1000-1 CJCR Gp Order – Writing Guide

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Definitions
  3. Order Development Process
  4. Writing Guidelines
  5. Writing Identification and Reference Sections
  6. Writing a Policy Order
  7. Writing an Instructional Order
  8. Formatting Guidelines
  9. Publication
  10. References
  11. Annexes

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2016-05-09

Date of Verification: n/a

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).

Supersession: n/a

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the DComd CJCR

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR HQ J1 Pers Admin

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2. Definitions

Section. A section is a manageable collection of relevant sub-sections related to a given topic. A section’s title describes what information is being communicated in the section.

The sections are numbered sequentially (1, 2, etc) and formatted using "Heading 1" in Microsoft Word 2010. This section is entitled "Definitions". The section preceding this one is entitled "Identification".

An ideal section will contain a maximum of six sub-sections.

Sub-Section Title. A sub-section title is a word or phrase (maximum of five words) that identifies the contents of the sub-section that appears below.

Titles are formatted using "Heading 2" in Microsoft Word 2010. Titles allow the reader to scan the document and quickly access relevant information.

Sub-Section. A sub-section is a unit of relevant, labelled information of a single type example: text, graph, table, diagram, etc within a section. Sub-sections are always written using complete sentences. A sub-section should contain no more than six paragraphs. The paragraphs are number sequentially (3.1, 3.2, etc), except in the "Identification" and "Definition" sections.

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3. Order Development Process


3.1 The development of a CJCR Order (also referred to as "Order") involves either:

  1. the creation of new information, or
  2. the conversion of previously issued policy, orders, directives, etc, to a new format.


3.2 The order development process is outlined below.

Stage Who does it? What happens?

Initial Consultation

Drafter & Supervisor

The Drafter consults his/her Supervisor on the requirement to develop or amend an order. CJCR Gp HQ J1 Career provides guidance and sample documents.

Note: Supervisors shall consult with the applicable SME if it is not them, when they feel there is a requirement to develop or amend an Order.

Writing the Order


The Drafter writes the initial draft with content provided by:

  • the Office of Primary Interest;
  • Offices of Collateral Interest; and,
  • the Legal Advisor (as required).



The Drafter obtains the necessary approval signatures from the applicable authorities (use Annex A).



The Drafter coordinates for the translation of the order into both official languages.

Note: The document should not be translated until the document has been approved. Translation services are costly and the impact of numerous revisions is evident.

30-Day Review (Optional)

CJCR HQ J1 Career & Drafter

J1 Career distributes the draft Order for 30-day review, if required. Comments will be returned to the Drafter and incorporated as applicable.

Note: The draft Order will be distributed to all members of the CJCR Gp HQ, Orderly Room positional mailboxes at the Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSUs), the Executive Directors of the Leagues, the Legal Advisor and the positional mailbox of the CJCR Gp General Office.

It is expected that the RCSUs and Executive Directors will forward the Order to their respective staffs.


CJCR HQ J1 Career

J1 Career reviews the order for compliance with this writing guide.



J1 Career will obtain the necessary approval from DComd CJCR Gp (use Annex A).


CJCR HQ J1 Career

J1 Career ensures distribution of the new Order.

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4. Writing Guidelines

Some Basic Writing Tools

4.1 The following are basic writing rules when drafting an Order:

  1. keep sentences short, simple and concise;
  2. use the active voice;
  3. avoid repetition of information;
  4. keep terminology consistent (example: If you are using the word "pay" throughout your order, do not switch to "salary" just for variety);
  5. keep spelling consistent with Canadian standards e.g. Centre not Center; and
  6. avoid technical jargon as these documents are intended for general readership.

Acronyms & Abbreviations

4.2 A section titled "Abbreviations" has been provided for acronyms and abbreviations which may not be familiar to all readers. Commonly used abbreviations such as CAF, DND, and RCSU are included in Annex B, Common Terms and Abbreviations. If you are unsure if it is a commonly used abbreviation, include it in the Abbreviation Section.

Jargon, Buzzwords, & Colloquialisms

4.3 Jargon refers to the language used by people who work in a particular area or who have a common interest. If you are not sure, have your document read by an individual outside of your technical expertise.

4.4 Buzzwords are often used pretentiously and inappropriately by individuals with little understanding of their actual meaning and shall be avoided. Particular care should be taken to avoid buzzwords when formulating your policy statement. E.g "outside the box", "paradigm shifts", etc.

4.5 A colloquialism is a linguistic phrase that is characteristic of or only appropriate for casual, ordinary, familiar, and/or informal written or spoken conversation, rather than for formal speech, standard writing. E.g. "that being said", "there’s more than one way to skin a cat", etc.

Types of Documents: Order vs Instruction

4.6 There are two types of orders within the CJCR:

  1. Policy Order: this document amplifies existing, higher order policy and is intended as an "order" to CAF Members and "directive" for the Group’s civilian employees.
  2. Instructional Order: this document provides direction to the Group. It provides the necessary guidance and information required to execute a specific administrative function.

Document Numbering

4.7 CJCR Gp Orders are numbered sequentially by Series using the format 100x-x, 200x-x, etc. The first digit indicates the Series.

Optional and Madatory Information

4.8 To ensure consistency, the inclusion and placement of some sections and sub-sections have been predetermined. Information deemed optional should only be included if it is relevant.

4.9 Mandatory sections and sub-sections must, however, be included. If, for some reason, there is no information to be included in a mandatory section/sub-section, the mandatory section/sub-section must still be included in the order with the words "Not applicable (n/a)" beside the sub-section title. This will assure readers that the mandatory information has not been omitted in error.


4.10 In order to minimize amendments to the document, writers are encouraged to limit the use of fluid information such as contact lists and schedules. The ideal document will require minimal amendments.

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5. Writing Identification and Reference Sections


5.1 All Orders, policy and instructional, must contain an Identification and a Reference Section. Each section should include the sub-sections listed in the table below, in the order they appear.

The section entitled ... contains the sub-section(s) labelled ...
  • Date of Issue
  • Date of Verification
  • Application
  • Supersession
  • Approval Authority
  • OPI
  • Contents


  • Context (optional)
  • Policy
  • Requirements (optional)


  • Source References
  • Related References

Annexes (optional)

  • Bulleted if more than one
Forms (optional)
  • Bulleted if more than one

Identification Section

5.2 The following is a guide detailing the information that should be included in each sub-section of an Identification Section:

  1. Date of Issue is the date the order is promulgated and takes effect. Where the promulgation and effective date are not the same, both dates shall be indicated in this sub-section;
  2. Date of Verification is the date the order was last reviewed to ensure the information is relevant and up-to-date;
  3. Application sub-section indicates who is affected by the order and who must comply with it. Orders apply to CAF members; directives apply to civilian employees;
  4. Supersession sub-section indicates the other documents, or parts of documents, that are superseded by the order. If not applicable, indicate with "n/a";
  5. Approval Authority sub-section indicates the position/ appointment holding the authority for the order policy and/or the implementation of it. For all CJCR Gp orders, this is the DComd CJCR Gp;
  6. OPI sub-section identifies the position/appointment to which enquiries about the order should be addressed;
  7. Content sub-section lists the sections contained in the order. Items in this sub-section must be hyperlinked to corresponding section titles.

References Section

5.3 The References Section is divided into 2–5 sub-sections:

  1. Source References are all governing, higher-level direction which have a direct link to or impact on the order;
  2. Related References are all supporting documents referred to within the order that are required to carry out the direction contained in the order. Occasionally, documents which deal with related information and provide additional insight into the subject matter can be listed in this sub-section;
  3. Annexes (optional) may be required to amplify information within the primary document. They are listed in bullet format when more than one;
  4. Forms (optional) are not to be included as part of the document. They are to be listed in bullet format if more than one; and
  5. Websites (optional) can be listed in the References Section and should only be included if it will enhance the effectiveness of the document.

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6. Writing a Policy Order


6.1 An Order deals with the high-level, over-arching policy of a given subject to which the CJCR Gp is committed. It sets out the goals of that policy and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the anticipated results.

6.2 An Order may contain both direction and instructional information and is intended for CAF members and civilian employees within the CJCR Gp.

Sections and Sub-Sections

6.3 An Order consists of four mandatory sections and one optional section. Each of these sections are divided into one or more sub-sections. The sections and sub-sections specific to a Gp Order are shown in the table below. Unless otherwise indicated, all sections and sub-sections are mandatory.

The section entitled ... contains the sub-section(s) labelled ...


See the section entitled "Writing Identification and References Sections".

Definitions (Optional)

With the words/terms that are integral to the Order, but are not commonly known or have a special meaning in this context.


  • Context(Provides background information relating to the Order) (optional);
  • Policy Statement (CJCR Gp policy statement); and
  • Requirements (optional).



  • Frequency of publication
  • Errors/Omissions


See the section entitled "Writing Identification and References Sections".

The Definitions Section

6.4 The Definitions Section is only used when words/terms that may not be properly understood are being used in the order. The Definitions Section in this order can serve as an appropriate example.

The Context Sub-Section

6.5 The Context Sub-Section explains why we need the order and helps to "contextualize" or "place it in persective". 

6.6 The reasons for and context of an order are usually self-evident, and unnecessary elaboration is redundant. Hence, before including this sub-section ask, "Will this information help the reader better understand the policy?" If the answer is not a resounding "Yes!" leave it out. Authors should still consider this sub-section carefully as it may help them to clarify the Policy Statement.

The Policy Statement Sub-Section

6.7 The Policy Statement is the over-arching corporate direction that provides a framework within which decisions are made and actions taken. It must concisely articulate the CJCR Gp position on the subject being dealt with in the Order.

6.8 The Policy Statement should specify the anticipated result(s) to be achieved by the policy as opposed to describing the procedures required to get the results. The policy can usually be stated in one or two sentences. Refrain from using bullets in this sub-section.

The Requirements Sub-Section

6.9 The Requirements Sub-Section sets out those elements, resources, mechanisms or conditions that must be in place in order for the policy to be effective.

6.10 For example, a policy statement on "avoiding discrimination in the workplace" should be appropriately broad and far-reaching. However, the goals stated in the policy must be attainable. Without a monitoring and/or grievance mechanism in place, the policy goals could not be achieved. These mechanisms must therefore be in place for the policy to be effective; they are Requirements. The Requirements Sub-Section should indicate what the prerequisites are, but should not deal with how they are structured or how they operate.

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7. Writing an Instructional Order


7.1 Instructional orders should communicate information essential to the formation. As such, orders are not appropriate vehicles for disseminating information that is only of local or specialized use. This type of information is best handled in individual unit orders, SOPs, TORs or manuals.

7.2 Instructional Orders explain how the goals expressed in the governing policy are to be realized. They may outline process, procedure, operating principles, etc.

7.3 Within the context of the CJCR Gp, an Instructional Order applies only to those within the CJCR Gp.

Other Sections

7.4 Except for the mandatory Identification and References Sections, the number, types and placement of sections/sub-sections contained in an Instructional Order are not fixed. Authors may choose any sections or sub-section they feel will best communicate the information to the reader – just take special care to choose section titles and sub-section titles that accurately and appropriately reflect content.

7.5 While these documents do not conform to a prescribed set of sections and sub-sections, the following table presents the types of information you may wish to convey:

Type of Information This type of information outlines ...


a sequence of activities that has an identifiable purpose or result. It identifies who is involved and indicates what result is achieved in each activity. Flow-charts are often used to show process.

Operating Principles

the business requirements of a policy. It should spell out what action is required to achieve the desired results of a policy.


those best practices that could assist with the implementation of the policy and/or the associated business requirements.

Standards / Classification

the specifications and/or standards that must be adhered to across a broad spectrum of the CJCR Gp.


the types of forms that need to be filled out and submitted in order to make something happen.


a step-by-step instruction for an individual(s) to follow in order to complete a task/activity. Such information is usually conveyed in the imperative voice and may include diagrams, tables, etc.


who is obligated to carry out an assigned task.

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8. Formatting Guidelines

CJCR Gp Order Number

8.1 The CJCR Gp Order number is incorporated in the title with the text being Style "Title" in Microsoft WORD 2010 and left justified.


8.2 top / bottom – 0.5"

8.3 left / right shall – 0.5"

8.4 header / footer margins are set at 0.6".


8.5 The CJCR Gp Order title will be as follows:

  1. in upper and lower case (initial caps); and
  2. in Style "Title" in Microsoft WORD 2010.

Sections and Sub-Section Titles

8.6 The title of a section will be as follows:

  1. left justified
  2. numbered 1., 2., 3. etc; and
  3. in upper and lower case (initial caps) Style "Heading 1" in Microsoft WORD 2010.

8.7 A sub-section title will be as follows:

  1. left justified;
  2. in upper and lower case (initial caps) "Heading 2" in Microsoft WORD 2010; and
  3. has a maximum of five words.

Paragraph Formatting, Indentation and Punctuation

8.8 Paragraphs are numbered and will be left justified. The font for all text throughout the Order will be Times New Roman 12 (except for where indicated). It is permissible to make the font smaller if necessary to keep information together on one page, i.e., a chart or table. The font type will remain Times New Roman, but when reducing the font size, keep in mind the readability of the text.

8.9 Sub-paragraphs will be:

  1. typed with a hanging indent, i.e. the second and subsequent lines begin directly under the first letter of the text and extend to the right margin;
  2. are typed with the first letter of each sub- (or sub-sub-) paragraph in lower case;
  3. will have the subdivision for any one level of subdivision end in a semi-colon, or in a colon if introducing a further level of subdivision; and
  4. will have a final subdivision end in a period.

Placement and Content of References

8.10 When references are required they will be shown at the end of the Order and are to be listed in alphabetical order using bullet format. A single reference will not use bullet format and is left justified. If there are no references for an Order, then "Not applicable in this CJCR Gp Order" will be typed in the Reference Section.

8.11 References are to include the order, regulation, or manual identification number (if applicable) followed by the title and if required, the paragraph or annex number. For example:

  1. A-AD-102-101/AG-001, DND and CF Official Languages Policies and Directives Manual
  2. CFAO 2-15, Official Languages, paragraphs 3, 6-13, and Annexes A and B
  3. QR&O 16.25, Leave Without Pay and Allowances

8.12 If a reference is not an order, regulation or manual with an identification number, then the title, file number or any other identify information is to be included. For example:

  1. NDHQ 1211-1 (DCDS) 13 November 1993, Bilingualism in the Canadian Forces
  2. Official Languages Act
  3. Treasury Board Secretariat Publications for the Management of the Federal Government, F.16 Official Languages, Release 97-1 (as of 1 January 1997)

8.13 CANFORGENs shall be listed in chronological order with the most recent appearing first:

  1. CANFORGEN 128/10, Honours and Recognition
  2. CANFORGEN 120/10, OUTCAN Physical Fitness

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9. Publication

Frequency of Publication

9.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

9.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to bring any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR Gp HQ J1 Career.

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10. References

Source References

Related References

CJCR Gp O 1000-0, CJCR Gp Order – Policy

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11. Annexes

Annex A

CJCR Gp – Approval Sheet [PDF-114KB] (You are now leaving Canada.ca. Link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint)

Annex B

Common Terms and Abbreviations

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Page details

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