Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC) |
To provide selected personnel with the skills and knowledge required to perform as junior officers at the corps / squadron and cadet training centres (CTC)s.
See note 1
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Enrolled as an OCdt / NCdt .
- Minimum issue of CADPAT / NCDs.
- AKTR - CIC Basic Military Officer Qualification Part 1 (BMOQ- CIC Part 1)
- Canadian Forces Regulations and Values.
- Leadership.
- Safety, Security and Environmental Protection Policies and Procedures.
- Oral and Written Communication.
- Planning and Conducting Activities.
- Drill.
- Firing of Cadet Air Rifle.
- Personal Health and Fitness.
Occupational Training Course (OTC)
To provide selected personnel with the skills and knowledge required to lead, develop and coach youth while delivering a dynamic cadet program.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Enrolled as an OCdt / NCdt.
- Minimum issue of CADPAT / NCDs.
- Can take the CIC OTC DL concurrently with the BOTC DL or taken once BOTC DL is complete.
- Provincially certified teachers may apply for a prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) through their region and complete the OTC Gap Package via DL rather than attending the course in person (see CATO 23-03).
- Canadian Cadet Organization Regulations and Values.
- Leading Cadets.
- Communicating with CCM Partners
- Instructing Personnel.
Sea Environmental Training Course (SETC)
To provide CIC (Sea) officers with the skills and knowledge required to lead, develop and coach youth while delivering a dynamic Sea Cadet Program.
- Must be rank of NCdt or above.
- Minimum issue of NCDs.
- The following qualifications can also be obtained if the student successfully completes all required components:
- SCOP Mod 1
- SCOP Mod 2
- SCOP Mod 3
- Professional attributes of a CIC (Sea) officer
- Duties of a Divisional Officer
- Delivering the Sea Cadet Program
- Communicating using marine VHF radios
- Attaining pleasure craft operator (PCOC) competency
- Operating a powerboat
- Small craft pilotage
- Assisting in delivery of on-water training
- Supervising the safe conduct of drill and ceremonial activities
- Seamanship
Land Environmental Training Course (LETC)
To provide CIC (Land) officers with the skills and knowledge required to lead, develop and coach youth while delivering a dynamic Army Cadet Program.
- Must be rank of OCdt or above.
- Minimum issue of CADPAT.
- Professional attributes of a CIC (Land) officer.
- Duties of a Platoon Commander.
- Delivering the Army Cadet Program.
- Communicating using land-based radios.
- Navigating over land.
- Participating in an overnight field training exercise (FTX).
- Participating in an Army Cadet FTX
- Conducting a recce of an established trail.
Air Environmental Training Course (AETC)
To provide CIC (Air) officers with the skills and knowledge required to lead, develop and coach youth while delivering a dynamic Air Cadet Program.
- Must be rank of OCdt or above.
- Minimum issue of CADPAT.
- Professional attributes of a CIC (Air) officer.
- Duties of a Flight Commander.
- Delivering the Air Cadet Program
- Communicating using land-based radios.
- Navigating using map and compass.
- Participating in an air cadet aircrew survival exercise.
- Basic aspects of aeronautics.
- Principles of meteorology.
- Air navigation.
Intermediate Officer Training Course (IOTC)
To provide selected personnel with the skills and knowledge to enable them to perform in their current and future leadership and staff roles at the corps / squadron, CTCs, and regional and national headquarters.
The training builds on the BOTC and OTC knowledge and
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be rank of SLt/ Lt.
- Must be employed in, or designated to occupy a captain position at the corps / squadron, the CTC or another region establishment.
- AKTW - Intermediate Officer Qualification (CIC-IOQ)
- Assist in the enforcement of Canadian Forces and Canadian Cadet Organization regulations.
- Lead subordinates.
- Develop subordinates.
- Counsel subordinates.
- Enforce safety and environmental protection policies.
- Plan a corps / squadron activity.
- Conduct a corps / squadron activity.
- Communicate orally in one of Canada’s official languages.
- Write correspondence in one of Canada’s official languages.
- Execute parade appointments.
Senior Instructor Course (SIC)
Prepare selected CIC officers to perform specific duties associated with being a Senior Instructor at the corps, squadron, or CTC level.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Minimum rank of A/SLt /2Lt.
- Be selected for or employed in a position at a corps / squadron or CTC requiring this specialty.
- Perform the duties of a senior instructor.
- Employ an advanced method of instruction.
- Monitor trainee progress.
- Develop instructional staff.
Training Officer Course (TOC)
Prepare selected CIC officers to perform specific duties associated with being a Trg O at the corps / squadron.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Be selected for or employed as the Trg O at a corps / squadron.
- Desired: to have taken the SIC or to complete the SIC within one year of becoming the Trg O for their corps / squadron.
- AKAV – EQ - Training Officer
- Plan corps / squadron training.
- Coordinate the requirements for training activities.
- Conduct corps / squadron training.
Commanding Officer Course (COC)
To prepare selected CIC officers to perform specific duties associated with being a CO at the corps / squadron.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be a commanding officer, or a verified commanding officer designate.
- Duties and responsibilities of a corps / squadron CO.
- Leading subordinates.
- Managing personnel at the corps / squadron.
- Describing corps / squadron operations.
- Managing the cadet corps’ / squadron’s finances in cooperation with the sponsoring committee.
- Maintaining good order and discipline.
- Communicating as a corps / squadron CO.
Senior Officer Training Course (SOTC)
To prepare selected officers of the CIC Branch for senior staff and sub-unit command appointments in support of the Cadet Program at both the regional and national level.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- |
- CAF Institutional Leadership.
- Communicate as a Senior Officer.
- Manage Allocated Resources.
- Evaluate Personnel Performance.
- Recommend a Resolution to a Personnel Issue.
Cadet Training Centre Commanding Officer Course (CTC COC)
See note 2
To provide the training and education to assist select Maj / LCdrs in development of skills and competencies required to perform effectively as a CTC CO and senior level leader in the CIC branch.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be considered for employment as an CTC CO.
- AKTY - CIC- Senior Officer
- Analyze Leadership and Management Theory and Its Application To The Role Of CTC CO.
- Develop a Vision for Change for a CTC.
- Command a CTC.
Administration Officer Course (AOC)
To provide knowledge and skills necessary to carry out duties of the cadet corps / squadron Admin O.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be rank of OCdt / NCdt or above.
- Be the corps / squadron Admin O incumbent or designate.
- AKBA – EQ Administration Officer
- Duties and Responsibilities of an Admin O.
- Military Correspondence.
- Administrative Procedures.
- Reports and Returns.
- Fortress.
Supply Officer Course (SOC)
To provide knowledge and skills necessary to carry out duties of the cadet corps / squadron Sup O.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be rank of OCdt / NCdt or above.
- Be the corps / squadron Sup O incumbent or designate.
- Corps / squadron supply information sources.
- Actions required to fulfill supply requirements.
- CF supply system / forms.
- Information on ordering / controlling cadet clothing.
- Applicable policies / directives.
- Typical problems encountered by a corps / squadron supply section.
Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor (UCCMA)
To prepare selected CIC officers to perform specific duties associated with being a UCCMA at the cadet corps / squadron or CTCs.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Be selected for or employed in a position at a cadet corps / squadron or CTC.
- Must be rank of A/SLt / 2Lt or above.
- AKWJ - UCMMA Qualification
- Duties of a UCCMA.
- Employ Conflict Prevention Techniques.
- Manage Conflict during Cadet-related Activities.
Range Safety Officer Air Rifle (RSO (AR))
The RSO (AR) will be trained to plan and conduct air rifle marksmanship and biathlon range activities and enforce air rifle range safety at the corps / squadron, zone, provincial, regional and national levels and CTCs.
and 0.5 OJT
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Designated to perform the duties of an RSO (AR) at the corps / squadron, zone, provincial, regional and national levels and CTCs.
- Must be rank of A/Slt / 2Lt or above.
- AKWF – Range Safety Officer Air Rifle - Unit
- Perform the Duties of a Range Safety Officer (AR).
- Plan an Air Rifle Range Activity.
- Conduct an Air Rifle Range Activity.
RSO – Biathlon (RSO))
To provide the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct smallbore biathlon range activities.
DL and 2 OJT
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Be rank of OCdt / NCdt or above.
- Completion of Biathlon Canada Basic Officials Course.
- AKWI – Range Safety Offr (SB Biathlon) - Unit
- Fire a smallbore biathlon rifle.
- Perform the duties and responsibilities of a Range Safety Officer (Biathlon).
- Plan a smallbore biathlon range activity.
- Conduct a smallbore biathlon range activity.
RSO – Large Bore (RSO(LB))
Knowledge and skills needed to organize, plan and control an outdoor large bore range.
- RSO (AR) or RSO (SB/B)
- Designated to perform the duties of a range safety officer for C7 rifle famil trg.
- Must be rank of A/Slt / 2Lt or above.
- AKWG – Range Safety Officer Large Bore - Unit
- Range Safety.
- Fire 5.56mm C7 Rifle.
- Conduct Range Practices.
Basic Biathlon Coach I (BCI) (see note 2)
Knowledge and skills to perform the duties of a biathlon coach at the cadet corps / squadron.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Promote Corps / Squadron Summer Biathlon Activities
- Instruct Biathlon Skills
- Conduct a Summer Biathlon Activity
- Coach a Summer Biathlon Team
- Maintain Summer Biathlon Equipment
Advanced Biathlon Coach
(see note 2)
To support biathlon activities.
See note 3
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
As per Biathlon Canada prerequisites.
Detailed in Biathlon Canada training documentation.
Orienteering Instructor (OI)
Possession of this specialty will enable officers to train, supervise and coach cadets at the corps / squadron, zone or CTC in basic orienteering techniques as well as officiate orienteering
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Apply orienteering techniques during an orienteering event.
- Conduct an orienteering activity.
Flat Water Canoe Instructor (FWCI)
Possession of this specialty will enable officers to train and supervise cadets at the corps / squadron, zone or CTC levels in basic canoeing techniques (tandem), and leading a flat water day trip.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Be rank of 2Lt or above.
- Have a minimum of 16 hours of experience (documented) participating in flatwater canoe activities (military or civilian).
- Be physically fit and capable of paddling a canoe, in tandem, from bow and stern positions, over flat water in all weather, for a period of up to four hours.
- Be able to lift themselves out of the water and into a canoe, pool side or dock.
- Be able to lift and carry a canoe in tandem up to 500 m.
- Be comfortable being immersed in lake and river water, and be able to swim 100m using any stroke wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).
- Must be recommended by RCSU CO, corps / squadron CO, CTC CO or Expedition Site OC.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation.
- AKXV – Flat Water Canoe Instructor - Unit
- Canoe Safety Drills.
- Instructional Technique.
- Maintain canoe equipment.
- Tandem canoe strokes.
- Canoe Manoeuvres.
- Planning and conducting a canoe day trip.
Moving Water Canoe Instructor (MWCI)
Possession of this specialty will enable officers to lead and supervise cadets at the corps / squadron, zone or CTCs in day canoe trips on moving water.
- Be the rank of 2Lt or above.
- Must be a qualified FWCI and have 36 hours of experience.
- Be recommended by CTC CO, Regional Expedition Training Officer, or Expedition Site OC.
- Be able to aggressively swim 50m using a head-up front crawl stroke, wearing a PFD.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation.
- AKXW – Moving Water Canoe Instructor - Unit
- Canoe Safety Drills.
- Instructional Technique.
- Plan and conduct in moving water day trip.
- Canoe Manoeuvres.
- Rescue Techniques.
- Portage Drills.
- Repair Canoe Equipment.
Expedition Team Leader (ETL)
The Expedition Team Leader course is designed to provide selected personnel with the skills and knowledge required to manage risk for a team on an expedition, lead an expedition team over land and water on a multi-day expedition, and manage expedition equipment.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation.
- Manage risk.
- Lead an expedition.
- Manage expedition equipment.
Expedition Leader (EL)
To provide selected personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and lead expeditions at the zone, regional and national levels.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation.
- Plan an expedition.
- Lead an expedition.
- Evaluate an expedition.
Cold Weather Instructor (CWI)
Possession of this speciality will enable officers to plan and conduct cold weather adventure training activities at the corps, zone, regional, and national levels.
- Must be rank of 2Lt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position requiring this specialty
- Have assisted in the conduct of two overnight (in shelters / tents) winter exercises at the cadet corps.
- Be recommended by Expedition Site OC or Detachment Commander.
- Must be able to travel over uneven ground for distances of up to 100m while carrying a personal rucksack in various types of weather.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation on a yearly basis.
- AKWD - Cold Weather Instructor - Unit
- Plan a Cold Weather Adventure Training Activity.
- Prepare for a Cold Weather Adventure Training Activity.
- Ensure Health and Well Being of Personnel in Cold Weather.
- Establish a Base Camp.
- Conduct a Trek in Cold Weather.
Mountain Bike Instructor (MBI)
Designed to prepare selected CIC officers to perform specific duties associated with being a MBI at a cadet corps, CTC, and on expeditions. Also to provide personnel with the skills, knowledge and attitude required to deliver the mountain bike portion of the army cadet training program.
- Be the rank of 2Lt or above.
- Must be able to ride a mountain bike on trails that have some loose surfaces and minor obstacles (roots and rocks) with moderate hills (as defined in A-CR- CCP-951)that require skill to ascend and descend for a distance of not less than 20km.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation on a yearly basis.
- Be recommended by the CO RCSU or designate.
- AKWH – Mountain Bike Instructor -U
- Prepare for a mountain bike activity.
- Ride a mountain bike on an intermediate trail.
- Ride a mountain bike on an advanced trail.
- Perform repairs on a mountain bike.
- Conduct a mountain bike activity.
Abseil Instructor (AI)
Possession of this speciality will enable officers to plan and conduct abseil activities (tower and/or rockface) at the corps, zone, regional, and national levels and at CTCs.
- Identified as the Abseil Instructor designate at corps, zone or CTC.
- Have assisted in the conduct of two abseil training days.
- Must have completed a minimum of 5 descents on either a tower or rock face.
- Must successfully complete the CAF FORCE evaluation.
- Be recommended by CTC CO, Expedition Site OC, Corps CO or Detachment Commander.
- Must be able to lift and carry medium weight (20kg) up a 10m ladder, or along a rough trail (up to 800 meters) with some steep portions (up to 30 degree slope, ascending and descending).
- Be of the rank of 2Lt or above.
- AKTD - Abseil Instructor Qualification
- Duties of an Abseil Instructor.
- Plan an Abseil Activity.
- Prepare for Abseil Training.
- Conduct an Abseil Activity.
- Perform a Rescue.
Basic Safety Officer Training Course (BSOTC)
Knowledge and skills needed to perform the duties of a General Safety Officer at a CTC.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Designated to perform the duties of the General Safety Officer at a CTC.
- Must be rank of 2Lt / ASlt or above.
- Safety.
- Duties and Responsibilities of a General Safety Officer.
- CTC Safety Programs.
Unit Environmental Officer Course (U Env O )
Knowledge and skills needed to perform the duties of Environmental Officer at a
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Designated to perform the duties of the unit Environmental Officer at a CTC.
- Must be rank of 2Lt / A/Slt or above.
- Co-ordinate Unit Level Environmental Activities.
Naval Field Gun Safety (NFGS)
Gain knowledge and skills to supervise and direct ceremonial naval field gun crews.
- Employed in a Drill and Ceremonial course at a CTC.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Previous employment as an officer in support of the Sea Cadet Gunnery Trade Group Course or Drill and Ceremonial Instructor Course.
- Act as a member of a gun crew.
- Act as battery NCO and battery Officer.
- Words of Command.
- Conduct live firing on a drill deck.
- Safety considerations.
Tender Officer-in- Charge (TOIC)
Designed to provide selected personnel with the knowledge and skills required to perform the duties of an Officer-in- Charge of a Tender class vessel.
- Minimum rank of A/SLt.
- Strong seamanship background, including at-sea experience.
- Excellent mathematical skills.
- Able to work under stressful situations and in close quarters.
- MARS officer medical requirements (V3, CV2, H3, G2, O2, A5).
- Be available to work onboard Tenders in various capacities at any CTC or NDA for a period of at least three years.
- Manoeuvre a Tender.
- Navigate a Tender.
- Perform Duties of Tender OIC.
- Operate ORCA Class Vessels.
Officer-in- Charge (ORCA OIC)
Designed to provide selected personnel with the knowledge and skills required to perform the duties of an Officer-in- Charge of an ORCA class vessel.
- Tender OIC
- Tender OIC qualified.
- Hold the rank of Lt(N).
- Excellent mathematical skills.
- Able to work under stressful situations and in close quarters.
- MARS officer medical requirements (V3, CV2, H3, G2, O2, A5).
- Participate in on-the- job training for short periods (approx 1 week each).
- Able to fulfill their initial three-year service commitment.
- AJLR – ORCA Class Officer in Charge
- Command an ORCA Class Vessel.
CANSail 1 &
2 Instructor
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of NCdt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZG - CANSail 1 & 2 Instructor - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
CANSail 3 & 4 Instructor
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of NCdt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZH - CANSail 3 & 4 Instructor - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
CANSail 5 & 6 Instructor
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of NCdt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZI - CANSail 5 & 6 Instructor - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
CANSail Trapeze & Spinnaker
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZK - CANSail Trapeze & Spinnaker Instructor
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
CANSail Learning Facilitator
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZF - CANSail Learning Facilitator - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
CANSail Master Learning Facilitator
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZJ - CANSail Master Learning Facilitator - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
Sail Canada Development Coach
To support the Sea Cadet Sailing Program.
See note 3
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Selected for employment at a CTC or region requiring this position.
- Hold prerequisites as per current Sail Canada policy.
- AKZE - Sail Canada Development Coach - U
- Detailed in Sail Canada training documentation.
Powerboat Operator
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel to operate a watercraft in support of on- water CIC and Sea, Army and Air Cadet training activities in accordance with A-CR-CCP- 030/PT-001, Water Safety Orders.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Must be rank of NCdt / OCdt or above.
- Possess a valid PCOC.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- AKBH EQ – Small Craft Operator
- Attain Pleasure Craft Operator Competency.
- Communicate Using Marine VHF Radios.
- Operate a Powerboat.
Safety Boat Operator
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel to operate a rescue craft in support of on-water CIC and Sea, Army and Air Cadet training activities in accordance with A-CR-CCP- 030/PT-001, Water Safety Orders.
- 00232-01
- 00232-02
- 00232-03
- Be of the rank of NCdt / OCdt or above.
- Be a qualified Powerboat Operator
- Possess a valid. Emergency First Aid certificate.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Attain Pleasure Craft Operator Competency.
- Communicate Using Marine VHF Radios.
- Operate a Powerboat.
- Operate a Rescue Craft to Assist in On-Water Emergencies.
Sea Boat Coxswain
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel to conduct Sea Boat training.
- Be of the rank of NCdt or above.
- Be a qualified Powerboat Operator.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Attain Pleasure Craft Operator Competency.
- Communicate Using Marine VHF Radios.
- Operate a Powerboat.
- Operate a Sea Boat under Oars and Power.
- Operate a Sea Boat under Sail.
Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Instructor (PCOC Instr)
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct boating safety training.
- Hold Powerboat Operator qualification.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Instruct Boating Safety
- Monitor Student Progress.
Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) (ROC [M]
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct marine VHF radio training.
- Hold a ROC(M) with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) endorsement.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Instruct Marine VHF Radio Operation.
- Monitor Student Progress.
Small Craft Rescue Instructor (SCRI)
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct small craft rescue training.
- Hold a Safety boat Operator qualification.
- Hold a Power Boat Instructor qualification.
- Hold a valid St. John’s Ambulance Standard First Aid Certificate.
- Possess water scene management.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Instruct Water Rescue Techniques.
- Instruct SCR Boat Operation.
- Monitor Student Progress.
Powerboat Instructor (PBI)
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct on water powerboat training.
- Hold a Powerboat Operator qualification.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- AKBG EQ – Small Craft Operator Program Instructor
- Instruct Safe Powerboat Operation.
- Monitor Student Progress.
Sea Boat Instructor (SBI)
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel with the skills and knowledge required to plan and conduct on water Sea Boat training.
1.5 OJT
- Hold a Sea Boat Coxswain qualification.
- Must be rank of A/Slt or above.
- Be selected for, or employed in a position at a nautical site / CTC or in support of a regionally / nationally directed activity requiring this specialty.
- Instruct Safe Sea Boat Operation.
- Monitor Student Progress.
E-Learning Facilitator (eLF)
Possession of this speciality will enable personnel to perform as an eLearning facilitator for
online courses.
- Minimum rank of SLt / Lt .
- Be selected for, or employed in a position requiring this specialty.
E-Learning Facilitator-U
- Conduct Administration and Support Activities in an Online Learning Environment.
- Facilitate Students in an Online Learning Environment.
- Assess Students in an Online Learning Environment.