Defence Ready Force Element Production
Defence Ready Force Element Production
Sub-Program 3.1: Force Elements Readiness Sustainment
The Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of force elements that have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the maritime, land, aerospace and special operations forces environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. In each portfolio there are subsets of force elements that are in one of three states: assigned to roles that required them to be ready to respond to contingency operations; delivering Defence operations and services; or in a reduced state of readiness. This Program focuses on force elements in the first of these states. In some cases the existence of ready force elements can act as a deterrent against threats. Results are achieved through the provision of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production services which ensure that force elements capabilities that have been assigned to roles in contingency operations do not degrade and that these force elements remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. When contingency operations occur, and the force elements that reside within this Program are activated, their military capabilities are delivered via the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Force elements participating in this program may be returned to Force Elements Integration Training Program for short periods. They may also be moved to the Force Elements Production Program once they have exceeded the amount of time for which they have been assigned to a contingency role.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target |
2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force Elements assigned readiness roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services | % of time the Defence force elements remain ready in accordance with Force Posture and Readiness requirements. | 90 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 95% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
1,076,989,595 | 1,103,816,303 | 1,124,432,723 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 8,134 | 8,260 | 8,275 |
Civilian | 186 | 186 | 186 |
TOTAL | 8,320 | 8,446 | 8,461 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.1: Maritime Roles – Readiness Sustainment
The Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of ships, submarines, and other force elements that operate in the maritime environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. If not sustained, the level of readiness attained by any force element in the maritime environment portfolio will decline over time. Those maritime force elements allocated for Force Posture and Readiness (FP&R) tasks requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain ready to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of maritime capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements assigned maritime roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready maritime force elements. | 95 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 94% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
215,359,337 | 219,825,207 | 222,228,366 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 1,781 | 1,809 | 1,812 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 1,781 | 1,809 | 1,812 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.2: Land Roles – Readiness Sustainment
The Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the achieved readiness level of land environment force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the land environment portfolio will decline over time. Those land units assigned roles such as “Joint Task Force Western Domestic Support” or “Non-combatant Evacuation Operations Land Component” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved through the provision of continuation training and maintenance of vehicles and materiel to posture these forces on specific notice to move timing which ensures that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive when called upon. When these force elements are activated, additional training may be required prior to being employed. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of land capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements assigned land roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready land force elements. | 95 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
413,548,980 | 421,833,506 | 425,991,893 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 3,878 | 3,938 | 3,945 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 3,878 | 3,938 | 3,945 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.3: Aerospace Roles – Readiness Sustainment
The Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of fighters, fixed wing transport and utility aircraft, helicopters and other force elements that operate in the aerospace environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the aerospace environment portfolio will decline over time. Those aerospace units assigned roles such as “Air space control” or “Strategic Airlift” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided by this Program through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of aerospace capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements assigned aerospace roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of time aerospace force elements remains ready. | 95 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 84% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
106,623,763 | 110,308,678 | 115,278,154 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 432 | 439 | 440 |
Civilian | 28 | 28 | 28 |
TOTAL | 460 | 467 | 468 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4: Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment
The Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the assigned readiness state of force elements that conduct special operations and have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations on specific notice to move. Those special operations forces assigned roles such as “Immediate Response Task Force” or “Task Force Arrowhead” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved by this Program through a cyclical process that includes the provision of periodic training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements assigned special operations force roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready special operations force elements. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | Classified |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Note: Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the National Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified. Readiness and force generation results are achieved through sub-sub-programs 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment, 3.2.4 Special Operations – Integration Training, 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production and 3.4.4 Special Operations Forces – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control. Generally this is accomplished through a process that includes the provision of training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment is the area where Special Operations activities are captured.
For additional information, please see the National Defence Special Operations Forces web page.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
334,058,819 | 344,258,482 | 353,185,036 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 1,971 | 2,001 | 2,005 |
Civilian | 158 | 158 | 158 |
TOTAL | 2,129 | 2,159 | 2,163 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.5: Joint and Common Roles – Readiness Sustainment
The Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of joint and common force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. Those joint and common forces elements assigned roles such as “Air Field Medical Station” or “Operational Recce and Liaison Team” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements assigned joint and common roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready joint and common force elements. | 95 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 99% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
7,398,696 | 7,590,430 | 7,749,274 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 72 | 73 | 73 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 72 | 73 | 73 |
Sub-Program 3.2: Force Elements Integration Training
The Force Elements Integration Training Program produces force elements with enhanced levels of interoperability with other force elements so that they can operate together, to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation. The force elements received by this Program are organized into portfolios according to the maritime, land, aerospace and special operations environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains like special operations and force elements that provide common support functions. Results are achieved through the execution of training events in which force elements within the same portfolio exercise together for the explicit purpose of enhancing interoperability. Results are also achieved through training events where the explicit focus is interoperability between force elements in different portfolios. These are considered joint training events. International (combined) training events focus on the interoperability of force elements produced in Canada with those of allied nations. After partaking in this Program, force elements typically attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during a defence operation and therefore this Program enables them to enhance their state of readiness. If the level of readiness attained through this Program is sufficient, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services already in progress. They may also be delivered back to the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
Force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services. | % of force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
317,548,848 | 326,617,148 | 335,816,292 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 2,034 | 2,066 | 2,069 |
Civilian | 7 | 7 | 7 |
TOTAL | 2,041 | 2,073 | 2,076 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.1: Maritime Environment – Integration Training
The Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the maritime portfolio so that they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation at reduced risk and with better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like Task Group Exercise (TGEX). Naval task groups are common outputs of this Program; however, not every training event will produce a larger force element like a task group. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the maritime portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of maritime force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A subset of maritime force elements has the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation. | % of maritime force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
14,079,828 | 14,633,951 | 15,372,520 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.2: Land Environment – Integration Training
The Land Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between land force elements appointed in the Army Managed Readiness Plan to achieve their assigned readiness level. Results are achieved through the execution of collective training events such as Exercise “MAPLE RESOLVE” and confirmation activities. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the land portfolio are capable of delivering a broader range of military effects during operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of land force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to |
2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A subset of land force elements has the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation. | % of land force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 |
N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
201,389,650 | 205,786,457 | 208,403,864 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 1,664 | 1,690 | 1,693 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 1,664 | 1,690 | 1,693 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.3: Aerospace Environment – Integration Training
The Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the aerospace portfolio so they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation with reduced risks and better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of named training events such as Exercise “MAPLE FLAG”. Air Expeditionary Task Forces are common outputs of this Program however not every named training event will produce a larger force element like a task force. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the aerospace portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of aerospace force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A subset of aerospace force elements has the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation. | % of the aerospace force elements that have completed the required integration training. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
23,183,492 | 24,057,883 | 25,327,632 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 60 | 61 | 61 |
Civilian | 4 | 4 | 4 |
TOTAL | 64 | 65 | 65 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.4: Special Operations – Integration Training
The Special Operations - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between special operations force elements to achieve their assigned roles and readiness levels. Results are achieved through the execution of collective training events like “DEVIL’S ARROW” and activities focussed on interoperability and capacity building. These activities for Special Operations force elements establish relationships that further synchronize efforts across the military spectrum and multiple agencies, reducing risks and increasing chances of success. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of special operations force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A subset of special operations force elements has the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation. | % of special operations force elements that have completed integration training to meet FP&R requirements. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | Classified |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Note: Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.5: Joint – Integration Training
The Joint - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between joint force elements across different environment portfolios so that collective objectives of a larger joint formation can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like “JOINTEX” that increase joint readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Joint and Common - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of joint force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A subset of joint force elements has the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation. | % of joint force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
49,151,047 | 51,189,351 | 53,994,993 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 235 | 239 | 239 |
Civilian | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTAL | 235 | 239 | 239 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.6: International and Domestic – Interoperability Training
The International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements from multiple nations or domestic organizations so that the collective objectives of these cooperative ventures can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of international or domestic training events. Recent examples include exercises “RIMPAC, JOINT WARRIOR and TRIDENT FURY”. After partaking in this Program force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Force Element Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target |
2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A sufficient subset of force elements have the enhanced ability to operate as part of a multi-national force during operations that militate against threats or deliver Defence services. | % of the force elements that have completed the required interoperability training. | 85 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | 100% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Target has changed therefore results are not relevant.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
29,744,831 | 30,949,506 | 32,717,283 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 51 | 52 | 52 |
Civilian | 3 | 3 | 3 |
TOTAL | 54 | 55 | 55 |
Sub-Program 3.3: Force Elements Production
The Force Elements Production Program aims to produce individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as a cohesive unit, as per their design specification. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the maritime, land, aerospace and special forces environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these environments and force elements that provide common support functions. This Program delivers results by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and integrating them through various training and certification programs. Within this Program individual force elements attain a certain degree of readiness. If a sufficient level of readiness is attained, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be directly employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services that are already in progress. However, this Program does not necessarily provide individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as part of a larger integrated formation. If the force elements produced by this Program require advanced levels of interoperability, then they may be assigned to take part in the Force Element Integration Training Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve |
2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A balanced portfolio of force elements that are continually produced to apply specific Defence capabilities against threats in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % of weighted force elements from all portfolios that have completed the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | 3 |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
1,482,864,299 | 1,510,267,822 | 1,526,674,694 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 11,811 | 11,994 | 12,015 |
Civilian | 2,234 | 2,234 | 2,234 |
TOTAL | 14,045 | 14,228 | 14,249 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.1: Maritime Environment – Force Element Production
The Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the maritime portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through a tiered readiness process where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program individual maritime force elements acquire a range of abilities to deliver military effects in operational contexts according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling Program, the Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment and the International and Domestic – Interoperability Training Program. Based on the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment in Defence operations, force elements may be transferred directly from this Program. However when higher levels of interoperability are required, force elements are first transferred to the Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of individual maritime force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services. | % of maritime force element components that have met the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | 3 |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
77,407,960 | 79,328,556 | 81,941,529 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 181 | 184 | 184 |
Civilian | 214 | 214 | 214 |
TOTAL | 395 | 398 | 398 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.2: Land Environment – Force Element Production
The Land Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the land portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured processes using the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program force elements in the land portfolio acquire abilities to deliver baseline military effects within operational contexts according to baseline training standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Land Environment - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In some cases these forces achieve sufficient training objectives to be assigned directly to Defence operations. But in most cases these force elements proceed to the Land Environment - Integration Training Program and when necessary to the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of individual land force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services. | % of land force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | 3 |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
1,024,038,075 | 1,042,606,807 | 1,053,837,988 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 7,805 | 7,926 | 7,940 |
Civilian | 1,913 | 1,913 | 1,913 |
TOTAL | 9,718 | 9,839 | 9,853 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.3: Aerospace Environment – Force Element Production
The Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the aerospace portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured managed readiness processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various foundation training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program aerospace force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In many cases the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by aerospace force elements through this Program. In other cases force elements must transition to the Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of individual aerospace force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services. | % of aerospace force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | 2 |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
280,279,251 | 285,270,239 | 286,848,127 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 2,949 | 2,995 | 3,000 |
Civilian | 48 | 48 | 48 |
TOTAL | 2,997 | 3,043 | 3,048 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4: Special Operations – Force Element Production
The Special Operations - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the special operations portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive organization that is task tailored Special Operations Task Forces or Teams not necessarily part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured processes where Special Operations force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., Special Operations personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations Roles Readiness - Sustainment Program, the Special Operations - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Assigned readiness supports the roles for employment within Defence operations and is consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of individual special operations force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services. | % of special operations force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 |
N/A* | 3 | Classified |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Note: Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.
Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.5: Joint and Common – Force Element Production
The Joint and Common - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce portfolios of individual force elements that operate across the environmental domains and have attained the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured readiness production processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Joint - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In some cases the readiness targets set for assignment to employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program. In other cases force elements must transition to the Joint - Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of individual joint and common force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services. | % of joint and common force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | 3 | 3 |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
101,139,013 | 103,062,220 | 104,047,050 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 876 | 889 | 891 |
Civilian | 59 | 59 | 59 |
TOTAL | 935 | 948 | 950 |
Sub-Program 3.4: Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to deliver the command and control structures that support the readiness and balance of Maritime, Land, Aerospace, Special Operations, and Joint and Common force elements. This is accomplished through the development of plans, distribution of resources, coordination of activities, and exercise of overarching control. This supports the programs that provide individual force elements and integrated Forces that are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
The risks that may impede the optimal production of ready force elements in the near and mid-term are reduced. | % of sub-sub programs under Sub Program 3.4 that achieve a minimum of 90% of their expected result. | 75 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | 40% | N/A** |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: No result is available for Sub-Sub Program 3.4.2 and is classified for Sub-Sub Program 3.4.4. Therefore no result is available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
489,232,406 | 503,152,076 | 516,640,828 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 2,601 | 2,644 | 2,647 |
Civilian | 1,022 | 1,022 | 1,022 |
TOTAL | 3,623 | 3,666 | 3,669 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.1: Maritime Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Maritime Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that maritime force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Maritime command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the maritime environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Program, Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program, and the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of Maritime Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % score of the Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index. | 80 - 100% | March 2018 |
N/A* | 75% | 85% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
66,119,550 | 67,597,170 | 68,574,639 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 424 | 431 | 432 |
Civilian | 336 | 336 | 336 |
TOTAL | 760 | 767 | 768 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.2: Land Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Land Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that land force capabilities and elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Land command and control structures that deliver governance through the delivery of: directives, policies and procedures, resource planning and management. It is also responsible to coordinate the force generation of Land Force capabilities and elements for operations performed within the land environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Land Environment - Force Element Production Program, Land Environment - Integration Training Program, and the Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as contributes to the Joint and Common programs and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Aerospace Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of Land Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % score of the Land Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index. | 90 - 100% | March 2018 |
N/A* | N/A** | N/A** |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Index was still in development, therefore result is unavailable.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
190,952,292 | 194,911,481 | 197,547,140 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 1,128 | 1,145 | 1,147 |
Civilian | 298 | 298 | 298 |
TOTAL | 1,426 | 1,443 | 1,445 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.3: Aerospace Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that aerospace force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Aerospace command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the aerospace environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Program, Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program, and the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of Aerospace Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % score of the Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index. | 90 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | 100% | 88% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
203,344,108 | 211,006,216 | 220,299,870 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 951 | 966 | 968 |
Civilian | 288 | 288 | 288 |
TOTAL | 1,239 | 1,254 | 1,256 |
Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.4: Special Operations Forces – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program seeks to ensure that Special Operations force elements and capabilities are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Special Operations Forces command and control structures that exercise overarching control, deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, planning, resource planning and management, and advice and direction in all areas and activities for which Special Operations Forces are assigned roles and responsibility. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations - Force Element Production Program, Special Operations - Integration Training Program, and the Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness through coordination and synchronization with national and international partners.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of Special Operations Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % score of the Special Operation Force - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index. | 3/3 on a 3 point scale | March 2018 | N/A* | N/A** | Classified |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
**Note: Index was still in development, therefore result is unavailable.
Note: Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.
Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.5: Joint and Common – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control
The Joint and Common - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that Joint and Common force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are achieved by developing and maintaining Joint and Common command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the Joint and Common military operations context. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common - Force Element Production Program, Joint and Common - Integration Training Program, and Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.
Planned Results
Expected results | Performance indicators | Target | Date to achieve target |
2013-14 Actual results |
2014-15 Actual results |
2015-16 Actual results |
A portfolio of Joint and Common Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. | % score of the Joint and Common Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index. | 90 - 100% | March 2018 | N/A* | 67% | 84% |
*Note: A new Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework were introduced in fiscal year 2014-15. Results for 2013-14 are not available.
Budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2017-18 Planned spending |
2018-19 Planned spending |
2019-20 Planned spending |
28,816,456 | 29,637,209 | 30,219,179 |
Human resources (full-time equivalents)
2017-18 Planned FTEs |
2018-19 Planned FTEs |
2019-20 Planned FTEs |
Military – Regular Force | 98 | 102 | 100 |
Civilian | 100 | 100 | 100 |
TOTAL | 198 | 202 | 200 |
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