Improved Pay Action Request (PAR) forms are here to improve your HR experience!
December 7, 2021 - Defence Stories
To continue improving your HR experience, Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) added sub-types to certain work types of the Pay Action Request (PAR) form, which HR-Civ has implemented in the Human Resource Services and Support (HRSS) portal that allows the Pay Centre to process your case faster. The goal is to help simplify processes and makes HR easier for public service employees and Defence Team managers.
Here are some of the improvements for the following work types:
- Benefits
- Request for Income Tax Purposes
- Entitlements
- Instant Awards & Other Taxable Benefits
- Leave
- Non-Insurance Approve Rehab – Commence Gradual Return to Work
- Return from LWOP – Maternity – Parental
- Recovery of Overpayments
- Notification of Overpayment (Self/Department Identified)
- Repayment Option
- Performance
- Law Practitioner (LP) Group – Lump Sum
- Law Practitioner (LP) Group – Merit Increase
Learn about the other upgrades HR-Civ has made to the HRSS portal by reading the following articles:
- Improved HRSS portal – simplifies compensation-related requests
- Changes to the Pay Action Request (PAR) forms article.
For questions about HR, access HR Connect RH online (accessible only on the National Defence network) or by calling 1-833-747-6363 (for Defence Team use only).
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