24-04 – Conduct of Cadet Instructors Cadre Individual Training and Education

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)



1. This order prescribes the policy and procedures to be followed when conducting individual training and education for the Cadet Instructors Cadre.


2. This order applies to members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre.

Date of Effect

3. This order comes into effect upon receipt.


4. Enquiries may be directed to the Commander National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group, attention J7 Training Program Doctrine, through the chain of command.


Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CAF (FAC) Canadian Armed Forces
CATO (OAIC) Cadet Administrative and Training Order
CBT (FAO) Computer based training
CFPDS (SPPFC) Canadian Forces Professional Development System
CIC (CIC) Cadet Instructor Cadre
CIC Trg Org (Org Instr CIC) Cadet Instructors Cadre Training Organization
CO (cmdt) commanding officer
CTC (CEC) cadet training centre
DL (AD) distributed learning  
DND (MDN) Department of National Defence
IH (EC) in-house training
IT&E (II et E) individual training and education
JBS (DST) Job Based Specification
OJT (FCE)    on-the-job training
OST (Instruction provenant de l’extérieur) out-sourced training
QR (Cadets) (OR)
Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations


“Canadian Forces Professional Development System” (système de perfectionnement professionnel des Forces canadiennes)

is the planned, progressive, career-long process of training, education, self-development and work experience that constitutes a continuous learning environment. The process consists of four pillars: training, education, self-development and experience; and

“Individual Training and Education” (Instruction individuelle et éducation)

all instructional activities provided to CAF members that impart skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform assigned duties (training) as well as exercise sound judgement and correctly interpret information (education). IT&E normally results in a CAF qualification.

Authority for Training

5. The National CIC Training Directive is the authority to conduct IT&E for CIC officers. The training projections are based on Regional Business Plan submissions and reflect the approved funding levels for CIC IT&E.

6. CIC IT&E courses are administered as:

  1. Regional Courses: conducted mainly for the personnel from within the same region. Personnel from another region may be loaded on a case-by-case basis as required, when the space is available and when it is cost-effective to do so; and / or
  2. National Courses: conducted in one location for officers of all regions. Regional quotas for these courses are published yearly.

Training Delivery

7. Balanced with the need for economy, the CIC Trg Org is committed to providing equitable access to IT&E for all CIC officers. Access will be granted based on the needs of the Cadet Program.

8. Training has been designed and developed using a flexible approach to delivery, which may include a combination of:

  1. In-house training. Delivery of training at a suitable training venue (eg, classroom, training area, range, on-water etc) that involves face-to-face instructor and / or student-led activities;
  2.  Distributed learning. Delivery of training, education or professional development using multiple media and technologies (eg, print-based correspondence, CBT or CD-ROM and on-line or web-based training). Practical activities associated with a DL module that are completed at the corps / squadron (eg, conducting a cadet dress inspection) are considered to be elements of DL;
  3. Out-sourced training. Is an instructional strategy, using non-DND resources, to satisfy a training and / or educational requirement; and
  4. On-the-job training. Is formal individual training where students learn job related behaviours / skills and practice them through performance of the job. An instructor facilitates learning and coaches each student though this process. OJT typically is completed at the corps / squadron using a structured process / package. Depending on the requirements of the course, OJT may occur at a CTC or in the context of a regionally-based activity (eg, a zone level expedition).

CIC Training Courses

9. CIC IT&E shall be regionally conducted in accordance with nationally directed standards and plans. Approved courses are listed at Annex A.

Medical Standards and Physical Fitness

10. In addition to the minimum medical standard established for the CIC occupation in the CIC JBS, some training may require a higher level of medical and / or physical fitness.

11. In order to assist potential students in making an informed choice as to their ability to meet the required level of physical activity for each course, a Physical Activity Matrix is found at Annex B. The Physical Activity Matrix should be reviewed by the student and their CO when considering applying for a course. This matrix will serve as a tool to help students decide whether they can meet the physical requirements of the course before applying. The matrix will also assist COs to make credible recommendations regarding whether the student is ready to attend training, or if they may experience some difficulties.

12. Courses goverened by outside agencies may not reflect the most updated version of the course. Refer to the source documents for the most up to date information.


Source Reference

Related References


Annex A

Approved Courses

Annex B

Physical Activity Requirements For CIC IT&E

Annex C

CIC Course Equivalencies

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OPI: J7 Training Program Doctrine

Date: 2015-07-24

Amendment: 8/15

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