
- Accountability and Responsibility - DGPA
- Accountability and Responsibility - Public Affairs Officers
- Accountability and Responsibility - DGPA Field Offices
- References
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 1998-01-30
Effective Date: 1998-03-01
Application: This is an order that applies to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND).
Approval Authorities: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Deputy Minister (DM) and the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS).
Enquiries: Director General of Public Affairs (DGPA)
2.1 To make the Public Affairs (PA) policy work as intended in practice, it is imperative that all CAF members and DND employees understand their PA roles and responsibilities.
2.2 This DAOD articulates accountability and responsibility for PA across all levels of the CAF and DND.
2.3 While it focuses on the responsibility and accountability of senior officers and managers, all CAF members and DND employees should understand who is responsible and/or accountable for what, when it comes to informing the public about the CAF's and DND's role, mandate, activities and contributions to Canada and the international community.
2.4 Every CAF member and DND employee:
- contributes to public understanding of what the CF and DND do on behalf of Canadians;
- has a responsibility to support the delivery of PA programs, when required; and
- may be asked to actively participate in PA activities at some point in his or her career.
2.5 Put simply, PA is a shared responsibility.
Operating Principles
2.6 CAF members and DND employees are responsible for supporting PA program delivery when required, and they shall be held accountable accordingly.
2.7 Commanding Officers (COs) and DND managers are responsible for the PA components of their programs and/or operations and for supporting PA program delivery based on a partnership with public affairs officers (PAO), and they shall be held accountable for fulfilling these responsibilities.
2.8 PAOs are responsible for providing PA advice, planning, and support services to COs and/or DND managers, in support of PA program delivery and/or operations, and they shall be held accountable for fulfilling these responsibilities.
3.1 CAF members and DND employees shall manage their PA responsibilities in accordance with the tables under the heading Accountability and Responsibility.
PA Coordination
3.2 The DND and CAF is a diverse organization with several PA groups distributed across National Defence Headquarters, regional offices and the commands.
3.3 To ensure effective coordination, ongoing development, maintenance and nurturing of a modern, progressive and professional PA function that is responsive to changing public values, management practices, issues and PA challenges, the CAF and DND shall establish and maintain a:
- Public Communications Advisory Committee (PCAC) to review PA policy issues and practices and provide independent and external advice on ways of strengthening DND and CF PA;
- Corporate Communications Management Committee (CCMC) to review PA policy issues and to identify ways of strengthening DND and CAF PA practices from a corporate management perspective; and
- Public Affairs Planning and Coordination Team (PAPCT) to coordinate CAF and DND PA activities across all levels.
3.4 The PCAC shall be chaired by DGPA and be composed of members of the PAPCT and a selection of voluntary representatives from outside DND and the CAF who are knowledgeable in journalism, government communications practices, and/or DND and the CAF.
3.5 The CCMC shall be chaired by DGPA and composed of senior level representatives from all Commands and Groups.
3.6 The PAPCT shall be chaired by DGPA and composed of senior civilian and military PAOs, as follows:
- Director of Strategic Planning, DGPA;
- Director of Operations, DGPA;
- the heads of PA for Maritime, Land force and Air elements;
- the head of PA for Emergency Preparedness Canada; and
- DGPA account managers for Groups, as required.
4.1 The Minister is accountable to the Prime Minister and Parliament as the Government's principal advocate and spokesperson on Defence matters.
4.2 The Minister is responsible for:
- being the principal government spokesperson of DND and the CAF;
- establishing overall DND/CF PA priorities and themes;
- defining, together with the DM and the CDS, PA priorities, objectives and requirements;
- providing direction for ministerial participation in media relations and public events;
- defining PA responsibilities and lines of authority for ministerial staff; and
- establishing procedures for liaison between DGPA and ministerial staff to ensure the effective coordination of DND and CAF PA programs and activities.
DM and CDS
4.3 The DM is accountable to:
- the Minister:
- as the principal spokesperson of the DND;and
- for delivering DND PA programs in a manner that is consistent with ministerial priorities and requirements for DND;
- the Secretary of the Treasury Board for implementing Government of Canada PA policies within DND; and
- the Clerk of the Privy Council for ensuring that DND PA fully reflects Government-wide policies, themes and priorities and fully integrated into policy development, program design, and service delivery.
4.4 The CDS is accountable to:
- the Minister:
- as the principal spokesperson of the CAF
- for delivering CAF PA programs in a manner that is consistent with ministerial priorities and requirements for the CAF; and
- for integrating PA fully into CAF military doctrine and operations;
- the Governor-General as the Commander and Chief of the CAF; and
- the Prime Minister, Cabinet and Parliament as the senior military advisor to the Government of Canada as a whole.
4.5 The DM and CDS are jointly responsible for:
- designating a senior official to direct DND and CAF PA on their behalf;
- ensuring that strategic PA planning is integrated within the overall planning framework of DND and the CAF, respectively;
- ensuring the development of annual DND and CAF Operational PA Plans, respectively;
- ensuring an appropriate distribution of resources between Headquarters and regions for the purposes of PA planning and program delivery;
- managing crisis PA;
- ensuring liaison and cooperation in PA matters with other federal institutions, central agencies and other levels of government; and
- advising the Minister and approving, when appropriate, public announcements, the selection of designated subject matter experts, PA plans, materials and activities of a national scope or nature.
Defence Management Committee (DMC)
5.1 The DMC is responsible for:
- setting strategic priorities to guide the development of DND and CAF annual Strategic and Operational PA Plans, in order to:
- establish overall DND and CF PA priorities, themes and messages, linking them to governmental and ministerial priorities; and
- provide corporate direction for DND and CAF PA programs;
- reviewing command and group annual Operational PA Plans and recommending changes or approval of the plans to the DM and CDS, in order to:
- establish overall DND and CAF PA priorities, themes and messages, linking them to governmental and ministerial priorities; and
- ensure that planned PA activities support strategic priorities;
- obtain a corporate view of planned PA investments;
- identify opportunities to work collaboratively on PA projects across Commands and Groups; and
- ensure that appropriate human and financial resources have been allocated to the PA components of their programs or operations;and
- reviewing PA policies, procedures, administrative orders and directives, and recommending changes or approval to the DM and CDS.
5.2 The PSAC is responsible for advising the PAPCT on PA policies, procedures, administrative orders, directives and practices, in order to provide guidance to DND and CAF on ways of strengthening its PA.
5.3 The CCMC is responsible for:
- developing and recommending ways of strengthening the management of DND and CAF PA and public-affairs related activities, in order to maximize return on its PA investments;
- developing and maintaining DND and CAF corporate communications standards and guidelines for public communications and corporate internal communications;
- reviewing major DND and CAF internal and external PA materials on an annual basis and recommending their continuation or elimination; and
- reviewing all major proposed internal and external PA materials and approving their implementation.
5.4 The PAPCT is responsible for:
- providing PA advice and guidance to the MND, DM, CDS, and Environmental Chiefs of Staff (ECSs) on the coordination of PA across all levels of DND and the CAF;
- coordinating DGPA and Command public announcements, PA programs, issue and crisis management, PA plans, materials and activities, as required; and
- advising and assisting DGPA in the development of DND and CAF PA policies, procedures, orders and directives.
ECS and Group Principals
6.1 ECS and Group Principals are accountable to the CDS and the DM, respectively, for:
- integrating PA fully into the process of policy development, program design, service delivery, and military doctrine and/or operations, based on their respective responsibilities; and
- delivering the PA components of their programs and/or operations in a manner that supports the attainment of DND and CAF priorities and objectives.
6.2 ECS and Group Principals are responsible for:
- setting the overall direction for PA program delivery for their organizations, based on the direction set by the annual Strategic PA Plan, by:
- establishing PA priorities and objectives for their Command/Group; and
- developing an annual Operational PA Plan for their Command/Group.
- integrating PA into the decision-making processes of their respective organizations by:
- directing and/or organizing their respective staffs to:
- ensure that the most senior PAO assigned to a Command, area, division, formation, wing, base, or unit reports directly to the Commander, in the case of the Commands; or
- ensure that DGPA Account Managers are members of Group management committees, in the case of Groups;
- ensuring that the most senior PAO assigned to their organizations is included in key decision-making forums, committees, and/or work groups;
- providing their respective senior PAOs access to the information they require to participate effectively in decision-making, and providing PA advice on the impact of decisions taken; and
- ensuring that COs and/or DND Managers within their organizations participate actively in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the PA components of their programs;
- directing and/or organizing their respective staffs to:
- participating in PA program delivery by:
- supporting national PA planning, program development, and program delivery, as required;
- contributing to the preparation of the annual Strategic PA Plan and annual corporate Operational PA Plans;
- allocating adequate resources to support delivery of the PA components of their programs and/or operations to attain planned objectives,
- managing issues within their areas of responsibility, or providing issue or crisis management support to the DM or CDS;
- obtaining approval for public announcements of a Command or Group scope or nature;
- approving the selection of designated subject matter experts, in addition to PA plans, materials and activities of a Command or Group scope or nature; and
- implementing, monitoring and enforcing PA orders, directives and standards within their respective organizations;
- ensuring that PA staff and subject matter experts are afforded the training and professional development required to complete assigned tasks.
Area, Division, Formation, Wing, Base and Unit COs, and DND Managers
7.1 Area, Division, Formation, Wing, Base, Unit COs and DND Managers are accountable to their respective chain of command for:
- fully integrating PA into the process of policy development, program design, service delivery and operations within their organizations; and
- delivering the PA components of their programs or operations in a manner that supports the attainment of command or group objectives.
7.2 Area, Division, Formation, Wing, Base, Unit COs and DND Managers are responsible for:
- supporting national PA planning, program development, and program delivery, as required;
- integrating PA fully into the decision-making processes of their respective organizations by:
- supporting and contributing to Operational PA Plans as required
- establishing direct reporting for the most senior PAO assigned to their organization, in the case of COs; or
- providing DGPA account managers direct access to COs or senior managers;
- including their most senior PAOs in key decision-making forums, committees, or work groups; and providing them access to the information required to participate effectively in decision-making and provide advice on the impact of decisions taken.
- supporting PA program delivery for their programs or operations by:
- allocating adequate resources to support delivery of the PA components of their programs or operations to attain planned objectives;
- taking into account the views and concerns of the public when planning, developing and implementing policies, programs, services or operations;
- participating actively in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the PA components;
- designating subject matter experts and supporting PA and media relations activities, as required;
- managing issues within their areas of responsibility, or providing issues management support to their chain of command;
- nurturing relationships with the public;
- ensuring that DND employees and CAF members receive the PA training needed to perform PA tasks in accordance with PA policies, procedures, standards and guidelines; and
- contributing to and approving PA plans, materials and activities within their areas of responsibility.
- obtaining approval for public announcements one level up their chain of command; and
- implementing, monitoring and enforcing PA orders, directives and standards.
Commander of a CAF Operations
8.1 The Commander of a CAF Operation is accountable to the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (DCDS) for delivering PA within a deployed area in accordance with DAOD 2008-4, Public Affairs, Military Doctrine, and CF Operations.
8.2 The Commander of a CAF Operation is responsible for:
- supporting national PA planning and program delivery regarding
- CAF operations as required;
- fully integrating PA into decision-making during CAF operations by:
- establishing direct reporting for their most senior PAO;
- including their senior PAO in key decision-making forums; and
- providing them with access to the information required to participate effectively in decision-making and provide PA advice on the impact of decisions.
- supporting PA program delivery for CAF operations within a deployed area by:
- participating actively in PA planning;
- nurturing relationships with the public within deployed areas;
- designating subject matter experts to support PA and media relations activities, as required;
- managing issues within their areas of responsibility, or providing issues management support to DCDS, as required;
- contributing to and approving PA plans, materials, activities, and off-the-record media briefings within deployed areas.
- approving or obtaining approval for public announcements in accordance with DAOD 2008-4, Public Affairs, Military Doctrine, and CF Operations.
CF members and DND employees
8.3 CAF members and DND employees are accountable to their chain of command for:
- the accuracy of the information they make available to the public; and
- reporting significant incidents in a timely manner.
8.4 CAF members and DND employees are responsible for:
- ensuring that any information that they make available to the public is up-to-date, released within the law, and respectful of the principle of operational security;
- participating in the development and delivery of PA programs and activities, as required;
- acting as designated subject matters experts, as required; and
- responding to requests for media interviews in accordance with DAOD 2008-2, Media Relations and Public Announcements.
9.1 DGPA is accountable to the DM and the CDS for leading and directing the development and implementation of:
- national DND and CAF PA programs designed to inform the public of DND and CAF policies, programs, services, operations, issues and initiatives; and
- corporate PA policies, procedures, orders and directives which provide PA guidance to all CAF members and DND employees and encourage a modern, progressive, and professional approach to PA across all levels of the CAF and DND.
9.2 DGPA is responsible for:
- chairing the PCAC, CCMC and the PAPCT;
- advising the Minister, DM and CDS, ECSs and Group Principals from a national perspective on:
- the PA impact of government policies and priorities;
- the PA elements of DND and CAF policies, programs, services, operations, issues and initiatives;
- PA planning and program delivery;
- public announcements, issues and crisis management, and issue-specific PA plans, materials, and activities;
- PA policies, procedures, orders, directives, standards and guidelines; and
- the integration of PA fully into policy development, program design, service delivery, military doctrine and military operations;
- directing and coordinating all aspects of national DND and CAF PA programs and activities, including PA research and analysis, advice, planning and management services, and the training, recruitment and development of professional PAOs;
- delivering PA advice, planning, and management services to the Minister, DM, CDS, and Group Principals, for issues, initiatives, programs and operations of a national scope or nature;
- measuring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of national DND and CAF external and internal PA programs, activities, and materials; and
- proposing new approaches, alternatives, and improvements to DND and CAF PA policies, programs, operations, and practices in response to performance, social and technological trends, advice from the PCAC and CCMC, and changing public values, management practices, issues and opportunities.
DGPA PAOs and Command PAOs
10.1 DGPA PAOs and Command PAOs are accountable to DGPA or their ECS, respectively, through the chain of command, for:
- supporting corporate, Command and Group efforts to inform Canadians of DND and CAF policies, programs, services, operations, issues and initiatives in a manner that is open, accurate, complete, objective, timely, relevant and understandable; and,
- coordinating the PA components of Command or Group Principal PA programs or operations, on behalf of and support of accountable COs and/or DND managers.
10.2 DGPA PAOs and Command PAOs are responsible for:
- providing PA advice, support and services to the Commands or Group Principals, as required, including public environmental research and analysis, strategic and operational planning, the delivery of PA products, and the coordination and delivery of PA activities such as media relations, public event management, and PA training;
- directing and supporting Command and Group PA planning activities by:
- providing input into the annual Strategic PA Plan, as required;
- coordinating and supporting the development of command or group annual Operational PA Plans;
- coordinating and supporting the command or group input into annual corporate Operational PA Plans; and
- developing issue-specific PA plans as required in support of command and group policies, programs, services, operations, activities, initiatives and issue management.
- serving as the primary points of contact for the media;
- evaluating the effectiveness of external and internal PA programs, activities, and products in their areas of responsibility, and proposing improvements; and
- participating in the PAPCT, as required.
DGPA Field Offices
11.1 DGPA Field Offices are accountable to the Head of Field Liaison, DGPA, for:
- identifying and spearheading CAF outreach opportunities in the field; and
- coordinating corporate CAF outreach activities across Commands and DGPA as appropriate.
11.2 DGPA Field Offices are responsible for:
- providing PA advice, support and services to support the achievement of corporate DND and CAF objectives, focusing on CAF outreach;
- managing, coordinating and implementing the regional components of national DGPA outreach programs and initiatives, including regional exhibition programs, and community, media, and stakeholder outreach initiatives and supporting ministerial and DND/CAF public events;
- directing and supporting DGPA PA planning activities by:
- providing input into the Annual Strategic PA Plan, as required;
- coordinating and supporting the development of DGPA's annual Operational PA Plan; and
- developing issue-specific PA plans, as required.
- ensuring that key outreach audiences are provided with information sensitive to their needs, responsive to their concerns, and protective of their rights;
- liaising with all levels of government and civic agencies in the field, as required, in support of CAF outreach activities.
- evaluating the effectiveness of CAF outreach programs in the field and proposing new approaches, alternatives, and improvements to outreach activities.
cts, Rgulations, Central Agency Policies and Plicy DAOD
- Government Public Affairs Policy, Treasury Board, 1996
- DAOD 2008-0, Public Affairs Policy
- DAOD 2008-2, Media Relations and Public Announcements
- DAOD 2008-3, Issue and Crisis Management
- DAOD 2008-4, PA, Military Doctrine and CF Operations
- DAOD 2008-5, PA Planning and Program Delivery
Other Reference
- Managing Public Affairs in National Defence and the Canadian Forces, Defence Management Committee, August, 1996
Page details
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