Relocation Directive - Chapter 12 - Moves to and from outside Canada
12.01 In this chapter
This chapter describes relocation benefits and expenses applicable to moves:
- outside Canada;
- back to Canada; and
- to and from locations outside Canada;
It is divided into the following sections:
12.02 Limitation of benefits
The benefits within this chapter are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for these entitlements which have limitations or enhancements:
- HHT/DIT and TNL - day of rest for extended periods of travel;
- ILM&M - excluding continental USA;
- TNL - baggage;
- TNL - travel by sea;
- Shipment of HG&E - weight limitations - excluding continental USA;
- Purchase of replacement residence;
- Rent in advance of move;
- Rental agency finding and real estate agent fees;
- LTS - access on postings to and from locations outside Canada;
- Sundry expenses;
- Rental vehicle - shipped; and
- Rental vehicle - sold or stored at origin.
12.1.01 Day of rest extended travel
In addition to the benefits outlined in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6:
Core benefit
When continuous air travel, that is combined with rail and/or PMV travel time, is in excess of nine hours to destination, CF members are entitled to:
- one rest day at destination; or
- an overnight rest period during air travel; or
- lodging between flight changes during air travel.
The rest day while on HHT/DIT or TNL provides for one additional day of benefits and commences at 0001 hrs after arrival at destination and extends HHT/DIT or ILM&M benefits by one additional day.
12.2.01 ILM&M - excluding continental USA
This item enhances benefits provided for in Chapter 5.
(TB amended, 19 April 2018)
Benefit |
Core Funds |
Custom Funds |
Personalized Funds |
Lodgings - commercial or non-commercial (see section 3.2) |
Nil | authorized number of nights and upgrade to the standard rate/ entitlements. |
Meals |
Nil | authorized number of days. |
Boarding of pets |
Nil | Nil |
basic commercial care for authorized days/nights ILM&M. |
Miscellaneous expenses |
As per meals and lodgings |
Nil | Nil |
12.3.01 TNL for dependants education
When dependants accompany CF members to new location and are scheduled to return to Canada for educational purposes, the service provider will book TNL as return transportation using financial coding provided by DCBA 5.
12.3.02 Accompanied baggage on TNL
Normally airlines allow passengers to check two pieces of accompanied baggage. When the airline does not allow for two pieces of checked baggage CF members shall be reimbursed for a:
Core benefit
second piece of baggage (weight as specified by the airline) for each authorized traveller.
third piece of baggage (weight is as specified by the airline) for CF members posted to or from a Theatre of Operations and who must transport their military kit when travelling by CAL.
Custom benefit
third piece of baggage (weight as specified by the airline) for each authorized traveller (to include child car seats and strollers).
Personalized benefit
Expenses in excess of Custom benefit.
12.3.03 Travel by sea - excluding continental USA
When CF members and dependants travel by sea, they may be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses based on the comparison table below. When calculating ILM&M on comparison table the lower of origin or destination rates shall be used.
When comparing air and sea travel, Family Reunion Travel (FRT) rates published by DCBA are to be used for the transportation portion of the trip as outlined in the comparison table below.
Air Travel
Expense | Amount |
FRT | |
+ Lodgings | |
+ Meals | |
+ Miscellaneous expenses | |
Total |
Travel by Sea
Expense | Amount |
Queen Mary ticket(s) | |
+ Commercial transportation | |
+ Miscellaneous expenses | |
Total |
Core benefit
Entitlement to reimbursement is for whichever is lesser.
Personalized benefit
Personalized funds may be used to reimburse costs in excess of Core entitlement, excluding insurance charges and gratuities.
12.3.03 Airline tickets - local purchase foreign location
In foreign countries where CAL electronic tickets are not recognized CF members are authorized to make their own CAL arrangements based on entitlements within the current policy. They must demonstrate that the most economical and practical itinerary was utilized.
12.4.01 One-way weight when moved to a new place of duty - excluding continental USA
The following table outlines the maximum allowable one-way weight entitlement, exclusive of packing and crating, for CF members' household size and type of accommodation that may be shipped to the new place of duty excluding continental USA. The principle outlined in art 9.1.03 continues to apply to this article.
Family Size | Furnished | Unfurnished | Controlled location |
1 | 3,100 Kg/6,820 lbs | 4,700 Kg/10,340 lbs | 705 kg/1550 lbs |
2 | 3,400 Kg/7,480 lbs | 5,300 Kg/11,660 lbs | 1160 kg/2550 lbs |
3 | 3,700 Kg/8,140 lbs | 5,900 Kg/12,980 lbs | 1510 kg/3325 lbs |
4 | 4,000 Kg/8,800 lbs | 6,500 Kg/14,300 lbs | 1865 kg/4100 lbs |
5 | 4,300 Kg/9,460 lbs | 7,100 Kg/15,620 lbs | 2215 kg/4875 lbs |
6 | 4,600 Kg/10,120 lbs | 7,700 Kg/16,940 lbs | 2570 kg/5650 lbs |
7 | 4,900 Kg/10,780 lbs | 8,300 Kg/18,260 lbs |
2920 kg/6425 lbs |
When CF members are returning from overseas, the weight entitlement will be based on the CF member's current household size or the household size that originally moved overseas, whichever is greater.
12.4.02 Restrictions on weight limitations
When the posting is for a period of less than one year, CF members are expected to occupy furnished accommodation; therefore, the weight entitlement is limited to the weight table for furnished accommodation.
Only when furnished accommodation is not available, as determined by the BComd/BAdmO, will the weight entitlement for unfurnished accommodation be authorized.
Weight limitations - Mission/Administration or Posting Instructions which specify weight limitations take precedence over the table above.
12.4.03 Representational position or when authorized
Core benefit
Officers - Officers proceeding to and from their place of duty in a foreign country in a CF representational position, or who have been authorized additional weight, are entitled to:
- 1750 lbs (795 kg) of HG&E, including packing & crating; and
- 50 lbs (23 kg) of excess baggage when traveling via CAL.
The list of the Representational positions will be provided by DCBA.
Non-commissioned members - Non-commissioned members who have been authorized additional weight are entitled to 750 lbs (339 kg) of HG&E, including packing and crating when proceeding to and from their place of duty in a foreign country.
Note. The list of Representational positions will be provided to the service provider by NDHQ/DCBA.
12.5.01 Entitlements
The table below describes the entitlements for purchasing a replacement residence.
When posted |
there is |
outside Canada |
no entitlement to reimbursement of costs related to the purchase of a replacement residence. |
back to Canada |
an entitlement to reimbursement of costs related to the purchase of a replacement residence as per Chapter 8. |
12.6.01 Posted back to Canada
CF members posted back to Canada are entitled to the benefits listed in Chapter 7.
12.6.02 Rent in advance of move
This item replaces benefits contained in art 7.04. CF members posted outside Canada, who are required to pay rent in advance of move in order to hold accommodation shall be reimbursed expenses as follows (claim shall be processed by the Gaining Support Unit):
Core benefit
- up to one month's rent; and
- up to two additional months. CF member must receive approval from the CO of the Gaining Support Unit prior to signing lease and prior to be entitled to reimbursement of the additional two months.
Custom benefit
Beyond three months with DCBA approval.
12.6.03 Rental agency finding fees
This item replaces benefits contained in art 7.05. The rental agency finding fees and rental agency fees are:
Core benefit
- CF members shall be reimbursed expenses not to exceed one month's rent for rental finding services and rental agents fee required by the landlord and provided by a professional firm; and
- Fiscal stamps (required by specific countries to register a lease when CF members are renting).
Custom benefit
Additional expenses.
When all custom funds have been expended.
Cancellation Fees
CF members who engage the services of a rental agency and subsequently cancel without giving the rental agency the required notice (seven days or more prior to arrival) will be personally responsible for any cancellation fees.
12.7.01 HG&E inventory listing
CF members must prepare an inventory of HG&E being shipped for placement on the unit personnel file prior to HG&E shipment.
t is the responsibility of the CF member's administrative authority to ensure that CF members are properly briefed on the requirements of having a completed inventory prior to departure on posting.
12.7.02 Air priority shipments
CF members who will occupy furnished accommodation before their normal HG&E arrives, are entitled to the air priority shipment of effects for the purpose of immediate set-up of residency upon arrival. This weight reduces the overall authorized weight entitlement.
Core benefit
- CF member is entitled to ship up to 220 lbs (100 kgs); and
- up to 100 lbs (46 kgs) for each dependant.
Custom benefit
Weight in excess of core funds.
Personalized benefit
When all custom funds have been expended.
Shipment process
All shipments shall be processed through the applicable Crown Transport Agent to ensure all charges are applied at the current contract rates. The separate air priority shipment shall not be authorized when HG&E is shipped by air, except when CF members proceed unaccompanied in advance of their dependants and HG&E, then only their personal entitlement may be shipped.
12.7.03 Non availability of commercial packing and crating
Core benefit
Where commercial packing and crating are not available or cannot be done under DND contract, CF members are entitled to be reimbursed actual and reasonable expenses incurred for the necessary packing/crating of HG&E.
12.7.04 Transportation to location of HG&E in LTS
Return transportation and traveling expenses shall be reimbursed for one person when access to the LTS location is required. Access to LTS is approved when CF members are cross-posted between places of duty and there is a requirement to access LTS due to:
- a significant climate difference between the two places of duty; or
- accommodation is furnished in one location and unfurnished in the other.
Reimbursement of expenses will be as a:
Core benefit
- Transportation costs by the most economical mode of transportation;
- ILM&M at the location of the LTS for two days; and
- Vehicle rental for two days.
Custom benefit
Additional days as required by Base Traffic for re-organizing HG&E.
Personalized benefit
- Upgrades to car rental and hotel; and
- Expenses in excess of custom benefit.
12.7.05 Customs clearance transportation expenses - HG&E
Core benefit
CF members relocating back to Canada may be reimbursed the cost of return transportation to the CRA International Customs clearance facility when the facility is not located within the geographical boundaries of the new place of duty. Multiple daily trips may be required at the request of Customs' authority and shall also be reimbursed.
12.7.06 Currency
CF members shall be reimbursed transportation, traveling and ILM&M expenses in equivalent Canadian funds, based on the CF Official Rate of Exchange (ROE), for all expenditures made when CF members and dependants are outside Canada.
Core benefit
- Loss on the rate of exchange; and
- Administration fees to exchange currency into local funds.
When CF members submit a request for reimbursement on a loss on rate of exchange, they must submit all receipts including any gains on the rate of exchange in order to be reimbursed a loss.
Note: Reimbursement under this article is limited to funds advanced or reimbursed for IRP benefits and not the transfer/exchange of personal funds.
12.8.01 PMV modifications
Vehicle modifications shall be reimbursed under these circumstances:
Posted outside Canada
- legally required by the host country;
- the PMV would otherwise fail mandatory inspection required for legal licensing; or
- required to obtain car insurance by the transportation authorities of the host country. Letters from insurance companies are not sufficient and will not be considered for reimbursement.
Posted back to Canada
When modifications must be reversed, as required by Canadian federal and/or provincial law for legal operation of the Canadian specification PMV.
All expenses associated with registering non Canadian specification PMVs are CF members' responsibility.
Expenses will be reimbursed from the same funding component the PMV was shipped under.
12.8.02 Rental vehicle when PMV shipped
Actual and reasonable costs of one rental vehicle (regardless of number of vehicles shipped) shall be reimbursed at both origin and destination when the CF member's PMV is being shipped and while awaiting delivery. The rental vehicle entitlements are detailed at art 3.3.02.
Core benefit
- Actual and reasonable charges, until PMV is delivered; or
- Actual and reasonable local commercial transportation charges in lieu of a car rental up to $2,000 supported by receipts.
Custom benefit
Additional expenses.
Personalized benefit
- When all custom funds have been expended; and
- Rental vehicle upgrade. (CF member must provide a quote and will be reimbursed for the standard rental vehicle for the same time period.)
12.8.03 Rental vehicle when PMV sold or stored at origin
Actual and reasonable costs of one rental vehicle (regardless of number of vehicles sold or stored) shall be reimbursed at both origin and destination when the CF member's PMV is sold at origin or put in storage. The rental vehicle entitlements are detailed at art 3.3.02.
Core benefit
- Actual and reasonable charges, up to $1,000 CAD (taxes included); or
- Actual and reasonable local commercial transportation charges in lieu of a car rental, up to $1,000 CAD.
Custom benefit
Additional expenses.
Personalized benefit
- When all custom funds have been expended; and
- Rental vehicle upgrade.
Note. When the CF member sold the PMV prior to leaving Canada and did not replace it overseas, this benefit will apply on return to Canada.
12.8.04 Incentive not to ship or store PMV
This incentive only applies in respect of CF a member whose HG&E are packed before 19 April 2018.
CF members who own a PMV and are entitled to ship their PMV may transfer 80% of the savings to their Personalized Funding Formula when they do not ship or store a PMV. Entitlement is limited to CF members who owned the PMV prior to receipt of a posting instruction (for Regular Force)/employment message (for Reserve Force).
The maximum savings is 24 months as per table:
Vehicle - Mid size PMV | Fixed Initial Savings at 80% | Additional monthly savings at 80% | Max Savings at 80% for 12 months | Max Savings at 80% for 24 months |
Total | $120.00 | $120.00 | $1440.00 | $2880.00 |
Rates standard. Rates are based on storing a mid size PMV.
(TB amended, 19 April 2018)
12.9.01 Relocation back to Canada for release purpose
CF members who do not have an IPR entitlement, or who wish to defer this election, are entitled to the full benefits of a relocation as per the CFIRP policy to a location in Canada of their choice without electing their IPR provided there is a release capability at proximity.
A posting allowance is payable as per art 3.4.03.
CF members are entitled to have their LTS moved to their replacement residence.
NDHQ/Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) is the authority for specified release centers.
12.10.01 Canada to outside Canada - excluding continental USA
The following Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae are used for relocations from Canada to outside Canada - excluding continental USA:
Custom Funding
- Greater of $1,000 or 35% of the real estate commission (max. $5,250)
- + 35% of the cost of transport (using current Department of Finance annual rate) for CF members and dependants (one-way)Calculation based on transportation cost from Halifax to Vancouver
- + 35% of the cost of shipping 1,000 lbs. of household goods/qualifying rooms or weight entitlement, whichever is lesser. Calculation based on distance from Halifax to Vancouver
- = Total Custom Funding
Personalized Funding
- + Movement Grant ($650)
- + Posting Allowance (if applicable)/Reserve Relocation Allowance
- + Real Estate Incentive (max. $12,000)
- + LTS Incentive (if applicable)
- + HHT Savings (if applicable)
- = Total Personalized Funding
(TB amended, 19 April 2018)
12.10.02 Outside Canada to Canada or cross postings - excluding continental USA
The following Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae are used for relocations from outside Canada to Canada or cross postings - excluding continental USA:
Custom Funding
- $1,000 in lieu of real estate commission
- + 35% of the cost of transport (using current Department of Finance annual rate) for CF member and dependants (one-way). Calculation based on transportation cost from Halifax to Vancouver
- + 35% of the cost of shipping 1,000 lbs. of household goods/qualifying rooms or weight entitlement, which ever is lesser. Calculation based on distance from Halifax to Vancouver
- = Total Custom Funding
Personalized Funding
- + Movement Grant ($650)
- + Posting Allowance (if applicable)/Reserve Relocation Allowance
- + HHT Savings (if applicable)
- = Total Personalized Funding
(TB amended, 19 April 2018)
12.10.03 Relocating back to Canada for release purposes
The following Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae are used for all relocations back to Canada from outside Canada for release purposes.
Custom Funding
- $1,000 in lieu of real estate commission
- + 35% of the cost of transport (using current Department of Finance annual rate) for CF member and dependants (one-way). Calculation based on transportation cost from Halifax to Vancouver
- + 35% of the cost of shipping 1,000 lbs. of household goods/qualifying rooms or weight entitlement, which ever is lesser. Calculation based on distance from Halifax to Vancouver
- = Total Custom Funding
Personalized Funding
- + Movement Grant ($650)
- + Posting Allowance (if applicable)/Reserve Relocation Allowance
- + HHT Savings (if applicable)
- = Total Personalized Funding
(TB amended, 19 April 2018)
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