Scenario: If You Want It, Ask For It
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Group Size: 4-15
Lola Cruz, a senior manager at Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) in Ottawa, is asked by a civilian manager from a different organization within the National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) for the total amount of travel expenditures claimed within their organization during the last fiscal year.
Lola asks Warrant Officer (WO) Kai Burman, a member of their staff, to collect the data and email it to them.
“Sure,” replies WO Burman. “Would you like to include how much of that was on business-class travel, too?”
“No, just the total amount requested,” Lola says.
“Business-class travel increased a lot last year,” WO Burman says, “and those numbers will help provide a more balanced view of where the majority of the funds were spent.”
“Well, yes they would,” Lola replies, “but we won’t be sending that information. The business-class travel data could raise more questions, and they didn’t ask for that.”
“Well, they don’t work here, so it’s understandable that they don’t know to ask for that information,” says WO Burman. “In my previous posting at the base level, we always provided as much information as possible. Maybe we should tell them that we have that information. It could change the way they see the whole issue.”
“Listen, we don’t exactly want to be promoting certain issues. Do we? Other organizations have their own agendas and, since we are short-staffed, I don’t want to create more work for your team than it's worth.”
“But Lola, it’s not a need-to-know issue. The documents aren’t even protected.”
“Yes, but if I offer up that information, it could be misinterpreted and the wrong conclusions may be drawn,” Lola warns.
“But…” Kai adds and is then cut off by their boss.
“Please, just the total travel expenditures and nothing else,” Lola states firmly.
- Principles: Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority
- Values: Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship
- Cultural themes: Service, Identity
- Misconduct types: Not Specific
- GBA Plus themes: Rank/Level
- Audience: Defence Team
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principles of Serve Canada before Self and Obey and Support Lawful Authority in this scenario.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity, loyalty, courage, and stewardship in this scenario.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the problem in this scenario?
- Open group discussion.
- The problem in this scenario relates to the ethical obligation to provide accurate, honest and transparent information when requested.
- What considerations are at play with respect to Defence Ethics and the CAF ethos?
- Open group discussion.
- Serve Canada before Self – Everyone needs to provide complete and accurate information when requested. Serving Canada means being transparent, truthful, and providing data that is relevant for better decision-making and accountability.
- Obey and support lawful authority – Lola has received a request for information from a lawful authority, and it is their duty to obey and support this lawful request.
- Having integrity means providing all relevant information when requested, even if it might raise more questions or affect the perception of your organization.
- Courage to provide all relevant information, including potentially sensitive data, might lead to uncomfortable conversations or even additional work.
- WO Burman has an obligation to provide the data requested and ensure that the organization's resources and reputation are handled with care and transparency.
- If you were WO Kai Burman, what would you do? Why?
- Option 1: Discuss the issue again with Lola. The WO should express their concern with Lola’s decision not to provide the business-class travel data. They could reiterate their belief that the data should be included, and they could emphasize the importance of transparency, integrity, and honesty when reporting in the workplace.
- Option 2: Seek guidance/discuss with chain of command. The WO can consult with superiors or the Units Ethics Officer to seek guidance and ensure that the decision align with ethical principles and legal requirements.
- Option 3. Submit the report as requested. Do nothing and submit what Lola has asked for. *Note to facilitator: This option is not recommended.
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