Reference Materials

National Defence – Management Action Plan
Para Para 86 Rec 1

National Defence and Transport Canada should:

  • Identify activities that will significantly contribute to their reduction of emissions and prioritize them based on risk.
  • Develop a risk management approach that defines significant risks and corresponding mitigation measures.

Agreed. National Defence accepts this recommendation and recognizes the need for increased prioritization and risk management. National Defence will formalise a risk management approach that is integrated with the Corporate Risk Profile. The approach will include identifying significant risks, options and mitigations for senior management to consider, by March 2023.

National Defence will complete a roadmap to reduce real property GHG emissions by 90% of the 2005 baseline and attain a net zero portfolio by 2050. The roadmap will identify opportunities (and challenges) to achieving net zero along with associated costs and risks, by March 2024.

Description of Final
Expected Outcome/Result

ADM(IE) will leverage the Defence Enterprise Risk Management (DERM) to document significant risks to reducing real property (RP) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and attaining a net zero portfolio by 2050. Opportunities, challenges and mitigations will be provided for consideration in the Corporate Risk Profile (CRP).

ADM(IE) will complete a portfolio analysis of its RP assets to prioritize targets for significant GHG emission reductions. Preliminary cost estimates, likely sources of funding and timelines will be assessed to create a RP reduction roadmap.

Expected Final
Completion Date /
MAP Closure

This MAP will be considered closed when:

  1. Risks and proposed mitigations to reducing the real property GHG gas emissions are documented and submitted for consideration in the CRP by 31 December 2022.
  2. The approximate 10,000 Real Property (non-housing) assets are categorized into archetypes to facilitate the prioritization of significant GHG reductions by 31 March 2023.
  3. Portfolio management considerations, such as planned major capital projects, Strong Secure and Engaged, long term RP requirements, and impacts of climate change are documented with regards to their impact on a GHG reduction roadmap by 30 September 2023.
  4. Real Property GHG Emissions Reduction Roadmap to 2050 is presented to senior DND/CAF leadership by 31 March 2024.
Key Interim
  • M1: Develop GHG emissions reduction risk assessment methodology and tools; 31 October 2022.
  • M2: Complete an analysis and document risks and mitigations to attaining 90% GHG emissions reduction and net zero RP portfolio; 31 March 2023.
  • M3: Document contextual factors impacting the RP portfolio and integrate these considerations into the draft RP GHG Emissions Reduction Roadmap; 31 December 2023.
  • M4: Present the RP GHG Emissions Reduction and net zero Roadmap to senior leadership; 31 March 2024.
Organization /
Point of Contact

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