13-25 Annex C - Roles and Responsabilities
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. Cadets are expected to:
- treat others with dignity and respect;
- make every effort to resolve conflict at the lowest possible level through the use of ADR techniques such as a collaborative interest-based discussion with the other party;
- seek assistance through a leader (i.e. a leader they are comfortable approaching, a senior cadet, etc.) to assist as a third-party in guiding them through a conversation using the collaborative ADR interest-based approach;
- seek further assistance if the outcome is not satisfactory to the parties involved;
- undertake cadet training in managing conflict; and
- explore all conflict resolution options with a UCCMA or with a member of the chain of command.
2. All adults working in support of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) are expected to:
- undertake training in resolving conflict and remain current in policy and program delivery;
- assess whether the “ADR First” concept is appropriate in each case of conflict or disagreement;
- take a leadership role and attempt to resolve the conflict at the lowest level as early as possible;
- use collaborative ADR interest-based conversations when conflict arises with a cadet;
- seek advice and guidance as required from the chain of command or the UCCMA;
- where required, provide the chain of command with the names of parties, a brief synopsis of the situation, and resolution attempts; and
- refer to DAOD 5046-0 Alternative Dispute Resolution for conflicts that involve employees of the Department of National Defence and officers and non-commissioned members of the CF.
3. Commanding Officers and Commanders are expected to:
- appoint a member of their staff as UCCMA / DCCMA / RCCMA as applicable;
- clearly identify the UCCMA/DCCMA/ RCCMA to all unit personnel;
- oversee CCMS awareness, and implementation;
- ensure that conflict management training is conducted and learning reinforcement for cadets takes place in accordance with implementation guidelines (once finalized as part of the CPU project);
- review cases referred by the UCCMA/DCCMA/RCCMA; and
- respond to UCCMA/DCCMA/RCCMA reported conflict situation trends with relevant learning reinforcement opportunities and/or with proposed changes to the related policy or training program.
4. UCCMAs/DCCMAs/RCCMAs report directly to their CO or Commander and in addition to the duties and responsibilities outlined in CATO 13-24 Annex D, are expected to:
- review conflict cases and provide third-party assistance as required or refer the case to the CO/Detachment Commander and/or higher level CCMA and/or DRC;
- liaise with the local DRCs;
- seek advice and guidance from the higher level CCMA as required; and
- identify trends in conflict management cases and advise CO/Commander on possible learning reinforcement opportunities or proposed policy admendments.
5. D Cdts & JCR is responsible for:
- promoting the “ADR First” concept as the automatic approach in situations of conflict and disagreement at all levels. If this approach is inappropriate or not suitable, then the various rights-based systems for resolution are always available and accessible;
- modelling interest-based dialogue to sustain working relationships whenever possible;
- ensuring subject matter experts (SME) are available to provide guidance and advice on CCMS, policies and guidelines;
- overseeing the implementation of the CCMS, particularly from an awareness and preventative perspective;
- ensuring conflict management professional development and/or awareness opportunities are offered at a national level;
- reacting to trends in conflict management cases reported at a national level for the purpose of submitting suggested changes to the applicable OPI;
- redirecting complaints whose entry point is at the national level, to the appropriate OPI;
- appointing a SME responsible for ADR Interest-Based processes and for responding to enquiries relating to DAOD 5046-0;
- appointing a SME for Rights-Based processes (e.g., grievances), working in collaboration with the SME for the ADR Interest-based approach, when appropriate; and
- appointing a National Human Rights Advisor for harassment issues, working in collaboration with the SME for the Interest-based approach, when appropriate.
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