DAOD 3002-6, Display Fireworks
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2010-12-17
Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Supersession: CFAO 36-51, Fireworks Displays
Approval Authority: Director Ammunition and Explosives Regulation (DAER)
Enquiries: Director Ammunition and Explosives Regulation (DAER)
2. Definitions
ammunition (munitions)
Device charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition or nuclear, biological or chemical material, for use in military operations, and includes a non-charged or inert replica of such a device.
authority having jurisdiction (autorité compétente)
Has the same meaning as in the Glossary of the Display Fireworks Manual, issued by the Minister of Natural Resources under section 7 of the Explosives Act.
display firework (pièce pyrotechnique à grand déploiement)
Has the same meaning as in the Glossary of the Display Fireworks Manual, issued by the Minister of Natural Resources under section 7 of the Explosives Act.
explosive (explosif)
Has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Explosives Act.
firework (pièce pyrotechnique)
Has the same meaning as in the Glossary of the Display Fireworks Manual, issued by the Minister of Natural Resources under section 7 of the Explosives Act.
licensed factory (fabrique agréée)
Has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Explosives Act.
licensed magazine (poudrière agréée)
Has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Explosives Act.
3.1 This DAOD sets out instructions on display fireworks events conducted by:
- DND employees or CAF members as part of their employment or duties; and
- other persons acting under the direction of an authority having jurisdiction.
3.2 As fireworks are not manufactured or packaged to the same demanding specifications as military ammunition and explosives (A&E), their performance is not as predictable. Improper discharge or handling of fireworks may result in fire, injury or death.
Categories of Fireworks
3.3 The Display Fireworks Manual includes the following categories of fireworks:
Category | Description | Examples |
Consumer fireworks (class 7.2.1 F.1) |
Low-hazard recreational fireworks which may be purchased by anyone over the age of 18. |
Showers, fountains, golden rain, Roman candles, volcanoes and sparklers. |
Display fireworks (class 7.2.2 F.2) |
High-hazard recreational fireworks which are designed for use at public gatherings and may only be used by a display supervisor. |
Display shells, bombshells, large wheels, barrages, bombardos, waterfalls and mines. |
Pyrotechnic special effects (class 7.2.5 F.3) |
High-hazard fireworks which are used by the entertainment industry for indoor and outdoor performances. |
Bullet effects, flash powder, smoke compositions, gerbs, lances and saxons. |
3.4 A base or wing commander shall not permit the use of pyrotechnic special effects (class 7.2.5 F.3) in a display fireworks event.
Purchase and Storage of Display Fireworks
4.1 Under the Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations, the only authorized source for display fireworks is a licensed factory or licensed magazine.
4.2 Information regarding the making of an application to purchase display fireworks is set out in the Display Fireworks Manual.
4.3 No DND employee or CAF member shall purchase display fireworks for an event on a defence establishment until approval has been obtained from the ammunition technical authority for the applicable level one advisor to store the display fireworks on the defence establishment.
4.4 If space and storage compatibility permit, the base or wing commander or their delegate may authorize the storage of display fireworks in an isolation magazine, segregated from military A&E. The display fireworks shall be stored only immediately prior to and after the event.
Display Fireworks Events Conducted Outside Canada
4.5 Display fireworks events conducted by the CAF outside Canada shall be governed by the Display Fireworks Manual or, if the requirements are more stringent, the laws of the host nation concerned. However, only a person who is a qualified display supervisor or display assistant may conduct the event and related activities.
Approval and Conduct of Display Fireworks Events
4.6 The following DND employees and CAF members, with appropriate training and qualifications as set out in the Display Fireworks Manual, may approve and conduct display fireworks events:
Who? | Does what? |
Base or wing commander or their delegate, as the authority having jurisdiction |
Display supervisor |
Display assistant |
5.1 Safety at a display fireworks event is a prime consideration. The following situations could jeopardize the safety of DND employees, CAF members and other spectators:
- the location of the event does not provide for the required safety distances;
- inappropriate weather is present;
- the wind speed exceeds approved limits; or
- control over spectators is compromised.
5.2 If any of the above circumstances exists, or in case of any doubt in respect of the circumstances, the display supervisor shall stop the event and make secure the display fireworks until the situation has been resolved.
Handling, Preparing and Firing Display Fireworks
5.3 The display supervisor shall ensure that persons handling, preparing and firing display fireworks follow the:
- safety instructions for the specific display fireworks; and
- Display Fireworks Manual.
Prohibited Use
5.4 Military A&E shall not be used as display fireworks.
Emergency Services
5.5 The base or wing commander shall ensure that fire, medical, police and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel are on site, fully equipped and in sufficient numbers, before, during and after a display fireworks event.
Partially Fired, Misfired or Dud Display Fireworks
5.6 The base or wing commander shall ensure that:
- only a display supervisor in accordance with the Display Fireworks Manual, or EOD personnel, undertake the destruction of partially fired, misfired or dud display fireworks; and
- display fireworks that have failed to function are destroyed by detonation in an approved CAF destruction area if available.
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
5.7 Due to the height that some mortar-type fireworks may be projected, there may be a danger to aircraft overflying the site of a display fireworks event.
5.8 If this danger exists, or an aerodrome requires it, the base or wing commander shall ensure that a NOTAM is issued for the duration of the event, and a reasonable time before and after.
6. References
Source References
- Explosives Act
- Explosives Regulations, 2013
- Display Fireworks Manual, Natural Resources Canada
Related References
- Criminal Code
- DAOD 3002-5, Use of Firearms, Ammunitions and Explosives
- DAOD 8000-0, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- National Defence Security Orders and Directives
- B-GS-055-000/AG-001, Provision of Services
- Aeronautical Information Manual, Transport Canada
- Natural Resources Canada website
- Ammunition and Explosives Regulation intranet site
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