23-07 Annex A - Civilian Volunteer Agreement

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

Civilian Volunteer Agreement

This agreement is drafted in accordance with the Treasury Board Framework for the Management of Risk

I, [Name] of [City] in the Province of [Province], agree to the following terms and conditions required to be a volunteer:


(Space to describe the activity) 


I will, at all times, act honestly and without malice, and within the scope of the volunteer activities described herein;

I will, at all times, exercise due caution and take reasonable care of any Crown property entrusted to me;

I confirm that I am fully qualified to execute the volunteer activities described herein;

I declare that I am fit for the activities involved and not aware of any personal health concern that could represent a risk to myself or to others;

I acknowledge and agree that this is not an employment agreement;

I agree to be supervised by a cadet instructor or civilian instructor of the Regional/National activity for which I am volunteering;

I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for any liability resulting directly from my negligence;

I confirm that I am participating freely and of my own accord in the activities of the cadet corps or squadron without compensation or any other thing of value in lieu of compensation;

I agree that while volunteering I will abide by the terms and conditions set out in CATO 23-07 and the terms described herein; and

I will display or have in my possession my League-issued ID Card when participating in cadet activities.


I acknowledge and agree that I will be required to provide confirmation of insurance (where applicable) when using my personal property in the course of my volunteer activities with the cadet corps or squadron.


In order to process your application to be a Civilian Volunteer in support of authorized Cadet activities, we require certain personal information from you. This Statement explains the purposes and use of your personal information.

Only information needed for the purposes of determining your suitability to be a Civilian Volunteer will be requested.

The collection and use of personal information for this volunteer application is authorized by section 46 of the National Defence Act and article 3.11 of Chapter 2 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations and is required for your participation. This collection of personal information is not required by law, but is permitted by law should you voluntarily choose to participate in the Cadet Program.

However, a refusal to allow us to collect, use and disclose your personal information will result in your not being permitted to participate in the Cadet Program.

We will use your personal information to determine your suitability to participate as a volunteer in support of cadet activities.  This information may be shared with other DND / CF organizations as well as with the Navy League of Canada, The Army Cadet League of Canada and the Air Cadet League of Canada to ensure the screening process is applied uniformly throughout the Canadian Cadet Organizations.

The legislative authority for sharing the information can be found in section 46 of the National Defence Act, article 3.11 of Chapter 2 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations and subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.


I acknowledge and agree that prior to being able to participate in support of authorized cadet activities I must have applied as a volunteer and have successfully completed a reliability screening;

I hereby consent to the sharing of my personal information among the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces, the Navy League, the Army Cadet League and the Air Cadet League.

The information which may be disclosed includes:

I am aware that my refusal to consent to the sharing of my personal information will result in my not being permitted to participate in the Cadet Program.

I hereby agree that I will immediately advise the CO of the corps / squadron, if I am charged with an offence during the effective period of this agreement.



Identification Card number:

Print Name:

Expiry Date:



Print Name:


Note: Civilian volunteer agreements currently in force shall remain valid until their expiration date following which this revised version shall be used.

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