DT News: Defence Team leadership recently gave a virtual update on business resumption activities

Video / June 11, 2020


(Shelley) At a recent Executive and General and Flag Officer town hall held at National Defence Headquarters–Carling in Ottawa, Defence Team leadership gave a virtual update on the plan for business resumption activities moving forward.

(Deputy Minister Thomas) This isn't next week, this isn't next month even that we are DND pre-COVID. So, it took us a while to get here. It's going to take longer to get back. It isn't going to be perfect and it's not going to be identical everywhere. So, we're going to be working with each of you individuals and we need you to look at your individual needs and the needs of your team.

(General Vance) And so, here we sit, facing an annual posting season that will be very different from before and a broader return to business, resumption of business that, I think, we all recognize must be conducted while COVID remains a threat.

It's a threat that is mitigatable. It is a threat that we can deal with. It is a threat that we can use all manner of our health measures to reduce the risk, but proceed forward we must. And we have to proceed forward at a rate that is measured, phased, staged and takes into account the realities around us.

(S) All Defence Team managers with civilian staff must complete the Establishing Effective Virtual Teams course offered through the Canada School of Public Service GCCampus web site.

All civilian Defence employees must also complete the COVID-19 Awareness Course also available on the Defence Learning Network.

Any outstanding questions about resuming work can be submitted to the Ask Anything: COVID-19 web page. To access this page, along with the mandatory courses, please visit the related links.

Related links

Mandatory course for all personnel (scroll down to COVID-19 general info)

Establishing Effective Virtual Teams

Ask Anything: COVID 19

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