DAOD 5031-9, Course Reporting and Certificates
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2006-08-10
Application: This is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
- CFAO 9-51, Certificate of Achievement
- CFAO 26-12, Canadian Forces Course Reporting System
Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Director Training and Education Policy (DTEP).
Enquiries: Director Training and Education Policy (DTEP)
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
course control document |
CM |
career manager |
Chief of Military Personnel |
CO |
commanding officer |
Director Training and Education Policy |
EdO |
education objective |
IT&E |
individual training and education |
MA |
managing authority |
Member's Personnel Record Résumé |
PO |
performance objective |
3.1 A CAF member who completes a CAF course shall receive from the IT&E establishment a paper record of having earned a CAF qualification. This paper record can be a Form CF 377, Course Report, a Form CF 289, Certificate of Military Achievement (or its locally produced equivalent) or both. The applicable CCD, for example, the Qualification Standard or Training Plan, will state the requirement for a Form CF 289 or a Form CF 377 or both, as well as indicate the amount and type of information to be included in the course report.
3.2 When the performance of a CAF member on a CAF course is deemed by the MA to require a formal report for assignment of duties or career administration purposes, a course report, Form CF 377, shall be completed. The Form CF 377 provides COs, supervisors, CMs, various boards and the CAF member with information on the CAF member's performance on a CAF course. Form CF 377 is the only recognized course report format (i.e. no locally-produced equivalent will be accepted for official purposes).
3.3 A certificate, Form CF 289 (or its locally produced equivalent) is issued to a CAF member in recognition of the CAF member's achievement on the course. The certificate also provides a CAF member with a paper record of having earned a CAF qualification.
3.4 As a minimum, a Form CF 289 shall be issued if a Form CF 377 is not completed. However, a Form CF 289 may also be issued along with a Form CF 377 for any course, at the discretion of the IT&E establishment.
Operating Principles
3.5 The CCD shall state whether or not completion of a Form 377 is required and provide direction on the basic assessment, letter grading, ranking and narrative to be used in the course report.
3.6 When a Form CF 377 is required according to the CCD, it shall be prepared for each CAF member who successfully, unsuccessfully or partially completes a CAF course.
3.7 The preparation and distribution of Form CF 377 and Form CF 289, (or its locally produced equivalent) are set out in CMP Instruction 01/06, Course Reporting and Certificates.
3.8 Academic education (secondary and post secondary courses or programs), foreign military courses and commercial courses that are not related to a CAF qualification are not subject to this DAOD.
Basic Assessment
4.1 For those courses which, according to the CCD, require the completion of a Form CF 377, a basic assessment of each member's performance, relative to the standard specified in the CCD, shall be reported.
4.2 The following table sets out the basic assessment that shall be used in a Form CF 377:
A CAF member shall be awarded a grade of … | if the CAF member … |
"Pass", |
"Fail", |
"Incomplete", |
Letter Grading
4.3 When letter grading is directed in the CCD, a letter grade shall be entered on Form CF 377 to represent how well a CAF member, who obtained a pass, performed in relation to the POs or EdOs.
4.4 The MA is responsible for establishing whether or not a letter grading is required for a course. As a minimum, the CCD Assessment Plan will contain the following:
- direction as to whether or not each PO or EdO will be graded;
- where applicable, the criteria determining "outstanding performance in meeting the POs or EdOs" which justify an "A" grade, and the criteria determining "above average performance in meeting the POs or EdOs" which justify a "B" grade; and
- the criteria that constitute an overall "A", "B", or "C" grade on the course.
4.5 The following table sets out the guidelines to establish the letter grading used in a Form CF 377:
A CAF member shall be awarded a letter grade of … | if the CAF member successfully … |
"A", |
completed all POs or EdOs and consistently demonstrated outstanding performance in meeting these objectives. |
"B", |
completed all POs or EdOs and demonstrated above-average performance in meeting these objectives. |
"C", |
completed all POs or EdOs. |
4.6 If directed in the CCD, the ranking of all or a specified number of CAF members on a course session (formerly called "serial") shall be used when completing a Form CF 377 to describe how a CAF member performed in relation to other CAF members on that course session.
4.7 Rankings cannot be compared or related to the rankings of other CAF members on other sessions of the same course or of different courses.
4.8 The ranking of CAF members on a course session shall be based upon a comparison of their respective performances in achieving course POs or EdOs, as set out in the CCD.
Student Assessment
4.9 When completing a Form CF 377, no grading and ranking system, other than that specified in the Basic Assessment, Letter Grading, and Ranking blocks of this DAOD, shall be used.
Narrative Description
4.10 Where directed in the CCD, a narrative description of a CAF member's course performance shall be included in a Form CF 377, with specific comments on:
- performance on any PO or EdO for which:
- the CAF member demonstrated outstanding performance, or
- the CAF member had difficulty achieving the standard;
- any conduct relevant to course performance; and
- any conditions or situations that affected course performance (e.g. a death in the family).
4.11 Where directed in the CCD, a CAF member's suitability to be an instructor for the course will also be included in the narrative.
Responsibility Table
5.1 The following table identifies responsibilities associated with course reporting and certificates:
The … | is or are responsible for … |
MA |
IT&E establishment |
CAF member's CO, CM and unit records support |
CAF member |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- DAOD 5031-0, Learning and Professional Development
- DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework
Other References
- CMP Instruction 01/06, Course Reporting and Certificates
- Form CF 289, Certificate of Military Achievement
- Form CF 377, Course Report
Page details
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