Details on transfer payment programs

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Details on transfer payment programs of $5 million or more

Contributions in Support of the Capital Assistance Program (CAP) - Voted Payments

Start date: 1983-84

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2011-12

Link to departmental result(s):

6.1 Naval and Army Bases, Air Force Wings enable military operations and defence activities

6.2 Defence infrastructure is well-managed throughout its lifecycle

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 6.1 - Defence Infrastructure Program Management

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Department of National Defence (DND) uses the CAP to optimize its infrastructure by seeking cost-effective solutions with eligible recipients who have the mandate and capacity to operate and maintain the infrastructure and who may also benefit from joint use opportunities. Contributions are made to:

Results achieved: Results achieved include:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: No evaluations were completed in 2022-23.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: A two-step contribution agreement is used to facilitate and encourage recipients to engage early in the process as DND can now transfer funds at the design stage via a first contribution agreement. Once the design and any other aspects (e.g., asset transfer) are agreed upon, a second contribution agreement can be signed with the recipient and the project can be implemented.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 35,450,000 31,132,623 35,450,000 32,550,910 32,550,910 -2,899,090
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 35,450,000 31,132,623 35,450,000 32,550,910 32,550,910 -2,899,090
Explanation of variances Planned progress on new contributions and receipt of invoices on existing contributions were delayed and deferred to the next fiscal year. Authorities available for use were also reduced in the third quarter.

Contributions in Support of the Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP) – Voted Payments

Start date: 1992-93

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022-23

Link to departmental result(s): 1.5 Canadian Armed Forces contribute to a more stable and peaceful world

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.4 - Global Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The MTCP strives to build partner capacity at the defence institution and security force levels with member countries through language training, professional development courses including command and staff instruction, and peace support operations training. Activities are conducted both within and outside of Canada.

Results achieved: Over the course of fiscal year 2022-23, the lifting of public health measures and travel restrictions related to COVID-19 enabled the Directorate of Military Training and Cooperation (DMTC) to gradually resume on-site MTCP training in all regions. The MTCP also successfully renewed its terms and conditions through a Treasury Board Submission in December 2022, strengthening its core activities in compliance with program purpose and making updates to eligible expenditures, training pillars, graduation mechanisms, administrative processes, and other aspects; while providing new authorities to administer defence institution building, defence capacity building, and enhanced military assistance funds approved through Cabinet and Prime Ministerial initiatives. The program will report against its new terms and conditions beginning in fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) initiated the five-year cycle report in August 2022, planned completion date is in July 2023.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: The program’s beneficiaries are MTCP member countries approved by the Government of Canada that are not members of NATO. Program objectives are delivered by Canadian defence attaché offices, which transmit MTCP training offers and assist them with candidate submissions, training requests, travel bookings, and other administrative activities. DMTC also provided an updated MTCP program briefing to the foreign defence attaché network in Ottawa and answered fields requests and questions from MTCP members. In addition, DMTC delivered letters outlining the program’s new terms and conditions in 2023, replacing memorandums of understanding with each member country.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,451,480 4,842,409 11,389,000 11,389,000 7,323,509 -4,065,491
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,451,480 4,842,409 11,389,000 11,389,000 7,323,509 -4,065,491
Explanation of variances The variance is a result of an inability to carry out some planned activities due to the lingering effects of COVID-19 pandemic during the first half of the year.

Contributions in Support of Ukraine Operation - Voted Payments

Start date: 2021-22

End date: 2023-24

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): 1.5 Canadian Armed Forces contribute to a more stable and peaceful world

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.4 - Global Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- The Government of Ukraine has made multiple requests for military equipment needed on an urgent basis to allow Ukraine to defend against the invading Russian force, and to better support Ukrainian troops. Canada has made a commitment to support Ukraine in many ways, including through the provision of military equipment. As part of the Government of Canada’s assistance to the Government of Ukraine, the Department of National Defence (DND) is engaging in sourcing on behalf of the Government of Ukraine, both lethal and non-lethal equipment, through the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) and other recipients. The objective of this initiative is to contribute to Ukrainian Armed Forces capacity to defend the people, territory, and related interests of Ukraine in the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Results achieved:

The Contribution Program has achieved:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: No evaluations were completed in 2022-23.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: Canada and Ukraine are close partners with a long-standing defence relationship. The contribution program has contributed to an expanded Operation UNIFIER and the Canadian Armed Forces have engaged with training of Ukrainian military and security personnel with the military aid that has been delivered through the contribution program.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants N/A 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions N/A 41,950,000 1,021,628,132 1,021,628,132 1,021,628,132 0
Total other types of transfer payments N/A 0 0 0 0 0
Total program N/A 41,950,000 1,021,628,132 1,021,628,132 1,021,628,132 0
Explanation of variances No variance.
Note This program was not initially planned in fiscal year 2022-23 and authorities were accessed via the Supplementary Estimates process.

Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Grants and Contribution Program – Voted Payments

Start date: 2017-18

End date: 2036-37

Type of transfer payment: Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2017-18

Link to departmental result(s): 4.2 Defence and security challenges are addressed through innovative solutions.

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 4.8 – Science, Technology and Innovation

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- The purpose of the IDEaS Grants and Contribution Program is to support, increase and sustain Science and Technology community capacity external to DND that can generate new ideas and formulate solutions to Canada’s current and future defence and security requirements. This will be achieved by funding initiatives that are in line with defence and security priority areas.

Results achieved: The program achieved the following results in 2022-23:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) was tasked with undertaking a formal evaluation of the IDEaS program. IDEaS was found to be successful and currently meeting the short and medium-term goals of the program, Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) Evaluation Team recommended IDEaS to explore the benefits of increasing the utilization of the Transfer Payment Program (Vote 10 funds).

IDEaS is currently leveraging its Vote 10 capacity to advance projects in new ways to test different investment models. IDEaS will also research new methods to optimize the use of Vote 10 funding.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: The program continued with established multi-year projects. Additionally, eight new agreements were signed related for “Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G Capabilities and Concepts for Defence and Security.” The program also engaged with applicants while evaluating proposals under the “Preparing for a quantum world, applications of quantum technologies”, with agreements pending signature.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 320,000 25,023 5,000,000 5,000,000 125,000 -4,875,000
Total contributions 12,143,490 16,518,711 22,000,000 22,000,000 17,670,819 -4,329,181
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 12,463,490 16,543,734 27,000,000 27,000,000 17,795,819 -9,204,181
Explanation of variances IDEaS completed a re-alignment of Vote 10 planning over several years. Innovation Networks leverages multi-year commitments, additional launches were not conducted this year to allow the program to achieve 100% expenditure of Vote 10 by 2024-25. In order to implement the changes for two active challenges and to ensure the success of those challenges, the timelines were expanded into the next fiscal year.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Contribution Program: NATO Military Budget – Voted Payments

Start date: 1949

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2010-11

Link to departmental result(s): 1.1 Canadians are protected against threats to and attacks on Canada

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.4 - Global Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- DND’s share of common funding contributions help pay for NATO military resources that benefit all Allies and NATO partners.

DND’s NATO Military Budget contributions support the operating and maintenance costs of NATO’s military headquarters and activities, including:

NATO operations and missions: including Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) deployments under Operations IMPACT (NATO Mission Iraq), KOBOLD and REASSURANCE.

Results achieved: Canada’s financial contributions to the Alliance continue to ensure Canadian security and provide leverage and influence within the multi-national body. These contributions also provided access to military capabilities that Canada can leverage.

The contributions further served to help protect and strengthen the freedom and security of all Alliance members by political and military means in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The benefits of Canada’s investment in NATO included access to strategic information, intelligence, capabilities, interoperability with allied forces and an equal voice in high-level decisions affecting Euro-Atlantic security and stability.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: After the NATO fiscal year (Jan-Dec) ends, the annual financial statements are presented for audit to the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN), which is an independent entity reporting directly to the North Atlantic Council (NAC). The IBAN is led by officials from six national audit institutions in member countries, including one Canadian. The IBAN conducts audits annually on all Military Budget accounts commonly funded by NATO members. Designated committees in NATO, where Canada is well represented, analyzed all the IBAN reports and made recommendations to the relevant NATO entities to comply with IBAN findings. The 2021 results will be available in late 2023.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts assessed contributions to international organizations from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process was managed directly through the ongoing relationship.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 140,000,486 135,000,528 157,083,876 157,083,876 157,980,308 896,432
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 140,000,486 135,000,528 157,083,876 157,083,876 157,980,308 896,432
Explanation of variances High inflation, an unfavourable exchange rate and the commencement of NATO 2030 initiatives resulted in slightly higher costs over the last fiscal year.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Contribution Program: NATO Security Investment Program – Voted Payments

Start date: 1951

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2010-11

Link to departmental result(s): 1.1 Canadians are protected against threats to and attacks on Canada

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.4 - Global Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- DND’s share of common funding contributions help pay for NATO military resources that benefit all Allies and NATO partners.

DND’s NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP) contributions support the capital costs for major infrastructure improvements, including:

Results achieved: NSIP continued to fund capital investments that meet NATO’s essential purpose: to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The benefits of Canada’s investment in NATO include access to strategic information, intelligence, capabilities, interoperability with allied forces and an equal voice in high-level decisions affecting Euro-Atlantic security and stability. It also includes a potential return on some of Canada’s eligible infrastructure projects in support of NATO operations.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: The International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) is an independent entity reporting directly to the North Atlantic Council (NAC), audits projects once they are completed and submitted for audit by the host nations.

The IBAN conducts financial audits on closed NSIP projects when they are presented by the host nation and has conducted performance audits on NSIP governance and capability delivery. Designated committees in NATO, where Canada is well represented, analyzed all the IBAN reports and made recommendations to the relevant NATO entities to comply with IBAN findings.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts assessed contributions to international organizations from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through the ongoing relationship.

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 60,178,023 68,461,276 62,890,532 62,890,532 69,375,292 6,484,760
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 60,178,023 68,461,276 62,890,532 62,890,532 69,375,292 6,484,760
Explanation of variances Excess Vote 10 funding became available at year end and NSIP was able to use it for NATO program activities.

Disclosure of transfer payment programs under $5 million

Contribution to the Biological and Chemical Defence Review Committee (BCDRC) - Voted Payments

Start date: 1990

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2009-10

Link to departmental result(s): 6.3 Defence activities are carried out in a safe and environmentally responsible manner

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 7.1 - Management and Oversight Services

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- To foster public confidence that Canadian Biological and Chemical Defence (BCD) activities are for defensive purposes, to present tangible evidence to the international bodies reinforcing Canada’s declarations that its biological and chemical defence programs are for defensive purposes, and to provide independent non-government expert review of the Canadian biological chemical defence activities to improve program safety.

Results achieved: Publication of the BCDRC 2022-23 Annual Report was submitted to the Minister of National Defence for approval and anticipated to be published in late 2023. The 2021-22 Annual Report was published in fiscal year 2022-23, and reported the following results:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process was managed directly through the ongoing relationship.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 137,700 139,747 141,844 141,844 141,844 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 137,700 139,747 141,844 141,844 141,844 0
Explanation of variances No variance.

Contribution to the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) - Voted Payments

Start date: 1989

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2009-10

Link to departmental result(s): 1.2 People in distress receive effective search and rescue response

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.1 - Operations in Canada

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- To prepare and train CASARA volunteers in the fundamental techniques required to assist in search and rescue activities for missing aircraft to interact with members of the general aviation community for the purpose of Search and Rescue (SAR) and maintain the National Organization.

Results achieved: CASARA has continued to provide effective and efficient aeronautical support and resources to Joint Rescue Coordination Centres (JRCCs) coordinating SAR missions and influencing SAR outcomes.

CASARA has independently recruited, organized, administered, and trained its civilian membership and engaged private sector air operators to continue providing capable and reliable air search resources. CASARA also developed new SAR initiatives enabling more effective use of SAR assets depending on the nature of the case involved.

CASARA continues to respond to active SAR cases. Please see stats below demonstrating the impact of their efforts with a +31.5% increase in volunteer hours and a stable but recovering membership status, following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Total CASARA-assisted and/or CASARA-led tasks in 2022-23:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through ongoing relationship and the established Contribution Agreement.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,300,124 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,300,124 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 0
Explanation of variances No variance.

Contribution in Support of the Remediation of the North Bay Jack Garland Airport Site – Voted Payments

Start date: 21 July 2021

End date: 31 March 2025

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): 6.3 Defence activities are carried out in a safe and environmentally responsible manner

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 6.6 - Management of Contaminated Sites

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program – DND is providing funding to the City of North Bay for the remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the North Bay airport lands. This agreement was established under the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan framework for shared-responsibility sites.

Results achieved: The City of North Bay retained a professional consultant who has worked on site characterization, a site-specific risk assessment and treatability studies in 2022-23.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: DND met with the City of North Bay in November 2022 to discuss the work completed to date and plans for fiscal year 2023-24. In addition to this formal meeting, DND and the City communicated regularly to provide updates on the project’s budget, scope, and schedule.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants N/A 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions N/A 237,742 1,488,950 1,488,950 1,681,159 192,209
Total other types of transfer payments N/A 0 0 0 0 0
Total program N/A 237,742 1,488,950 1,488,950 1,681,159 192,209
Explanation of variances The City of North Bay’s procurement process took longer than anticipated due to the critical and complex nature of the PFAS remediation. As a result, project kick-off was delayed and actual spending was less than planned in the first year. In 2022-23, the city was able to make up most of the difference and get the project back on track.

Contribution in Support of Various Sexual Assault Centres in Canada – Voted Payments

Start date: 2018-19

End date: 31 March 2023

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2019-20

Link to departmental result(s):

3.2 The health and well-being of the Defence Team is well supported

3.4 Military families are supported and resilient

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.3 - Total Health Care

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- To provide financial support to not-for-profit sexual assault centres in locations within close proximity of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) bases in order to augment victim services and programs for all members of the Defence Team who require support, such as CAF members, DND civilian employees, CAF family members and members of the Cadet Program. This contribution program was replaced by the Grant in Support of the Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Program, its last year was fiscal year 2022-23.

Results achieved: In fiscal year 2022-23, the Sexual Assault Centre contribution program maintained agreements with eight Sexual Assault Support Centres across Canada (one recipient withdrew from the program in June 2022). Through the funding provided by these agreements, these centres were able to provide crucial services to survivors in the wider CAF community so that they are better able to cope with the effects of sexual misconduct. Such programs and services include: crisis counselling, individual and group counselling, and support groups for people who have experienced sexual violence, specialized services to Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse (2SLGBTQI+) individuals. In addition, the centres supported community outreach and education; advocacy to assist victims in the areas of healing, trauma, victim support, health care, employment, criminal justice system, and legal rights and responsibilities. The services help achieve the program goal of increasing accessibility to victim support and strengthen collaboration between community-based and CAF-linked service providers.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: Two recipient audits were completed in 2022-23. There were no program audits this fiscal year.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: Over fiscal year 2022-23, the SMSRC engaged regularly with all recipients of the contribution program to ensure they received the support they needed to execute their projects, while enabling claims and progress reporting. Additional human resources were brought on to the contribution team and have served as the main liaisons for the Sexual Assault Support Centres. All communications continued to be carried out virtually on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ongoing engagement allowed recipients to meet program goals and understand financial and reporting processes, while building relationships essential to support survivors in the CAF and broader CAF community. In summer 2022, the Contribution Team hosted a roundtable with recipients of the program to promote the sharing of lessons learned, best practices, and project summaries.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 253,694 484,012 500,000 500,000 458,243 -41,757
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 253,694 484,012 500,000 500,000 458,243 -41,757
Explanation of variances One of the Contribution Program recipients terminated their contribution agreement earlier than anticipated in June 2022 (due to a lack of resources within their organization to administer the funded project), and as such did not receive any additional funding for fiscal year 2022-23.

Grant in Support of the Community Support for Sexual Misconduct Survivors Program

Start date: 2022-23

End date: 31 March 2026

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022-23

Link to departmental result(s):

3.2 The health and well-being of the Defence Team is well supported

3.4 Military families are supported and resilient

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.3 - Total Health Care

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- The purpose of the grant program is to increase accessibility to support services for those impacted by Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) sexual misconduct, through the provision of financial support to community-based service providers, including sexual assault centres, across Canada. The grant program replaced the Contribution in Support of Various Sexual Assault Centres in Canada, which ended in 2022-23.

Results achieved: The grant program launched its first call for proposals in fall 2022. A total of 51 organizations applied for funding, out of which 32 were selected spanning seven provinces across Canada. The 32 funded projects have begun as of February 2023, and will run for one to three years depending on the project objectives and activities.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: No audits were completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: The Grant Program team conducted extensive outreach activities throughout the summer of 2022, including multiple presentations with prospective applicants. Upon the identification of recipients, the grant program team hosted multiple presentations on the reporting requirements, provided many tools and templates to facilitate the administration component of their funded projects, and shared updates on programs and services.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants N/A N/A 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,982,657 -17,343
Total contributions N/A N/A 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments N/A N/A 0 0 0 0
Total program N/A N/A 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,982,657 -17,343
Explanation of variances Grant program recipients were selected based on predetermined evaluation criteria. As most applications sought funding up to the maximum amount payable based on the grant type ($50,000 for one-time grants, and $75,000 for recurrent grants), the selection of an additional recipient would not have been possible.

Grant in Support of the Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program (CERP) – Voted Payments

Start date: 2014

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022-23

Link to departmental result(s): 2.1 Canadian Armed Forces are ready to conduct concurrent operations

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 2.11 - Canadian Forces Liaison Council and Employer Support

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- To maintain the federal financial assistance that compensates civilian employers, builds bridges with businesses and other stakeholders, and ensures that reservists continue to be fully integrated and readily available for military duty which includes both Deployment on Named Operations as well as Military Skills Training. Note that Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is a delivery partner of the CERP program.

Results achieved: CERP has completed a Ministerial Submission in 2022 to expand its program eligibility criteria. With expanded eligibility coming into effect on 1 April 2023 to include military skills training of over thirty days, such as career development training, the increased participation of recipients is expected to fully utilize funding levels.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: No audits were completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: Ongoing engagement is completed through ESDC and not DND.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 646,731 230,147 2,450,000 2,450,000 75,705 -2,374,295
Total contributions 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 646,731 230,147 2,450,000 2,450,000 75,705 -2,374,295
Explanation of variances In fiscal year 2022-23, CERP was only in support of deployment on Named Operations and did not include training activities. The low number of expeditionary operations and domestic operations were too short in duration to qualify explains the low subscription in 2022-23.

Grant Program to the National Offices of the Cadet Leagues of Canada, as: Navy League of Canada; Army Cadet League of Canada Air Cadet League of Canada - Voted Payments

Start date: 1971

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2013-14

Link to departmental result(s): 3.5 Youth in Canada are provided with experience and opportunities that enable a successful transition to adulthood

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.10 - Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (Youth Program)

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- To provide support to the Cadet Leagues through a Grant to each of the three National Offices (Navy League, Army Cadet League and Air Cadet League) to permit the Cadet Leagues to concentrate their efforts on attracting and developing an extensive volunteer network in support of the Cadet Movement.

Results achieved: The Cadet Leagues have participated in the mutually agreed consultative framework through attendance and participation in national forums, such as the National Cadet Council, regional forums, such as the Regional Cadet Advisory Groups, and community level forums, such as the Community Coordination Committees.

The Cadet Leagues have also actively participated in the League Support Working Group which aims to review and account for League resources and related performance measurement, at the local, Provincial and National levels to provide the National Cadets Steering Committee with recommendations with regards to the Leagues’ responsibilities agreed upon in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Cadet Leagues, which includes the development of a volunteer network to support local committees.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: No audits were conducted in fiscal year 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: CAF continued to engage the Cadet Leagues through its formalized Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and related Consultative Framework.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0
Explanation of variances No variance.

Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) (previously Defence Engagement Program) – Voted Payments

Start date: 5 November 2018

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2018-19

Link to departmental result(s): 4.2 Defence and security challenges are addressed through innovative solutions

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 4.8 - Science, Technology and Innovation

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- MINDS enables opportunities for collaboration between the Defence Team and the external defence and security expert community through a program that: responds to the need for relevant and timely advice from defence and security experts; fosters the next generation of experts and scholars; and contributes to Canadians understanding of defence and security issues.

Results achieved: Responded to the need for relevant and timely advice from defence and security experts:

Fostered the next generation of experts through the Young MINDS Grants which are open to undergraduate and master’s students, young and new scholars and scholarship funding:

Contributed to public understanding on defence/security issues:

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: No audits were completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: The MINDS team is regularly engaged with applicants and recipients of its grant and contributions funding. The MINDS team responded to questions to provide support on the application process. With respect to contribution recipients, each is assigned a liaison on the MINDS team to facilitate integration with Defence Team stakeholders.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 2,045,960 1,876,427 2,731,911 2,835,878 2,629,911 -102,000
Total contributions 1,500,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 - 0 0 0 0
Total program 3,545,960 4,126,427 4,981,911 5,085,878 4,879,911 -102,000
Explanation of variances MINDS incurred some unforeseen delays at the end of the fiscal year. As a result, $100,000 in grant funding will be paid in 2023-24 instead of 2022-23.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Contribution Program: NATO Other Activities – Voted Payments

Start date: 1949

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2009-10

Link to departmental result(s): 1.4 North America is defended against threats and attacks

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 1.4 - Global Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program-Canada’s contributions to NATO’s Other Activities help pay for projects done by or for NATO, and for which only a few nations decide to contribute to.

These funds will help pay for:

Results achieved: Canada’s financial contributions to NATO’s Other Activities continue to ensure Canadian security and provide leverage and influence within the multi-national body.

The contributions further served to help protect and strengthen the freedom and security of Alliance members.

The benefits of Canada’s investment in NATO included access to strategic information, intelligence, capabilities, interoperability with allied forces and an equal voice in high-level decisions affecting Euro-Atlantic security and stability.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: After the end of the year, the annual financial statements are presented for audit to the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) or a National Independent Recognized Auditing Organization. The IBAN is an independent entity reporting directly to the North Atlantic Council (NAC). The IBAN is led by officials from six national audit institutions in member countries including one Canadian. Designated committees, where Canada is well represented, analyzed all the Auditor reports and made recommendations to the relevant entities to comply with audit findings.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts assessed contributions to international organizations from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through the ongoing relationship.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 4,142,885 5,311,464 4,200,000 4,200,000 3,404,340 -795,660
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 4,142,885 5,311,464 4,200,000 4,200,000 3,404,340 -795,660
Explanation of variances Credits from previous years were applied to reduce some calls for contribution and some programs were able to find efficiencies or cost savings to stay within budgets.

Payments under Parts I-IV of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act (R.S., 1970 c. D-3) - Statutory Payments

Start date: 1970

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through a Statutory Authority - Parts I-IV of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act (R.S., 1970 c. D-3)

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 1970-71

Link to departmental result(s): 3.4 Military families are supported and resilient

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.4 - Defence Team Management

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program- The Defence Services Pension Continuation Act provides for the payment of pensions to certain persons enrolled as members of the Regular Forces before the 1st day of April 1946.

Results achieved: Timely distribution of payments to eligible recipients under Defence Services Pension Continuation Act.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This is a statutory program under Defence Services Pension Continuation Act and the selection and communication with the recipients are conducted by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 167,059 135,276 200,000 106,879 106,879 -93,121
Total program 167,059 135,276 200,000 106,879 106,879 -93,121
Explanation of variances The number of annuitants has decreased to 27 members.

Payments under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act - Statutory Payments

Start date: 1982

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through a Statutory Authority - Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 1982-83

Link to departmental result(s): 3.4 Military families are supported and resilient

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.4 - Defence Team Management

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program-The Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act provides supplementary retirement benefits for certain persons in receipt of pension payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Results achieved: Timely distribution of payments to eligible recipients under Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There was no audit completed in 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This is a statutory program under Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act and the selection and communication with the recipients are conducted by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 789,862 626,966 800,000 540,608 540,608 -259,392
Total program 789,862 626,966 800,000 540,608 540,608 -259,392
Explanation of variances The number of annuitants has decreased to 27 members.

Vancouver Principles Contribution Program (VPCP) – Voted Payments

Start date: 30 July 2019

End date: 2023-24

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2019-20

Link to departmental result(s): 1.5 Canadian Armed Forces contribute to a more stable and peaceful world

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Program 3.2 - Individual Training and Professional Military Education

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program - The objectives of the Contribution Program are as follows:

Results achieved: The 2022 Knowledge for Prevention Symposium (K4P), hosted in Montevideo Uruguay, brought together a regional collective of academics, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the importance of prioritizing children’s perspectives in global early warning on conflict prevention. The 2022-23 edition of the annually published academic peer-reviewed journal Allons-y included a focus on moral injury and mental health implications of encountering child soldiers. The 2022-23 lessons learned report focused on Gender, Childhood, and Community Engagement in Peacekeeping.

Findings of audits completed in 2022-23: There were no audits completed during 2022-23.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2022-23: There is no planned evaluation. The Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Results exempts ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of less than $5M per year from the five-year reviews required under section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2022-23: This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through the ongoing relationship.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2020-21 Actual spending 2021-22 Actual spending 2022-23 Planned spending 2022-23 Total authorities available for use 2022-23 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2022-23 actual minus 2022-23 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 0
Explanation of variances No variance.

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