Improved Employee Assistance Program for DND Employees
September 1st, 2023 – Defence Stories
Effective September 1, all Department of National Defence (DND) employees have access to new and enhanced Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services and resources through the new service provider, Homewood Health. The EAP is a professional, confidential, and proactive service to support you and your family members with a wide range of personal, family, and work-related concerns. DND employees and their families can access these services by calling:
- English: 1-800-663-1142, or 1-888-384-1152 (for people with hearing impairments).
- French: 1-866-398-9505, or 1-866-433-3305 (for people with hearing impairments).
Note: Contact information and services provided to CAF members through CF MAP will not be impacted by this change.
Enhanced services for employees and family members include:
- Crisis and Short-Term Counselling: Free, short-term counselling services are available in person, over the telephone, by video or online (chat or email). Through counselling, individuals can develop skills and strategies to improve their well-being, solve personal or work-related concerns, and build resiliency.
If you are currently engaged in counselling through Health Canada, you will be able to continue with your current counsellor. Upon case closure, any future supports will be provided to you by Homewood Health.
- Life Smart Coaching: This service provides individual coaching on a wide range of health, work-life balance, and career topics. Services include parenting support, guidance on eldercare, legal consultation with qualified lawyers, financial guidance through certified financial experts, nutritional coaching by registered dietitians, shift worker support, burnout and stress solutions, and grief and loss support.
- Digital Mental Health Platform: A self-serve platform that allows you to speak with a mental health professional immediately and book services online. The platform also provides you instant access to online courses, internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT), and a comprehensive health library.
Peer Advisors continue to be available to provide active listening and to refer employees to internal resources and supports.
Service for managers and teams include:
- The Key Person Advice Line gives managers or supervisors the opportunity to contact a Clinician for one-time consultations regarding situations with their employees that are unusual, exceptional, or outside the realm of their regular duties as a manager.
- Specialized Team services are available to managers and supervisors to support teams who may be impacted by workplace events or by the effects of cumulative stress.
Visit (and bookmark) the full description of EAP services with complete access instructions (only accessible on the DWAN).
If you have any questions about the new EAP services, you are encouraged to read a series of FAQs or contact the Employee Assistance Program.
Associated links
EAP intranet (only accessible on the DWAN)
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