Scenario: Aid to the civil authority – goodwill or goodspeed?
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Group Size: 4-15
You are deployed on a domestic operation, which is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) response to natural disasters in Canada. One of the operation’s main efforts is the restoration of the power and communication lines throughout the region.
The CAF is providing logistics, communications, and engineering support to Government agencies responsible for those services. In short order, the military assistance is really paying off as power has been restored to 50 per cent of those affected after only 48 hours.
On day three, the work seems to slow down. You witness workers from a power company telling CAF personnel to slow down or else their overtime pay will get cut.
Principles: Serve Canada Before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority
Values: Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship
Cultural themes: Service
Misconduct types: Not Specific
GBA Plus themes: Income
Audience: Canadian Armed Forces
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the significance of stewardship, a Defence Team value.
- Discuss how good working relationships between the CAF and a civilian partner agency may be at odds with a higher duty and loyalty.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the ethical issue in this scenario?
- Open group discussion.
- What are the facts? What are the assumptions?
- Open group discussion.
- What are the obvious courses of action (COAs)? Are there other possible COAs?
- Open group discussion.
- Which principles, values and results are at play for each option, including the option to do nothing?
- Open group discussion.
- Discuss “Serve Canada before Self;” and “Obey and Support Lawful Authority” in relation to this scenario.
- Discuss the values of integrity, loyalty, courage, and stewardship in relation to this scenario.
- What should you do in this scenario, and why?
- Open group discussion.
- Discuss with reference to Defence Ethics, the military ethos, and relevant policies.
- Good working relationships between the CAF and partnering civilian agencies are often important in getting the job done. What are cultural differences and similarities between the CAF and civilian agencies that could impede or foster good working relationships?
- What should be done if that which, presumably, promotes good relationships is at odds with a higher duty and loyalty?
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