DAOD 5031-1, Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Program
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 1999-07-05
Date of Modification: 2006-07-28
Application: This is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Director Training and Education Policy (DTEP).
Enquiries: Director Training and Education Policy (DTEP)
Table of Abbreviations
2.1 This document contains the following abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
Capt |
captain |
Canadian Defence Academy |
Canadian Forces Individual Training and Education System |
Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Program |
Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre |
Canadian Forces Recruiting Group |
CO |
commanding officer |
Cpl |
corporal |
CT |
component transfer |
D Mil C |
Director Military Careers |
Director Training and Education Policy |
environmental chiefs of staff |
ED |
Equivalency Database |
HQ |
headquarters |
Human Resources Management System |
IT&E |
individual training and education |
LS |
leading seaman |
Lt(N) |
lieutenant (N) |
MA |
managing authority |
Managing Authority System Manager |
NCdt |
naval cadet |
OCdt |
officer cadet |
OS(B) |
ordinary seaman (basic) |
prior learning assessment and recognition |
POs |
performance objectives |
personnel selection officer |
Pte(B) |
private (basic) |
QS |
qualification standard |
3. Definitions
equivalency (équivalence)
has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1 - Supplement CFITES Glossary.
has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1 - Supplement CFITES Glossary.
performance objective (objectif de rendement)
has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1 - Supplement CFITES Glossary.
professional development (perfectionnement professionnel)
has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1 - Supplement CFITES Glossary.
qualification standard (norme de qualification)
has the same meaning as in A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Manual of Individual Training and Education, Volume 1 - Supplement CFITES Glossary.
Note - A link to this publication is provided in the References map.
4.1 CAF training and education standards must be upheld. However, if possible and appropriate, formal recognition should be provided by the CAF for prior learning, i.e. training, education or documented work experience, acquired by:
- an applicant seeking enrolment in the CAF; or
- a CAF member either prior to or after enrolment, whether or not provided by the CAF.
4.2 In such cases, duplication of training and education leading to a CAF qualification is avoided and may result in:
- reducing the amount of time for military training and education for both the CAF and the CAF member;
- reducing the cost necessary to obtain the CAF qualification; and
- encouraging the personal and professional development of CAF members through self-development.
4.3 CFMEP facilitates the process of recognizing equivalent non-CAF or CAF prior learning. CFMEP utilizes the PLAR process to achieve this objective.
4.4 PLAR is the formal process used to evaluate, accept and recognize prior learning.
4.5 An evaluation is conducted to establish to what extent the prior learning equates to the learning outcomes and standards of current CAF training and education.
4.6 In some cases the conduct of PLAR may not be organizationally feasible or cost-effective.
4.7 Equivalency is defined in the CFITES. The granting of an equivalency for a full or partial CAF qualification is the formal acknowledgment that prior learning is equivalent to the current CAF qualification.
Advantages of the CFMEP
4.8 The following table outlines advantages associated with the CFMEP:
The CFMEP provides … | with … |
recruiting services |
greater opportunities for attracting and enrolling applicants who already possess the necessary military occupational qualifications or partial qualifications. |
an applicant on enrolment |
a reduction in the training and educational requirements needed to obtain CAF qualifications. |
CAF members |
the opportunity for professional development through independent activity. |
MAs and COs |
alternative approaches to fulfilling training and educational requirements. |
Validation of a Qualification or Granting of an Equivalency
4.9 Only the IT&E MA may determine the currency and validity of a CAF qualification attained by a CAF member during previous service or may grant an equivalency for non-CAF prior learning to a current CAF qualification.
4.10 The following non-exhaustive criteria assist the IT&E MA in reaching a decision regarding as to whether or not a CAF qualification attained during previous service is current or valid, or determining if an equivalency for non-CAF prior learning may be granted:
- significant increase in skill and knowledge in the specifications;
- significant change in an aspect of safety relevant to the standard; or
- significant change in the technical aspects of the standard.
Initiating the PLAR
5.1 A PLAR is conducted to save the CAF future training resources.
5.2 A PLAR is initiated by:
- a recruiting center on behalf of an applicant;
- a CAF member; or
- any person who sees a need for equivalencies that may affect a reasonable number of CAF members.
Validating or Conducting the PLAR
5.3 The appropriate IT&E MA normally validates a CAF qualification attained during previous service and conducts the PLAR using CF QS and other training documents as applicable. For example, in the case of out-service training if there is no QS, the applicable occupation specialty specification may be consulted. Information concerning the MAs, and the training for which they are responsible, is set out in DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework and on the DTEP website.
5.4 For applicants seeking enrolment in the CAF, if appropriate, a PLAR is conducted by CFRG HQ on behalf of the IT&E MAs using the IT&E MA references supplied. An example is the equivalencies matrix, which is approved by the applicable IT&E MA. If the IT&E MA has not approved an equivalency or individual circumstances are not clear, the PLAR request shall be forwarded to the applicable IT&E MA for guidance and resolution.
Measuring PLAR Benefits
5.5 One of the measurable benefits of the CFMEP is savings in the time required to train CAF members, specifically the number of training days identified in a CAF course or qualification training plan. Training days do not include weekends or holidays.
5.6 The following table sets out the type of training days saved and the measurement criteria:
Type | is … |
Potential number of training days saved |
For example, if training is provided in a modularized fashion, the potential training days saved could be the number of training days allocated for one module of the training plan. |
Realized number of training days saved |
Realized training days saved is only achieved through less time under training. For example, a CAF member who is excused occasionally from classes, or a section of a course, but who is still taking up a position on that course and graduates at the same time as the co-students, results in no realized training days saved. |
5.7 Organizational realities dictate that, in the interest of efficiency and resource management, it is not always possible to accommodate all requests of individual CAF members. However, any training organization should be constantly looking for ways to benefit the individual CAF members and save CAF resources.
Requesting a PLAR
6.1 If the prior learning of an applicant seeking enrolment in the CAF could result in the granting of a CAF equivalency, CFRC shall initiate a PLAR request.
6.2 The following table outlines the process for the PLAR request:
Who does it? | What happens? |
Note - The CAF ED is the CAF database that records equivalencies granted by the CAF for CAF qualifications. It also contains equivalencies granted by civilian institutions and organizations for CAF qualifications.
After Graduation from Recruit or Basic Officer Training
6.3 The following table outlines the normal progression after graduation from recruit or basic officer training:
A CAF member who has been granted … | shall normally be posted to … | and may be promoted on completion of recruit or basic officer training … |
a partial equivalency |
a training establishment to complete the remainder of the necessary training or education, |
a full equivalency |
a unit for duty, |
6.4 Unless otherwise previously authorized by D Mil C, CFRG HQ is responsible for consulting with D Mil C before offering a rank other than Pte(B)/OS(B) or OCdt/NCdt on an enrolment offer to an applicant for the Regular Force or CT. This enables career managers to plan postings accordingly.
Requesting a PLAR
7.1 A PLAR is normally conducted if the prior learning of a CAF member, including those on CT, sub-component transfer or occupation transfer, could result in:
- a reduction or elimination of future training and education time for progression within the CAF member's military occupation or in a military occupation to which the member is in the process of transferring; or
- recognition of a qualification that is useful to future CAF activities, for example, non-occupation specialty specification skills.
7.2 An equivalency is only granted if the CT, sub-component transfer or occupation transfer is accepted.
7.3 The following table outlines the process for a PLAR request from a CAF member:
Who does it? | What happens? |
CAF member |
Note - CFRG HQ may grant equivalencies if so delegated by the MA to do so based on previously conducted PLARs. |
Parent unit |
Responsibility Table
8.1 The following table identifies the primary responsibilities for the management of the CFMEP:
The … | is or are responsible for … |
CFRC (for Regular Force and Reserve Force applicants, and CAF members on CT from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force) |
CFRG HQ (for Regular Force and Reserve Force applicants, and CAF members on CT from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force) |
CAF member's unit (for both Regular Force and Reserve Force members, and the Reserve Force gaining unit for those on CT from the Regular Force to the Reserve Force) |
training establishments |
Acts, Reguations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework
Other References
- CBI 210.801, Education Reimbursement - Primary Reserve
- DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment
- DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer
- DAOD 5031-5, Canadian Forces Continuing Education Program
- DAOD 5031-6, Military Civilian Training Accreditation Program
- CFAO 10-1, Officer Transfer - Military Occupation Regular Force
- CFAO 11-6, Commissioning and Promotion Policy - Officers - Regular Force
- CFAO 11-12, Occupation Transfer of Non-Commissioned Members - Regular Force
- CFAO 49-4, Career Policy Non-commissioned Members Regular Force
- CFAO 49-5, Career Policy Non-commissioned Member Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-10, Terms of Service - Officers - Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-11, Terms of Service Non-commissioned Members Primary Reserve
- CFAO 49-12, Promotion Policy - Officers - Primary Reserve
- A-P9-050-000/PT-Z01, Volume 1 (1), Manual of Individual Training and Education, Glossary
- A-P9-050-000/PT-012, Volume 12, Manual of Individual Training, Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Programme, Prior Learning Assessment
- ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 4/97, DND/CF Process Implementation for Verification of Individual Training & Education (IT&E)
- ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 17/04, Education Reimbursement for the Regular Force
- DTEP website
Page details
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