DAOD 5031-4, Second Career Assistance Network Programme

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Operating Principles
  4. Services Offered
  5. SCAN Process
  6. Locations for SCAN Delivery
  7. Responsibilities
  8. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2002-09-05

Date of Modification: 2004-12-22

Application: This is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).

Supersession: CFAO 56-20, Second Career Assistance Network Program

Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Director Training and Education Policy (DTEP).

Enquiries: DTEP

2. Overview

Transition to Civilian Life

2.1 In the transition of CAF members from military to civilian life, the CAF recognizes the importance of offering assistance to Regular Force members, full-time Reservists and, in certain cases, their spouses or common-law partners. The transition may involve counselling, education and accreditation for a career change. It is also in the interest of the CAF to train, educate and upgrade CAF members for second careers.

2.2 Recognizing the commitment of CAF members and the extraordinary demands and challenges of the military lifestyle, the CAF makes services available in the Second Career Assistance Network Program (SCAN) to assist in the transition to civilian life. SCAN is an activity under DAOD 5031-0, Learning and Professional Development.

Access to SCAN Services

2.3 CAF members should access SCAN early and periodically during their careers. They are strongly encouraged not to wait until their last year of service to take advantage of SCAN services.

3. Operating Principles


3.1 CAF members may access SCAN services, subject to availability and relevance to their career transition needs. The Long Term Planning (LTP) seminar and the transition seminar are also available to spouses or common-law partners of CAF members. CAF members have priority to attend SCAN seminars, but once attendance of a spouse or common-law partner is confirmed, they are not to be displaced.


3.2 Some SCAN services are available to all CAF members, while others may be offered only to those who are making the transition to civilian life. The intent is to offer individual transition assistance as well as counselling services to each CAF member. Funds available for SCAN services are based on departmental financial and spending allocations.

3.3 Should demand surpass the number of seats available at SCAN seminars and workshops, base/wing personnel selection officers (B/WPSO) must determine how to accommodate the greatest number of people.

Eligibility Table

3.4 Eligibility for SCAN services is set out in the following table:

SCAN services are available to … subject to …
  • Regular Force members; and
  • full-time Reserve Force members
  • relevance to the career transition needs of the CAF member; and
  • availability of services.
  • spouses or common-law partners of the above CAF members for the LTP and transition seminars only,
  • the availability of resources.

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4. Services Offered


4.1 Each B/WPSO makes available SCAN services to CAF members within their primary and supported locations. The purposes of the principal SCAN services are set in the following table.

The purpose of the … is to provide …

LTP seminar

CAF members with the opportunity to engage in long-term planning as it relates to their education, career, transition and retirement goals. LTP seminars must cover the following subjects:

  • financial planning, including budget planning, house purchase and mortgages;
  • wills and estates;
  • disability pensions and other related benefits administered by Veterans Affairs Canada;
  • Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) benefits; and
  • career development and transition.

transition seminar

generalized information on major transition subjects. Transition seminars must cover the following subjects:

  • career transition services;
  • administration procedures on release;
  • disability pensions;
  • support of injured members;
  • SISIP Coverage After Release; and
  • financial benefits at release.

Note - In certain locations, the subjects in the LTP and transition seminars are covered by other forums, e.g., "le salon Multi-défis" at Valcartier. In such cases, the above requirements are considered to have been met.


CAF members with the opportunity to:

  • address their concerns in regard to transition;
  • assess their knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience relative to their transition goals; and
  • make recommendations in order to assist them to form a plan that can be implemented to meet their transition goals.

career transition workshops

competency-based training in job search, with workshops in the four key areas of:

  • self-assessment for interests and skills;
  • résumé writing;
  • job searching; and
  • interview techniques.

interest inventory

CAF members with the opportunity to complete an interest inventory. This service is aimed primarily at the CAF member. However, if the B/WPSO believes that administering the inventory to spouses and common-law partners may better assist CAF members in making the transition to civilian life, and the service is not available in the community, the B/WPSO may administer the inventory to spouses and common-law partners of CAF members.

reference material library

CAF members with easy access to this resource. Canadian content is encouraged. As a minimum each library must hold current information on the following subjects:

  • self-assessment for interest and skills;
  • résumé writing;
  • job searching; and
  • interview techniques.

Access to the Internet must also be provided wherever possible and feasible.

job bank and talent bank

potential employers with a chance to advertise job opportunities for CAF members and provide CAF members with the opportunity to post their résumés for the perusal of prospective employers. These two data banks may be viewed at the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA) website. The B/WPSO can provide the current CDA website address. Résumés and job opportunities are normally posted for a fixed period of time, but CAF members and prospective employers have the option to modify the time period.

5. SCAN Process

Process Table

5.1 The following table describes the SCAN process normally followed during a military career.

CAF members should attend … When?

a LTP seminar

within the first three years of service or as soon as possible thereafter.

a transition seminar

at the halfway point of a CAF member's career.

a second transition seminar for updated information

prior to release.

career transition workshops

immediately prior to starting a job search.

6. Locations for SCAN Delivery

Delivery Table

6.1 PSOs at primary locations provide SCAN services to their integral and lodger units at such locations, as well as at supported locations. The following table outlines the primary and supported locations for SCAN delivery.

Primary location Supported locations




Cold Lake







Goose Bay


St. John's


Canadian Forces Support Unit Ottawa (CFSU(O))

anywhere outside Canada


North Bay










Moose Jaw

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7. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

7.1 The following table outlines the responsibilities for SCAN:

The … is / are responsible to …


  • develop and implement policy and guidelines; and
  • monitor and verify SCAN services.

Canadian Defence Academy

  • advertise SCAN at the national level;
  • manage the related education reimbursement and career transition Management Information System (MIS);
  • fund the travel of speakers from National Defence Headquarters and promotional material for seminars;
  • provide funds for resource material libraries; and
  • provide material resources to B/WPSOs to carry out SCAN services.

Commanding Officer

  • grant CAF members time from their duties to access required SCAN services, unless operational commitments preclude;
  • authorize the use of local resources to advertise and deliver SCAN services; and
  • ensure CAF members are aware of SCAN opportunities and services.

B/WPSO and CFSU(O) Personnel Development Section

  • provide CAF members with sufficient access to SCAN services, subject to relevancy and need;
  • record clients attending SCAN seminars and workshops on the MIS;
  • ensure clients have the opportunity to complete form 5031-4A for each seminar and workshop, and then collate and compile the results;
  • provide an overall assessment of each seminar or workshop on form 5031-4B and submit it within one month of completion of the service; and
  • locally advertise SCAN services.

8. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

Form DAOD 5031-4A


Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements and submit to the B/WPSO at the end of the seminar or workshop.

(Check the appropriate box for each question)

Strongly Disagree

Not sure

Strongly Agree


This seminar/workshop was very informative.


The seminar/workshop I attended was very relevant to my circumstances.


The seminar/workshop happened at the right time in my career.


I was easily able to register for this seminar/workshop.


The seminar/workshop runs often enough that I can attend when needed.


This seminar/workshop was well advertised in advance of the date it was held.


Overall, I was satisfied with the seminar/workshop.

Note: If you disagree with any statement, use the space below to elaborate or to add any other relevant comments.

Form DAOD 5031-4B


Type of Service (check one):

Seminar: Transition _____ LTP _____ Workshop:(specify type)_____

Date(s):_____ Base/Wing:_____

Number of CF members attending:_____

Number of spouses or common-law partners attending:_____

Number of participant evaluation forms received:_____

Average rating for seminar/workshop based on participants' evaluation presented in form 5031-4A:

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Overall Average

Average Rating


Summarize major issues or activities that had both a positive and negative impact on the service. Examples could be, but are not limited to, quality of presentations, facilities and resources. Use reverse side if more space is needed.

Complete and forward to DTEP 2

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