10031 JCR Personnel Screening
Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
On this page
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2021-03-19
Date of Verification: n/a
Application: This order applies to DND/CAF personnel who provide support to the JCR Program.
Supersession: JCRATO 61-01, Junior Canadian Rangers (JCR) Programme Screening Policy
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Strat Plans
Enquiries: CJCR/CA HQ LO
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
AC | Adult Committee |
CA | Canadian Army |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CJCR | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers |
CRPG | Canadian Ranger Patrol Group |
CO | commanding officer |
DAOD | Defence Administrative Orders and Directives |
ETS | Enhanced Training Session |
JCR | Junior Canadian Ranger |
JCRI | Junior Canadian Ranger Instructor |
PRC | Police Records Check |
VSS | Vulnerable Sector Screening |
3. Definitions
Adult Committee. An AC is formed to support a JCR Patrol in its home community. It is made up of Patrol leadership and community volunteers.
Junior Canadian Rangers Instructor. Holding the rank of sergeant or warrant officer, this CRPG staff member is assigned to a certain number of JCR Patrols in order to provide mentorship and guidance to Patrol Leaders, adult staff and AC members as well as JCR.
Junior Canadian Rangers Officer. The officer who oversees support and delivery of the JCR Program for each CRPG. Sometimes also called the Training Officer or JCR Training Officer.
Patrol Leader. The CR in charge of a JCR Patrol (usually a master corporal).
Vulnerable Sector Screening. The VSS permits the disclosure of conviction records for sexual offences listed under the Schedule 1 of the Criminal Records Act in respect to which a pardon has been granted (Art4(3)). Such records may be provided to an organization if an individual working for that organization has a position of authority or trust relative to children or vulnerable persons. A VSS automatically includes a police record check.
4. Policy
4.1 The protection and safety of youth is paramount and cannot be overstated. CJCR has a moral, ethical and legal obligation to put in place a process to prevent wrongdoing or abuse of youth participating in the JCR Program.
4.2 All adult staff and volunteers who will or may have direct contact with a JCR must be screened as described below.
4.3 CRPG COs are responsible for screening all adults who require screening in their area of responsibility.
4.4 No adult will be employed or engaged in JCR activities until the appropriate screening is completed.
4.5 A valid and up-to-date screening is required for continued employment or engagement.
5. Screening
Screening Levels
5.1 Screening requirements are based on the type of support or engagement to the JCR Program and the level of interaction the adult has with JCRs. The three levels of screening are:
- Full Screening. The screening level required for any adult who has direct contact with a JCR or where direct contact is probable, as well as all Patrol Leaders, JCR Instructors, and ACs. This may apply to CAF Reg F and P Res members, DND employees and civilian contractors in accordance with their type of engagement.
- Basic Screening. The minimum screening level required for any adult who supports the JCR Program on an occasional basis. This may apply to occasional community supporters, occasional drivers, and guest lecturers. This may apply to CAF Reg F and P Res members, DND employees and civilian contractors in accordance with their type of engagement.
- Contracts Screening. Contracts for services in direct support of JCR training activities are to include a screening clause when their personnel are required to interact with JCRs. Personnel who oversee, coordinate and/or authorize these contracts are to ensure this is included. This would not normally apply to contractors in logistic type support such as infrastructure maintenance, food services or similar activities where no direct interaction with JCRs is expected. Personnel employed as civilian contractors (personnel service contract) who interact with JCRs, require a screening clause in their contract.
Screening Validity Period
5.2 The period of validity for a screening is five years from the date of completion, or when a performance or conduct concern requires renewal. CRPGs are responsible for tracking and informing the adult before their expiration date in order to initiate a renewal.
Screening on Request
5.3 A renewal or upgrade of a screening level may be requested at any time at the discretion of the ETS CO, Patrol Leader, CRPG, e.g. due to change in type of employment or following an administrative measure.
Screening Review
5.4 Any performance or discipline concerns, or criminal activity/involvement will cause a renewal and rescreening to Full Screening level.
Change of Circumstances
5.5 At any time, an applicant or screened adult must report to their Patrol Leader and/or chain of command should they commit or be implicated in any type of activity that could change their status for the VSS in accordance with this policy. Such disclosures will initiate a review.
Screening Responsibilities
5.6 The following are responsibilities associated with screening:
Position | Authority/responsibility |
Comd CJCR | Approved and issues the policy. |
CA HQ | Informs CJCR HQ of any exceptions to VSS (adverse information). |
Division Commander (or delegate) | Approves all exceptions to VSS (adverse information). |
CRPG CO (or delegate) | Ensures all adults are screened within area of responsibility. Approves all screening within area of responsibility, includes record keeping. Oversees CRPG level contract screening. May make local arrangement with police for VSS request process. |
CRPG JCRI | Supports JCR Patrol and CRPG in the screening process. |
Patrol Leader | Initiates and supports screening. Approves Basic level screening. |
6. Screening Process
Screening Process Checklist
6.1 New or renewal screening will conclude with the successful completion of the requirements outlined in the following table:
Screening Levels | ||||
Step | Activity | Full | Basic | Contract |
1 | Recruitment and Application | yes | yes | n/a |
2 | Initial interview | yes | yes | n/a |
3 | Reference checks | yes | optional | n/a |
4 | VSS | yes | yes | yes, through contract clause |
5 | Final interview/feedback/answer questions | yes | optional | n/a |
6.2 Steps 3 and 4 can be conducted concurrently.
6.3 In the case of a renewal, only Step 4 must absolutely be repeated. The remaining steps are optional depending on the need and the situation, at the discretion of the Patrol Leader or the employing authority.
Screening Process Requirements
6.4 Step 1: Recruitment and Application. Patrol Leaders support recruiting and initiate screening. New applicants will complete the application form, found at Annex A. Patrol Leaders will review the application, and arrange for an interview.
6.5 Step 2: Initial Interview. The purpose of the interview is to discuss the potential implications of screening and role requirements, and the rights and obligations with the adult before moving forward in the process.
- The Patrol Leader or CRPG employing authority will conduct the interview and will proceed to the next step only if the applicant is deemed suitable and agrees. The application form with the Patrol Leader or CRPG employing authority’s recommendation is forwarded to the CRPG G1.
- Reg F members must be informed of the requirement of the MILPERS Instr 03/10.
- Applicants will be provided a letter to support their VSS request, or informed if there is a centralized arrangement.
- Adults deemed unsuitable during the interview will be notified. Patrol Leaders or the CRPG employing authority will notify the CRPG G1 for record keeping. CAF members and their chain of command will be notified.
6.6 Step 3: Reference Checks. The CRPG G1 will contact references as provided on the application form. Patrol Leaders may conduct reference checks for Basic Screening by contacting local community representatives, parent and/or friends, and may use other means to ascertain suitability of the adult to work with youth.
6.7 Step 4: VSS. The VSS will be conducted in accordance with applicable laws and the Privacy Act. The adult will proceed to their local police station to obtain a VSS. In situations where there is an arrangement in place between the CRPG and the police, the applicant must be informed of the appropriate process.
- The original VSS will be given to the Patrol Leader or CRPG employing authority who will forward it to the CRPG G1 for record keeping.
- A VSS with no incidents noted will be recorded at CRPG. Should adverse information be revealed, see Section 7 below.
6.8 Step 5: Final interview and approval. A final interview with the Patrol Leader or CRPG employing authority will conclude the screening process and will provide an opportunity for additional feedback and questions, and review the next steps. The Patrol Leader or CRPG employing authority will inform the CRPG and recommend the approval of the screening. CRPG G1 will ensure record keeping is completed and data entry made.
7. Adverse Information on Police Checks
7.1 The guidelines in this section are to be used in the event that an adult’s VSS reveals information that calls into question their reliability and suitability to work with or to continue working with JCRs.
7.2 The discovery of adverse information during police checks will automatically initiate a detailed review of the applicant/member’s file. It is important to note that not all cases will lead to a finding of unsuitability or termination. Therefore, the review process must be done with diligence and fairness. The nature of the information divulged will dictate the action to be taken.
7.3 For cases where a VSS reveals any information or criminal conviction in relation to the exploitation of vulnerable persons or to any of the offenses listed at Schedule 1 of the Criminal Records Act, the CRPG will render an automatic “unsuitable” decision. The CRPG will terminate the process and record the information for future reference.
7.4 In all other cases, the CRPG will forward the file to their respective Division Commander who is the authority to determine if an adult is deemed suitable. In those situations, the adult will be given an opportunity for review and explain and/or refute the information divulged.
7.5 CRPG CO will coordinate the review of the adult’s file. The Division Commander may engage other CAF organizations, including CJCR, to evaluate the offences to determine if the adult is fit to continue serving/engaging with the JCR Program.
7.6 CAF members who’s VSS reveals offences that are listed in Schedule 1 of the Criminal Records Act will be subject to an administrative review in accordance with DAOD 5019-2. Any disclosure involving sexual misconduct or involvement with illicit drugs must be referred to Director Military Careers Administration.
8. Record Keeping
8.1 The CRPGs will:
- maintain screening records;
- make data entry in Guardian/Monitor Mass, if applicable; and
- record in the national system for those who were found unsuitable for service/engagement with the JCR Program.
8.2 Patrol Leaders will maintain local records for those screened to Basic level and may be granted access to the CRPG’s records on a need-to-know basis.
9. Confidentiality
9.1 The adult’s privacy and the confidentiality of the information must be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act and NDSI 27, Classification and Designation of Information. Personnel having access to the information will be kept at a minimum and on a need-to-know basis.
10. Cost of Screening
10.1 The CRPG will be responsible to pay for all mandatory VSS requests from their allocated funding envelope.
10.2 CAF members will cover the cost of their VSS and will be reimbursed. No other expenses (e.g. temporary duty, paid day, etc) will be authorized.
10.3 Police forces will usually waive the VSS fee for volunteers. Should payment be requested, the volunteer should present the receipt to the JCR Patrol Leader for reimbursement.
10.4 Where CRPGs have an arrangement with local law enforcement on processing or the cost of VSS, adults will be advised of this process.
11. Publication
Frequency of Publication
11.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
11.2 Users of this document are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR/CA HQ LO.
12. References
Source References
- CF Mil Pers Instr 03/10, Regular Force Members Supporting Cadet Programmes
- QR&O 19.56, Report of Arrest by Civil Authority
- The Screening Handbook, Tools and Resources for the Voluntary Sector, 2012, Public Safety Canada
Related References
- CJCR Gp Order 10011, JCR Program Safety
- Criminal Code of Canada
- DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review
- NDSI 27, Classification and Designation of Information
- Privacy Act
13. Annexes
Annex A
Application form
Annex B
VSS Request letter template
Page details
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