Scenario: The Innocent Discovery
This scenario may contain explicit language and references to harmful situations which may be emotionally activating for some people. If you need support, services are available through the CAF Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Group Size: 4-15
“Knock, knock,” says Yutaka, tapping at Nimii’s cubicle. “Ready to go for coffee?” “Yup. Amina is coming too,” replies Nimii. They make their way to Amina’s cubicle, and then the three are off to the cafeteria.
“Has anybody noticed that Captain (Capt) Tabot has been rather distant these days?” asks Yutaka as he sips his coffee. “Yes, he has not been his usual jovial self lately, and he sure doesn’t get around the office to chat as much as he used to,” says Nimii. “I really hope everything is all right.”
“Well, it could have something to do with him receiving a Recorded Warning,” Yutaka says. “What are you talking about!?” asks Nimii. “Okay, keep this quiet,” Yutaka says with a hint of satisfaction at having such juicy information. “The Commanding Officer (CO) has given Capt Tabot a warning…. for alcohol abuse.” “Wow!” says Amina. “That was certainly kept quiet. I mean until now, that is.” She leans in to ask Yutaka how he found out.
“It was all spelled out in a document left by the photocopier,” Yutaka says. “Everybody in our office seems so, well, normal, that it’s pretty exciting to have a little drama now and then.”
Back at their desk, Nimii realizes they are not comfortable with Yutaka spreading confidential information about somebody in their workplace. They ponder what to do.
- Principles: Respect the Dignity of all Persons
- Values: Integrity, Loyalty
- Cultural themes: Teamwork
- Misconduct types: Not Specific
- GBA Plus themes: Not Specific
- Audience: Defence Team
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principle of “Respect the Dignity of all Persons” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity and loyalty in this scenario. Discuss respecting the privacy of others in the workplace.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the problem in this scenario?
- Open group discussion.
- This scenario describes what is sadly an all-too common occurrence in the workplace: co-workers talking about the personal problems or business of others.
- What considerations are at play with respect to Defence Ethics and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) ethos? How does confidentiality factor in?
- Open group discussion.
- Discuss the ethical principle of “Respect the Dignity of all Persons” in this setting.
- Discuss the ethical values of integrity and loyalty in this scenario. Discuss respecting the privacy of others in the workplace.
- How does workplace culture impact the way in which we act and the trends we take part of?
- Although rumours and gossip are an unfortunate reality in most workplaces, the deliberate spreading of information about the private lives of co-workers violates the privacy of which all employees are entitled. The federal Privacy Act is clear: “Personal information under the control of a government institution shall not, without the consent of the individual to whom it relates, be disclosed.” How does this relate to co-workers, personnel files, and documents “left by the photocopier”?
- What course(s) of action should Nimii take in this scenario?
- Open group discussion. How can we use empathy and understanding to combat gossip in the workplace?
- Option 1: Nothing at all. Like most of us when we face a difficult situation, they are probably tempted to do nothing – to avoid getting involved. Often this is the easiest thing to do because by doing nothing we can avoid confrontation and further involvement. Such inaction, however, would likely contribute to the continuing churning of the rumour mill. As is often the case, doing nothing has the serious consequence of further contributing to the problem.
- Option 2: Talk with Yutaka. They could approach Yutaka and remind him of the harm that can result because of the information he has shared. If he has not thought this through, he may not realize that his actions in spreading gossip could make a bad situation much worse. They could also remind him to keep the information to himself from now on to prevent further harm to Capt Tabot’s reputation and welfare.
- Discuss how you think Capt Talbot would feel if he found out people knew about the warning he was given? How would it impact his connection to his team, the roader, Defence Team, and the work he does?
- How does our bias against addiction and mental impact the way in which we see Capt Tabot differently – how can we address this and use understanding and empathy to create a stronger team culture.
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