Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) - Change Notice - 04/20

Change Notice 04/20, 2020-03-31

Approval Authorities: The following directive and order is issued under the authority of the Deputy Minister of National Defence and the Chief of the Defence Staff.

Enquiries: Director Strategic Corporate Services (DSCS) 613-901-5972

Number Go to Document Reason for Modification Reason
4002-0 Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Safety Management
  • The supersession of DAOD 4002-1, Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Safety;
  • An organizational changes in ADM(IE), that is, from Director General Nuclear Safety (DGNS) replaced by Director Nuclear Safety (D N Safe);
  • Changes within the Definitions section;
  • The addition of new paragraphs within section 3;
  • The addition of Consequence paragraphs in section 4; and
  • At section 5:
    • New authorities granted to Deputy Minister, Chief of the Defence Staff and L1 advisors, Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy), ADM(IE) and D G Safe; and
    • The removal of authorities from ADM (Human Resources- Military), ADM(Human Resources – Civilian), Canadian Forces Marshall and organizations.
Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Safety Cancelled
Replaced by DAOD 4002-0, Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Safety Management

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